Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Earl Russell , and the Earl of Derby were among the guests , and all made speeches . The arguments in the case of Charlotte Windsor were virtually brought to a close on the 5 th inst . Mr . Folkard concluded what he had to say , and the judges intimated that they did not think there would be any necessity for calling on the Solicitor-General to reply . In the Court of Error on the 7 th inst . the Judges unanimously
affirmed the conviction . The marriage of an out-pensioner of Greenwich Hospital Avas summarily stopped on the 7 th instby the expectant bridegroom being arrested for bigamy . He had , it appears , already married two women ; but his first wife admitted that she also had previously been married to a sergeant in the Royal Marine Artillery ; and to carry the
complication of the case still further , she had married the sergeant when he , too , had a wife living . The magistrate at the Greenwich police-court , before whom the out-pens : oner was brought , discharged him on the ground that if his first wife had already been married when he married her , the outpensioner ' s first marriage was void . But if this Avoman ' s
marriage with the sergeant was also void , her second marriage remains good ; and it is difficult to see why the out-pensioner , who is a man of sixty-seven years of age , slould have been allowed to go free . The spring meetings of the Congregational Union were opened on the Sth inst . by the delivery of an inaugural address by the Rev . Newman Hall , the chairman
of the Union . The subject upon which the reverend gentleman expatiated was Congregationalism . He viewed it in a variety of aspects , and exhibited a marked feeling of catholicity towards other religious bodies . On Saturday , the 5 th inst . three prisoners managed to escape from a cell in Worship-street police-court . AVith an oak seat they forced out a perforated ventilator at the bottom of the side wall of the cell , and
squeezing themselves through the aperture made their Avay through the court-yard into the court itself , whence they passed out by one of the doors . They have not yet been recaptured . . In . the Ceutral Criminal Court , on the 9 th inst ., the trial of Christian Olifius and Ellen Houghton for abduction was postponed . The inquiry into the fall of a bridge at Carshalton ,
by Avhich six men Avere killed , Avas concluded also . A workman deposed that having seen the arch to be " all manner of shapes" he had asked to be put on another job ; but he made no mention to the sub-contractor of his reasons for that request . The jury returned a verdict of accidental death . The Foreign Office have issued a notice to travellers cautioning
those who Avant to go to Austria to get their passports vised at the Austrian Embassy either in London or Paris . FOREIGX INTELLIGENCE . —Austria in her despatch of the 26 th nit ., made her ultimatum to Prussia on the question of the Duchies . She demands that Prussia will consent to the installation on the vacant ducal throne of such a candidate as the
Federal Diet may select ; and she promises to stipulate for Prussia certain military concessions at Kiel , Rendsburg , and Sonderburg . If the offer is accepted the latter State will enjoy the reality—although denied the shadow—of power . But the more threatening question is still that of armaments . There does not seem to be much chance of Austria and Prussia
agreeing on this subject . If Ave may credit a telegram from Berlin , Austria has replied by telegraph to Prussia ' s note demanding disarmament in Venetia . Austria is stated to have declared that she will not comply with this demand . Obviously , then , there is danger of a rupture at any moment . The news may not be true , but it is very much what might be expected . Nor are things much less threatening in Italy . Every account to hand from that ' country indicates a desire for Avar . But Franco is
The Week.
beginning to move in the affair . In the Corps Legislate M . Rouher explained what were the views of the Government . As to Austria and Prussia he said France would maintain neutrality , taking care that her own honour was not compromised . As to Italy France wished it to be understood that as she would view with disapproval an attack by Austria on Italy , so she
would view Avith equal disapproval an attack by Italy on Austria . He summed up the policy of France as that of honest neutrality Avith "liberty of action . " That last is a comprehensive phrase which may mean a good deal . It was reported that France was about to send 10 , 000 men to Rome . This is not likely to be true ; but , in the exercise of " liberty of action , "
that or anything of the kind is possible . The Belgian Chamber of Representatives proposes to erect a monument to the memory of their good King Leopold . Memorials of this kind often perpetuate the names of men who had better have been forgotten ; but this cannot be said of the wise and honest monarch who so long ruled Belgium . As the critical
moment arrives when events in Germany must culminate either in peace or in a general declaration of war , the rumours of mediation become more prevalent ; and Lord Bloonifield , it is understood , will support Avith all the influence of England any further proposals which Austria may make . Meanwhile , the mobilisation of the Austrian army is said to be complete ; anci Prussia is not likely to be behind her antagonist . If a telegram from Florence may be credited , orders have already been issued
by Count Bismarck for the mobilisation of 150 , 000 men . Saxony ' s reply to the Prussian demand for disarmament appears to be that in the present threatening aspect of affairs she must be provided for any emergency . In Italy there is no doubt the popular feeling is wholly in favour of war . General La Marmora has declared that in the event of war the Government would call out all the national forces . If this be done
Italy will have over 350 , 000 men in arms . It is stated that Austria has declared her willingness to disarm if Italy will renounce all intention of attacking Venetia . But Italy some days ago said her armaments were simply in self-defence . There is not much hope , therefore , that Austria's offer is a step in the direction of peace . France might , perhaps , even ,
yet prevent the fire of war from blazing out ; but Avith a hot and earnest population like that of Italy , eager for an assault on what it regards as its direst enemy , there is little chance that merely civil Avords from Austria will avert a collision . So far as the neAvs we yet have goes it looks very much as if Austria must either fight or submit to any terms her
northern persecutor and her southern foe choose to dictate . Prussia , it is said , has declined to entertain the last proposal made by Austria for the settlement of the question of the Duchies . This is of course what every one expected . Prussia is resolved to throw away no opportunity of having a fight lvith Austria . It seems now as if a few days would put an end to the present suspense and see war begun .
To Correspondents.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . NOTICE ! To prevent disappointment to advertisers , contributors of Lodge Reports and other matter intended for publication in the current number of the FHEEMASSOXS' MAGAZTSE AND MASOXIC MIRROR for the week during which they are
received , ire again announce that all Lodge Reports must be received by us not later than eleven a . m . of every Thursday , and all advertisements not later than five p . m . of every Thursday .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Earl Russell , and the Earl of Derby were among the guests , and all made speeches . The arguments in the case of Charlotte Windsor were virtually brought to a close on the 5 th inst . Mr . Folkard concluded what he had to say , and the judges intimated that they did not think there would be any necessity for calling on the Solicitor-General to reply . In the Court of Error on the 7 th inst . the Judges unanimously
affirmed the conviction . The marriage of an out-pensioner of Greenwich Hospital Avas summarily stopped on the 7 th instby the expectant bridegroom being arrested for bigamy . He had , it appears , already married two women ; but his first wife admitted that she also had previously been married to a sergeant in the Royal Marine Artillery ; and to carry the
complication of the case still further , she had married the sergeant when he , too , had a wife living . The magistrate at the Greenwich police-court , before whom the out-pens : oner was brought , discharged him on the ground that if his first wife had already been married when he married her , the outpensioner ' s first marriage was void . But if this Avoman ' s
marriage with the sergeant was also void , her second marriage remains good ; and it is difficult to see why the out-pensioner , who is a man of sixty-seven years of age , slould have been allowed to go free . The spring meetings of the Congregational Union were opened on the Sth inst . by the delivery of an inaugural address by the Rev . Newman Hall , the chairman
of the Union . The subject upon which the reverend gentleman expatiated was Congregationalism . He viewed it in a variety of aspects , and exhibited a marked feeling of catholicity towards other religious bodies . On Saturday , the 5 th inst . three prisoners managed to escape from a cell in Worship-street police-court . AVith an oak seat they forced out a perforated ventilator at the bottom of the side wall of the cell , and
squeezing themselves through the aperture made their Avay through the court-yard into the court itself , whence they passed out by one of the doors . They have not yet been recaptured . . In . the Ceutral Criminal Court , on the 9 th inst ., the trial of Christian Olifius and Ellen Houghton for abduction was postponed . The inquiry into the fall of a bridge at Carshalton ,
by Avhich six men Avere killed , Avas concluded also . A workman deposed that having seen the arch to be " all manner of shapes" he had asked to be put on another job ; but he made no mention to the sub-contractor of his reasons for that request . The jury returned a verdict of accidental death . The Foreign Office have issued a notice to travellers cautioning
those who Avant to go to Austria to get their passports vised at the Austrian Embassy either in London or Paris . FOREIGX INTELLIGENCE . —Austria in her despatch of the 26 th nit ., made her ultimatum to Prussia on the question of the Duchies . She demands that Prussia will consent to the installation on the vacant ducal throne of such a candidate as the
Federal Diet may select ; and she promises to stipulate for Prussia certain military concessions at Kiel , Rendsburg , and Sonderburg . If the offer is accepted the latter State will enjoy the reality—although denied the shadow—of power . But the more threatening question is still that of armaments . There does not seem to be much chance of Austria and Prussia
agreeing on this subject . If Ave may credit a telegram from Berlin , Austria has replied by telegraph to Prussia ' s note demanding disarmament in Venetia . Austria is stated to have declared that she will not comply with this demand . Obviously , then , there is danger of a rupture at any moment . The news may not be true , but it is very much what might be expected . Nor are things much less threatening in Italy . Every account to hand from that ' country indicates a desire for Avar . But Franco is
The Week.
beginning to move in the affair . In the Corps Legislate M . Rouher explained what were the views of the Government . As to Austria and Prussia he said France would maintain neutrality , taking care that her own honour was not compromised . As to Italy France wished it to be understood that as she would view with disapproval an attack by Austria on Italy , so she
would view Avith equal disapproval an attack by Italy on Austria . He summed up the policy of France as that of honest neutrality Avith "liberty of action . " That last is a comprehensive phrase which may mean a good deal . It was reported that France was about to send 10 , 000 men to Rome . This is not likely to be true ; but , in the exercise of " liberty of action , "
that or anything of the kind is possible . The Belgian Chamber of Representatives proposes to erect a monument to the memory of their good King Leopold . Memorials of this kind often perpetuate the names of men who had better have been forgotten ; but this cannot be said of the wise and honest monarch who so long ruled Belgium . As the critical
moment arrives when events in Germany must culminate either in peace or in a general declaration of war , the rumours of mediation become more prevalent ; and Lord Bloonifield , it is understood , will support Avith all the influence of England any further proposals which Austria may make . Meanwhile , the mobilisation of the Austrian army is said to be complete ; anci Prussia is not likely to be behind her antagonist . If a telegram from Florence may be credited , orders have already been issued
by Count Bismarck for the mobilisation of 150 , 000 men . Saxony ' s reply to the Prussian demand for disarmament appears to be that in the present threatening aspect of affairs she must be provided for any emergency . In Italy there is no doubt the popular feeling is wholly in favour of war . General La Marmora has declared that in the event of war the Government would call out all the national forces . If this be done
Italy will have over 350 , 000 men in arms . It is stated that Austria has declared her willingness to disarm if Italy will renounce all intention of attacking Venetia . But Italy some days ago said her armaments were simply in self-defence . There is not much hope , therefore , that Austria's offer is a step in the direction of peace . France might , perhaps , even ,
yet prevent the fire of war from blazing out ; but Avith a hot and earnest population like that of Italy , eager for an assault on what it regards as its direst enemy , there is little chance that merely civil Avords from Austria will avert a collision . So far as the neAvs we yet have goes it looks very much as if Austria must either fight or submit to any terms her
northern persecutor and her southern foe choose to dictate . Prussia , it is said , has declined to entertain the last proposal made by Austria for the settlement of the question of the Duchies . This is of course what every one expected . Prussia is resolved to throw away no opportunity of having a fight lvith Austria . It seems now as if a few days would put an end to the present suspense and see war begun .
To Correspondents.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . NOTICE ! To prevent disappointment to advertisers , contributors of Lodge Reports and other matter intended for publication in the current number of the FHEEMASSOXS' MAGAZTSE AND MASOXIC MIRROR for the week during which they are
received , ire again announce that all Lodge Reports must be received by us not later than eleven a . m . of every Thursday , and all advertisements not later than five p . m . of every Thursday .