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EXPLANATORY NOTES AND ORDER OE THE MUSIC , WITH THE WORDSFOR A LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS , under theJ . Constitution of the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales , and the Colonies aud Dependencies
of the British Crown , ( Pichlislied under the sanction of the Grand Lodge of that Body ) . SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY BBO . IDS / . HiE 2 sr _ E ^ ir s : o __ p __ K : xnsrs , JL . __ : _ ., ZF . ZR . CIF .. P . Prov . S . G . AV . for -lV _ n . ic _ - sJ . i _ o ; P . M . 43 , 058 ; lion . Member 43 , 301 , 958 ; P . Z . 587 ; Z . 710 ; P . M . and Hon . Member of tho Csesavean Mark Lodge 74 of tiie Pleiades Mark Lod 26 Totnes
, , Jersey ; I . P . M . ge , , ; Past J . G . W . of the Grand Mark Lodge of England ; Hon . Corresponding- Member oi' the Union of German Freemasons , Leipzig , & e . The Hymns for opening and closing may be changed for any others that may be deemed more appropriate , or the tunes for those here given may be altered at discretion . The Ghauts to be used in the ceremony of Advancement are numerous , and if at any time the introduction of all of them may appear to lengthen the proceedings to too great an extent , a portion may be omitted , but not Nos . 1 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 13 , as these form a part of the prescribed . ritual , and , if not chanted , are assigned to the Chaplain .
1 . Immodiatoly after tho prayer in opening the Lodge : — So mote it ho . 2 , Hymn to bo sung immediately after tho Lodgo is opened : — Praiso tho Lord ! yo heavens adore Him . ' Praise tho Lord , for ho hath spoken ;
Praiso Him angels in tho height ; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Sun and Moon rojoico before Him ; Laws which never shall be broken , Praiso Hiin all yo stars and light . For their guidance ho hath made . Instead of tho preceding , the following throe verses from a Masonic Anthem by J . A . H ., published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE ou Juno 1 st ., 1 S 0 S , may bo occasionally substituted : — 2 A . Groat Architect . ' receive our praiso May all our acts Thy glory
, prove ; And hoar when wo our voices raise , May we bo worthy of Thy love ; To thank Thee for Thy gracious caro Bo it , O God , oar constant aim Aud for tho lovo all Masons share . To live in honour of Thy namo . Thus may Freemasonry extend , With Thee , 0 Lord , its greatest friend , And , fostered by Thy mighty hand , Built on a rock , for over stand .
While tho candidate for advancement is entering tho lodgo : — Organ plays . 3 . Before the prayer ou advancement : — Lot my prayer como bo- [ foro Thoo ; || Incline | Thine oar ] unto | my cry . or Hoar my | prayer , 0 | Lord ; | j Give oar | to my | suppli- | cations . I .
Alter tiie prayer : — So mote it bo . While tho candidate is being conducted to the Registrar : — Organ plays . i . While tho candidate is being conducted to tho S . W . for tho first time : — It is your reward | for your ^ | service || in tho | tabernacle of tho | congro- | gation .
5 . Before tho obligation : — My praiso shall bo of Thoo in tho groat | ' congro- | gation . || I will pay my | vows before ) thorn that j iear Him . "SSBI -T ^ JJ - ^ i ^ yz ^ . r ; y , y' . ' . Hf '•' : ) or Thou shalt make thy prayer | imto ^ | Him ; )| and Ho shall hoar thee , and j thou shalt | pay thy | vows . C . Whilojtho candidate salutos tho volume of tbe Sacred Law : —
Deliver my soul , 0 Lord , from | lying J lips , |) and irom \ a de- | coitful | tongue . or To shall not swear by my | name false- | ly ; || neither shalt thou profane | the name J of thy J God . While tho Deacon and candidate are leaving tho lodge : — Organ plays . While the Deacons and candidate are returning to go to tho Overseers : — Organ plays .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EXPLANATORY NOTES AND ORDER OE THE MUSIC , WITH THE WORDSFOR A LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS , under theJ . Constitution of the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales , and the Colonies aud Dependencies
of the British Crown , ( Pichlislied under the sanction of the Grand Lodge of that Body ) . SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY BBO . IDS / . HiE 2 sr _ E ^ ir s : o __ p __ K : xnsrs , JL . __ : _ ., ZF . ZR . CIF .. P . Prov . S . G . AV . for -lV _ n . ic _ - sJ . i _ o ; P . M . 43 , 058 ; lion . Member 43 , 301 , 958 ; P . Z . 587 ; Z . 710 ; P . M . and Hon . Member of tho Csesavean Mark Lodge 74 of tiie Pleiades Mark Lod 26 Totnes
, , Jersey ; I . P . M . ge , , ; Past J . G . W . of the Grand Mark Lodge of England ; Hon . Corresponding- Member oi' the Union of German Freemasons , Leipzig , & e . The Hymns for opening and closing may be changed for any others that may be deemed more appropriate , or the tunes for those here given may be altered at discretion . The Ghauts to be used in the ceremony of Advancement are numerous , and if at any time the introduction of all of them may appear to lengthen the proceedings to too great an extent , a portion may be omitted , but not Nos . 1 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 13 , as these form a part of the prescribed . ritual , and , if not chanted , are assigned to the Chaplain .
1 . Immodiatoly after tho prayer in opening the Lodge : — So mote it ho . 2 , Hymn to bo sung immediately after tho Lodgo is opened : — Praiso tho Lord ! yo heavens adore Him . ' Praise tho Lord , for ho hath spoken ;
Praiso Him angels in tho height ; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Sun and Moon rojoico before Him ; Laws which never shall be broken , Praiso Hiin all yo stars and light . For their guidance ho hath made . Instead of tho preceding , the following throe verses from a Masonic Anthem by J . A . H ., published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE ou Juno 1 st ., 1 S 0 S , may bo occasionally substituted : — 2 A . Groat Architect . ' receive our praiso May all our acts Thy glory
, prove ; And hoar when wo our voices raise , May we bo worthy of Thy love ; To thank Thee for Thy gracious caro Bo it , O God , oar constant aim Aud for tho lovo all Masons share . To live in honour of Thy namo . Thus may Freemasonry extend , With Thee , 0 Lord , its greatest friend , And , fostered by Thy mighty hand , Built on a rock , for over stand .
While tho candidate for advancement is entering tho lodgo : — Organ plays . 3 . Before the prayer ou advancement : — Lot my prayer como bo- [ foro Thoo ; || Incline | Thine oar ] unto | my cry . or Hoar my | prayer , 0 | Lord ; | j Give oar | to my | suppli- | cations . I .
Alter tiie prayer : — So mote it bo . While tho candidate is being conducted to the Registrar : — Organ plays . i . While tho candidate is being conducted to tho S . W . for tho first time : — It is your reward | for your ^ | service || in tho | tabernacle of tho | congro- | gation .
5 . Before tho obligation : — My praiso shall bo of Thoo in tho groat | ' congro- | gation . || I will pay my | vows before ) thorn that j iear Him . "SSBI -T ^ JJ - ^ i ^ yz ^ . r ; y , y' . ' . Hf '•' : ) or Thou shalt make thy prayer | imto ^ | Him ; )| and Ho shall hoar thee , and j thou shalt | pay thy | vows . C . Whilojtho candidate salutos tho volume of tbe Sacred Law : —
Deliver my soul , 0 Lord , from | lying J lips , |) and irom \ a de- | coitful | tongue . or To shall not swear by my | name false- | ly ; || neither shalt thou profane | the name J of thy J God . While tho Deacon and candidate are leaving tho lodge : — Organ plays . While the Deacons and candidate are returning to go to tho Overseers : — Organ plays .