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Owing to the exertions , chiefly , we believe , of AV . Bro . JH . Linton , Master of Lodge Courage with Humanity , Chaptei Holy Zion has now a prospect of being worked efficiently . M . E . Comp . . 1 . M . Harris has consented to fill the office of First Principal , and to make the two other Principals ( Companions Hamilton and Linton ) perfect in their lectures . A brother writes from Kussowlie : —• " It may not be uninteresting to the readers of the Magazine to learn that a Past
Masters' jewel was presented to W . Bro . Thrall , ( on his departure to Europe ) by the brethren of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 984 . ) The jewel was very handsomely designed by Messrs . Allan and Hayes , Calcutta . The following is a dedescription of it : —Centre gold emblems of a P . M ., surrounded by five stars in silver , to represent the five p . off . ; gold buckle and holder ; centre gold clasp , with the following inscription on the reverse : —•
" ' Presented to AA . Bro . Thomas Thrall ( on his departure to Europe ) by the brethren of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 98-4 ) , held at Kussowlie , in the Himalayas , East Indies , as a token of their sincere fraternal regard . '"
NEW YORK . GREENWICH LODGE ( No . 467 ) . —On Monday , March 13 th , In accordance with previous arrangements , Greenwich Lodge , No . 467 , presented its worthy and estimable P . M . W . Bro . John A . Lefferts , with a valuable ex-venerable's jewel set with diamonds . The services on the occasion were public , a large number of ladies—wives , daughters , and sweethearts beingpresent—and redounded much to the credit of that respectable
lodge . The music ivas excellent , the addresses by distinguished Masons present , highly interesting and instructive , and the presentation speech by AV . Bro . Bonneville , Master of the Lodge , in exceedingly good taste . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the brethren present , accompanied by the fairer portion of creation partook of refreshments ofthe choicest kind , and passed an hour or so in the most agreeable social converse . GRAND CHAPTER OE RHODE ISLAND . —The M . E . Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Rhode Island held its Annual Convocation in Masons' Hall , on AVednesday , 12 th March . But little business was transacted . The following officers were elected and installed : —M . E . Lyman Klapp , of Providence , G . Hiarh Priest ; R . E . Nathan H . Gould , of Newport , D . G . High Priest ; R . E . Jabez W . AVilmarth , of Pawtuclcct , Grand King ; R . E . John F . Driscol , of AVarren , G . Scribe ; R . E . Gardner T . Swarts , of Providence , G . Treas . ; E . Samuel B . Swan , of Providence , G . Sec . ; E . and Rev . George M . Carpenter , of
Providence , G . Chap . ; E . George A . French , of Pawtncket , G . Lecturer ; E . James H . Ai-inington , of Province , G . Marshal ; Comp . Ebenezer B . AVhite , of Providence , G . Tyler . The Installation services were conducted by M . E . Ariel Ballon , P . G . H . P ., who delivered an eloquent . address on the occasion . LODGE OE PERTF . CTIOX IN BROOKLYN . —On Tuesday March 14-th , "Shekinah" Loclge of Perfection ( No . 4 ) , - under the jurisdiction of tho Supreme Council 33 ° for the United States
, & c , was organized in Brooklyn , by the election of the following III . brethren as officers : —John J ! . Harris , T . 1 ' . G . M . ; Daniel T . AValden ( D . D . G . M . for tho 3 rd Masonic District , ) D . G . M . ; Arther 1 Joyce , D . G . H . Priest ofthe Grand Chapter , G . S . W . ; R . W . Dockson , G . J . W . ; E . J . Spink , G . Orator : F . D . Morris , G . M . of Cers . ; E . A . Hodgson , G . C . of Guard ; G . B . Flanders , < . SecG . K . of S . ; .. James BlissG . Treas . ;—StaceyG . Expert
, , , ; G . R . Bailey , G . Hos . Brother ; Ira Young , G . Sentinel . GRAND ENCAMPMENT OP THE UNITED STATES . —THE GRAND RECORDER . —In consequence of the death of Sir Knight Samuel G . Risk , of New Orleans , who at the last Triennial Conclave of the ¦ Grand Encampment of the United States , was elected Grand Recorder , the Grand Master , Sir Knight Benjamin B . French , has , by virtue of the power vested in him by his exalted office ,
appointed Sir Knight John D . Caldwell , of Cincinnati , Ohio , to fill the vacancy thus created . 'The letter of appointment reads as follows : — IN HOC SIGNO TINGES . Benjamin Brown French , Grand Master of Knights Templar of the United States of America . To all the Sir Knights of the A ' aliant and Maganimous Order ofthe Temple , Greeting : Know ye , That in consequence of a vacancy in the office of
Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States I do , by the power in me specially vested by the Grand Encampment , hereby appoint onr trusty and well-beloved Sir Knight and Frater , John D . Caldwell , of the City of Cincinnati , in the State of Ohio , Grand Recorder of the said Grand Encampment having full confidence in his integrity , honour , ability , ancl good judgment to perform the duties of said offica .
To have ancl to hold the same until the Grand Encampment in Triennial meeting assembled shall elect his successor , ancl such successor be installed . Given under my hand and seal , at the City of Washington , this twenty-first day of January , Anno Domini , 1862 , ( L . 3 . ) Anno Ordinis 744 . B . B . FRENCH . AVo congratulate the Templars of America on this excellent appointment . It is intimated that should it be found impossible
to hold the Triennial Conclave at Memphis next September , a Special Conclave will bo earlier called ; to determine where the regular assembly shall bo held . If the contingency arises clue notice will be given .
Royal Arch.
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) . —This chapter held its convocation on Thursday , April 3 rd , at the Assembly-rooms , St . Stephens , Comp . Henry John Mason , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Ii . C . Lamb , II ., and W . E . Redgrave , J . The chapter being opened in ancient form , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , after which a Grand Conclave of
Installed Principals was formed . The M . E . Z . of the Chapter , Comp . I-I . J . Mason , with Comps . Lambe and Redgrave as H . and J ., then proceeded to install Comp . A . F . Morgan as H ., and Comp . I-I . P . L'Estrange as J ., for the ensuing year . That being over , the chapter was closed , and re-opened at 8 o'clock for the purpose of exalting Bros . A . F . Day , John Hotblack , D . Brown , of Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) , aud John Suggett , Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) . There were twenty-seven companions present ,
including the Hon . F . Walpole , who was appointed , and accepted the office of Assist . Soj . of the Chapter . Before the chapter was closed , it was proposed by Comp . Walpole , ancl seconded by Comp . G . E . Simpson , that a vote of thanks be forwarded to the Grand Provincial Superintendent , Comp . B . B . Cabbell , for his kind and benevolent feeling in presenting the chapter with a donation of £ 10 10 s . for the Boys' School , giving the First P . of the chapter , for the time being , four votes . The chapter was
thou closed in solemn prayer by the Rev . Comp . Hodson , Prov . G . Chap . The companions afterwards retired to the hanquetingroom , and partook of an excellent supper , supplied by Comp . Woods , ancl spent a joyous evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
THE SUPREME COUNCIL held their quarterly meeting- at their Grand East , Lndgate Street , London , on Tuesday , April Sth . There were present the M . P . Sov ., Or . Com ., Dr . H . B . Leeson , the 111 ., Bros . C . 'J . Algne , H . A . Bowyer , 11 . C . Vernon and Col . H . Clerk . A Grand Council of the 111 . Knights , K . H . 30 ° was held , presided over-b y the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander at which were present , besides the members of the Council , Bros .
Hyde Pullen , Sec . General , Dr . R . N . Goolden and Phillips , 32 ' - ^ also Dr . W . Jones , Dr . Keddell , Dr . Hinxinan , and R . Costa 31 ° . Col . Goddard , Capts . King and Boyle , Bros . Coombs , Barlow , Shonier , How , Blenkin , Walmisley and others . There were fifteen candidates named for advancement to the thirtieth degree , and the following presenting themselves , wero received into the degreeBrosHenry James SparkesEdward Burrell
; . , , John Simonds , Thomas Willis Fleming , Matthew Cooke , Henry Blenkinsop , John Maelion . The ceremony was conducted by tho M . I ' . Sov . Grand Commander , Bro . Hyde Pullen , acting as Grand Marshal , and Bro . E . Costa as Master of Ceremonies . Some candidates were proposed for advancement at the next council and the business was concludedThe usual elegant banquet followed at which about
. , twenty brethren wero present , presided over hy the M . P . Bro . Dr . Leeson . The health of her Majesty having been given , and also that of the Prince of Wales , who , Bro . Leeson observed , had on a late occasion at Oxford , viewed with some interest the proceedings of the fraternity , and there was every reason to hope
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Owing to the exertions , chiefly , we believe , of AV . Bro . JH . Linton , Master of Lodge Courage with Humanity , Chaptei Holy Zion has now a prospect of being worked efficiently . M . E . Comp . . 1 . M . Harris has consented to fill the office of First Principal , and to make the two other Principals ( Companions Hamilton and Linton ) perfect in their lectures . A brother writes from Kussowlie : —• " It may not be uninteresting to the readers of the Magazine to learn that a Past
Masters' jewel was presented to W . Bro . Thrall , ( on his departure to Europe ) by the brethren of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 984 . ) The jewel was very handsomely designed by Messrs . Allan and Hayes , Calcutta . The following is a dedescription of it : —Centre gold emblems of a P . M ., surrounded by five stars in silver , to represent the five p . off . ; gold buckle and holder ; centre gold clasp , with the following inscription on the reverse : —•
" ' Presented to AA . Bro . Thomas Thrall ( on his departure to Europe ) by the brethren of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 98-4 ) , held at Kussowlie , in the Himalayas , East Indies , as a token of their sincere fraternal regard . '"
NEW YORK . GREENWICH LODGE ( No . 467 ) . —On Monday , March 13 th , In accordance with previous arrangements , Greenwich Lodge , No . 467 , presented its worthy and estimable P . M . W . Bro . John A . Lefferts , with a valuable ex-venerable's jewel set with diamonds . The services on the occasion were public , a large number of ladies—wives , daughters , and sweethearts beingpresent—and redounded much to the credit of that respectable
lodge . The music ivas excellent , the addresses by distinguished Masons present , highly interesting and instructive , and the presentation speech by AV . Bro . Bonneville , Master of the Lodge , in exceedingly good taste . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the brethren present , accompanied by the fairer portion of creation partook of refreshments ofthe choicest kind , and passed an hour or so in the most agreeable social converse . GRAND CHAPTER OE RHODE ISLAND . —The M . E . Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Rhode Island held its Annual Convocation in Masons' Hall , on AVednesday , 12 th March . But little business was transacted . The following officers were elected and installed : —M . E . Lyman Klapp , of Providence , G . Hiarh Priest ; R . E . Nathan H . Gould , of Newport , D . G . High Priest ; R . E . Jabez W . AVilmarth , of Pawtuclcct , Grand King ; R . E . John F . Driscol , of AVarren , G . Scribe ; R . E . Gardner T . Swarts , of Providence , G . Treas . ; E . Samuel B . Swan , of Providence , G . Sec . ; E . and Rev . George M . Carpenter , of
Providence , G . Chap . ; E . George A . French , of Pawtncket , G . Lecturer ; E . James H . Ai-inington , of Province , G . Marshal ; Comp . Ebenezer B . AVhite , of Providence , G . Tyler . The Installation services were conducted by M . E . Ariel Ballon , P . G . H . P ., who delivered an eloquent . address on the occasion . LODGE OE PERTF . CTIOX IN BROOKLYN . —On Tuesday March 14-th , "Shekinah" Loclge of Perfection ( No . 4 ) , - under the jurisdiction of tho Supreme Council 33 ° for the United States
, & c , was organized in Brooklyn , by the election of the following III . brethren as officers : —John J ! . Harris , T . 1 ' . G . M . ; Daniel T . AValden ( D . D . G . M . for tho 3 rd Masonic District , ) D . G . M . ; Arther 1 Joyce , D . G . H . Priest ofthe Grand Chapter , G . S . W . ; R . W . Dockson , G . J . W . ; E . J . Spink , G . Orator : F . D . Morris , G . M . of Cers . ; E . A . Hodgson , G . C . of Guard ; G . B . Flanders , < . SecG . K . of S . ; .. James BlissG . Treas . ;—StaceyG . Expert
, , , ; G . R . Bailey , G . Hos . Brother ; Ira Young , G . Sentinel . GRAND ENCAMPMENT OP THE UNITED STATES . —THE GRAND RECORDER . —In consequence of the death of Sir Knight Samuel G . Risk , of New Orleans , who at the last Triennial Conclave of the ¦ Grand Encampment of the United States , was elected Grand Recorder , the Grand Master , Sir Knight Benjamin B . French , has , by virtue of the power vested in him by his exalted office ,
appointed Sir Knight John D . Caldwell , of Cincinnati , Ohio , to fill the vacancy thus created . 'The letter of appointment reads as follows : — IN HOC SIGNO TINGES . Benjamin Brown French , Grand Master of Knights Templar of the United States of America . To all the Sir Knights of the A ' aliant and Maganimous Order ofthe Temple , Greeting : Know ye , That in consequence of a vacancy in the office of
Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States I do , by the power in me specially vested by the Grand Encampment , hereby appoint onr trusty and well-beloved Sir Knight and Frater , John D . Caldwell , of the City of Cincinnati , in the State of Ohio , Grand Recorder of the said Grand Encampment having full confidence in his integrity , honour , ability , ancl good judgment to perform the duties of said offica .
To have ancl to hold the same until the Grand Encampment in Triennial meeting assembled shall elect his successor , ancl such successor be installed . Given under my hand and seal , at the City of Washington , this twenty-first day of January , Anno Domini , 1862 , ( L . 3 . ) Anno Ordinis 744 . B . B . FRENCH . AVo congratulate the Templars of America on this excellent appointment . It is intimated that should it be found impossible
to hold the Triennial Conclave at Memphis next September , a Special Conclave will bo earlier called ; to determine where the regular assembly shall bo held . If the contingency arises clue notice will be given .
Royal Arch.
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) . —This chapter held its convocation on Thursday , April 3 rd , at the Assembly-rooms , St . Stephens , Comp . Henry John Mason , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Ii . C . Lamb , II ., and W . E . Redgrave , J . The chapter being opened in ancient form , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , after which a Grand Conclave of
Installed Principals was formed . The M . E . Z . of the Chapter , Comp . I-I . J . Mason , with Comps . Lambe and Redgrave as H . and J ., then proceeded to install Comp . A . F . Morgan as H ., and Comp . I-I . P . L'Estrange as J ., for the ensuing year . That being over , the chapter was closed , and re-opened at 8 o'clock for the purpose of exalting Bros . A . F . Day , John Hotblack , D . Brown , of Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) , aud John Suggett , Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) . There were twenty-seven companions present ,
including the Hon . F . Walpole , who was appointed , and accepted the office of Assist . Soj . of the Chapter . Before the chapter was closed , it was proposed by Comp . Walpole , ancl seconded by Comp . G . E . Simpson , that a vote of thanks be forwarded to the Grand Provincial Superintendent , Comp . B . B . Cabbell , for his kind and benevolent feeling in presenting the chapter with a donation of £ 10 10 s . for the Boys' School , giving the First P . of the chapter , for the time being , four votes . The chapter was
thou closed in solemn prayer by the Rev . Comp . Hodson , Prov . G . Chap . The companions afterwards retired to the hanquetingroom , and partook of an excellent supper , supplied by Comp . Woods , ancl spent a joyous evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
THE SUPREME COUNCIL held their quarterly meeting- at their Grand East , Lndgate Street , London , on Tuesday , April Sth . There were present the M . P . Sov ., Or . Com ., Dr . H . B . Leeson , the 111 ., Bros . C . 'J . Algne , H . A . Bowyer , 11 . C . Vernon and Col . H . Clerk . A Grand Council of the 111 . Knights , K . H . 30 ° was held , presided over-b y the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander at which were present , besides the members of the Council , Bros .
Hyde Pullen , Sec . General , Dr . R . N . Goolden and Phillips , 32 ' - ^ also Dr . W . Jones , Dr . Keddell , Dr . Hinxinan , and R . Costa 31 ° . Col . Goddard , Capts . King and Boyle , Bros . Coombs , Barlow , Shonier , How , Blenkin , Walmisley and others . There were fifteen candidates named for advancement to the thirtieth degree , and the following presenting themselves , wero received into the degreeBrosHenry James SparkesEdward Burrell
; . , , John Simonds , Thomas Willis Fleming , Matthew Cooke , Henry Blenkinsop , John Maelion . The ceremony was conducted by tho M . I ' . Sov . Grand Commander , Bro . Hyde Pullen , acting as Grand Marshal , and Bro . E . Costa as Master of Ceremonies . Some candidates were proposed for advancement at the next council and the business was concludedThe usual elegant banquet followed at which about
. , twenty brethren wero present , presided over hy the M . P . Bro . Dr . Leeson . The health of her Majesty having been given , and also that of the Prince of Wales , who , Bro . Leeson observed , had on a late occasion at Oxford , viewed with some interest the proceedings of the fraternity , and there was every reason to hope