Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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only been opened the day before—at which most of the Silurian brethren were present—there was rather an unusual number of members of the Craft now in attendance , amongst thorn three non-commissioned officers of the 6 th Regiment of Foot now stationed at the barracks . Bro . Paruall , W . M ., took the chair , and Bro . W . Austin was ballotted for , and unanimously admitted as a subscribing member . Notice having been given that this lodge would be closed as usual during the summer months , the
brethren proceeded to discuss several others which had been held over , one of them being tho Zetland Testimonial Fund , and as the Prov . G . M . had notified his intention to subscribe £ 25 , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire £ 10 10 s ., it was therefore proposed , seconded , and carried that the Silurian do also subscribe £ 3 3 s . to that fnnd . Two gentlemen were thee proposed , one as a candidate for initiation , and the other as a subscribing member , and the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past eight o ' clock .
GLASGOAV . GLASGOW . — St . John No . 3 , bis . —This lodge hold its regular meeting on Tuesday , 1 st inst . Bro . Beard , R . AV . M . in the chair , Bro . Mc Millan , S . AV ., and Bro . Kyle , acting J . W ., and a large number of the brethren . The minutes were read and approved of . Afterwards the lodge took into consideration the subject of the annual trip upon summer St . John ' s day , which
was settled to be to Kilwinning , there to breakfast and view the ruins of the old Abbey , & c ., then on to Ayr , for dinner and viewing the places of interest in and about it , and back to Glasgow in the evening , tickets including fares , breakfast and dinner , to be about nine shillings each . Thereafter the motion was brought up to assist a brother in difficulties , who was the P . M . of a Scottish lodge . After receiving explanation of the case , the lodge unanimously voted one guinea to him , which Bro . Buchan was empowered to transmit . Several candidates were then initiated . After which the lodge was duly closed .
ST . JOHNS , NEAV BRUNSWICK . KNIGHTS' TEMPLAR . The Union De Molay Encampment and Priory , under the Registry of the Religious and Military Order of Masonic Kuights' Templar in England and Wales and the Colonial Dependencies of the British Crown , held a very interesting assembly in their armory last month . It will be a matter of
special gratification to the members of the Chivralric Order , to learn that the equipment of this encampment and priory is now not second to that of any other encampment within the whole dominion of Canada ; and the energy and zeal of its members warrant us in anticipating a bright and prosperous future for tho new conclave . In connection with this we might observe that it would be a source of congratulation to the general body of the fraternity in the Provincewere the members to unite and build
, themselves a structure suitable to their wants , as is done in other places ; for it is matter of remark that the rooms now occupied by the Craft are too small and but ill adapted to the wants of this growing Order . Would it not be well for the Grand Lodge to move in the matter ?
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CANONBUEY CHAPTEE . —A convocation was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 27 th ult ., and was numerously attended by reason of this being the day of meeting for installing the M . E . Z . for the ensuing year , The chapter being opened , and the minutes of the previous chapter read , the business of installation was proceeded with . This ceremony was performed by Comp . Watson . The M . E . Z . ( Comp . Wescomb ) , then invested his officers as follows ;—Comps . VY . Ough , P . Z . ; S . May ,
Royal Arch.
H . ; J . Tanner , J . ; H . Gary , E . ; P . Cox , N . ; Jones , Pr . Soj . ; Bain , Assist . Soj . ; Decent , Treas . ; Applebee , Janitor . Comp . Ough , P . Z ., was then presented with a jewel , for wliich he suitably returned thanks . The chapter , alter some minor business was transacted , was then closed , and the companions retired to banquet .
BELGEAVE CHAPTEE ( NO . 749 ) . —The regular convocation of this flourishing chapter was held on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Comp . H . Garrod , the M . E . Z ., presiding , assisted by Comps . J . G . Bond , H . j H . Johnson , J . ; AV . Bourne , S . E . ; G . Pymin , S . N . ; G . W . Porter , P . S . ; Henry Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj , ; H . Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; AV . Ough , G . P ., P . Z . ; W . Watson , P . G . S ., P . Z . The following companions were present : —SpencerHomewoodE . AV . MackneyE . Harper
, , , , W . E . Mackrill , J . Hervard , J . Coates , H . Jennings , T . E . Edwards , M . B ., C . Tuckett , AV . Johnson , G . Knight , J . Zahnsdorf ) R . W : Hunt . The following visitors were also present : — Comps . Joshua Nunn , G . D . C , P , Z . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . D . C , P . Z . ; AV . Goldsbro' , M . D ., P . Z . 185 ; E . Randall , E . Blackmore , J . Kench . The chapter being declared open , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Two resolutions , of
which due notice had been given , were discussed and passed unanimously . Comp . Garrod then , in a most impressive manner , installed his successor , Comp . J . G . Bond , as the M . E . Z ., in the presence of a Board of Past Principals . On the re-admission of the companions he invested his officers as follows : —Henry Johnson , H . ; . W . Bourne , J . ; H . Garrod , P . Z ., S . E . ; G . Pymm , S . N . ; G . AV . Porter . Prill . Soj . ; H . Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; H .
Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . This being all the business the chapter was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the companions adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was admirably served by Messrs . Clemow , superintended by Comp .
Smith . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been disposed of , Comps . J . Nunn and J . Smith returned thanks on behalf of the officers of Grand Chapter . Comp . Ough then , in a most eloquent manner , proposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " to wliich he warmly responded . The M . E . Z . in proposing "The Health of Comp . Garrod , the I . P . Z ., " stated that it afforded him much pleasure in investing him with a jewel , which had been voted him bthe unanimous voice of the
comy panions . Comp . Garrod acknowledged the honour he had received , in suitable terms , and trusted that he might be spared many years to be of service to the Belgrave Chapter . The M . E . Z . then warmly proposed "The Health ofthe Visitors , " which was duly responded to by Comps . Blackmore and Kench . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed " The Healths of the P . Z ' s ., " which Comps . Watson and Ough acknowledged in a very hearty
manner . The next toast was also warmly received , "The H . and J . of the Chapter , Comps . Johnson and Bourne , " and each briefly replied . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Healths of Scribes E . and N . " Comps . Garrod and Pymm each duly returned thanks to the companions for the honour . "The Healths of the Prin . Soj . and his assistants , " were then proposed , to which Comp . Porter responded in a very eloquent manner . The Janitor ' s toast brought a very happy evening to a conclusion ,
which was rendered most enjoyable by the admirable singing of Comp . E . W . Mackney—who was in his happiest vein of humour—Comps . H . Finch , G . Pymm , E . Harper , G . Knight , Garrod , and Dr . Goldsbro' .
Mark Masonry.
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —St . Andreio ' s Lodge . —This lodge being the first of the kind held in the town under the Marl ; Grand Lodge of England , was constituted on Friday , the 28 th ult . The very Worshipful G . Sec , Bro . Fred . Binckes , presided , and Bi-o . J . Rankin Stebbing , G . Treas ., was installed W . M . ; Bro . Fred . Perkins ( the AVorshipful the Mayor ) S . W . ; and Captain Abraham , J . W . and Treas . About sixteen brethren were
advanced to this interesting degree , and the several offices filled by brethren who are likely to take a strong interest in Mark Masonry . Wo understand that it is twenty-five years since a similar lodge was held in this town , which was then presided over by Bro . Geo . Stebbing , of Portsmouth , the present Masters ' father , and a number of brethren advanced to this interestingdegree , of whom several have petitioned for the warrant of the newly formed lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
only been opened the day before—at which most of the Silurian brethren were present—there was rather an unusual number of members of the Craft now in attendance , amongst thorn three non-commissioned officers of the 6 th Regiment of Foot now stationed at the barracks . Bro . Paruall , W . M ., took the chair , and Bro . W . Austin was ballotted for , and unanimously admitted as a subscribing member . Notice having been given that this lodge would be closed as usual during the summer months , the
brethren proceeded to discuss several others which had been held over , one of them being tho Zetland Testimonial Fund , and as the Prov . G . M . had notified his intention to subscribe £ 25 , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire £ 10 10 s ., it was therefore proposed , seconded , and carried that the Silurian do also subscribe £ 3 3 s . to that fnnd . Two gentlemen were thee proposed , one as a candidate for initiation , and the other as a subscribing member , and the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past eight o ' clock .
GLASGOAV . GLASGOW . — St . John No . 3 , bis . —This lodge hold its regular meeting on Tuesday , 1 st inst . Bro . Beard , R . AV . M . in the chair , Bro . Mc Millan , S . AV ., and Bro . Kyle , acting J . W ., and a large number of the brethren . The minutes were read and approved of . Afterwards the lodge took into consideration the subject of the annual trip upon summer St . John ' s day , which
was settled to be to Kilwinning , there to breakfast and view the ruins of the old Abbey , & c ., then on to Ayr , for dinner and viewing the places of interest in and about it , and back to Glasgow in the evening , tickets including fares , breakfast and dinner , to be about nine shillings each . Thereafter the motion was brought up to assist a brother in difficulties , who was the P . M . of a Scottish lodge . After receiving explanation of the case , the lodge unanimously voted one guinea to him , which Bro . Buchan was empowered to transmit . Several candidates were then initiated . After which the lodge was duly closed .
ST . JOHNS , NEAV BRUNSWICK . KNIGHTS' TEMPLAR . The Union De Molay Encampment and Priory , under the Registry of the Religious and Military Order of Masonic Kuights' Templar in England and Wales and the Colonial Dependencies of the British Crown , held a very interesting assembly in their armory last month . It will be a matter of
special gratification to the members of the Chivralric Order , to learn that the equipment of this encampment and priory is now not second to that of any other encampment within the whole dominion of Canada ; and the energy and zeal of its members warrant us in anticipating a bright and prosperous future for tho new conclave . In connection with this we might observe that it would be a source of congratulation to the general body of the fraternity in the Provincewere the members to unite and build
, themselves a structure suitable to their wants , as is done in other places ; for it is matter of remark that the rooms now occupied by the Craft are too small and but ill adapted to the wants of this growing Order . Would it not be well for the Grand Lodge to move in the matter ?
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CANONBUEY CHAPTEE . —A convocation was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 27 th ult ., and was numerously attended by reason of this being the day of meeting for installing the M . E . Z . for the ensuing year , The chapter being opened , and the minutes of the previous chapter read , the business of installation was proceeded with . This ceremony was performed by Comp . Watson . The M . E . Z . ( Comp . Wescomb ) , then invested his officers as follows ;—Comps . VY . Ough , P . Z . ; S . May ,
Royal Arch.
H . ; J . Tanner , J . ; H . Gary , E . ; P . Cox , N . ; Jones , Pr . Soj . ; Bain , Assist . Soj . ; Decent , Treas . ; Applebee , Janitor . Comp . Ough , P . Z ., was then presented with a jewel , for wliich he suitably returned thanks . The chapter , alter some minor business was transacted , was then closed , and the companions retired to banquet .
BELGEAVE CHAPTEE ( NO . 749 ) . —The regular convocation of this flourishing chapter was held on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Comp . H . Garrod , the M . E . Z ., presiding , assisted by Comps . J . G . Bond , H . j H . Johnson , J . ; AV . Bourne , S . E . ; G . Pymin , S . N . ; G . W . Porter , P . S . ; Henry Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj , ; H . Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; AV . Ough , G . P ., P . Z . ; W . Watson , P . G . S ., P . Z . The following companions were present : —SpencerHomewoodE . AV . MackneyE . Harper
, , , , W . E . Mackrill , J . Hervard , J . Coates , H . Jennings , T . E . Edwards , M . B ., C . Tuckett , AV . Johnson , G . Knight , J . Zahnsdorf ) R . W : Hunt . The following visitors were also present : — Comps . Joshua Nunn , G . D . C , P , Z . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . D . C , P . Z . ; AV . Goldsbro' , M . D ., P . Z . 185 ; E . Randall , E . Blackmore , J . Kench . The chapter being declared open , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Two resolutions , of
which due notice had been given , were discussed and passed unanimously . Comp . Garrod then , in a most impressive manner , installed his successor , Comp . J . G . Bond , as the M . E . Z ., in the presence of a Board of Past Principals . On the re-admission of the companions he invested his officers as follows : —Henry Johnson , H . ; . W . Bourne , J . ; H . Garrod , P . Z ., S . E . ; G . Pymm , S . N . ; G . AV . Porter . Prill . Soj . ; H . Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; H .
Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . This being all the business the chapter was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the companions adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was admirably served by Messrs . Clemow , superintended by Comp .
Smith . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been disposed of , Comps . J . Nunn and J . Smith returned thanks on behalf of the officers of Grand Chapter . Comp . Ough then , in a most eloquent manner , proposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " to wliich he warmly responded . The M . E . Z . in proposing "The Health of Comp . Garrod , the I . P . Z ., " stated that it afforded him much pleasure in investing him with a jewel , which had been voted him bthe unanimous voice of the
comy panions . Comp . Garrod acknowledged the honour he had received , in suitable terms , and trusted that he might be spared many years to be of service to the Belgrave Chapter . The M . E . Z . then warmly proposed "The Health ofthe Visitors , " which was duly responded to by Comps . Blackmore and Kench . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed " The Healths of the P . Z ' s ., " which Comps . Watson and Ough acknowledged in a very hearty
manner . The next toast was also warmly received , "The H . and J . of the Chapter , Comps . Johnson and Bourne , " and each briefly replied . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Healths of Scribes E . and N . " Comps . Garrod and Pymm each duly returned thanks to the companions for the honour . "The Healths of the Prin . Soj . and his assistants , " were then proposed , to which Comp . Porter responded in a very eloquent manner . The Janitor ' s toast brought a very happy evening to a conclusion ,
which was rendered most enjoyable by the admirable singing of Comp . E . W . Mackney—who was in his happiest vein of humour—Comps . H . Finch , G . Pymm , E . Harper , G . Knight , Garrod , and Dr . Goldsbro' .
Mark Masonry.
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —St . Andreio ' s Lodge . —This lodge being the first of the kind held in the town under the Marl ; Grand Lodge of England , was constituted on Friday , the 28 th ult . The very Worshipful G . Sec , Bro . Fred . Binckes , presided , and Bi-o . J . Rankin Stebbing , G . Treas ., was installed W . M . ; Bro . Fred . Perkins ( the AVorshipful the Mayor ) S . W . ; and Captain Abraham , J . W . and Treas . About sixteen brethren were
advanced to this interesting degree , and the several offices filled by brethren who are likely to take a strong interest in Mark Masonry . Wo understand that it is twenty-five years since a similar lodge was held in this town , which was then presided over by Bro . Geo . Stebbing , of Portsmouth , the present Masters ' father , and a number of brethren advanced to this interestingdegree , of whom several have petitioned for the warrant of the newly formed lodge .