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The Prince Of Wales And The Irish Freemasons.
congratulation , there was a crisp freshnesss and earnest fervour about this last utterance which went straight to the hearts of those Avho listened to ib . The allusions to erroneous conceptions concerning the spirit of the order and the solemn earnestness Avith AA'hich the Prince defined the limits and aims of Freemasonry , met Avith
thoughtful approval ; but the closing sentences , in Avhich he claimed for Freemasonry a spirit of broad Christian charity and an alliance Avith the principles of constitutional government , roused a perfect furore of enthusiasm . How much better the Prince ' s extempore speech Avas than his prepared answer to the address , was in everyone ' s mouth ,
and a better and more appropriate climax to the proceedings could not have been devised . When the Grand Lodge Avas closed , and the neAV Patron of the Freemasons of Ireland had received parting salutations aud left the room , he was being escorted doAvnstairs by the
Duke of Leinster , when his Royal Highness asked if he could not be shown over the new lodge rooms , of which he had heard so much . There Avas a momentary embarrassment ; the rooms Avere unfinished ; they Avere not prepared for the compliment it ivas proposed to pay ; the Prince might not be so favourably impressed as if he
saAV them for the first time next yeai-, when it is confidently hoped he will come over , accompanied by tho Princess , and a banquet on behalf of the Irish Masonic Schools shall be inaugurated , at Avhich ladies and brethren shall be present . These Avere the first natural impulses of those interested . It ivas felt that the time
and the thought given by Captain Huband to the details of these several buildings would be better appreciated wheu the final strokes had heen given them ; but , notAvithstanding this , it Avas eventually decided to take the Prince round .
He expressed his satisfaction several times to the brethren Avho accompanied him . The boys and girls from the Masonic schools had been brought into the city on the chance of their obtaining a glimpse of the Prince , and when the latter heard this , he immediately asked to be taken to the Grand Lodge Room , where they Avere
Avaiting . There he deli ghted the modest little maidens by putting questions to them , respecting their studies and the discipline of the school , and after general leading questions to the authorities in attendance , the now patron left , the crowd outside taking up tho cheering of she brethren Avithin , and every Mason present satisfied
that the much-fcalked-of affair had gone off well , We have just received a photograph of the elegant ¦ J eAvel , Avhich we have placed in the hands of the Engraver , and hope to be enabled to give it in our next , together Avith a more detailed list of the distinguished brethren , Avho attended on the occasion , ( numbering , Ave are informed , no less than six hundred , ) for Avhich Ave regret Ave have not space in the present number .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
lhe Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , August 9 th , Bro . B Head V , P . in the chair , supported by Bros . AV . Farnfteld , Sec .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Major Creaton , C . Dumas , J . Smith , AV . Young , A . Perkins , Fraser , Gale , F . Adlard , F . Walters , T . Cubitt , E . Cox , H . M . Levy , Baker , J . Farnfteld and others . The minutes of meeting of July 13 Avere read and confirmed . The death of Bro . J . Asbwell , male anuuuitant , who died in July , was announced .
On the recommendation of the sub-committee ' s report , the tender of Mr . W . Gaskin , of Croydon , for repairs of building and paving of yard was accepted . Bros . C . Blake ami Ball , and Mrs . Buckingham ivere announced as having accepted rooms at Croydon . There are now 106 and males , 71 females , and also 5 females
receiving half the anuunity of their late husbands , on the list of annuitants . Bros . A \ . AU ' tnson aud Box , and Mrs . Susan Howell were placed on the list of annuitants . It was decided not to solicit Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AA nlcs to preside next January , as it would be only seven months since be
presided at the Girl ' s School . and it was not considered fair to tax his kindness . But it was agreed to ask the AA . M . G . M . to do so , as he had not presided since he had filled the office of Grand Master , or if he declined , to solicit him to depute some brother to do so . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the meeting .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . THE FREDERICS : LODGE or UNITY ( No . 452 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge was held at the Station Hotel , Sutton , ou Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., when there present Bros . C . AA . Dommett , W . M . ; AA . Church Poole , J . W ., . lames Robins , P . M . audTroas . ; Magnus Ohren , I . P . M . aud Sec . ; A . J . Dickinson , S . D . ; \ V . Stanley MastermanJ . D . ; H . G . FrancesD . C . ; J . AV . SuggI . G . W .
, , , ; L . Webb , P . M . ; S . H . Evans , P . M . ; Newton E . Jennings , P . M . ; Frederick AVilliams , AV . A . AVilson , and AV . C . Holmes . Bro . H . B . Clark , 9 , was present as a visitor . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read , it was moved b y Bro . Magnus Ohren , I . P . M ., and Sec , and seconded by the AA ' . M ., that notice be given to the Grand Secretary , R . AA " . Bro . John Hervey , and the Prov . Grand Secretary for . Surrey , AV . Bro . C .
Greenwood , that by an error of description , tbe word < : Railway " Hotel has been used in connection with this Loiige , instead of Station Hotel Bro . William Virgo AVilson was raised . Mr . AVilliam Cartwright Holmes was initiated in a very able manner by Bro . Magnus Ohren , the I . P . M . The Treasurer and Secretary were invested by the AV . M . with the Jewels presented to them by the Lodge . The AA' . M . in very
flattering terms , thanked those officers in the name of the lod ge , for the labours bestowed by them upon the Lodge duties and , particularly thanked Bro . Magnus Ohren , the I . P . M ., and Sec , for the assistance rendered to himself by Bro . Ohren , in carryingout the duties of the chair . It was moved by Bro . AA . Stanley Masterman , J . D ., aud seconded by Bro . J . Robins , P . M ., and Treas ., that Mr . C . H . Edwards , of the Poultry , be initiated , and
become a Subscribing Member of this Lodge , and it was agreed that ho be baliotted for at the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . PRINCE FREDERICK AVILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 753 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Kni ghts of St . John ' s Hotel , St . John ' s AA ' ood , when there were present Bros * J . B . DaviesAV . M . ; CaulcherP . M . ; Thomas RobinsonP . M .- '
, , , ; Wurst , P . M . ; Baker , P . M . ; and Adams , P . M . ; Pigot , Holly man , Donald King , Parker , and about 20 others . Bros . Boyd , Asst . G . Purst . ; l _ . ims . iy , Hickman , and others were present as visitors . Bros . Holland was passed , and J . B . Davies , was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed byBro . S . Mullens , P . M . The following officers for the ensuing year were appointed : —Bros . VViudle , S . W . ; Browne , J . AA . ; Charlton , S . D . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Prince Of Wales And The Irish Freemasons.
congratulation , there was a crisp freshnesss and earnest fervour about this last utterance which went straight to the hearts of those Avho listened to ib . The allusions to erroneous conceptions concerning the spirit of the order and the solemn earnestness Avith AA'hich the Prince defined the limits and aims of Freemasonry , met Avith
thoughtful approval ; but the closing sentences , in Avhich he claimed for Freemasonry a spirit of broad Christian charity and an alliance Avith the principles of constitutional government , roused a perfect furore of enthusiasm . How much better the Prince ' s extempore speech Avas than his prepared answer to the address , was in everyone ' s mouth ,
and a better and more appropriate climax to the proceedings could not have been devised . When the Grand Lodge Avas closed , and the neAV Patron of the Freemasons of Ireland had received parting salutations aud left the room , he was being escorted doAvnstairs by the
Duke of Leinster , when his Royal Highness asked if he could not be shown over the new lodge rooms , of which he had heard so much . There Avas a momentary embarrassment ; the rooms Avere unfinished ; they Avere not prepared for the compliment it ivas proposed to pay ; the Prince might not be so favourably impressed as if he
saAV them for the first time next yeai-, when it is confidently hoped he will come over , accompanied by tho Princess , and a banquet on behalf of the Irish Masonic Schools shall be inaugurated , at Avhich ladies and brethren shall be present . These Avere the first natural impulses of those interested . It ivas felt that the time
and the thought given by Captain Huband to the details of these several buildings would be better appreciated wheu the final strokes had heen given them ; but , notAvithstanding this , it Avas eventually decided to take the Prince round .
He expressed his satisfaction several times to the brethren Avho accompanied him . The boys and girls from the Masonic schools had been brought into the city on the chance of their obtaining a glimpse of the Prince , and when the latter heard this , he immediately asked to be taken to the Grand Lodge Room , where they Avere
Avaiting . There he deli ghted the modest little maidens by putting questions to them , respecting their studies and the discipline of the school , and after general leading questions to the authorities in attendance , the now patron left , the crowd outside taking up tho cheering of she brethren Avithin , and every Mason present satisfied
that the much-fcalked-of affair had gone off well , We have just received a photograph of the elegant ¦ J eAvel , Avhich we have placed in the hands of the Engraver , and hope to be enabled to give it in our next , together Avith a more detailed list of the distinguished brethren , Avho attended on the occasion , ( numbering , Ave are informed , no less than six hundred , ) for Avhich Ave regret Ave have not space in the present number .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
lhe Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , August 9 th , Bro . B Head V , P . in the chair , supported by Bros . AV . Farnfteld , Sec .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Major Creaton , C . Dumas , J . Smith , AV . Young , A . Perkins , Fraser , Gale , F . Adlard , F . Walters , T . Cubitt , E . Cox , H . M . Levy , Baker , J . Farnfteld and others . The minutes of meeting of July 13 Avere read and confirmed . The death of Bro . J . Asbwell , male anuuuitant , who died in July , was announced .
On the recommendation of the sub-committee ' s report , the tender of Mr . W . Gaskin , of Croydon , for repairs of building and paving of yard was accepted . Bros . C . Blake ami Ball , and Mrs . Buckingham ivere announced as having accepted rooms at Croydon . There are now 106 and males , 71 females , and also 5 females
receiving half the anuunity of their late husbands , on the list of annuitants . Bros . A \ . AU ' tnson aud Box , and Mrs . Susan Howell were placed on the list of annuitants . It was decided not to solicit Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AA nlcs to preside next January , as it would be only seven months since be
presided at the Girl ' s School . and it was not considered fair to tax his kindness . But it was agreed to ask the AA . M . G . M . to do so , as he had not presided since he had filled the office of Grand Master , or if he declined , to solicit him to depute some brother to do so . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the meeting .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . THE FREDERICS : LODGE or UNITY ( No . 452 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge was held at the Station Hotel , Sutton , ou Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., when there present Bros . C . AA . Dommett , W . M . ; AA . Church Poole , J . W ., . lames Robins , P . M . audTroas . ; Magnus Ohren , I . P . M . aud Sec . ; A . J . Dickinson , S . D . ; \ V . Stanley MastermanJ . D . ; H . G . FrancesD . C . ; J . AV . SuggI . G . W .
, , , ; L . Webb , P . M . ; S . H . Evans , P . M . ; Newton E . Jennings , P . M . ; Frederick AVilliams , AV . A . AVilson , and AV . C . Holmes . Bro . H . B . Clark , 9 , was present as a visitor . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read , it was moved b y Bro . Magnus Ohren , I . P . M ., and Sec , and seconded by the AA ' . M ., that notice be given to the Grand Secretary , R . AA " . Bro . John Hervey , and the Prov . Grand Secretary for . Surrey , AV . Bro . C .
Greenwood , that by an error of description , tbe word < : Railway " Hotel has been used in connection with this Loiige , instead of Station Hotel Bro . William Virgo AVilson was raised . Mr . AVilliam Cartwright Holmes was initiated in a very able manner by Bro . Magnus Ohren , the I . P . M . The Treasurer and Secretary were invested by the AV . M . with the Jewels presented to them by the Lodge . The AA' . M . in very
flattering terms , thanked those officers in the name of the lod ge , for the labours bestowed by them upon the Lodge duties and , particularly thanked Bro . Magnus Ohren , the I . P . M ., and Sec , for the assistance rendered to himself by Bro . Ohren , in carryingout the duties of the chair . It was moved by Bro . AA . Stanley Masterman , J . D ., aud seconded by Bro . J . Robins , P . M ., and Treas ., that Mr . C . H . Edwards , of the Poultry , be initiated , and
become a Subscribing Member of this Lodge , and it was agreed that ho be baliotted for at the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . PRINCE FREDERICK AVILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 753 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Kni ghts of St . John ' s Hotel , St . John ' s AA ' ood , when there were present Bros * J . B . DaviesAV . M . ; CaulcherP . M . ; Thomas RobinsonP . M .- '
, , , ; Wurst , P . M . ; Baker , P . M . ; and Adams , P . M . ; Pigot , Holly man , Donald King , Parker , and about 20 others . Bros . Boyd , Asst . G . Purst . ; l _ . ims . iy , Hickman , and others were present as visitors . Bros . Holland was passed , and J . B . Davies , was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed byBro . S . Mullens , P . M . The following officers for the ensuing year were appointed : —Bros . VViudle , S . W . ; Browne , J . AA . ; Charlton , S . D . ;