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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A drawing on the Art Union principle took place at Plymouth , on the 25 th ult ., for a picture , painted by Mr . Valentine "Robins , of the Freemasons' procession , which took place some two years since at Plymouth . A local print has . the following : — " The
list of shareholders , comprised the names of the principal Masonic lodges , ancl the personal subscription of four shares by 131-0 . the Eight Hon . the Sari of Mount Edgcumbe , P . M . 224 . The list was also sprinkled with lady subscribers who , although not of the Order , felt a strong liking to win so faithful a representation of their mysterious lords officiating in the procession
of the mysterious Order . Indeed , when we are informed that the same masonic , ecclesiastical , and military authorities , including the Royal Marino Band , entered the same fine old Church of St . Andrews , after a lapse of twenty years , that is . 1841 and I 860 , upon the same fraternal errand , we cannot but think .-that should the procession not be repeated again for
¦ another twenty years , the picture will retain especial interest to the Order rarely combined on one canvas . The winner , Thomas Mills , Esq ., of Redruth , Cornwall , had not , we are told , even so much as seen the picture of which he has become the fortunate possessor . Richard Rodda , Esq ., having , when subscribing his name , also added that of his friend , the winner .
We may add that the investment of 5 s . has been well employed in securing to one of the Order so lasting a memorial of Masonic gatherings in the West . " An appeal has been issued to the brethren of the Masonic lodges in Plymouth , Devonport , and Shrewsbury , asking them to aid a committee formed for the purpose of presenting a
lasting testimonial to Bro . Rogers , P . M . and P . Z . of Lodge Friendship , as a mark of their appreciation of Masonic zeal ancl talent .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
We last week directed the attention of the brethren to the case of Mus . ELIZABETH PIPEK , who , in her 77 th year , now appeals for the eighth time to bo elected on the funds of this -institution , ancl now have tho pleasure of acknowledging the . receipt of the following votes : — Loclge No . 1208 4
Bavntz'Bro . E 4 Cooke M 4 Gaball J , H 4 Glegg , , ! ames 12 Morris 4 Sargeant , W 8 Warren , H . G 36 Warren , Mrs 8
84 We also have in hand the male annuitant proxies of Loclge , 1208 ; Bros . Capt . Cveaton , Gaball , Morris , ancl Warren , to exchange for Widows proxies to aid Mrs . Piper . BRETHREN , remember the EIGHTH APPLICATION - . LEE IT I 3 E THE LAST .
Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Henry G . Warren , at the Office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , or at 6 , Red Lion-square , London , W . C . It Every 5 S . subscribed will buy four votes .
The Girls' School.
The Quarterly Court of the Governors of this school was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Thursday , Bro . Udall , V . P . P . G . D . presiding , The minutes of the last general meeting , and the special meeting held on the 20 th January ( containing resolutions approving of giving one admission of a child to the school for a
sum of 120 guineas , ancl a life nomination for 750 guineas , ) were confirmed . It was ordered that the bills of the last quarter , amounting to £ 667 Is . lid ., on the general account and £ 1-40 os , 8 d . on the building account be paid . The following annual subscribers were elected members of
the General Committee : —Bros . Arliss , H . M . ; Baker , B . Barringer , Wm . ; Baker , S . ; Bone , Geo . ; Bent , J . ¦ Biggins , E . ; Dyer , J . ; Emmens , J . ; Farmer , D . R . ; Goff , AV . H . ; Harvey , W . C . ; Hewlett , A . II . ; Hurst , AV . ; Leveau , A . A . ; Levy , Alex . ,- Marks , J . P . Jun . ; Marzetti , A . : Monnery , J . W . ; Moore , W . F . ; Mason , R . B . ; Pratt , A . ; Parttridge , W . H
.,-Sowdon , I-I . ; Spooner , E . ; Stanborough , J . ; Steel , A W . ; Thompson , I-I . J . ; Thompson , AV . J . ; Young , A . D . Bro . B . B . Cabbell , was re-elected Treasurer . The election of five children for admission to the school , out of a list of twelve candidates , was then proceeded with ancl resulted as follows : —
SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Elizabeth Hope Banks , London 3581 Alice Edith Isboru , West Ham , Essex 3063 Agnes Maria Feast , London 1849 Caroline Florence Fabian , Leighton Buzzard 1815 Catherine Robinson Thompson , Ripon , Yorkshire .... 1700
UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Emily Redgrave , Norwich 1467 Emily Roe , Thrapston , Northamptonshire 738 Julia Caroline Morris , Isle of Wight 571 Phcebus A . R . Hardcast-le , Hull 502
Emma Browning , Deptford , 19 S Anno Aklridge , London 113 Mary Ann Hodgson , London 44 Votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the proceedings .
WESTMINSTER AND KEYSTONE LODGE ( NO . 10 ) . —The annual festival of this loclge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . of the Apollo Universi ty Loclge ( No . 460 ) , and P . Prov . G . W . of Oxfordshire , was installed as AA . M . for the year ensuing . The officers appointed for the next year are , Bros . C . Temples DepreeP . M . " W . AV . BeachM . P . P . M . S . AV . ; Geo .
Brude-, ; , , , nell Druce , J . W . ; Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , C . Ch ., Chap . ; Col . Brutton , C . B ., P . Prov . G . M . for Bengal , Treas . ; Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Kent , Sec . ; Fredk . Binckes , P . M ., Assist . Treas . and Sec ; R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . Sen . M . C . ; Arundel Rogers , S . D . ; A . Fnlke Greville , J . D . ; Fred . Dawson , P . M ., Org . ; Hugh Hanly , I . G . ; John Udall , P . M . ancl P . G . D ., and R . Biddulph Martin , Stewards ; AV . Rice , Tyler . The
candidates for the different degrees not being in attendance , and no further business offering , the brethren adjourned to a banquet of a most recherche character . The visitors were Bros . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., P . D . Prov . G . M ., AVorcestershire ; AV . AVilliams , P . M . No . 11 ; Geo . Cary ; ancl L'Estrange , of No . 460 ; a large number of those invited having written to express their regret at their inability , from various causes , to be present .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A drawing on the Art Union principle took place at Plymouth , on the 25 th ult ., for a picture , painted by Mr . Valentine "Robins , of the Freemasons' procession , which took place some two years since at Plymouth . A local print has . the following : — " The
list of shareholders , comprised the names of the principal Masonic lodges , ancl the personal subscription of four shares by 131-0 . the Eight Hon . the Sari of Mount Edgcumbe , P . M . 224 . The list was also sprinkled with lady subscribers who , although not of the Order , felt a strong liking to win so faithful a representation of their mysterious lords officiating in the procession
of the mysterious Order . Indeed , when we are informed that the same masonic , ecclesiastical , and military authorities , including the Royal Marino Band , entered the same fine old Church of St . Andrews , after a lapse of twenty years , that is . 1841 and I 860 , upon the same fraternal errand , we cannot but think .-that should the procession not be repeated again for
¦ another twenty years , the picture will retain especial interest to the Order rarely combined on one canvas . The winner , Thomas Mills , Esq ., of Redruth , Cornwall , had not , we are told , even so much as seen the picture of which he has become the fortunate possessor . Richard Rodda , Esq ., having , when subscribing his name , also added that of his friend , the winner .
We may add that the investment of 5 s . has been well employed in securing to one of the Order so lasting a memorial of Masonic gatherings in the West . " An appeal has been issued to the brethren of the Masonic lodges in Plymouth , Devonport , and Shrewsbury , asking them to aid a committee formed for the purpose of presenting a
lasting testimonial to Bro . Rogers , P . M . and P . Z . of Lodge Friendship , as a mark of their appreciation of Masonic zeal ancl talent .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
We last week directed the attention of the brethren to the case of Mus . ELIZABETH PIPEK , who , in her 77 th year , now appeals for the eighth time to bo elected on the funds of this -institution , ancl now have tho pleasure of acknowledging the . receipt of the following votes : — Loclge No . 1208 4
Bavntz'Bro . E 4 Cooke M 4 Gaball J , H 4 Glegg , , ! ames 12 Morris 4 Sargeant , W 8 Warren , H . G 36 Warren , Mrs 8
84 We also have in hand the male annuitant proxies of Loclge , 1208 ; Bros . Capt . Cveaton , Gaball , Morris , ancl Warren , to exchange for Widows proxies to aid Mrs . Piper . BRETHREN , remember the EIGHTH APPLICATION - . LEE IT I 3 E THE LAST .
Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Henry G . Warren , at the Office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , or at 6 , Red Lion-square , London , W . C . It Every 5 S . subscribed will buy four votes .
The Girls' School.
The Quarterly Court of the Governors of this school was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Thursday , Bro . Udall , V . P . P . G . D . presiding , The minutes of the last general meeting , and the special meeting held on the 20 th January ( containing resolutions approving of giving one admission of a child to the school for a
sum of 120 guineas , ancl a life nomination for 750 guineas , ) were confirmed . It was ordered that the bills of the last quarter , amounting to £ 667 Is . lid ., on the general account and £ 1-40 os , 8 d . on the building account be paid . The following annual subscribers were elected members of
the General Committee : —Bros . Arliss , H . M . ; Baker , B . Barringer , Wm . ; Baker , S . ; Bone , Geo . ; Bent , J . ¦ Biggins , E . ; Dyer , J . ; Emmens , J . ; Farmer , D . R . ; Goff , AV . H . ; Harvey , W . C . ; Hewlett , A . II . ; Hurst , AV . ; Leveau , A . A . ; Levy , Alex . ,- Marks , J . P . Jun . ; Marzetti , A . : Monnery , J . W . ; Moore , W . F . ; Mason , R . B . ; Pratt , A . ; Parttridge , W . H
.,-Sowdon , I-I . ; Spooner , E . ; Stanborough , J . ; Steel , A W . ; Thompson , I-I . J . ; Thompson , AV . J . ; Young , A . D . Bro . B . B . Cabbell , was re-elected Treasurer . The election of five children for admission to the school , out of a list of twelve candidates , was then proceeded with ancl resulted as follows : —
SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Elizabeth Hope Banks , London 3581 Alice Edith Isboru , West Ham , Essex 3063 Agnes Maria Feast , London 1849 Caroline Florence Fabian , Leighton Buzzard 1815 Catherine Robinson Thompson , Ripon , Yorkshire .... 1700
UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Emily Redgrave , Norwich 1467 Emily Roe , Thrapston , Northamptonshire 738 Julia Caroline Morris , Isle of Wight 571 Phcebus A . R . Hardcast-le , Hull 502
Emma Browning , Deptford , 19 S Anno Aklridge , London 113 Mary Ann Hodgson , London 44 Votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the proceedings .
WESTMINSTER AND KEYSTONE LODGE ( NO . 10 ) . —The annual festival of this loclge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . of the Apollo Universi ty Loclge ( No . 460 ) , and P . Prov . G . W . of Oxfordshire , was installed as AA . M . for the year ensuing . The officers appointed for the next year are , Bros . C . Temples DepreeP . M . " W . AV . BeachM . P . P . M . S . AV . ; Geo .
Brude-, ; , , , nell Druce , J . W . ; Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , C . Ch ., Chap . ; Col . Brutton , C . B ., P . Prov . G . M . for Bengal , Treas . ; Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Kent , Sec . ; Fredk . Binckes , P . M ., Assist . Treas . and Sec ; R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . Sen . M . C . ; Arundel Rogers , S . D . ; A . Fnlke Greville , J . D . ; Fred . Dawson , P . M ., Org . ; Hugh Hanly , I . G . ; John Udall , P . M . ancl P . G . D ., and R . Biddulph Martin , Stewards ; AV . Rice , Tyler . The
candidates for the different degrees not being in attendance , and no further business offering , the brethren adjourned to a banquet of a most recherche character . The visitors were Bros . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., P . D . Prov . G . M ., AVorcestershire ; AV . AVilliams , P . M . No . 11 ; Geo . Cary ; ancl L'Estrange , of No . 460 ; a large number of those invited having written to express their regret at their inability , from various causes , to be present .