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as S . D ., and Bro . Holmes Avas appointed to act as S . Wduring the ceremony of raising Bro . Inglis , which was conducted with all solemnity . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , Avhen , business being concluded , it was finally closed in due form , and the brethren retired for refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic fcoasts had been given and responded to with becoming fervour , and our newly raised brother had been duly honoured , some of the " merrie companie" increased the harmony of the evening hy the melodies they sung , and so a pleasant hour was passed away by the brethren of the ancient Craft .
WEST HAKTIEPOOE . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 1066 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., at the Uoyal Hotel , at seven p . m . There Avere present Bro . Geo . Kirk , the new W . M . ; W . Kitching , S . W . ; Bank , J . W . j V . Rickinson , Treas . j W . W . Brunton , Sec . ; C . Price , S . D . ; Bird , J . D . ; and a fair muster ofthe members ofthe lodge . Visitor Bro . James Groves , W . M ., St . Helen ' s 774 , Hartlepool . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the
minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Harpley was passed to the second degree , or that of E . G ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Groves , ably assisted by the officers of the lodge . The most important business of the evening was the consideration of the following motion , of which notice had been given afc the last meeting ; proposed by Bro . Stephenson , and seconded by Bro . Rank , J . W ., viz .: — "That a jewel of not less value than £ 10 10 s ., be provided out of the
funds of the lodge , and presented to Bro . John Sufcclifl ' e , P . M ., Prov . S . G . D ., in acknowledgment of his zealous and unremitting services to the lodge . " The mover , seconder , and several other members spoke in highly eulogistic terms of Bro . Sutclilfe's zeal in the cause of Freemasonry in general , and of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge in particular . The motion was then put from the chair and carried unanimously , and a commitnee appointed to select a jewel , and carry ovit the object in A'iew . There beingno other business , the lodge Avas closed in harmony at about nine o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LlA-Eurooi . —Mariner * Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at the Masonic Temple at 2 P . M ., on July 3 rd , when , after the usual preliminaries , the AV . M . elect , Bro . Allen Green , Avas presented for installation , aud he consenting to abide by and support the ancient charges , the installing Master , Bro . Pepper , P . M ., "Prov . G . A . Dir . of Cers ., assisted
by Bros . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., younghusband , P . M . 294 ; Bulley , P . M . 782 , P . Prov . G . D ., Cheshire ; Lewin , P . M . 701 ; McCorman , WM . 294 , and Bros . Lamb and Swift , of 310 , duly installed Bro . Green to the chair of IC . S . The brethren were then called off , and proceeded hy rail and road to the Stanley Arms Hotel , lloby , where Bro . Houlstou had provided abanquet which was everything that could possibly please the eye or satisfy the tasteand it was done ample justice toby about sixt
, y of the brethren . The usual toasts were proposed and heartil y responded to , including " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Freemasons . " The musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . Afcherton , Bro . C . Wilberforce presiding at the piano-forte . At ten o ' clock the J . W . did his duty , and the lodge Avas duly closed , and the brethren , well pleased with themselves and each other , returned home .
GAUSTO * . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 207 ) . —This lodge was opened in due form on Monday , 7 th July , at the AA elling Hotel , Garston , by the AV . M ., Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed , The ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Edwd . Seymour , and being unanimous , he was presented and initiated into the mysteries of the Order , by the AV . M . Bro . Jno . Pepper . P . G . A . D . C ., acting .-is J . D . After the
lodge was opened to the second degree , tbe AV . M ., elect Bro . J . E . Thompson , S . W ., was presentjd . by P . M . Bro . Jno . Pepper , and P . M . Bro . Chas . Aldrieh , to the WM . tor installation . Tho ancient charges were read by P . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , and P . Prov , G . S . D ., Durham , Secretary of the lodge , to all the W . W . elect gave his consent , and in due time placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , by the Installing Master , assisted by P . M . s Bros . Pierpoint , Langley , Aldrieh , Pepper , and Banister , proclaimed and saluted . The W . M . Bro . Thompson , then invested the following brethren : —Bro . James
Hamer , P . G . Treas ., Installing Master , P . M . Bro . Chas . Leadham , S . W . ; Bro . Thomas H . AVilliams , J . W . ; PM . Bro . E . Pierpoint , Treas . ; P . M . Bro . C . Banister , Sec . ; Bro . Jno . AVilmer , S . D . j Bro . Kobt . Johnson , J . D . ; Bro . J . AVood , Organist ; Bro . Peter Pilkingtoti , I . G . ; Bro . AVm . Robinson , Tyler . All were addressed in suitable terms by the Installing Masters , who made a beautiful oration to all brethren present , upon the duties of which was listened to with great attention , Bro .
Hamer being the father of the lodge and preceptor to all the brethren . Business of the lodge being over , it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Afc refreshment the usual loyal and JIasonic toasts were done justice to . —Bro . PEPPEK returning thanks for the Prov . G . M ., Deputy , and P . G . Officers , Bro . LAKGXEY for the P . G . M . and Officers of Cheshire and East Lancashire , Bro . MAKSH for the Atsitors , Bro . HAAIEE for the AA . L . Masonic Educational Institution , and his own health as
Treasurer of that excellent institution , which now have property to nearly £ 1 , 000 , and educate about twenty children from the interest and annual contributions of the brethren , finishing a very able speech by proposing "The health of tbe AV . M ., " which was responded to in appropriate terms . —Bro . C . J . BASISTEB returned thank's for thesMasonic charities , promising his assistance to any brother who would take the office of Steward for any of those valuable institutions : and hoped that
at the meeting of P . G . Lodge , which would be held at Preston during the guild week in September , he should have the name of a brother to serve the office of Steward for each of them , so that AVest Lancashire should prove to other provinces that they did not only think of themselves . " The health of the Host and Hostess" being proposed and duly honoured , and the last toast also , brought the evening to a close , which was spent in a truly fraternal spirit , the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the songs of Bro . Aldrieh , Thompson , Pepper , Anilmer , Edwards , & c .
LEICESTERSHIRE . HISCKLEV . —Knights of Malta Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —The annual festival of this , the mother lodge of the province , was held at the Town Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when amongst the brethren present were the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ; the AVorshipful Master , Bro . J . Atkins ; and Past Masters Colman and . HarroldThe visitors were : —BrosPrattP . Prov . S . G . W . ;
. . , Pettifor , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bithrey , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Green , J . D ., and Bolton , I . G . 766 , Leicester , and Nason , P . Prov . G . D ., AVarwickshire . The chair was taken during the business by the D . Prov . G . M ,, and the lodge liaving been opened in fche first degree , and the minutes of the election ot AV . M . confirmed , a Fellow Craft's lodge was opened , and Bro . Thomas Goadby was presented and duly installed into the chair of K . S ., after which brethren
he was saluted in the three degrees . The following were appointed and invested as the officers for the ensuing vear : —Bro . Goude , S . AV . ; Clarke , J . W . ; Davis , S . D . ; Homer , J . D . ; S . Preston , I . G . ; Clarke , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , after a vote of thanks to the late officers , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the loving cup , presented to the lodge by the worthy Prov . G . M ., Earl Howe , when AV . M ., was passed round , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , interspersed wifch songs , closed the proceedings of the day .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Newcastle-on-Tyne Lodge ( No . 24 ) . —Thursday , July 3 rd , being the regular night of meeting , the Lodge was opened in the Freemasons' Hall , in clue form , hy the W . M ., Bro . Loades , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . No candidates appearing to take degrees , although there are several due , the Lodge was closed in due form , after prayer from the Rev . Chaplain . There were several visitors , including Bro . H . A . Hummerbom , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers . for fchs Province of Durham .
AA ALES ( SOUTH ) . CAEDIEP . —Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 43 ) . —A lodge was held afc the lodge-room , Sfc . Mary-street , on Tuesday , 24 th June , when Bro . Evan J . Thomas , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . R . F . Langley , Prov . G . S . AA . and P . M . 43 . The W . M ., having been duly saluted , thanked the brethren forthe high honour conferred on him , and appointed his officers as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
as S . D ., and Bro . Holmes Avas appointed to act as S . Wduring the ceremony of raising Bro . Inglis , which was conducted with all solemnity . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , Avhen , business being concluded , it was finally closed in due form , and the brethren retired for refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic fcoasts had been given and responded to with becoming fervour , and our newly raised brother had been duly honoured , some of the " merrie companie" increased the harmony of the evening hy the melodies they sung , and so a pleasant hour was passed away by the brethren of the ancient Craft .
WEST HAKTIEPOOE . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 1066 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., at the Uoyal Hotel , at seven p . m . There Avere present Bro . Geo . Kirk , the new W . M . ; W . Kitching , S . W . ; Bank , J . W . j V . Rickinson , Treas . j W . W . Brunton , Sec . ; C . Price , S . D . ; Bird , J . D . ; and a fair muster ofthe members ofthe lodge . Visitor Bro . James Groves , W . M ., St . Helen ' s 774 , Hartlepool . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the
minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Harpley was passed to the second degree , or that of E . G ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Groves , ably assisted by the officers of the lodge . The most important business of the evening was the consideration of the following motion , of which notice had been given afc the last meeting ; proposed by Bro . Stephenson , and seconded by Bro . Rank , J . W ., viz .: — "That a jewel of not less value than £ 10 10 s ., be provided out of the
funds of the lodge , and presented to Bro . John Sufcclifl ' e , P . M ., Prov . S . G . D ., in acknowledgment of his zealous and unremitting services to the lodge . " The mover , seconder , and several other members spoke in highly eulogistic terms of Bro . Sutclilfe's zeal in the cause of Freemasonry in general , and of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge in particular . The motion was then put from the chair and carried unanimously , and a commitnee appointed to select a jewel , and carry ovit the object in A'iew . There beingno other business , the lodge Avas closed in harmony at about nine o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LlA-Eurooi . —Mariner * Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at the Masonic Temple at 2 P . M ., on July 3 rd , when , after the usual preliminaries , the AV . M . elect , Bro . Allen Green , Avas presented for installation , aud he consenting to abide by and support the ancient charges , the installing Master , Bro . Pepper , P . M ., "Prov . G . A . Dir . of Cers ., assisted
by Bros . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., younghusband , P . M . 294 ; Bulley , P . M . 782 , P . Prov . G . D ., Cheshire ; Lewin , P . M . 701 ; McCorman , WM . 294 , and Bros . Lamb and Swift , of 310 , duly installed Bro . Green to the chair of IC . S . The brethren were then called off , and proceeded hy rail and road to the Stanley Arms Hotel , lloby , where Bro . Houlstou had provided abanquet which was everything that could possibly please the eye or satisfy the tasteand it was done ample justice toby about sixt
, y of the brethren . The usual toasts were proposed and heartil y responded to , including " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Freemasons . " The musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . Afcherton , Bro . C . Wilberforce presiding at the piano-forte . At ten o ' clock the J . W . did his duty , and the lodge Avas duly closed , and the brethren , well pleased with themselves and each other , returned home .
GAUSTO * . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 207 ) . —This lodge was opened in due form on Monday , 7 th July , at the AA elling Hotel , Garston , by the AV . M ., Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed , The ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Edwd . Seymour , and being unanimous , he was presented and initiated into the mysteries of the Order , by the AV . M . Bro . Jno . Pepper . P . G . A . D . C ., acting .-is J . D . After the
lodge was opened to the second degree , tbe AV . M ., elect Bro . J . E . Thompson , S . W ., was presentjd . by P . M . Bro . Jno . Pepper , and P . M . Bro . Chas . Aldrieh , to the WM . tor installation . Tho ancient charges were read by P . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , and P . Prov , G . S . D ., Durham , Secretary of the lodge , to all the W . W . elect gave his consent , and in due time placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , by the Installing Master , assisted by P . M . s Bros . Pierpoint , Langley , Aldrieh , Pepper , and Banister , proclaimed and saluted . The W . M . Bro . Thompson , then invested the following brethren : —Bro . James
Hamer , P . G . Treas ., Installing Master , P . M . Bro . Chas . Leadham , S . W . ; Bro . Thomas H . AVilliams , J . W . ; PM . Bro . E . Pierpoint , Treas . ; P . M . Bro . C . Banister , Sec . ; Bro . Jno . AVilmer , S . D . j Bro . Kobt . Johnson , J . D . ; Bro . J . AVood , Organist ; Bro . Peter Pilkingtoti , I . G . ; Bro . AVm . Robinson , Tyler . All were addressed in suitable terms by the Installing Masters , who made a beautiful oration to all brethren present , upon the duties of which was listened to with great attention , Bro .
Hamer being the father of the lodge and preceptor to all the brethren . Business of the lodge being over , it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Afc refreshment the usual loyal and JIasonic toasts were done justice to . —Bro . PEPPEK returning thanks for the Prov . G . M ., Deputy , and P . G . Officers , Bro . LAKGXEY for the P . G . M . and Officers of Cheshire and East Lancashire , Bro . MAKSH for the Atsitors , Bro . HAAIEE for the AA . L . Masonic Educational Institution , and his own health as
Treasurer of that excellent institution , which now have property to nearly £ 1 , 000 , and educate about twenty children from the interest and annual contributions of the brethren , finishing a very able speech by proposing "The health of tbe AV . M ., " which was responded to in appropriate terms . —Bro . C . J . BASISTEB returned thank's for thesMasonic charities , promising his assistance to any brother who would take the office of Steward for any of those valuable institutions : and hoped that
at the meeting of P . G . Lodge , which would be held at Preston during the guild week in September , he should have the name of a brother to serve the office of Steward for each of them , so that AVest Lancashire should prove to other provinces that they did not only think of themselves . " The health of the Host and Hostess" being proposed and duly honoured , and the last toast also , brought the evening to a close , which was spent in a truly fraternal spirit , the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the songs of Bro . Aldrieh , Thompson , Pepper , Anilmer , Edwards , & c .
LEICESTERSHIRE . HISCKLEV . —Knights of Malta Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —The annual festival of this , the mother lodge of the province , was held at the Town Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when amongst the brethren present were the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ; the AVorshipful Master , Bro . J . Atkins ; and Past Masters Colman and . HarroldThe visitors were : —BrosPrattP . Prov . S . G . W . ;
. . , Pettifor , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bithrey , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Green , J . D ., and Bolton , I . G . 766 , Leicester , and Nason , P . Prov . G . D ., AVarwickshire . The chair was taken during the business by the D . Prov . G . M ,, and the lodge liaving been opened in fche first degree , and the minutes of the election ot AV . M . confirmed , a Fellow Craft's lodge was opened , and Bro . Thomas Goadby was presented and duly installed into the chair of K . S ., after which brethren
he was saluted in the three degrees . The following were appointed and invested as the officers for the ensuing vear : —Bro . Goude , S . AV . ; Clarke , J . W . ; Davis , S . D . ; Homer , J . D . ; S . Preston , I . G . ; Clarke , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , after a vote of thanks to the late officers , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the loving cup , presented to the lodge by the worthy Prov . G . M ., Earl Howe , when AV . M ., was passed round , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , interspersed wifch songs , closed the proceedings of the day .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Newcastle-on-Tyne Lodge ( No . 24 ) . —Thursday , July 3 rd , being the regular night of meeting , the Lodge was opened in the Freemasons' Hall , in clue form , hy the W . M ., Bro . Loades , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . No candidates appearing to take degrees , although there are several due , the Lodge was closed in due form , after prayer from the Rev . Chaplain . There were several visitors , including Bro . H . A . Hummerbom , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers . for fchs Province of Durham .
AA ALES ( SOUTH ) . CAEDIEP . —Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 43 ) . —A lodge was held afc the lodge-room , Sfc . Mary-street , on Tuesday , 24 th June , when Bro . Evan J . Thomas , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . R . F . Langley , Prov . G . S . AA . and P . M . 43 . The W . M ., having been duly saluted , thanked the brethren forthe high honour conferred on him , and appointed his officers as