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Monita Secreta Societatis Jesu.
recommend us in preference to members of other Orders , and cause us to be called in to patients of distinction , and chiefly to those lying on their deathbeds . 15 . The confessors should be very assiduous in visiting the sick , especially those A \ - ho arc declining ; and , in order to cut ( honaste climinent ) all other friars and clergymen , the superiors are to make such arrangements that ,
whene \ r er one confessor is about to leave the patient , another steps in at once and encourages the patient in his good intentions . At all events , he must be frightened by tho thought of hell , or , at least , of the purgatory , and be shown that , just at water puts out fire , thus charity extinguishes sin , and that charity cannot be applied to a better purpose than by appropriating it for
the food and support of those whoso A ocation it is to further the salvation of their neighbours ; that the patient may thus himself obtain a part of the latter , and make up for his sins , as charity covers many of these . Charity may also be described as a wedding gown , Avithout Avhich nobody is admitted to tho heavenly table . Moreover , such passages may be quoted from Scripture
and , the fathers of the Church as maybe thought best calculated to act on the patient , Avith due regard to the state of his intellect . 16 . Women Avho complain of the vices of their husbands , aud the trouble they cause , are to be taught to take some sum of money secretly and offer it to God , to expiate the sins of their husbands and obtain forgiveness for them .
CUATTEII X . On the maintenance of strict discipline in the Society . 1 . Every one , of AA'hatsoever rank or age he may bo , is to be dismissed as an enemy of the Society , Avho , having changed his colour ( alio colore aucesito ) turns female adherents or other friends of ours aivay from our temples , or causes them to discontinue their communication Avith
us , or appropriate their charity towards tho support of other churches or orders , or advises Avealthy persons or such as are favourable to the Society to bestow their alms elsoAvhcre ; also those are to bo dismissed Avho , when they are iu a position to dispose of their OAVII property , evince greater affection for their relatives than for the Society , —this being a criterion that their mind
is not mortified , * whereas all professors should be fully mortified , —likewise those who give to poor relatives of their own , alms they have obtained from penitents or other friends of tho Society . That they may not complain afterwards of having been dismissed for some particular reason , they are not to be discharged all of a suddenbut they should at first no longer be allowed to
; hear confessions , and be vexed and molested by having the inferior aud meaner kind of offices allotted to them ; they are to be compelled to perform continually that sort of work for Avhich they have the greatest dislike , to , be removed from their studies and from posts of honour to be censured in the chapters and in public , to be kept
aloof from recreation and communication with strangers . All gorments and other requisites that are not strictly necessary are to be taken away from them , and so on , until they begin to grumble and become impatient ; then they may be dismissed as persons who are not sufficiently mortified and might exercise an injurious influence on others by their bad example ; and if their
parents or prelates of the Church ask for the reason of the dismissal , it is to be stated that they had none of the spirit of the Society . 2 . Those also Avho SIIOAV any scruple in securing property for the Society are to be dismissed upon the ground that they are too much addicted to use their OAvn judgment . If they appeal to the Provincial for an
explanation * they are not to be listened to , but to be reminded of the regulation by Avhich all are compelled to abide by blind obedience ( ad ccecam obedientiam prosstandam ) . 3 . It should be ascertained from the very outset which of the novices are those who entertain the greatest affection for the Society , and which are suspected to
have a greater liking for other Orders , for the poor , or for relations . The latter being useless for the future , are to be discarded gradually in the manner stated heretofore .
CjiAriEK XI . How 'members of our Society are to behave throughout against those ivho have been dismissed . 1 . As members Avho have been expelled are always cognisant of some secrets , and are most likely to become a nuisance ( plerumqiie obsunt ) , their doings must be counteracted in the following manner . Before they are
dismissed , they should be made to promise in writing that they Avill never Avrite or say anything injurious to the Society . In the meantime the superintendents are to keep a written record of their bad habits , faults , and vices , according to the communication they have themselves made thereof , as is usual in the Society ; and of this the Society may avail itself , if necessary , with
noblemen or prelates , Avith a view to counteract the promotion of such persons . 2 . Notice is to be given to all " colleges " whenever a member is expelled , and tho general causes of the dismissal are to bo exaggerated , such as aversion against mortification of the soul , disobedience , little taste for spiritual exercises , self-will , & o . Then , all others are to bo admonished nob to correspond Avith such person on any consideration , and if his name should be mentioned
by strangers , all arc to say unanimously that the Society dismisses nobody Avithout grave reasons , that , like the sea , it throws out corpses , & c . Such reasons as make people hate us generally should also be alleged cautiously , as those for Avhich he had been dismissed , so as to render the expulsion more plausible . 3 . In tlie admonitions that are given in tbe
establishment , it should be stated that the dismissed are very much alarmed and anxious to return to the Society ; and the misfortunes of those who , after their withdraAval from the Society get on badly , should be exaggerated . 4 . The accusations that might be brought forward against the Society by those A \ 'ho have been dismissed should be repelled by the authority of men of Aveight who are to
affirm that the Society expels nobod } ' without some very serious cause , and does not cnt off sound limbs , and that this can be proved by the solicitude the Society generally evinces for the welfare of strangers , and a fortiori of its own members . 5 . Noblemen and prelates Avith AA'hom dismissed members hare commenced to gain any kind of influence or confidence , are to be cajoled and obliged through all sorts of means in the poAver of the Society , in this Avise : they are to be shoAvu hoiv the general good of an Order
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Monita Secreta Societatis Jesu.
recommend us in preference to members of other Orders , and cause us to be called in to patients of distinction , and chiefly to those lying on their deathbeds . 15 . The confessors should be very assiduous in visiting the sick , especially those A \ - ho arc declining ; and , in order to cut ( honaste climinent ) all other friars and clergymen , the superiors are to make such arrangements that ,
whene \ r er one confessor is about to leave the patient , another steps in at once and encourages the patient in his good intentions . At all events , he must be frightened by tho thought of hell , or , at least , of the purgatory , and be shown that , just at water puts out fire , thus charity extinguishes sin , and that charity cannot be applied to a better purpose than by appropriating it for
the food and support of those whoso A ocation it is to further the salvation of their neighbours ; that the patient may thus himself obtain a part of the latter , and make up for his sins , as charity covers many of these . Charity may also be described as a wedding gown , Avithout Avhich nobody is admitted to tho heavenly table . Moreover , such passages may be quoted from Scripture
and , the fathers of the Church as maybe thought best calculated to act on the patient , Avith due regard to the state of his intellect . 16 . Women Avho complain of the vices of their husbands , aud the trouble they cause , are to be taught to take some sum of money secretly and offer it to God , to expiate the sins of their husbands and obtain forgiveness for them .
CUATTEII X . On the maintenance of strict discipline in the Society . 1 . Every one , of AA'hatsoever rank or age he may bo , is to be dismissed as an enemy of the Society , Avho , having changed his colour ( alio colore aucesito ) turns female adherents or other friends of ours aivay from our temples , or causes them to discontinue their communication Avith
us , or appropriate their charity towards tho support of other churches or orders , or advises Avealthy persons or such as are favourable to the Society to bestow their alms elsoAvhcre ; also those are to bo dismissed Avho , when they are iu a position to dispose of their OAVII property , evince greater affection for their relatives than for the Society , —this being a criterion that their mind
is not mortified , * whereas all professors should be fully mortified , —likewise those who give to poor relatives of their own , alms they have obtained from penitents or other friends of tho Society . That they may not complain afterwards of having been dismissed for some particular reason , they are not to be discharged all of a suddenbut they should at first no longer be allowed to
; hear confessions , and be vexed and molested by having the inferior aud meaner kind of offices allotted to them ; they are to be compelled to perform continually that sort of work for Avhich they have the greatest dislike , to , be removed from their studies and from posts of honour to be censured in the chapters and in public , to be kept
aloof from recreation and communication with strangers . All gorments and other requisites that are not strictly necessary are to be taken away from them , and so on , until they begin to grumble and become impatient ; then they may be dismissed as persons who are not sufficiently mortified and might exercise an injurious influence on others by their bad example ; and if their
parents or prelates of the Church ask for the reason of the dismissal , it is to be stated that they had none of the spirit of the Society . 2 . Those also Avho SIIOAV any scruple in securing property for the Society are to be dismissed upon the ground that they are too much addicted to use their OAvn judgment . If they appeal to the Provincial for an
explanation * they are not to be listened to , but to be reminded of the regulation by Avhich all are compelled to abide by blind obedience ( ad ccecam obedientiam prosstandam ) . 3 . It should be ascertained from the very outset which of the novices are those who entertain the greatest affection for the Society , and which are suspected to
have a greater liking for other Orders , for the poor , or for relations . The latter being useless for the future , are to be discarded gradually in the manner stated heretofore .
CjiAriEK XI . How 'members of our Society are to behave throughout against those ivho have been dismissed . 1 . As members Avho have been expelled are always cognisant of some secrets , and are most likely to become a nuisance ( plerumqiie obsunt ) , their doings must be counteracted in the following manner . Before they are
dismissed , they should be made to promise in writing that they Avill never Avrite or say anything injurious to the Society . In the meantime the superintendents are to keep a written record of their bad habits , faults , and vices , according to the communication they have themselves made thereof , as is usual in the Society ; and of this the Society may avail itself , if necessary , with
noblemen or prelates , Avith a view to counteract the promotion of such persons . 2 . Notice is to be given to all " colleges " whenever a member is expelled , and tho general causes of the dismissal are to bo exaggerated , such as aversion against mortification of the soul , disobedience , little taste for spiritual exercises , self-will , & o . Then , all others are to bo admonished nob to correspond Avith such person on any consideration , and if his name should be mentioned
by strangers , all arc to say unanimously that the Society dismisses nobody Avithout grave reasons , that , like the sea , it throws out corpses , & c . Such reasons as make people hate us generally should also be alleged cautiously , as those for Avhich he had been dismissed , so as to render the expulsion more plausible . 3 . In tlie admonitions that are given in tbe
establishment , it should be stated that the dismissed are very much alarmed and anxious to return to the Society ; and the misfortunes of those who , after their withdraAval from the Society get on badly , should be exaggerated . 4 . The accusations that might be brought forward against the Society by those A \ 'ho have been dismissed should be repelled by the authority of men of Aveight who are to
affirm that the Society expels nobod } ' without some very serious cause , and does not cnt off sound limbs , and that this can be proved by the solicitude the Society generally evinces for the welfare of strangers , and a fortiori of its own members . 5 . Noblemen and prelates Avith AA'hom dismissed members hare commenced to gain any kind of influence or confidence , are to be cajoled and obliged through all sorts of means in the poAver of the Society , in this Avise : they are to be shoAvu hoiv the general good of an Order