Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon will he held at Dartmouth on or about the 30 th July . A correspondent writes : " A movement is on foot in the province of Devon , by Avhich the brethren hope to perpetuate the name of their late highly respected Prov . Grand Master , Earl Portescue . He himself some time since endeavoured , Ave
believe , to organize an educational scheme for the children of Freemasons in the province , and some sums of money Avere collected in furtherance of the object , but doubtless owing to the untimely death of its promoter ifc has been abandoned . From its ashes some zealous brothers are now Avorking with an earnestness that cannot he too highly commended to obtain a
fund , as a basis for the commencement of a Memorial Annuity Fund for the assistance of aged and distressed Freemasons of the Province of Devon , prefixed by the name of the noble brother , "Forfcescue . " The various lodges are now activelyengaged in voting such sums of money from the lodge funds as they deem prudent , and . the Masters and Secretaries are in many
instances canvassing brothers-for subscriptions ; such continued exertions cannot fail to be successful . A report is to he brought before the Prov . G . Lodge afc the ensuing meeting . "—[ We would suggest that the brethren of Devon might carry out their desire more effectually , and economically by the establishment of "Forteseue Annuities , " in connection Avith the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , as the expense of management Avould thereby be saved ED . ]
WooLWicn . —Florence Nightingale Lodge ( No . 100 S ) . —The Installation meeting of this lodge Avas held on Friday , tho 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , and amongst the brethren present , were Bros . Ivincaid , W . M ;; Thompson , S . W . ; Col . Clerk , W . Carter , Dr . Ilinxman , Hassall , and Hay , P . M . S . ; also Capt . King , Major Field , Major Davis , Dr . Little , Matthew Cooke , Lyons , Thompson , and many others . The minutes , so far as they related to the election , liaving been read
and confirmed , Bro . Carter , P . M ., presented Bro . Thompson , S . W ., for installation , and a hoard of Installed Masters having been formed , that Bro . ivas inducted into the chair of K . S . in ancient form . He was then pleased to appoint , and invest , his officers as follows : —Bros . Major Davis , S . W . ; Dr . Little , J . W . ; P . Laird , re-elected Treas . ; Boddy , re-appointed Sec . ; P . Laird , S . D ' . ; Major Field , J . D . ; and Kaye , I . G . P . M . Col . Clerk , very ably gave the addresses to the W . M ., AVardens and brethren .
A distressed brother applied for relief , and was vouched for by Dr . Hinxman , Avhen the immediate P . M . proposed five shillings should be given to him , but Col . Clerk moved , as an amendment , that it should be one pound , which Avas carried unanimously . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet at Bro . De Grey ' s , where after having done justice to his provision , the cloth was cleared , grace said , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given . —Bro . KraCAiD ,
proposed the health of the new AV . M ., AVIIO he believed Avould do great credit to the lodge . —Bro . Tnomrsos , W . M ., felt deeply sensible of the honour he had arrived at by their kindness , and although he had aimed to attain that position ever since he became a Mason , he hoped to do his duty to the satisfaction of the lodge , and that his brother ollicers would look upon his advancement to that chair , as an incentive to go on in the Avay they had done , and be rewarded in the way he had been . —The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitnig brethren . Invitations had been sent to the officers of the other
Woolwich lodges , and to those who had attended the lodge , was much indebted for their presence . He coupled the toast ivith the name of Bro . Thompson , P . M . of the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 . —Bro . THOMPSON , P . M . 227 , on behalf of the visitors , who were deeply grateful for the honour , returned thanks . He said it was his first appearance at the Florence Nightingale Lodge , and he was sure that lodge must shine forth amongst those of the neighbourhood . He had visited Woolwich on many
occasions , and met many of the brethren then present , and he had always seen the utmost good fellowship in their Masonic meetings . He was pleased to have been there that day , and he hoped he might say the same on behalf of his brother visitors in whose name he begged to express their thanks for the toast . — The W . M , then proposed the health of the officers . He assured them that their duties would require a good deal of thought , but he felt they would eachindividuallydo their duty ablyand if
, , , any of them Avanted instruction , or assistance , they had only to come to him and ask it , as a matter of right , and he would cheerfully aid them . —Bro . MAJOE DAVIS , S . W ., rose to return thanks for the toast and its reception , and was sure that the ofiicers appointed , would each one do his duty to the best of his ability . —The W . M . gave the health of the P . M . s of the lodge , feeling Avell assured that by their able assistance he should be enabled to go through his year of office creditably . —Bro .
Knr-CAID returned thanks . The Tylers' toast and the FEEEAIASONS ' MAGAZINE were both given , and the brethren separated wellpleased Avith their lodge , its P . M . s , W . M ., Officers , Visitors , and billli « efc- XWTASOAN
DEVON . \ £ p ] Vi > - ' PLTJIOUTH . —Lodge Brunswick ( So . 185 ) . —An emergency meeting was held at the hall of the above-named lodge on the evening of the 23 rd of June last , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Peters . He having been previously elected , the ceremony was on the opening of the lodge , immediately proceeded Avith hy Bro . Elliott , W . M . At the conclusion the lodge
adjourned to the refreshment room , where a very pleasant hour was spent in the usual enterehange of Masonic sentiments . On the 2 nd inst . the regular monthly meeting assembled to pass two brothers who had already taken the primary degree ; one of the brothers Avas unavoidably absent . On the conclusion ofthe evening , the topic of contributing towards the Forfcescue Memorial Annuity Fund was introduced by Bro . Spry ; the question was afterwards ably folloived up hy Bros . ChappieCloseand
, , Harfoofc . It was after some discussion agreed that the sum of £ 5 be subscribed yearly . A proposition was entered on the minutes on the motion of the S . W ., that at the next regularmeeting the question of paying fees of honor by the future officers he discussed . Other little matters of business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned for refreshment . On the loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the matter of the fund was again impressed ou the brethren
individually , as well as on the lodge , by Bros . Chappie , P . M ., and Bro . Close , P . M ., who invited all the brethren to attend on the next evening , afc the Royal Hotel , where the matter would be fully entered upon . The brethren shortly afterwards adjourned .
DURHAM . HABTIOTOOIT . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( So . 774 . )—There was a meeting of this lodge in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Thursday last , the 3 rd inst ., when there Avere present Bros . James Groves , W . M . ; D . Cuninghain , J . W . ; J . Emra Holmes , Sec , Acting S . W . ; A . Nathan , S . D ., Acting S . W . ; 0 . Kramer , Acting S . D . ; W . Hall , Acting I . G ., and Bro . S . Armstrong ,
P . M ., who arrived late . Lodge being opened in due form and wifcli solemn prayer , the Secretary proceeded to read the minutes of last regular lodge , which were confirmed . Mr . Q-. Yeaman , Master Mariner , was then balloted for and unanimously elected as a lit and proper person to he made a Mason . Bro . Inglis , Avho was a candidate for the third degree , was then examined , and satisfied the W . M . as to his proficiency , Bro . Nathan Avho , at the command of the W . M . had filled the chair and acted as S . W ., now left that seat of honour to fulfil his duties
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon will he held at Dartmouth on or about the 30 th July . A correspondent writes : " A movement is on foot in the province of Devon , by Avhich the brethren hope to perpetuate the name of their late highly respected Prov . Grand Master , Earl Portescue . He himself some time since endeavoured , Ave
believe , to organize an educational scheme for the children of Freemasons in the province , and some sums of money Avere collected in furtherance of the object , but doubtless owing to the untimely death of its promoter ifc has been abandoned . From its ashes some zealous brothers are now Avorking with an earnestness that cannot he too highly commended to obtain a
fund , as a basis for the commencement of a Memorial Annuity Fund for the assistance of aged and distressed Freemasons of the Province of Devon , prefixed by the name of the noble brother , "Forfcescue . " The various lodges are now activelyengaged in voting such sums of money from the lodge funds as they deem prudent , and . the Masters and Secretaries are in many
instances canvassing brothers-for subscriptions ; such continued exertions cannot fail to be successful . A report is to he brought before the Prov . G . Lodge afc the ensuing meeting . "—[ We would suggest that the brethren of Devon might carry out their desire more effectually , and economically by the establishment of "Forteseue Annuities , " in connection Avith the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , as the expense of management Avould thereby be saved ED . ]
WooLWicn . —Florence Nightingale Lodge ( No . 100 S ) . —The Installation meeting of this lodge Avas held on Friday , tho 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , and amongst the brethren present , were Bros . Ivincaid , W . M ;; Thompson , S . W . ; Col . Clerk , W . Carter , Dr . Ilinxman , Hassall , and Hay , P . M . S . ; also Capt . King , Major Field , Major Davis , Dr . Little , Matthew Cooke , Lyons , Thompson , and many others . The minutes , so far as they related to the election , liaving been read
and confirmed , Bro . Carter , P . M ., presented Bro . Thompson , S . W ., for installation , and a hoard of Installed Masters having been formed , that Bro . ivas inducted into the chair of K . S . in ancient form . He was then pleased to appoint , and invest , his officers as follows : —Bros . Major Davis , S . W . ; Dr . Little , J . W . ; P . Laird , re-elected Treas . ; Boddy , re-appointed Sec . ; P . Laird , S . D ' . ; Major Field , J . D . ; and Kaye , I . G . P . M . Col . Clerk , very ably gave the addresses to the W . M ., AVardens and brethren .
A distressed brother applied for relief , and was vouched for by Dr . Hinxman , Avhen the immediate P . M . proposed five shillings should be given to him , but Col . Clerk moved , as an amendment , that it should be one pound , which Avas carried unanimously . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet at Bro . De Grey ' s , where after having done justice to his provision , the cloth was cleared , grace said , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given . —Bro . KraCAiD ,
proposed the health of the new AV . M ., AVIIO he believed Avould do great credit to the lodge . —Bro . Tnomrsos , W . M ., felt deeply sensible of the honour he had arrived at by their kindness , and although he had aimed to attain that position ever since he became a Mason , he hoped to do his duty to the satisfaction of the lodge , and that his brother ollicers would look upon his advancement to that chair , as an incentive to go on in the Avay they had done , and be rewarded in the way he had been . —The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitnig brethren . Invitations had been sent to the officers of the other
Woolwich lodges , and to those who had attended the lodge , was much indebted for their presence . He coupled the toast ivith the name of Bro . Thompson , P . M . of the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 . —Bro . THOMPSON , P . M . 227 , on behalf of the visitors , who were deeply grateful for the honour , returned thanks . He said it was his first appearance at the Florence Nightingale Lodge , and he was sure that lodge must shine forth amongst those of the neighbourhood . He had visited Woolwich on many
occasions , and met many of the brethren then present , and he had always seen the utmost good fellowship in their Masonic meetings . He was pleased to have been there that day , and he hoped he might say the same on behalf of his brother visitors in whose name he begged to express their thanks for the toast . — The W . M , then proposed the health of the officers . He assured them that their duties would require a good deal of thought , but he felt they would eachindividuallydo their duty ablyand if
, , , any of them Avanted instruction , or assistance , they had only to come to him and ask it , as a matter of right , and he would cheerfully aid them . —Bro . MAJOE DAVIS , S . W ., rose to return thanks for the toast and its reception , and was sure that the ofiicers appointed , would each one do his duty to the best of his ability . —The W . M . gave the health of the P . M . s of the lodge , feeling Avell assured that by their able assistance he should be enabled to go through his year of office creditably . —Bro .
Knr-CAID returned thanks . The Tylers' toast and the FEEEAIASONS ' MAGAZINE were both given , and the brethren separated wellpleased Avith their lodge , its P . M . s , W . M ., Officers , Visitors , and billli « efc- XWTASOAN
DEVON . \ £ p ] Vi > - ' PLTJIOUTH . —Lodge Brunswick ( So . 185 ) . —An emergency meeting was held at the hall of the above-named lodge on the evening of the 23 rd of June last , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Peters . He having been previously elected , the ceremony was on the opening of the lodge , immediately proceeded Avith hy Bro . Elliott , W . M . At the conclusion the lodge
adjourned to the refreshment room , where a very pleasant hour was spent in the usual enterehange of Masonic sentiments . On the 2 nd inst . the regular monthly meeting assembled to pass two brothers who had already taken the primary degree ; one of the brothers Avas unavoidably absent . On the conclusion ofthe evening , the topic of contributing towards the Forfcescue Memorial Annuity Fund was introduced by Bro . Spry ; the question was afterwards ably folloived up hy Bros . ChappieCloseand
, , Harfoofc . It was after some discussion agreed that the sum of £ 5 be subscribed yearly . A proposition was entered on the minutes on the motion of the S . W ., that at the next regularmeeting the question of paying fees of honor by the future officers he discussed . Other little matters of business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned for refreshment . On the loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the matter of the fund was again impressed ou the brethren
individually , as well as on the lodge , by Bros . Chappie , P . M ., and Bro . Close , P . M ., who invited all the brethren to attend on the next evening , afc the Royal Hotel , where the matter would be fully entered upon . The brethren shortly afterwards adjourned .
DURHAM . HABTIOTOOIT . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( So . 774 . )—There was a meeting of this lodge in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Thursday last , the 3 rd inst ., when there Avere present Bros . James Groves , W . M . ; D . Cuninghain , J . W . ; J . Emra Holmes , Sec , Acting S . W . ; A . Nathan , S . D ., Acting S . W . ; 0 . Kramer , Acting S . D . ; W . Hall , Acting I . G ., and Bro . S . Armstrong ,
P . M ., who arrived late . Lodge being opened in due form and wifcli solemn prayer , the Secretary proceeded to read the minutes of last regular lodge , which were confirmed . Mr . Q-. Yeaman , Master Mariner , was then balloted for and unanimously elected as a lit and proper person to he made a Mason . Bro . Inglis , Avho was a candidate for the third degree , was then examined , and satisfied the W . M . as to his proficiency , Bro . Nathan Avho , at the command of the W . M . had filled the chair and acted as S . W ., now left that seat of honour to fulfil his duties