Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
7 . When tho stone is finally rejected : Have mercy upon | me , 0 | Lord , || for | 1 am | in trou- | hie . or God is our refuge and strength , a very present [ help in | trouble ; || there- | fore will | not we | fear . S . During the procession;—¦
MARK MASTERS' SONG . ( Versos 1 , 2 , 3 ) . Mark Masters , all appear ; Those who have passed the square , Hiram , the widow's son , Before the Chief Overseer For your rewards prepare ; Sent unto Solomon In concert move . Join heart and hand . Our great keystone . Let Him your work inspect , Each with his mark in view On it appears the name For the Chief Architect , March with the just and true ; Which raises high tho fame If there bo no defect , Wages to you are duo Of all to whom the same trulknown
Ho will approve . At your command . Is y . 9 . During tho search for the stone -. — Sook and J ye shall J find ; jj knock and it shall be J opened | unto | you . 10 . Before tho W . M . communicates the signs . He that hath ears to hear , j let him j hear ,
11 . After tho W . M . has communicated tho whole oi tho thi-eeicM sign : — The stone which the | builders re- | jectod || is become | the head | of tho | corner . 12 . While tho Deacons conduct the candidate to the J . W .: — Except the Lord | build tho j house , )) they | labour in | vain that | build it : While tho Deacons conduct tho candidate from the J . W . to the S . W .:
—Except the Lord \ build tho city , || the watchman | waketh | but in \ vain . 13 . After the W . M . directs the S . W . to invest tho candidate , and before he does so : —• To him that ovorcometh will I give to oat of the | hidden | manna , || and I will | give him | a white stone , || and on that stone a [ new name | written , || which no man knowoth saving | he that re- j ceiveth j it . 14 . While the candidate is going to the pedestal after having haen invested : —
By this I know that Thou | favorest | mo , || because mine enemy | doth not | triumph | over me . And as for me , Thou upholdest me ) in mino j integrity , ]| and sottest me bo- | fore Thy | face for | over . Blessed be the Lord | God of | Israel , [| from everlasting J and to ovor- j lasting , A- | men . While the candidate is leaving tho lodgo : — Organ plays . While tho candidate is re-entering the lodgo : — Organ plays .
15 . At tho conclusion of tho ceremony , before the lecture on the degree : — Gloiy bo to J Thee , 0 | Lord Most | High . 8 . During tho procossion in closing tho lodgo : — MARK MASTERS' SONG . ( Verses 4 and o ) . Now to the westward move Now to tho praiso of those
, Whore , full of strength and lovo , Who triumph o ' er the foes Hiram doth stand . Of Masons' art . But if impostors are To tho praiseworthy three Mixed with tho worthy there , Who founded the degree . Caution thorn to beware May all their virtues bo Of tho right hand . Deep in our heart . I . After tho prayer in closing .
So mote it bo . 16 . After tho lodgo is closed , and before tho I . P . M . concludes : — 0 praiso our God to-day , Lord , may it be our choice God of tho widow , hoar , His constant mercy bless , This blessed rule to keep , Our work of mercy bless ; Whose lovo has helped us on our way " Rejoice with those that do rejoice God of the fatherless , bo near And granted us success . And weep with those that weep . " . And grant us groat success .
Instead of tho preceding , tho following two verses from a Masonic Anthem by M . M ., published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE on March 17 th , 1 SG 6 , may be occasionally substituted . Observe that , as tho verso consists of eight linos , the tune must be played ovor twice for each verso . ICA . When " Wisdom , strength , and beauty " raised May "Faith " in God , and "Hope " in Him , A tomplo to our Lord , With " Charity " to all , Wherein His holy name was praised Still give to Masons power to win And piously adored , — Those joys that cannot pall . lodbo borne
Our ancient brethren closer drew On " Wisdom " may our ge , Those cords of lovo Divine , May " strength " her walls uproar , Which bound tho hearts of Masons true , Secure that " Beauty " will adorn , Since "light" began to shine . While virtue ' s practised there .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
7 . When tho stone is finally rejected : Have mercy upon | me , 0 | Lord , || for | 1 am | in trou- | hie . or God is our refuge and strength , a very present [ help in | trouble ; || there- | fore will | not we | fear . S . During the procession;—¦
MARK MASTERS' SONG . ( Versos 1 , 2 , 3 ) . Mark Masters , all appear ; Those who have passed the square , Hiram , the widow's son , Before the Chief Overseer For your rewards prepare ; Sent unto Solomon In concert move . Join heart and hand . Our great keystone . Let Him your work inspect , Each with his mark in view On it appears the name For the Chief Architect , March with the just and true ; Which raises high tho fame If there bo no defect , Wages to you are duo Of all to whom the same trulknown
Ho will approve . At your command . Is y . 9 . During tho search for the stone -. — Sook and J ye shall J find ; jj knock and it shall be J opened | unto | you . 10 . Before tho W . M . communicates the signs . He that hath ears to hear , j let him j hear ,
11 . After tho W . M . has communicated tho whole oi tho thi-eeicM sign : — The stone which the | builders re- | jectod || is become | the head | of tho | corner . 12 . While tho Deacons conduct the candidate to the J . W .: — Except the Lord | build tho j house , )) they | labour in | vain that | build it : While tho Deacons conduct tho candidate from the J . W . to the S . W .:
—Except the Lord \ build tho city , || the watchman | waketh | but in \ vain . 13 . After the W . M . directs the S . W . to invest tho candidate , and before he does so : —• To him that ovorcometh will I give to oat of the | hidden | manna , || and I will | give him | a white stone , || and on that stone a [ new name | written , || which no man knowoth saving | he that re- j ceiveth j it . 14 . While the candidate is going to the pedestal after having haen invested : —
By this I know that Thou | favorest | mo , || because mine enemy | doth not | triumph | over me . And as for me , Thou upholdest me ) in mino j integrity , ]| and sottest me bo- | fore Thy | face for | over . Blessed be the Lord | God of | Israel , [| from everlasting J and to ovor- j lasting , A- | men . While the candidate is leaving tho lodgo : — Organ plays . While tho candidate is re-entering the lodgo : — Organ plays .
15 . At tho conclusion of tho ceremony , before the lecture on the degree : — Gloiy bo to J Thee , 0 | Lord Most | High . 8 . During tho procossion in closing tho lodgo : — MARK MASTERS' SONG . ( Verses 4 and o ) . Now to the westward move Now to tho praiso of those
, Whore , full of strength and lovo , Who triumph o ' er the foes Hiram doth stand . Of Masons' art . But if impostors are To tho praiseworthy three Mixed with tho worthy there , Who founded the degree . Caution thorn to beware May all their virtues bo Of tho right hand . Deep in our heart . I . After tho prayer in closing .
So mote it bo . 16 . After tho lodgo is closed , and before tho I . P . M . concludes : — 0 praiso our God to-day , Lord , may it be our choice God of tho widow , hoar , His constant mercy bless , This blessed rule to keep , Our work of mercy bless ; Whose lovo has helped us on our way " Rejoice with those that do rejoice God of the fatherless , bo near And granted us success . And weep with those that weep . " . And grant us groat success .
Instead of tho preceding , tho following two verses from a Masonic Anthem by M . M ., published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE on March 17 th , 1 SG 6 , may be occasionally substituted . Observe that , as tho verso consists of eight linos , the tune must be played ovor twice for each verso . ICA . When " Wisdom , strength , and beauty " raised May "Faith " in God , and "Hope " in Him , A tomplo to our Lord , With " Charity " to all , Wherein His holy name was praised Still give to Masons power to win And piously adored , — Those joys that cannot pall . lodbo borne
Our ancient brethren closer drew On " Wisdom " may our ge , Those cords of lovo Divine , May " strength " her walls uproar , Which bound tho hearts of Masons true , Secure that " Beauty " will adorn , Since "light" began to shine . While virtue ' s practised there .