Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The following work was reported in the lodges at this station during the past year : — - Joining Members . Initiations . Passings . Raisings . Zetland in the East , 748 . 4 12 11 14 Fidelity , 1042 6 5 3 3 On the 27 th December , the installation of the Master of Lodge Zetland in the East , No . 748 , took place . The ceremony was conducted by the R . W . Bro . ReadP . G . M . in his customary and
, , able style . There were 33 brethren present ; the officers and members of Loclge Fidelity , No . 1042 , had been especially invited , as there is great cordiality and goodwill between the two lodges . After the ceremony , the brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the usual public and private Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to . The brethren separated at 11 P . ar ., happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet
again . The following are tho officers of No . 748 for the ensuing year -. — W . Bro . R . B . Read Master . „ H . P . Simson Past Master . „ F . von Hartwig Senior Warden . „ S . J . G . Jellicoe Junior Warden . F . R . Kendall Ti easurer .
„ „ C . Dunlop Secretary . „ J . P . Niven Senior Deacon . „ J . Huxtable Junior Deacon . ,, AV . Suart : I . G . and Steward . „ P . R . Lazar Tyler .
LAHORE . ST . JOHN ' S DAY . The brethren at Lahore met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John ' s Day , at sunrise , on the 27 th December . Bros . S . Baness and YV . Marshall were raised to the 3 rd Degree . There was no installation , as AV . Bro . Ball had been re-elected for 1862 . The AVorshipful Master was proclaimed
from the E ., W ., and S . ; after which he appointed his officers as follows : — * ' Senior AVarden , W . AV . Boddam ; Junior AVarden , J . Gr . Forbes ; Senior Deacon , T . Jones ; Junior Deacon , It . T . Greetham ; Inner Guard , G . Hutchinson ; Steward , W . Claxton . Bros . L . Asquith as Treasurer , ancl W . Claxton as Tyler , had been elected previously . St . John ' s Box wasas usualpassed roundand a sum of
, , , nearly Rs . 300 was collected . At 9 A . si ., the brethren were called off from labour to refreshment , to meet again at 11 o ' clock , —when , headed by the Anarkullee Band , they proceeded ( under dispensation ) in Craft costume to St . James' Church . The brethren in procession numbered about 40 ; among them were His Highness tho Rajah of Kupoorthulla , Sirdar Bikrama Sing , ancl Past Masters H . ' J .
AVahab , Gordon , ancl Hopper . The sermon at church was preached by the Rev . Mr . Sloggett , who selected for his text from v . 24 of the 22 nd chapter of St . Matthew— " What think ye of Christ ? " The latter part of the
reverend gentleman's discourse was particularly directed to the Masonic portion of the congregation . He said that it had been represented to him that Freemasons , in their working , used prayers in which the name of Christ was omitted ; that ho hoped and believed this was not the case , as such an omission was equivalent to a denial of our Saviour ; that the majority of the Freemasons of Lahore were men with whom he was proud to associatethat their deeds of charitwere not confined to their
; y own Craft , but were extended to all needing relief ; but ho considered that , when a body of men solemnly offered up prayer , itcould only be properly clone in the name of Jesus Christ . [ Upon this the Indian Freemason ' s Friend says : —The sermon was preached with the reverend gentleman's well-known eloquence , and appeared to excite deep attention . The impression on the minds of the non-masonic portion of the
congregation must have been that Masons exclude the name of Canst from their prayers , such exclusion being anti-christian , and that therefore all Masons are anti-christians . It is a pity the reverend gentleman did not , before writing his sermon , have an opportunit y of perusing the excellent article in the July No . of the Indian Freemason ' s Friend on "Masonic Prayers . " If this did not satisfy him that Masons are justified in not adopting the name of Christ in their prayers , it ' would have taught him tne nature of those prayers , and he could then have framed his course as llis tlnty as a clergyman might prompt him . As
the matter now stands , those non-masons who heard the sermon must be prejudiced against Freemasonry by the objections urged against it from the pulpit , for there can be no sufficient denial given by tho Craft at Lahore that would have ecpial weight with the words of a minister of the Gospel . On application made by the brethren , the reverend gentleman had consented to the sermon being printed in extenso ancl there will , no doubt , be found many Masons able and willing to prove that the
practices of Masons are not anti-christian . ] At the conclusion of the service , the usual donation of Rs . 100 was made by the Lodge to the charitable funds at the disposal of the reverend gentleman . The Brethren , after leaving church , dispersed to their homes , and met again for labour at 5 A . AT . The Loclge was closed in peace ancl harmony at 7 P . M ., when the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Upwards of sixty gentlemen sat down , ancl among
them several non-masonic guests . The arrangements reflected the greatest credit on the stewards , Bros . Chapman , Crommelin ,. Asquith , and Claxton , who had been unremitting in their exertions ; and it must have been as gratifying to them as it was to those who were fortunate enough to partake of the good cheer , to know that their labours proved eminently successful ancl were ] duly appreciated . The Anarkullee Police Corps Band wasin attendance , and played several popular airs
CALCUTTA . —Lodge Industry and Perseverance . —At a meeting of this loclge on the 3 rd January , Bros . J . H . De Salis , A . H .. Ledie , and John Wm . Brown , were elected honorary membersby acclamation . Bro . Do Salis was Master of the lodge in 1857 ancl 1858 , after which he went to England , and was succeeded by Bro . John Brown . Bro . Ledlie has been a member of the lodge ever since he has been in Calcutta , nigh a score of years . Bro . John AVm . Brown was invited to become a subscribing
member of the lodge towards the close of 3 Sob ' . In 1857 and 1858 he served as Secretary . In 1859 , being then Master of Loclge St . John , he also presided iu Lodge Industry ancl Perseverance , when his namesake , Bro . John Brown , the Master ,, was in delicate health , and also when he proceeded on businessto Moulmein . In 1860 , he worked the lodge in the absence of the Master , Bio . E . J . Lindsay , who had proceeded to England . In 1861 he relieved the Master , Bro . Jno . Martin , by aiding hint in conferring the degrees .
CALCUTTA . —Lodge St . John . —At a meeting of this' lodgeheld on the 10 th January , Bro . Jno . Wm . Brown being in the chair , Bro . the Hon . Capt . J . H . Eraser , of Lodge Stability ( No . 1137 ) , of Gonda , in Oude , was elected a member ; and Bro . Lnmsden , of the Dum Dum Lodge , St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , ancl Bro . Pittar , of Lodge St . Mark ( No . 102 ) , of Glasgow ,. Barrister-at-law , were proposed for election as members . A monthly allowance was granted to the widow of the late Bro .
L ., formerly of Madras , and afterwards of Bombay . An interesting letter addressed to R . W . Bro . Brown , by AV . Bro . AVilmer , ( American Consul and merchant ) , the immediate Past Master , was read in open lodge . It was dated 18 th November , from on board the steamer Africa , on her passage from America to Liverpool . Bro . AVilmer was quite restored to health , and intended returning to Calcutta after passing a few months in England . He has sent his affectionate greeting to his brethren in the far East .
INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . ( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend !) The Rajah of Kupoorthulla and his brother , Bikrama Sing , who are now in Calcutta , will be received in Loclge Star in the East ( No . SO ) , on the 12 th February . The brethren at Monghyr , we hear , have expressed a desire to establish a lodge at that station .
We are happy to learn that the profits of Bro . Sandeman's Masonic Almanac , after the payment of all expenses for printing ,, postage , & c , amount to Rs . 227 , of which Rs . ISO has heenpaicl into the Fund of Benevolence , and Rs . 47 is outstanding . Since the issue of our last number , we observe in a general order , dated Peshawur , the 23 rd January , that Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert has been appointed to the Presidency .
R . W . Bro . Col . Hogge , C . B ., was one of the passengers on board the last steamer , the Nemesis . Bro . I-I . C . Cutcliffe has been elected Master of Loclge Hope , at Meerut ; hut as he is obliged to proceed to Europe on medical certificate for 18 months , AV . Bro . Foster , has taken charge of the loclge . Bro . Cutcliffe hopes to he installed in Calcutta .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The following work was reported in the lodges at this station during the past year : — - Joining Members . Initiations . Passings . Raisings . Zetland in the East , 748 . 4 12 11 14 Fidelity , 1042 6 5 3 3 On the 27 th December , the installation of the Master of Lodge Zetland in the East , No . 748 , took place . The ceremony was conducted by the R . W . Bro . ReadP . G . M . in his customary and
, , able style . There were 33 brethren present ; the officers and members of Loclge Fidelity , No . 1042 , had been especially invited , as there is great cordiality and goodwill between the two lodges . After the ceremony , the brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the usual public and private Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to . The brethren separated at 11 P . ar ., happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet
again . The following are tho officers of No . 748 for the ensuing year -. — W . Bro . R . B . Read Master . „ H . P . Simson Past Master . „ F . von Hartwig Senior Warden . „ S . J . G . Jellicoe Junior Warden . F . R . Kendall Ti easurer .
„ „ C . Dunlop Secretary . „ J . P . Niven Senior Deacon . „ J . Huxtable Junior Deacon . ,, AV . Suart : I . G . and Steward . „ P . R . Lazar Tyler .
LAHORE . ST . JOHN ' S DAY . The brethren at Lahore met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John ' s Day , at sunrise , on the 27 th December . Bros . S . Baness and YV . Marshall were raised to the 3 rd Degree . There was no installation , as AV . Bro . Ball had been re-elected for 1862 . The AVorshipful Master was proclaimed
from the E ., W ., and S . ; after which he appointed his officers as follows : — * ' Senior AVarden , W . AV . Boddam ; Junior AVarden , J . Gr . Forbes ; Senior Deacon , T . Jones ; Junior Deacon , It . T . Greetham ; Inner Guard , G . Hutchinson ; Steward , W . Claxton . Bros . L . Asquith as Treasurer , ancl W . Claxton as Tyler , had been elected previously . St . John ' s Box wasas usualpassed roundand a sum of
, , , nearly Rs . 300 was collected . At 9 A . si ., the brethren were called off from labour to refreshment , to meet again at 11 o ' clock , —when , headed by the Anarkullee Band , they proceeded ( under dispensation ) in Craft costume to St . James' Church . The brethren in procession numbered about 40 ; among them were His Highness tho Rajah of Kupoorthulla , Sirdar Bikrama Sing , ancl Past Masters H . ' J .
AVahab , Gordon , ancl Hopper . The sermon at church was preached by the Rev . Mr . Sloggett , who selected for his text from v . 24 of the 22 nd chapter of St . Matthew— " What think ye of Christ ? " The latter part of the
reverend gentleman's discourse was particularly directed to the Masonic portion of the congregation . He said that it had been represented to him that Freemasons , in their working , used prayers in which the name of Christ was omitted ; that ho hoped and believed this was not the case , as such an omission was equivalent to a denial of our Saviour ; that the majority of the Freemasons of Lahore were men with whom he was proud to associatethat their deeds of charitwere not confined to their
; y own Craft , but were extended to all needing relief ; but ho considered that , when a body of men solemnly offered up prayer , itcould only be properly clone in the name of Jesus Christ . [ Upon this the Indian Freemason ' s Friend says : —The sermon was preached with the reverend gentleman's well-known eloquence , and appeared to excite deep attention . The impression on the minds of the non-masonic portion of the
congregation must have been that Masons exclude the name of Canst from their prayers , such exclusion being anti-christian , and that therefore all Masons are anti-christians . It is a pity the reverend gentleman did not , before writing his sermon , have an opportunit y of perusing the excellent article in the July No . of the Indian Freemason ' s Friend on "Masonic Prayers . " If this did not satisfy him that Masons are justified in not adopting the name of Christ in their prayers , it ' would have taught him tne nature of those prayers , and he could then have framed his course as llis tlnty as a clergyman might prompt him . As
the matter now stands , those non-masons who heard the sermon must be prejudiced against Freemasonry by the objections urged against it from the pulpit , for there can be no sufficient denial given by tho Craft at Lahore that would have ecpial weight with the words of a minister of the Gospel . On application made by the brethren , the reverend gentleman had consented to the sermon being printed in extenso ancl there will , no doubt , be found many Masons able and willing to prove that the
practices of Masons are not anti-christian . ] At the conclusion of the service , the usual donation of Rs . 100 was made by the Lodge to the charitable funds at the disposal of the reverend gentleman . The Brethren , after leaving church , dispersed to their homes , and met again for labour at 5 A . AT . The Loclge was closed in peace ancl harmony at 7 P . M ., when the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Upwards of sixty gentlemen sat down , ancl among
them several non-masonic guests . The arrangements reflected the greatest credit on the stewards , Bros . Chapman , Crommelin ,. Asquith , and Claxton , who had been unremitting in their exertions ; and it must have been as gratifying to them as it was to those who were fortunate enough to partake of the good cheer , to know that their labours proved eminently successful ancl were ] duly appreciated . The Anarkullee Police Corps Band wasin attendance , and played several popular airs
CALCUTTA . —Lodge Industry and Perseverance . —At a meeting of this loclge on the 3 rd January , Bros . J . H . De Salis , A . H .. Ledie , and John Wm . Brown , were elected honorary membersby acclamation . Bro . Do Salis was Master of the lodge in 1857 ancl 1858 , after which he went to England , and was succeeded by Bro . John Brown . Bro . Ledlie has been a member of the lodge ever since he has been in Calcutta , nigh a score of years . Bro . John AVm . Brown was invited to become a subscribing
member of the lodge towards the close of 3 Sob ' . In 1857 and 1858 he served as Secretary . In 1859 , being then Master of Loclge St . John , he also presided iu Lodge Industry ancl Perseverance , when his namesake , Bro . John Brown , the Master ,, was in delicate health , and also when he proceeded on businessto Moulmein . In 1860 , he worked the lodge in the absence of the Master , Bio . E . J . Lindsay , who had proceeded to England . In 1861 he relieved the Master , Bro . Jno . Martin , by aiding hint in conferring the degrees .
CALCUTTA . —Lodge St . John . —At a meeting of this' lodgeheld on the 10 th January , Bro . Jno . Wm . Brown being in the chair , Bro . the Hon . Capt . J . H . Eraser , of Lodge Stability ( No . 1137 ) , of Gonda , in Oude , was elected a member ; and Bro . Lnmsden , of the Dum Dum Lodge , St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , ancl Bro . Pittar , of Lodge St . Mark ( No . 102 ) , of Glasgow ,. Barrister-at-law , were proposed for election as members . A monthly allowance was granted to the widow of the late Bro .
L ., formerly of Madras , and afterwards of Bombay . An interesting letter addressed to R . W . Bro . Brown , by AV . Bro . AVilmer , ( American Consul and merchant ) , the immediate Past Master , was read in open lodge . It was dated 18 th November , from on board the steamer Africa , on her passage from America to Liverpool . Bro . AVilmer was quite restored to health , and intended returning to Calcutta after passing a few months in England . He has sent his affectionate greeting to his brethren in the far East .
INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . ( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend !) The Rajah of Kupoorthulla and his brother , Bikrama Sing , who are now in Calcutta , will be received in Loclge Star in the East ( No . SO ) , on the 12 th February . The brethren at Monghyr , we hear , have expressed a desire to establish a lodge at that station .
We are happy to learn that the profits of Bro . Sandeman's Masonic Almanac , after the payment of all expenses for printing ,, postage , & c , amount to Rs . 227 , of which Rs . ISO has heenpaicl into the Fund of Benevolence , and Rs . 47 is outstanding . Since the issue of our last number , we observe in a general order , dated Peshawur , the 23 rd January , that Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert has been appointed to the Presidency .
R . W . Bro . Col . Hogge , C . B ., was one of the passengers on board the last steamer , the Nemesis . Bro . I-I . C . Cutcliffe has been elected Master of Loclge Hope , at Meerut ; hut as he is obliged to proceed to Europe on medical certificate for 18 months , AV . Bro . Foster , has taken charge of the loclge . Bro . Cutcliffe hopes to he installed in Calcutta .