Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 3 →
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on Wednesday evening , May 2 nd inst ., to raise three Craftsmen to the third degree . Bro . James Fredk . Spun-, P . M ., occupied the chair of the K . S . during the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Present , Bros . H . C . Martin , Hon . Sec ; Wm . Bean and Dr . W . F . Rooke , P . M . 's ; Dr . Armitage , as S . W . ; J . M . Crosby , J . W . ; II . A . Williamson as S . D . ; J . AV . D . Middloton , J . D . ; Sandars and AshTylers ; and about 15 other members .
, The F . C . was duly opened , when the three Craftsmen were examined and each wore entrusted with a test of merit . The lodge of Master Masons was then formed and the three candidates , namely , Bros . Thos . H . Woodcock , J . D . Carle Jackson and Win . AVilson were raised on the five points of Freemasonry . Bro . Bean , who for more than half a century has discharged the duties , " of P . M . and Dr . Rooke , P . Prov . G . W ., assisted in the
ceremonial . Tho lodge was closed in harmony aa half-past nine . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DONCASTEE . —Doncaster Lodge ( No . 342 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled on Friday , the 4 th inst ., aud re-installed Bro . Rugby in the office of W . M . for the ensuiug year . In the afternoon the brethren dined together , but only a very small number assembled . The chair was taken by the AV . M ., and a pleasant evening was passed .
Mark Masonry.
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 60 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., a regular quarterly meeting was held in the Freemason ' a Hall . The chair was occupied by Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., Prov . G . O . ( at the request of Bro . W . Murray , W . M . ) , and opened the lodge in due form . After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed in the
usual manner among Mark Masters , the ballot was taken for Bros . H . Davis , and R . James , 1074 ; J . B . Paisley and F . Dodgson , 371 ; G . Armstrong , 310 ; II . Wliinfield , 962 ; Rev . H . L . Puxley , 1002 , Prov . G . C'iiap . ; and Rev . J . Simpson , 120 ; and in each case proved unanimous . All the brethren except the first and last , were in attendance , were duly prepared , admitted , and advanced to the degree of Mark Masters , by Bro . C . J . Banister , ably supported by all officers present . Bro . J . Howe , S . W .,
supported by Bros . F . W . Hayward and AV . Murray , advanced to the pedestal to be examined and answer the needful questions , prior to being exalted to the throne of K . S . All the brethren beneath a Board of Installed Masters retired ; Bro . J . Howe was then installed W . M . for the ensuing year , by Bro . C . J . Banister . The brethren being then re-admitted , saluted the Master in due form according to ancient custom . The AV . M . appointed his officers , who were invested , Bros . G . G . Hayward ,
S . W . ; Rev . W . Cockett , P . Prov . G . Chap ., as J . W . ; W . Irwin , M . O . ; AV . Carrick , jun ., S . O . ; J . A . AVheatley , J . O . ; ILL . Purley , Prov . G . Chap , as Chap . ; F . W . Hayward , Treas . and Dir . of Cers . ; A . Woodhouse , Sec ; G . T . Clark , Reg . of Work ; W . Johnston , S . D . ; W . Pratchetfc , J . D . ; J . B . Paisley , Steward ,-G . Armstrong , XG . ; T . Storey , Tyler . Tho W . M . asked , for the first , socond , and third time , if any brother had anything for the good of Mark Masonry , or this lodge in particular , when
the newly-advaneed brethren signified their intention of becoming paying members to this lodge . It was proposed by Bro . H . L . Puxley , and seconded by Bro . C . J . Banister , that Bro . H . Faithful ! , of Lodge 1002 , Cockermouth , become a Mark Master of this lodge . No other business being on hand , the lodge was duly closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to spend an hour in the refreshment room , with toasts , songs , and speeches , which passed ofi very merrily , and all parted with brotherly love , relief , and truth .
UNITED STATES , reemasonry in the United States lias suffered a severe loss In the recent death of Bro . W . H . Adams , whose name is so nobly identified with the past history of Freemasonry in tho State of Pensylvania . The following is a copy of the eulogy pronounced bv Bro . and Comp . S . C . Perkins , M . E . Grand High
Priest of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania , upon the occasion of the Proceedings of Washington Lodge , No . 59 , and Jerusalem H . R . A . Chapter , No . 3 , A . Y . M ., in memoriam of the deceased brother : — " AVe have turned aside , for a brief hour , from the busy rush of life , to commemmorate the dead . Wo have assembled in the retirement and quiet of our lodge room , and shutting out the hurrying and bustling and unsympathising world , have united
iu solemn services , ' In memoriam' of one who has gone down to his grave , honoured and lamented . Death comes to all alike . But when there departs from among us , —never again to appear in bis accustomed station and place , —one who has filled a position of more than usual prominence and importance ; it is fitting that those who have known , and been associated with , and loved , and honoured , and respected him , in life ; should not suffer him to go down to death , in silence and unnoticed .
WILLIAM II . ADAMS . was born in the City of Philadelphia , August 27 th , 1809 . Ha was the fifth son of his father , William Adams , who came to this country from Ireland in 179 S , and made Philadelphia his residence . The father was an active Mason , at one time a member of Lodge No . 72 , —for many years Tyler of a number of the subordinate lodges , —and died about the year 1 S 4 S , being at the time of his death a member of Solcymon ' s LodgeNo . 114 .
, " The connection of Bro . William H . Adams with the Masonic fraternity commenced in October , 182 S , when he was initiated in Lafayette Lodge , No . 71 , by dispensation ; being at the time but a little over nineteen years of age . He was crafted in the following mouth , November ; and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason December 2 Sth of the same year . He resigned his membership in No . 71 , in January , 1829 , for what
reason I have been unable to learn . "Marcb 10 th , 1 S 29 , bis petition for membership was presented to AA asliington Lodge , Mo . 59 ; and he was duly elected a member on the 14 th of the succeeding month . Of this lodge , his father was then Tyler , having been appointed January 1 st , 1825 , from which time he held the same office continuously by snecessive appointments down to 1 S 39 . On the 11 th of February , 1830 , not yet having attained his majority , Bro . Adams
was appointed Senior Deacon of the lodge , by Bro . Enos S . Gaudy , the then Worshipful Master of No . 59 . He was elected Junior Warden December 141 h , 1830 , —installed January 11 th , 1831 ; elected Senior Warden December 13 th , 1831 , —installed January 10 th , 1832 ; elected Worshipful Master December llth , 1832 ; and installed at a special meeting held December 19 th , 1832 , Bro . Samuel H . Perkins being in the chair as Worshipful Master , pro tern . " Upon the 10 th of December , 1833 , Bro . Adams was elected
Secretary of the lodge , an office which he continued to hold by successive re-elections down to December , 1 SG 0 , a period of twenty-seven years . From the date of his election as Secretary , the minutes of the lodge show that Bro . Adams was never absent from any one of the meetings of the lodge until April 9 th , 1844 . It must be remembered in this connection , that during the above p & riod occurred the stormy times in Masonry , when tho fraternity was the subject of fierce attacks and
bitter persecution ; and the constancy and faith of the brethren Avere tried to the utmost . Our departed brother never faltered in his zeal and attachment to the instiution . On several occasions the minutes show that but five members were present at the meetings of lodge No . 59 , and Bro . Adams more than once filled the Oriental chair , at the same time discharging his duties as Secretary . Tho continued existence of the lodge was owing to the fidelity and unfaltering devotion of a fewand
, Washington Lodge ( No . 59 ) may well revere , and cherish , and do honour to the memory of one who beyond a doubt Avas neither last nor least in his efforts to establish and maintain her interests . "From April , 1 S 44 , to March , 1853 , a period of nine years , he Avas absent but four times from the stated nieetinge of the lodge , and these absences were caused by illness or the demands
of the business of the Grand Lodge , or other important duties . After 1 S 53 , the business of the Grand Lodge compelled his more frequent absence from the meetings of his own lodge j but from March , 1853 , to May , 1862 , his absences from the stated meetings Avere but seven in number . "In the fall of 1836 , a few months after the defeat of the malignant attempt on the part of the anti-Masonic party to compel a revelation of the secrets of Freemosonry , before an inquisitorial committee of the Legislature of Pennsylvania , the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
on Wednesday evening , May 2 nd inst ., to raise three Craftsmen to the third degree . Bro . James Fredk . Spun-, P . M ., occupied the chair of the K . S . during the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Present , Bros . H . C . Martin , Hon . Sec ; Wm . Bean and Dr . W . F . Rooke , P . M . 's ; Dr . Armitage , as S . W . ; J . M . Crosby , J . W . ; II . A . Williamson as S . D . ; J . AV . D . Middloton , J . D . ; Sandars and AshTylers ; and about 15 other members .
, The F . C . was duly opened , when the three Craftsmen were examined and each wore entrusted with a test of merit . The lodge of Master Masons was then formed and the three candidates , namely , Bros . Thos . H . Woodcock , J . D . Carle Jackson and Win . AVilson were raised on the five points of Freemasonry . Bro . Bean , who for more than half a century has discharged the duties , " of P . M . and Dr . Rooke , P . Prov . G . W ., assisted in the
ceremonial . Tho lodge was closed in harmony aa half-past nine . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DONCASTEE . —Doncaster Lodge ( No . 342 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled on Friday , the 4 th inst ., aud re-installed Bro . Rugby in the office of W . M . for the ensuiug year . In the afternoon the brethren dined together , but only a very small number assembled . The chair was taken by the AV . M ., and a pleasant evening was passed .
Mark Masonry.
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 60 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., a regular quarterly meeting was held in the Freemason ' a Hall . The chair was occupied by Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., Prov . G . O . ( at the request of Bro . W . Murray , W . M . ) , and opened the lodge in due form . After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed in the
usual manner among Mark Masters , the ballot was taken for Bros . H . Davis , and R . James , 1074 ; J . B . Paisley and F . Dodgson , 371 ; G . Armstrong , 310 ; II . Wliinfield , 962 ; Rev . H . L . Puxley , 1002 , Prov . G . C'iiap . ; and Rev . J . Simpson , 120 ; and in each case proved unanimous . All the brethren except the first and last , were in attendance , were duly prepared , admitted , and advanced to the degree of Mark Masters , by Bro . C . J . Banister , ably supported by all officers present . Bro . J . Howe , S . W .,
supported by Bros . F . W . Hayward and AV . Murray , advanced to the pedestal to be examined and answer the needful questions , prior to being exalted to the throne of K . S . All the brethren beneath a Board of Installed Masters retired ; Bro . J . Howe was then installed W . M . for the ensuing year , by Bro . C . J . Banister . The brethren being then re-admitted , saluted the Master in due form according to ancient custom . The AV . M . appointed his officers , who were invested , Bros . G . G . Hayward ,
S . W . ; Rev . W . Cockett , P . Prov . G . Chap ., as J . W . ; W . Irwin , M . O . ; AV . Carrick , jun ., S . O . ; J . A . AVheatley , J . O . ; ILL . Purley , Prov . G . Chap , as Chap . ; F . W . Hayward , Treas . and Dir . of Cers . ; A . Woodhouse , Sec ; G . T . Clark , Reg . of Work ; W . Johnston , S . D . ; W . Pratchetfc , J . D . ; J . B . Paisley , Steward ,-G . Armstrong , XG . ; T . Storey , Tyler . Tho W . M . asked , for the first , socond , and third time , if any brother had anything for the good of Mark Masonry , or this lodge in particular , when
the newly-advaneed brethren signified their intention of becoming paying members to this lodge . It was proposed by Bro . H . L . Puxley , and seconded by Bro . C . J . Banister , that Bro . H . Faithful ! , of Lodge 1002 , Cockermouth , become a Mark Master of this lodge . No other business being on hand , the lodge was duly closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to spend an hour in the refreshment room , with toasts , songs , and speeches , which passed ofi very merrily , and all parted with brotherly love , relief , and truth .
UNITED STATES , reemasonry in the United States lias suffered a severe loss In the recent death of Bro . W . H . Adams , whose name is so nobly identified with the past history of Freemasonry in tho State of Pensylvania . The following is a copy of the eulogy pronounced bv Bro . and Comp . S . C . Perkins , M . E . Grand High
Priest of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania , upon the occasion of the Proceedings of Washington Lodge , No . 59 , and Jerusalem H . R . A . Chapter , No . 3 , A . Y . M ., in memoriam of the deceased brother : — " AVe have turned aside , for a brief hour , from the busy rush of life , to commemmorate the dead . Wo have assembled in the retirement and quiet of our lodge room , and shutting out the hurrying and bustling and unsympathising world , have united
iu solemn services , ' In memoriam' of one who has gone down to his grave , honoured and lamented . Death comes to all alike . But when there departs from among us , —never again to appear in bis accustomed station and place , —one who has filled a position of more than usual prominence and importance ; it is fitting that those who have known , and been associated with , and loved , and honoured , and respected him , in life ; should not suffer him to go down to death , in silence and unnoticed .
WILLIAM II . ADAMS . was born in the City of Philadelphia , August 27 th , 1809 . Ha was the fifth son of his father , William Adams , who came to this country from Ireland in 179 S , and made Philadelphia his residence . The father was an active Mason , at one time a member of Lodge No . 72 , —for many years Tyler of a number of the subordinate lodges , —and died about the year 1 S 4 S , being at the time of his death a member of Solcymon ' s LodgeNo . 114 .
, " The connection of Bro . William H . Adams with the Masonic fraternity commenced in October , 182 S , when he was initiated in Lafayette Lodge , No . 71 , by dispensation ; being at the time but a little over nineteen years of age . He was crafted in the following mouth , November ; and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason December 2 Sth of the same year . He resigned his membership in No . 71 , in January , 1829 , for what
reason I have been unable to learn . "Marcb 10 th , 1 S 29 , bis petition for membership was presented to AA asliington Lodge , Mo . 59 ; and he was duly elected a member on the 14 th of the succeeding month . Of this lodge , his father was then Tyler , having been appointed January 1 st , 1825 , from which time he held the same office continuously by snecessive appointments down to 1 S 39 . On the 11 th of February , 1830 , not yet having attained his majority , Bro . Adams
was appointed Senior Deacon of the lodge , by Bro . Enos S . Gaudy , the then Worshipful Master of No . 59 . He was elected Junior Warden December 141 h , 1830 , —installed January 11 th , 1831 ; elected Senior Warden December 13 th , 1831 , —installed January 10 th , 1832 ; elected Worshipful Master December llth , 1832 ; and installed at a special meeting held December 19 th , 1832 , Bro . Samuel H . Perkins being in the chair as Worshipful Master , pro tern . " Upon the 10 th of December , 1833 , Bro . Adams was elected
Secretary of the lodge , an office which he continued to hold by successive re-elections down to December , 1 SG 0 , a period of twenty-seven years . From the date of his election as Secretary , the minutes of the lodge show that Bro . Adams was never absent from any one of the meetings of the lodge until April 9 th , 1844 . It must be remembered in this connection , that during the above p & riod occurred the stormy times in Masonry , when tho fraternity was the subject of fierce attacks and
bitter persecution ; and the constancy and faith of the brethren Avere tried to the utmost . Our departed brother never faltered in his zeal and attachment to the instiution . On several occasions the minutes show that but five members were present at the meetings of lodge No . 59 , and Bro . Adams more than once filled the Oriental chair , at the same time discharging his duties as Secretary . Tho continued existence of the lodge was owing to the fidelity and unfaltering devotion of a fewand
, Washington Lodge ( No . 59 ) may well revere , and cherish , and do honour to the memory of one who beyond a doubt Avas neither last nor least in his efforts to establish and maintain her interests . "From April , 1 S 44 , to March , 1853 , a period of nine years , he Avas absent but four times from the stated nieetinge of the lodge , and these absences were caused by illness or the demands
of the business of the Grand Lodge , or other important duties . After 1 S 53 , the business of the Grand Lodge compelled his more frequent absence from the meetings of his own lodge j but from March , 1853 , to May , 1862 , his absences from the stated meetings Avere but seven in number . "In the fall of 1836 , a few months after the defeat of the malignant attempt on the part of the anti-Masonic party to compel a revelation of the secrets of Freemosonry , before an inquisitorial committee of the Legislature of Pennsylvania , the