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Lodge and Grand Chapter , and the committee on correspondence of the Grand Lodge . He honoured ine with his confidence , and I gained in our intercourse some insight into his good qualities of his disposition , and some knowledge of the perplexing and -varied nature of tho duties of his office . He was kind and conciliatory in his bearing , and though he had and expressed with firmness bis own views and opinions , they were founded not upon caprice but reasonagd he was always readto ield
, y y a respectful attention to views which might differ from his own . " He has been taken from us . It is a sad pleasure to be called upon to unite with the fellow members of his lodge and chapter in these special commemmoration services—to linger a-whiie over his yet freshly made grave , to pass in review the acts of his Masonic lifeandto dwell the leasant
me-, . upon p mory of his virtues and excellencies . Let us strive , brethren and companions , so to live that our memory may be cherished with affection and respect when the dark portals of the tomb shall close over our own lifeless remains . Let us remember too the lesson of the soul ' s immortality , of which the . evergreen deposited in the grave of our departed brethren is the fitting emblem . Let us cherish that full hope through faith in the
Divine promises , so sublimely , so earnestly set forth in tho Holy Bible , the great light of Masonry , and see to it that wo make ourcalling and election sure . So let us endeavour through Divine aid and grace , ever seeking the gracious assistance vouchsafed to us from on high , to fill our appointed stations and places in this life , that when our work is accomplished and our labours completed , we may receive the joyful
announcement , < Well done good and faithful servants , Enter ye into the joy of your Lord . ' " Brethren and companions , each of you , — " So live , that Avhen thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan , which moves To that mysterious realm , where each shall take His chamber in the silent balls of death
, Thou go not , like the quarry-slave at night , Scourged to his dungeon , but , sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust , approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him , and lies down to pleasant dreams , "
South America.
PERU . ( Compiled and translated from original documents , and communicated by our own Correspondent ) 1821—1 S 33 . As long as the Spaniards held an exclusive and undisputed possession of the country ( 1531—17 S 2 ) and tho inquisition lent its aid to a fanatical priesthood , it cannot be a matter of
surprise that Masonry was unknown in Pern . The introduction of the Art , or even the fact of being a Masons would have been sufficient cause for the banishment , if not the death of the offender , and the difficulty ot obtaining proselytes amongst the ignorant and prejudiced would leave no room for encouragement or offer any inducement to such a risk . During the French invasion of Spain ( 1 S 07—13 ) , and the presence there of the English , many lodges were instituted in
that country , and amongst the troops sent from Europe to quell the War of Independence in Peru , there were many brethren ; these , however , being subjects of Spain , admitted none of the Patriots as members , and it was not until the Declaration of Independence in 1 S 21 , when the intercourse was established between Peru and foreign nations , that Freemasonry was introduced among the natives . In 1825 , after Peru had achieved her complete independence ,
a brother ( General Valero ) belonging to the Grand Orient of Colombia ( afterwards Republic of New Granada , now United States of Colombia ) visited Lima , and being authorised by and having full powers from that Grand Orient regularised the Masonic bodies he found working in the new Republic , and organised and founded others under his letters patent . His proceedings appear to have received the sanction of the Grand Orient of Colombia and all Peruvian Masonic bodies afterwards derived their origin from that regularly constituted Grand Orient .
The following list of Masonic bodies existing at that time ( 1825 ) and until 1 S 30 may be deemed authentic : — SrMBOLIC LODGES OF THREE DEGREES , " SCOTCH RUE , " established in Lima soon after the Declaration of the Independence : — No . 1 . " Paz y Perfects Union , " 1821 . „ 2 , " Ordcn y Libertad , " 1822 .
„ 3 . "Yirtud y Union , " 1 S 23 . „ 4 . " Constancia Peruana , " 1 S 24 . Cuzco , " Sol de Huayna Ceapac , " 1 S 26 . Lambaycouc , " Union Justa , " 1826 . Finra , " Constancia Heroica , " 1 S 29 . Ion , ' "Fllosofia Peruana /'* ' 1 S 29 . together with five more lodges about this time in Arequipa , Trujiilo , Ciijamarca , Puno , and Humachucos , but their respective names and dates of opening are now lost .
CHATTERS ROSE CROIX , 1 STII DEGREE , " SCOTCH RITE . " Lima , " Eegoncracion Peruana , " 1 S 26 . Lambayeque , " Benevolencia Universal , " 1827 . Piura , " Fidelidad Peruana , " 1829 . and three Chapters of this degree in Trujiilo , Payta , and Arequipa in 1 S 23 and 1829 , names now unknown .
SLTREAIE COUNCIL XXXIII DEGREE , " SCOTCH RITE . " A Supreme Council of this degree was founded in Lima , capital of the Republic , on the 2 nd day of November , 1830 . A Consistory of the 32 nd degree , " Scotch rite , " was opened on the 2 nd of November , 1831 ; and in the same year at Lima , likewise An Areopago of the 30 th degree , "Scotch rite , " " Floresciente Peruano . "
There appear to have been present at the foundation of the Supreme Council for Peru , nine brethren of the 33 rd degree , and that it was established on the above date by and under the presidency of the senior member of the degree , the 111 . Bro . Jose Maria Monson , Roman Catholic Chaplain in the Army of Independence , and afterwards a Canon of the Cathedral in the City of Trujiilo . On the formation of the Council the following 111 . Bros ,
were duly obligated and installed . 111 . Bro . Genera ! Domingo Tristan Sov . G . Commander . „ Juan Elizalde Lieut . G . Commander . „ Lazaro B . Cubillos G . Treasurer . „ Jose Salazar .. ; ; G . Chancellor . „ Jose Domingo Castaneda G . Secretary . „ Marcos A . Sanchez Dir . of Cers .
„ Julian Gonzales Capt . of Guards . Thirteen other brethren in possession of the degree , residents of the capital , wore afterwards elected as members of the council . The original " Acta" of its establishment bear the
signatures of nine only of the above members , and are one of the very few old documents existing , which relate to the early organisation of Masonry in the Republic . Afterwards in the same month four brethren were elevated to the 33 rd degree by the council and four others incorporated as members . The fraternity being thus organised and established , it was found advisable ( in . 1830 ) to form an independent Grand Lodge of Peruon account of the great distance from Bogota ,
, the seat of the Grand Orient of Columbia and the consequent difficulty of communication , opportunities of Avhich occurred but seldom , and then only at considerable risk of correspondence not reaching its destination . On the 23 rd of June , 1 S 31 , the Masters and Wardens of the Symbolic Lodges , as well as deputies elect from the Supreme Counciltho ConsistoryAreopagoand Chapter Bose-Croix of
, , , the higher degrees of the Scotch Rite in Lima , and also representatives from the chapter and lodge in Lambayeque and the lodge in llunmachucos , assembled in the capital under the presidency of the Sov . G . Commander of the Council of the 33 vd degree , the Illustrious Bro . Don Juan Elizalde , and constituted and installed themselves into a Grand Lodge of Freemasons to assemble in the City of Limacapital of the
Re-, public . The following were elected as Officers of this Grand Lodge : — Bro . Thomas Ripley Eldredge Grand Master . „ Manuel Orosco Senior Grand Warden . „ Dr . Don Luciano M . Cano Junior Grand Warden . „ Pablo Romero Grand Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge and Grand Chapter , and the committee on correspondence of the Grand Lodge . He honoured ine with his confidence , and I gained in our intercourse some insight into his good qualities of his disposition , and some knowledge of the perplexing and -varied nature of tho duties of his office . He was kind and conciliatory in his bearing , and though he had and expressed with firmness bis own views and opinions , they were founded not upon caprice but reasonagd he was always readto ield
, y y a respectful attention to views which might differ from his own . " He has been taken from us . It is a sad pleasure to be called upon to unite with the fellow members of his lodge and chapter in these special commemmoration services—to linger a-whiie over his yet freshly made grave , to pass in review the acts of his Masonic lifeandto dwell the leasant
me-, . upon p mory of his virtues and excellencies . Let us strive , brethren and companions , so to live that our memory may be cherished with affection and respect when the dark portals of the tomb shall close over our own lifeless remains . Let us remember too the lesson of the soul ' s immortality , of which the . evergreen deposited in the grave of our departed brethren is the fitting emblem . Let us cherish that full hope through faith in the
Divine promises , so sublimely , so earnestly set forth in tho Holy Bible , the great light of Masonry , and see to it that wo make ourcalling and election sure . So let us endeavour through Divine aid and grace , ever seeking the gracious assistance vouchsafed to us from on high , to fill our appointed stations and places in this life , that when our work is accomplished and our labours completed , we may receive the joyful
announcement , < Well done good and faithful servants , Enter ye into the joy of your Lord . ' " Brethren and companions , each of you , — " So live , that Avhen thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan , which moves To that mysterious realm , where each shall take His chamber in the silent balls of death
, Thou go not , like the quarry-slave at night , Scourged to his dungeon , but , sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust , approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him , and lies down to pleasant dreams , "
South America.
PERU . ( Compiled and translated from original documents , and communicated by our own Correspondent ) 1821—1 S 33 . As long as the Spaniards held an exclusive and undisputed possession of the country ( 1531—17 S 2 ) and tho inquisition lent its aid to a fanatical priesthood , it cannot be a matter of
surprise that Masonry was unknown in Pern . The introduction of the Art , or even the fact of being a Masons would have been sufficient cause for the banishment , if not the death of the offender , and the difficulty ot obtaining proselytes amongst the ignorant and prejudiced would leave no room for encouragement or offer any inducement to such a risk . During the French invasion of Spain ( 1 S 07—13 ) , and the presence there of the English , many lodges were instituted in
that country , and amongst the troops sent from Europe to quell the War of Independence in Peru , there were many brethren ; these , however , being subjects of Spain , admitted none of the Patriots as members , and it was not until the Declaration of Independence in 1 S 21 , when the intercourse was established between Peru and foreign nations , that Freemasonry was introduced among the natives . In 1825 , after Peru had achieved her complete independence ,
a brother ( General Valero ) belonging to the Grand Orient of Colombia ( afterwards Republic of New Granada , now United States of Colombia ) visited Lima , and being authorised by and having full powers from that Grand Orient regularised the Masonic bodies he found working in the new Republic , and organised and founded others under his letters patent . His proceedings appear to have received the sanction of the Grand Orient of Colombia and all Peruvian Masonic bodies afterwards derived their origin from that regularly constituted Grand Orient .
The following list of Masonic bodies existing at that time ( 1825 ) and until 1 S 30 may be deemed authentic : — SrMBOLIC LODGES OF THREE DEGREES , " SCOTCH RUE , " established in Lima soon after the Declaration of the Independence : — No . 1 . " Paz y Perfects Union , " 1821 . „ 2 , " Ordcn y Libertad , " 1822 .
„ 3 . "Yirtud y Union , " 1 S 23 . „ 4 . " Constancia Peruana , " 1 S 24 . Cuzco , " Sol de Huayna Ceapac , " 1 S 26 . Lambaycouc , " Union Justa , " 1826 . Finra , " Constancia Heroica , " 1 S 29 . Ion , ' "Fllosofia Peruana /'* ' 1 S 29 . together with five more lodges about this time in Arequipa , Trujiilo , Ciijamarca , Puno , and Humachucos , but their respective names and dates of opening are now lost .
CHATTERS ROSE CROIX , 1 STII DEGREE , " SCOTCH RITE . " Lima , " Eegoncracion Peruana , " 1 S 26 . Lambayeque , " Benevolencia Universal , " 1827 . Piura , " Fidelidad Peruana , " 1829 . and three Chapters of this degree in Trujiilo , Payta , and Arequipa in 1 S 23 and 1829 , names now unknown .
SLTREAIE COUNCIL XXXIII DEGREE , " SCOTCH RITE . " A Supreme Council of this degree was founded in Lima , capital of the Republic , on the 2 nd day of November , 1830 . A Consistory of the 32 nd degree , " Scotch rite , " was opened on the 2 nd of November , 1831 ; and in the same year at Lima , likewise An Areopago of the 30 th degree , "Scotch rite , " " Floresciente Peruano . "
There appear to have been present at the foundation of the Supreme Council for Peru , nine brethren of the 33 rd degree , and that it was established on the above date by and under the presidency of the senior member of the degree , the 111 . Bro . Jose Maria Monson , Roman Catholic Chaplain in the Army of Independence , and afterwards a Canon of the Cathedral in the City of Trujiilo . On the formation of the Council the following 111 . Bros ,
were duly obligated and installed . 111 . Bro . Genera ! Domingo Tristan Sov . G . Commander . „ Juan Elizalde Lieut . G . Commander . „ Lazaro B . Cubillos G . Treasurer . „ Jose Salazar .. ; ; G . Chancellor . „ Jose Domingo Castaneda G . Secretary . „ Marcos A . Sanchez Dir . of Cers .
„ Julian Gonzales Capt . of Guards . Thirteen other brethren in possession of the degree , residents of the capital , wore afterwards elected as members of the council . The original " Acta" of its establishment bear the
signatures of nine only of the above members , and are one of the very few old documents existing , which relate to the early organisation of Masonry in the Republic . Afterwards in the same month four brethren were elevated to the 33 rd degree by the council and four others incorporated as members . The fraternity being thus organised and established , it was found advisable ( in . 1830 ) to form an independent Grand Lodge of Peruon account of the great distance from Bogota ,
, the seat of the Grand Orient of Columbia and the consequent difficulty of communication , opportunities of Avhich occurred but seldom , and then only at considerable risk of correspondence not reaching its destination . On the 23 rd of June , 1 S 31 , the Masters and Wardens of the Symbolic Lodges , as well as deputies elect from the Supreme Counciltho ConsistoryAreopagoand Chapter Bose-Croix of
, , , the higher degrees of the Scotch Rite in Lima , and also representatives from the chapter and lodge in Lambayeque and the lodge in llunmachucos , assembled in the capital under the presidency of the Sov . G . Commander of the Council of the 33 vd degree , the Illustrious Bro . Don Juan Elizalde , and constituted and installed themselves into a Grand Lodge of Freemasons to assemble in the City of Limacapital of the
Re-, public . The following were elected as Officers of this Grand Lodge : — Bro . Thomas Ripley Eldredge Grand Master . „ Manuel Orosco Senior Grand Warden . „ Dr . Don Luciano M . Cano Junior Grand Warden . „ Pablo Romero Grand Secretary .