Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
various . The first was to take one member from every borough having under S , 000 population and at present returning two members . This would place thirty seats at the disposition of Parliament . Then it Avas proposed to group as many of these as possible together , and where the population was under 15 , 000 , to give only one member , and over 15 , 000 two members . With respect to boundaries it was proposed in some cases to make
Parliamentary and municipal boroughs the same , and in others to entrust the Inclosure Commissioners with an inquiry . Finally Mr . Gladstone announced that while the House might decide for itself in what manner the bills should be proceeded with , the Government was resolved not to lose the year , and would not advise the prprogation of Parliament until the matter
had been disposed of in some way . Mr . Bouverie approved the plan ; Mr . Disraeli , Sir Hugh Cairns , aud General Peel did not , and attempted to find signs of weakness in the Government . Mr . Gladstone , however , replied in a firm tone , and fixed the 14 th inst . for proceeding with the bill . — The Lord Advocate then took up the case of Scotland , and
announced the changes proposed to be made . They are a reduction of the burgh franchise to £ 7 , of the county occupation franchise from £ 50 to £ 14 , and of the county property franchise from £ 10 to £ 5 . There Avas good deal of discussion upon this bill , but eventually it was brought in and read a first time . —Mr . Chichester Fortescue then moved for leave to bring
in the Bill for Ireland . It did not propose to reduce the £ 12 rating for counties , but in boroughs it proposed to reduce the franchise from £ 8 to a £ 6 rating . The Bill also contained a lodger clause and a savings bank clause similar to those in the English Bill , and the ratepaying clauses are to be abolished-Then it was proposed to unite the boroughs of Bandon and Kinsale , of Portarlington and Athlone , and of Dungannon and
Enniskillen . This would place three seats at the disposal of Parliament , and these it was proposed to give—one to Dublin City , one to Cork County , and one to the Queen's University . A lengthy discusion followed , and eventually the Bill was brought in . —The House then went to the consideration of the Budget proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer . —On the Sth inst ., the Imperial Gas Company ' s obnoxious
Bill for destroying Victoria Park was rejected after a long discussion . —After the questions had been disposed of there were discussions on several subjects . The condition of army medical officers occupied some time . Then the misdoings of the Irish Society were enlarged upon by several Irish members , and the society was defended by Alderman Lawrence . Mr .
Hankey then moved for a select committee to inquire into the Avater supply of the metropolis . The House was almost deserted while he was speaking , and Mr , Ayrton called attention to the fact . The Speaker counted , but enough members had come in to make a House , and Mr . Hankey proceeded . Subsequently the Chancellor of the Exchequer brought in his Church Rates
Bill . —On the Sth inst . Mr . C . W . Wynn brought up the report of the Devonport election committee unseating Messrs . Fleming and Ferrand . Mr . Colvile moved the second reading of the Clerks to the Justices Bill , the object of which is to secure to magistrates' clerks a more satisfactory position as regards both their tenure of office and emoluments . The second reading
was opposed by Mr . Goldney , and after a lengthy discussion the bill was negatived . The Veterinary Surgeons Bill , the object of which is to prevent unqualified persons from practising as surgeons , was after some discussion read a second time . A long debate arose on the Court of Chancery ( Ireland ) Bill , which was stoutly opposed by Mr . Whiteside . The discussion lasted until a quarter to six , when it Avas brought to a close .
GEXERAL HOME NEWS . —The Registrar-General ' s weekly return of the health of the metropolis shows that the deaths from whooping cough and scarlatina had considerably increased , while those from typhus and phthisis had decreased . The gross total shows an increase of 53 over the preceding week . One fatal case of English cholera , and 16 deaths from diarrhoea , are reported . The nominal rate of mortality per 1 , 000 in London
and some of the largest towns Avas as follows -. —Bristol and Salford , 24 ; London and Dublin , 26 ; Hull , 27 ; Birmingham , 29 ; Manchester , 30 ; Edinburgh , 31 ; Sheffield , 33 ; Liverpool , 36 ; Glasgow , 38 ; Leeds , 39 . There are four deaths recorded from carriage accidents . The Huddersfleld Election Com . mittee have decided that Mr . Crosland was duly elected for
Huddersfleld , and that there was no reason to believe that corrupt practices extensively prevailed at the last election . The Cheltenham Committee heard the evidence of Mr . Schreiber , the sitting member , who denies that he was guilty of any bribery . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council which was held on the 3 rd inst ., the Recorder attended for the
first time since his return from Jamaica . He was congratulated in warm terms by Mr . Deputy Obbard , and he responded in a few graceful sentences . The Hereford Election Committee commenced its sittings on the 4 th inst . The member whose return is sought to be invalidated is Mr . Baggallay , a Toiy , and the charge against him is that his agent committed the most gross and
general bribery . Some witnesses had been called in support of the case Avhen the committee adjourned . The Cheltenham committee have decided that Mr . Schreiber was duly elected . They also found that a Mr . Barnfield conspired with a man named Powell to bribe voters to vote against Mr . Berkeley , and they made a request that a transcript of the evidence given by a Mr . Stroud should bo laid before the Incorporated Law
Society . A supplement to the Gazette contains an Order in Council in reference to the cholera among emigrants in Liverpool . It provides that vessels on board of which there may be cholera shall be put into quarantine . At the Mansion House William Smith , who is charged with having committed the Cannon-street murder , Avas brought up for final examination . The first witness examinied Avas Agnes Bayley , who deposed
to having seen the prisoner on the steps of Messrs . Bevington's house on the night and near the hour of the murder . She said that slieVas accidentally in Court during a previous examination , and when she saAv the prisoner she at once recognised him . This is the pith of her testimony , without reference to her cross , examination . In cross-examination , however , she had to admit
one or two convictions and imprisonments . A costermonger was then called , who swore most positively that he bad seen Smith at the door of Messrs . Bevington's warehouse on the night of the murder ; that he had seen a woman give Smith a piece of silver , and heard him ask , "Is this all to-night , you wretch ? " that be saw Smith had a dagger-stick ,
the dagger being aut ; and that he heard him threaten to do for the Avoman . In cross-examination this evidence was not shaken . Another witness was called , who deposed to having seen the prisoner going from Eton to Slough on the night of the murder , at a time when he might have caught the train for London . The prisoner was again remanded . The Queen held
a Court on the 5 th inst . at Buckingham Palace . The arrangements Avere much better than usual . The usual dinner previous to the opening of the Royal Academy Exhibition also took place . Sir Francis Grant , the new president of the Academy , was in the chair , and a brilliant company sat down to dinner . The Prince of Wales , Prince Alfred , the Duke of Cambridge , the Prince Teck , the Archbishop of Canterbury ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
various . The first was to take one member from every borough having under S , 000 population and at present returning two members . This would place thirty seats at the disposition of Parliament . Then it Avas proposed to group as many of these as possible together , and where the population was under 15 , 000 , to give only one member , and over 15 , 000 two members . With respect to boundaries it was proposed in some cases to make
Parliamentary and municipal boroughs the same , and in others to entrust the Inclosure Commissioners with an inquiry . Finally Mr . Gladstone announced that while the House might decide for itself in what manner the bills should be proceeded with , the Government was resolved not to lose the year , and would not advise the prprogation of Parliament until the matter
had been disposed of in some way . Mr . Bouverie approved the plan ; Mr . Disraeli , Sir Hugh Cairns , aud General Peel did not , and attempted to find signs of weakness in the Government . Mr . Gladstone , however , replied in a firm tone , and fixed the 14 th inst . for proceeding with the bill . — The Lord Advocate then took up the case of Scotland , and
announced the changes proposed to be made . They are a reduction of the burgh franchise to £ 7 , of the county occupation franchise from £ 50 to £ 14 , and of the county property franchise from £ 10 to £ 5 . There Avas good deal of discussion upon this bill , but eventually it was brought in and read a first time . —Mr . Chichester Fortescue then moved for leave to bring
in the Bill for Ireland . It did not propose to reduce the £ 12 rating for counties , but in boroughs it proposed to reduce the franchise from £ 8 to a £ 6 rating . The Bill also contained a lodger clause and a savings bank clause similar to those in the English Bill , and the ratepaying clauses are to be abolished-Then it was proposed to unite the boroughs of Bandon and Kinsale , of Portarlington and Athlone , and of Dungannon and
Enniskillen . This would place three seats at the disposal of Parliament , and these it was proposed to give—one to Dublin City , one to Cork County , and one to the Queen's University . A lengthy discusion followed , and eventually the Bill was brought in . —The House then went to the consideration of the Budget proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer . —On the Sth inst ., the Imperial Gas Company ' s obnoxious
Bill for destroying Victoria Park was rejected after a long discussion . —After the questions had been disposed of there were discussions on several subjects . The condition of army medical officers occupied some time . Then the misdoings of the Irish Society were enlarged upon by several Irish members , and the society was defended by Alderman Lawrence . Mr .
Hankey then moved for a select committee to inquire into the Avater supply of the metropolis . The House was almost deserted while he was speaking , and Mr , Ayrton called attention to the fact . The Speaker counted , but enough members had come in to make a House , and Mr . Hankey proceeded . Subsequently the Chancellor of the Exchequer brought in his Church Rates
Bill . —On the Sth inst . Mr . C . W . Wynn brought up the report of the Devonport election committee unseating Messrs . Fleming and Ferrand . Mr . Colvile moved the second reading of the Clerks to the Justices Bill , the object of which is to secure to magistrates' clerks a more satisfactory position as regards both their tenure of office and emoluments . The second reading
was opposed by Mr . Goldney , and after a lengthy discussion the bill was negatived . The Veterinary Surgeons Bill , the object of which is to prevent unqualified persons from practising as surgeons , was after some discussion read a second time . A long debate arose on the Court of Chancery ( Ireland ) Bill , which was stoutly opposed by Mr . Whiteside . The discussion lasted until a quarter to six , when it Avas brought to a close .
GEXERAL HOME NEWS . —The Registrar-General ' s weekly return of the health of the metropolis shows that the deaths from whooping cough and scarlatina had considerably increased , while those from typhus and phthisis had decreased . The gross total shows an increase of 53 over the preceding week . One fatal case of English cholera , and 16 deaths from diarrhoea , are reported . The nominal rate of mortality per 1 , 000 in London
and some of the largest towns Avas as follows -. —Bristol and Salford , 24 ; London and Dublin , 26 ; Hull , 27 ; Birmingham , 29 ; Manchester , 30 ; Edinburgh , 31 ; Sheffield , 33 ; Liverpool , 36 ; Glasgow , 38 ; Leeds , 39 . There are four deaths recorded from carriage accidents . The Huddersfleld Election Com . mittee have decided that Mr . Crosland was duly elected for
Huddersfleld , and that there was no reason to believe that corrupt practices extensively prevailed at the last election . The Cheltenham Committee heard the evidence of Mr . Schreiber , the sitting member , who denies that he was guilty of any bribery . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council which was held on the 3 rd inst ., the Recorder attended for the
first time since his return from Jamaica . He was congratulated in warm terms by Mr . Deputy Obbard , and he responded in a few graceful sentences . The Hereford Election Committee commenced its sittings on the 4 th inst . The member whose return is sought to be invalidated is Mr . Baggallay , a Toiy , and the charge against him is that his agent committed the most gross and
general bribery . Some witnesses had been called in support of the case Avhen the committee adjourned . The Cheltenham committee have decided that Mr . Schreiber was duly elected . They also found that a Mr . Barnfield conspired with a man named Powell to bribe voters to vote against Mr . Berkeley , and they made a request that a transcript of the evidence given by a Mr . Stroud should bo laid before the Incorporated Law
Society . A supplement to the Gazette contains an Order in Council in reference to the cholera among emigrants in Liverpool . It provides that vessels on board of which there may be cholera shall be put into quarantine . At the Mansion House William Smith , who is charged with having committed the Cannon-street murder , Avas brought up for final examination . The first witness examinied Avas Agnes Bayley , who deposed
to having seen the prisoner on the steps of Messrs . Bevington's house on the night and near the hour of the murder . She said that slieVas accidentally in Court during a previous examination , and when she saAv the prisoner she at once recognised him . This is the pith of her testimony , without reference to her cross , examination . In cross-examination , however , she had to admit
one or two convictions and imprisonments . A costermonger was then called , who swore most positively that he bad seen Smith at the door of Messrs . Bevington's warehouse on the night of the murder ; that he had seen a woman give Smith a piece of silver , and heard him ask , "Is this all to-night , you wretch ? " that be saw Smith had a dagger-stick ,
the dagger being aut ; and that he heard him threaten to do for the Avoman . In cross-examination this evidence was not shaken . Another witness was called , who deposed to having seen the prisoner going from Eton to Slough on the night of the murder , at a time when he might have caught the train for London . The prisoner was again remanded . The Queen held
a Court on the 5 th inst . at Buckingham Palace . The arrangements Avere much better than usual . The usual dinner previous to the opening of the Royal Academy Exhibition also took place . Sir Francis Grant , the new president of the Academy , was in the chair , and a brilliant company sat down to dinner . The Prince of Wales , Prince Alfred , the Duke of Cambridge , the Prince Teck , the Archbishop of Canterbury ,