Article LIGHTNING. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. Page 1 of 3 →
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We have received some extraordinary communications from the Grand Secretary , professedly written under the direction of the Grand Master , to which we forbear more particularly to allude for the present , as we shall certainly endeavour to
get some further explanation with regard to them —especially , with respect to the manner in which a particular law is interpreted ; for , should the official interpretation be supported and carried out to the fullest extent , it would entirely destroy
all the prerogatives of the Grand Master , whilst the private lodges would be reduced to such a state of vassalage that no independent man could consent to belon g to them . Ancl should the
explanations Ave seek not prove satisfactory , the Craft may rest assured that we shall not shrink from taking the opinion of Grand Lodge on the subject . One thing the brethren may be certain of , we will not be " muzzled" by the Grand
Secretary , nor will we fail , even at the risk of expulsion from the Craft , to denounce acts that we feel and know to be illegal , however it may suit the convenience of any brother to try to crush us to uphold red tapeism and illegality . The
heads of the Order may recollect that they have before now tried to struggle with the Press , and with what success we need not say . Fortunately for the interests of Masonry it contains but one Gray Clarke .
The Boys' School.
The Anniversary Festival of this institution was celebrated on "Wednesday last , with Bro . A . Smith , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall , in the chair , owing to the illness of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle . We are sorry to hear that
scarletina has entered the School , but it is satisfactory to know that though at least a dozen boys a week have , during the past five or six weeks , been confined to the infirmary , that as yet there have been no fatal cases . We trust there may
not . The proceedings of Wednesday were very satisfactory—the subscriptions announced being upwards of £ 4 , 200 , with twenty lists to come in .
Royal Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this institution have determined to recommend the election of twentyannuitants—fourteen men and six widows—at the approaching annual meeting in May next .
The Masonic University Of Kentucky.
10 THE EDITOR 03 ? THE EEEEITASOXS' sriGAZIlTE AlTD ITASOSIC 5 IIEE 0 E . DEAE BBOTHER , —Having , as an "A . M . " of the Masonic University of Kentucky , been favoured by its President , Bro . Rob . Morris , LL . D ., with a sketch of the institution from its foundation , I beg to send for insertion in the M AGAZINE the folinformation
lowing extracts , culled for the further of your readers . I am , yours fraternally , D . MUBEAY L YON , of Mother Kilwinning ,. , Ayr , March 9 , 1864 .
FUNK SEMINARY . On the 22 nd of February , 1842 , the 110 th anniversary of the natal day of Washington , the Legislature of Kentucky passed a bill — the governor , the Hon , Robert P . Letcher , approving —entitled "An Act to incorporate the Funk
Seminary at La Grange , Kentucky . " This was the germ of the present Masonic University of Kentucky . A public-spirited citizen of Henry County , Kentucky—William M . Funk—who had lately deceased , had left in his last will and testament the generous bequest of 10 , 000 dollars for of
the establishment an institution of learning in La Grange , County of Oldham , Kentucky ; and the present act of incorporation was granted to enable his executors to carry the noble design into execution . The Act of Feb . 22 , 1842 , bestowed upon the proposed seminary a college charter
, with the usual privileges . It was enacted , in set form , " that there be , ancl hereby is , a collegiate institute for the instruction of youth in the various branches of science and literature , the useful arts , agriculture , andtholearned and foreign languages . "
Twenty-one trustees were named , respectable gentlemen of the vicinage , to whom the customary powers were given , as a body " politic and corporate , having perpetual succession , a common seal , " & c , with power to receive bequests , make purchases , & c , not exceeding in whole the sum of
75 , 000 dollars . They were authorised to elect a faculty , establish statutes and by-laws , and generally " to do all acts necessary and proper to promote the interest and well-being ofthe institution . " It may be remarked , as showing the legislative bent of this Goshen of the Western
StatesKen-, tucky , that the trustees of the Funk Seminary were specially empowered in their act of incorporation to establish a Department of Agriculture . It was required in the act cited above that the bequest of Mr . Funk should be invested as a permanent fundthe interest only to be used for the
, payment of salaries , & c . ; but , by a supplementary act of Feb . 13 , 1844 , the board was authorised to employ a considerable part of it in the erection of suitable building's , and the purchase of a library , philosophical apparatus , & c , in their discretion . The funds in their hands , enlarged by donations
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We have received some extraordinary communications from the Grand Secretary , professedly written under the direction of the Grand Master , to which we forbear more particularly to allude for the present , as we shall certainly endeavour to
get some further explanation with regard to them —especially , with respect to the manner in which a particular law is interpreted ; for , should the official interpretation be supported and carried out to the fullest extent , it would entirely destroy
all the prerogatives of the Grand Master , whilst the private lodges would be reduced to such a state of vassalage that no independent man could consent to belon g to them . Ancl should the
explanations Ave seek not prove satisfactory , the Craft may rest assured that we shall not shrink from taking the opinion of Grand Lodge on the subject . One thing the brethren may be certain of , we will not be " muzzled" by the Grand
Secretary , nor will we fail , even at the risk of expulsion from the Craft , to denounce acts that we feel and know to be illegal , however it may suit the convenience of any brother to try to crush us to uphold red tapeism and illegality . The
heads of the Order may recollect that they have before now tried to struggle with the Press , and with what success we need not say . Fortunately for the interests of Masonry it contains but one Gray Clarke .
The Boys' School.
The Anniversary Festival of this institution was celebrated on "Wednesday last , with Bro . A . Smith , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall , in the chair , owing to the illness of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle . We are sorry to hear that
scarletina has entered the School , but it is satisfactory to know that though at least a dozen boys a week have , during the past five or six weeks , been confined to the infirmary , that as yet there have been no fatal cases . We trust there may
not . The proceedings of Wednesday were very satisfactory—the subscriptions announced being upwards of £ 4 , 200 , with twenty lists to come in .
Royal Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this institution have determined to recommend the election of twentyannuitants—fourteen men and six widows—at the approaching annual meeting in May next .
The Masonic University Of Kentucky.
10 THE EDITOR 03 ? THE EEEEITASOXS' sriGAZIlTE AlTD ITASOSIC 5 IIEE 0 E . DEAE BBOTHER , —Having , as an "A . M . " of the Masonic University of Kentucky , been favoured by its President , Bro . Rob . Morris , LL . D ., with a sketch of the institution from its foundation , I beg to send for insertion in the M AGAZINE the folinformation
lowing extracts , culled for the further of your readers . I am , yours fraternally , D . MUBEAY L YON , of Mother Kilwinning ,. , Ayr , March 9 , 1864 .
FUNK SEMINARY . On the 22 nd of February , 1842 , the 110 th anniversary of the natal day of Washington , the Legislature of Kentucky passed a bill — the governor , the Hon , Robert P . Letcher , approving —entitled "An Act to incorporate the Funk
Seminary at La Grange , Kentucky . " This was the germ of the present Masonic University of Kentucky . A public-spirited citizen of Henry County , Kentucky—William M . Funk—who had lately deceased , had left in his last will and testament the generous bequest of 10 , 000 dollars for of
the establishment an institution of learning in La Grange , County of Oldham , Kentucky ; and the present act of incorporation was granted to enable his executors to carry the noble design into execution . The Act of Feb . 22 , 1842 , bestowed upon the proposed seminary a college charter
, with the usual privileges . It was enacted , in set form , " that there be , ancl hereby is , a collegiate institute for the instruction of youth in the various branches of science and literature , the useful arts , agriculture , andtholearned and foreign languages . "
Twenty-one trustees were named , respectable gentlemen of the vicinage , to whom the customary powers were given , as a body " politic and corporate , having perpetual succession , a common seal , " & c , with power to receive bequests , make purchases , & c , not exceeding in whole the sum of
75 , 000 dollars . They were authorised to elect a faculty , establish statutes and by-laws , and generally " to do all acts necessary and proper to promote the interest and well-being ofthe institution . " It may be remarked , as showing the legislative bent of this Goshen of the Western
StatesKen-, tucky , that the trustees of the Funk Seminary were specially empowered in their act of incorporation to establish a Department of Agriculture . It was required in the act cited above that the bequest of Mr . Funk should be invested as a permanent fundthe interest only to be used for the
, payment of salaries , & c . ; but , by a supplementary act of Feb . 13 , 1844 , the board was authorised to employ a considerable part of it in the erection of suitable building's , and the purchase of a library , philosophical apparatus , & c , in their discretion . The funds in their hands , enlarged by donations