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Masonic Statistics.
Erom an address recently delivered by Bro . Leopold , the orator of the Verschwislerung der Mensehheit , Lodge of Grkuchaii , ive extract the following passage , containing a statistical account of Masonry " on the surface of the glohe . Bro . Leopold in the article referred to states that the Masonic confederation has
become a chain of brethren , surrounding the whole glohe—a net which holds mankind encircled in its threads . Saxony which , threo hundred years ago , ivas the cradle of the ecclesiastical and religious reformation , which gave the first effective impulse to a free movement and jirogress in the Craft ,
and has continued in the path of progress , well deserves to be named as holding a prominent position amongst the countries which have adopted Masonic institutions and Masonic temples . The kingdom of Saxony contains 15 lodges . There are altogether 287
lodges working iu the whole of Germany , with the exception of the German part of the Austrian Empire , Masonic institutions being prohibited iu all the I . E . crown lands , as well as in her Catholic Majesty's , the Queen of Spain's , dominions , and in the vast dominions ofthe Autocrat of all the Eussias . In Eranee
there are upwards of 220 lodges , Avhile 30 more lodges in Algeria , the Erench colonies , and foreign countries belong to the province of the Erench Masonic authorities . In Great Britain , the first brotherhood of Ereemasons practising Masonry ou the symbolical , instead of the original working
principles , was founded iu 1717 . They have preserved the name of Ereemasons up to the present day , and constitute at this moment some 1 , 200 lodges of various descriptions . Switzerland , prominent from the political liberty and intellectual
freedom preserved by its inhabitants , contains 27 lodges . In Belgium-arid the Low Countries there are SO ; in Denmark 5 ; in the Scandinavian Peninsula 12 lodges . Ereemasonry has , however , met with the most favourable reception in the United States of
America . There it has spread over tiie whole of the northern continent , and numbers altogether some 1 , 000 lodges . Hence it has penetrated into Central and South America , and diffuses its wholesome effect in Brazil where there arc some Go lodges . In
Italy , the laws enacted against Ereemasonry have fallen into desuetude since the political resuscitation of this country in I 860 . At present a National Grand Lodge is sitting at Turin * having l ~ i lodges under its sway , and including lodges working uuder its jurisdiction iu Turin and Egypt .
Masonic Statistics.
Turkey , Persia , even China no longer raise any resistance to the progress of Masonry ; and in the East India lodges Christians , Moslems , and Hindoos are working together in peace and harmony , and in . the harbours and islands of the Pacific Ocean it meets with the same affectionate reception ancl fraternal
protection as in Europe . Altogether there are from 7 , 000 to 8 , 000 lodges regularly constituted on the surface ofthe globe , and several hundreds of thousand members , belonging to all classes , to all nationalities , and to all creeds , are co-operating therein , and contributing , every one in his way , towards the diffusion , of light and civilisation .
Freemasonry—Its Objects, Influence, And Benefits.
The term Freemasonry expresses and includes the entire nature and effect , the whole internal and external existence of the society or fraternity of Freemasons . The practice of Freemasonry consists in the external representation of the Masonic spirit ,
hy certain symbolic forms , figures , and ceremonies , and then by the demonstration of the acts expressed by these forms , towards themselves , towards the united members of the society , and towards all meu . We may , therefore , designate as the two
chief elements of Freemasonry , first , the Masonic ¦ ideal , or Spirit of Masonry , and , seco . vcJ , the symbolic / o ? -iii of the Masonic ideal , known as Masonic Symbolism , and borrowed as it is from the art of architecture , not inaptly termed " Symbolic
Architecture . " Thus , Freemasonry , like the human being , consists of two parts , body and soul . The body of Freemasonry- is the covering , the garment ,
the external phasis , the totality of the Masonic symbols and ceremonies . The soul of Freemasonry is the essence , the spirit , the Masonic ideal , the totality of the fundamental ideas and principles of Masonry . These ideas andpi-inciples have ever
existed and prevailed among men ; therefore the spirit of Masonry ( but not Freemasonry ) is as ancient as humanity itself—it Avas born with the first man . The highest aims of Freemasonry are humanity and cosmopolitism ; the two poles
between which it moves are union and moral perfection . Freemasonry is the spirit-power , Avhich seeks to unite mankind by morality , leadingthrough moral perfection , to union . The great work of moral improvement on Avhich Freemasonry
is engaged , we liken to the building of a temple , a comparison which is consistently sustained throughout the whole system of Masonry .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Statistics.
Erom an address recently delivered by Bro . Leopold , the orator of the Verschwislerung der Mensehheit , Lodge of Grkuchaii , ive extract the following passage , containing a statistical account of Masonry " on the surface of the glohe . Bro . Leopold in the article referred to states that the Masonic confederation has
become a chain of brethren , surrounding the whole glohe—a net which holds mankind encircled in its threads . Saxony which , threo hundred years ago , ivas the cradle of the ecclesiastical and religious reformation , which gave the first effective impulse to a free movement and jirogress in the Craft ,
and has continued in the path of progress , well deserves to be named as holding a prominent position amongst the countries which have adopted Masonic institutions and Masonic temples . The kingdom of Saxony contains 15 lodges . There are altogether 287
lodges working iu the whole of Germany , with the exception of the German part of the Austrian Empire , Masonic institutions being prohibited iu all the I . E . crown lands , as well as in her Catholic Majesty's , the Queen of Spain's , dominions , and in the vast dominions ofthe Autocrat of all the Eussias . In Eranee
there are upwards of 220 lodges , Avhile 30 more lodges in Algeria , the Erench colonies , and foreign countries belong to the province of the Erench Masonic authorities . In Great Britain , the first brotherhood of Ereemasons practising Masonry ou the symbolical , instead of the original working
principles , was founded iu 1717 . They have preserved the name of Ereemasons up to the present day , and constitute at this moment some 1 , 200 lodges of various descriptions . Switzerland , prominent from the political liberty and intellectual
freedom preserved by its inhabitants , contains 27 lodges . In Belgium-arid the Low Countries there are SO ; in Denmark 5 ; in the Scandinavian Peninsula 12 lodges . Ereemasonry has , however , met with the most favourable reception in the United States of
America . There it has spread over tiie whole of the northern continent , and numbers altogether some 1 , 000 lodges . Hence it has penetrated into Central and South America , and diffuses its wholesome effect in Brazil where there arc some Go lodges . In
Italy , the laws enacted against Ereemasonry have fallen into desuetude since the political resuscitation of this country in I 860 . At present a National Grand Lodge is sitting at Turin * having l ~ i lodges under its sway , and including lodges working uuder its jurisdiction iu Turin and Egypt .
Masonic Statistics.
Turkey , Persia , even China no longer raise any resistance to the progress of Masonry ; and in the East India lodges Christians , Moslems , and Hindoos are working together in peace and harmony , and in . the harbours and islands of the Pacific Ocean it meets with the same affectionate reception ancl fraternal
protection as in Europe . Altogether there are from 7 , 000 to 8 , 000 lodges regularly constituted on the surface ofthe globe , and several hundreds of thousand members , belonging to all classes , to all nationalities , and to all creeds , are co-operating therein , and contributing , every one in his way , towards the diffusion , of light and civilisation .
Freemasonry—Its Objects, Influence, And Benefits.
The term Freemasonry expresses and includes the entire nature and effect , the whole internal and external existence of the society or fraternity of Freemasons . The practice of Freemasonry consists in the external representation of the Masonic spirit ,
hy certain symbolic forms , figures , and ceremonies , and then by the demonstration of the acts expressed by these forms , towards themselves , towards the united members of the society , and towards all meu . We may , therefore , designate as the two
chief elements of Freemasonry , first , the Masonic ¦ ideal , or Spirit of Masonry , and , seco . vcJ , the symbolic / o ? -iii of the Masonic ideal , known as Masonic Symbolism , and borrowed as it is from the art of architecture , not inaptly termed " Symbolic
Architecture . " Thus , Freemasonry , like the human being , consists of two parts , body and soul . The body of Freemasonry- is the covering , the garment ,
the external phasis , the totality of the Masonic symbols and ceremonies . The soul of Freemasonry is the essence , the spirit , the Masonic ideal , the totality of the fundamental ideas and principles of Masonry . These ideas andpi-inciples have ever
existed and prevailed among men ; therefore the spirit of Masonry ( but not Freemasonry ) is as ancient as humanity itself—it Avas born with the first man . The highest aims of Freemasonry are humanity and cosmopolitism ; the two poles
between which it moves are union and moral perfection . Freemasonry is the spirit-power , Avhich seeks to unite mankind by morality , leadingthrough moral perfection , to union . The great work of moral improvement on Avhich Freemasonry
is engaged , we liken to the building of a temple , a comparison which is consistently sustained throughout the whole system of Masonry .