Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MARK DEGREE IN ENGLAND. Page 1 of 4 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
30 th . Degree-. —Ills . Bros . Samuel White , and W . H Grimoner . The following Candidates were advanced to the 30 ° : —Bros . J . A . Hall , James Poole , Jas . Hornby Birley , Edward Lister , M . D ., H . H . Robertson , Alfred Fletcher , and James Gaskett , of the Liverpool Chapter , Rose Croix . Bros . Botsford and James AVatson , of the Palatine Chapter , Rose Croix , Bro . AA oodall , of the Talbot Chapter , Rose
Croix . The work was performed according to ancient custom in a very able manner by the 111 . Bro . Col . Clerk , R . A ., G . Chancellor of the order . After the above members of the 18 ° , Rose Croix , were advanced , the 30 ° Chapter was closed . The Liverpool Chapter , Rose Croix , was then opened in the presence of the Supreme Grand Council , by the P . M . AA . S ., Edward Pierpont .
After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Henry Bulley , T . AV , Oakshott , John Branch , Arthur Field , and Samuel Spratley , M . D ., aud proving satisfactory , these brethren were installed according to ancient form by the acting M . AV . Sov ., assisted by the 111 . Bros . Hyde Pullen , and C . J . Banister . The installation of tho M . AV . Sov . 111 . Bro . S . AVhite , Avas then proceeded with , and most admirably performed by Bro . H .
Pullen . _ ^ , After other business was disposed of , the alms collected , & ce the chapter was closed by the M . AA . S ., Samuel AAliitc , and ths brethren proceeded to the Adelphi Hotel , where a dinner wa served by Bro . Rudd , the Manager , in sumptuous style . After tbe usual loyal toasts , the M . AA . Sov ., proposed " The health of the M . P . Grand Commander , 111 . Bro . C . J . Vigne , " in an appropriate speech , aud it was responded to very happily _ Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated after spending an enjoyable evening .
Masonic Festivities.
HUJIBEE LODGE ( NO . 57 ) HULL . The eighth annual picnic in connection with the Humber Lodge has afforded unsual enjoyment to upwards of 170 of the members and friends . On the morning of the 2 nd of August the party started from the Humber Hodge to enjoy a delightful drive by Hesslewood , skirting the pretty village of AA elton , and on to Brantingliam Thorpe the seat of Christopher Svkes Esq ., M . P ., P . G . S . AV . of tho N and E R of Yorkshire , who had iu the
most generous manner placed the whole of the park and grounds in the hands of the AA . M . of the Humber Lodge with a " carte blanche" to inspect the conservatories and house , which had been recently honoured by a visit from the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke aud Duchess of St . Albans and party . The grounds are charmingly situated on a slope commanding an extensive range of views over a well cultivated country , stretching to the banks of Old Father Humber , and across whose broad
bosom are seen the wolds of Lincolnshire forming a tout ensemble of rural beauty rarely surpassed . On arrival , dancing to an excellent quadrille band , commenced , croquet and other games were maintained with spirit during the happy hours . The whole party dined together under canvas , presided over by the AV . M ., Bro . Tesscyman , supported by the D . P . G . M . Bro . Dr . BellBros . Dr . HayP . M . P . Prov . G . S . D .
, , , , Anthony Bannister , P . M . P . Prov . G . S . D ., John Walker , P . M . P . Prov . G . Supt . of A \ orks ; John AVilson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., Michael AV . Clark , P . M . P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVilliam Reedier , I . P . M ., Bro . Sherling , W . M . 250 . The town clerk , Bro . G . C . Roberts , P . Prov . G . R . and several distinguished brethren ofthe Humber and Sister Lodges attended with their ladies .
The Mark Degree In England.
( Continued from page 1 ' 20 ) . Bro . Binckes : I should like to take part in this acknowledgment , aud , as having visited Scotland for the purpose of bringing about this good feeling , to second the proposition of our Grand Master . While doing so I Avould bear hearty and sincere testimony to the extremly fraternal conduct of the Grand Lodge
and Chapter of Scotland in the kindness they have extended towards me , and the opportunities and facilities they have given to me on behalf of the body " styling itself the Grand Mark Lodge of England and AVales , " in making my various statements . At the same time I acknowledge the warmth and hospitality which have invariably been extended to me , " the right-hand of fellowship" held out in every shape and every way during the last three or four years . My hope is that as our efforts have
culminated in this meeting , great good has been done ; and I trust that our friends from Scotland have found themselves as warmly received here as I can testify the representatives of this country have been in theirs ; and that they will not regret the trouble , expense , or inconvenience to Avhich they have been subjected in attending this Conference . I am sure the friendly feeling exhibited here to-day and yesterday is a good omen , and
not only as one who has taken an active part under the guidance and instructions of others throughout these proceedings , but having seen more than many of inner working of the matter , I desire to add my warmest and sincerest acknowledgment of the evident kindliness of feeling which has actuated our Brethren Avhilst they have been here amongst us . Bro . Mann : Brethren before we separateI take
, may upon myself , I think , to express on behalf of tbe Delegates who have come here from Scotland , the groat satisfaction that we have had in meeting our Brethren from England and Ireland upon this occasion . I am quite sure we haA r e had amost cornial reception and I think , our meeting yesterday and to-day will be productive of benefit both to the Masonic Brethren in Scotland and in Ireland , as well as to those Brethren who have come here in
connection Avith Grand Mark Lodge . I am quite sure that it is very necessary that those discrepancies which exist iu the Avorking of the various Degrees of Masonry in Scotland ancl in England should he rectified ; and I believe tnat the result of this Conference will be that these differences and discrepancies AA ill be removed . I know I express the conviction of all those ivho came up with me here , that we have had a most cordial
reception , and I trust that our visit will not be useless . A vote of thanks to Earl Percy and Colonel Burdett , for their seA'eral kindness in presiding , having been suitably proposed and cordially adopted , the Conference was brought to a close .
APPENDIX A GRAND CHAPTER OP CAXADA . Office of the Grand Scribe E , Hamilton , Out ., 13 th-April , 1870 . FREDERICK BIN-CKES , ESQ ., Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge-Mark Masons of England and Wales . Dear Sir and A ^ . AV . Brother
, It affords me much pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter having reference to the position and standing of the Mark Master Mason ' s Degree in Canada , ancl at tbe same time to thank you for the copy of the Constitution and of the printed proceedings of your Grand Mark Lodge for the year 1869 . It had been my intention to have written to you by the last mail to accompany the Book of Constitutions and the printed
proceedings of our Grand Chapter , then sent to your address , but unavoidable circumstances interfered to prevent . By this time you will doubtless have ascertained that the Mark Degree is fully recognised and worked in Canada under the sanction and authority of a Chapter AA ' arrant , and is made made the first of a series of Degrees as conferred here and in the United States . AA e have been for some time past in hopes that the authorities
of the governing Masonic Bodies in England would ere this have come to some amicable understanding in regard to the Mark Degree , and that the same would have been either placed under the control of tho Supreme Grand Chapter as it is in almost every other country , or otherwise had accorded to it a recognition as au independent organization . The M . E . Grand L . has instructed me to oonA-ey to the
Grand Mark Lodge of England the kindliest feelings of fraternity , and to state that he knows of no just reason why the most intimate relations should not exist between it and the Grand Chapter of Canada , and that if it is thought an exchange representatives would tend to promote a closer union in sentiment and concert of action he Avould feel a pleasure in receiving a representative from the Grand Mark Lodg of England , and would reciprocate by appointing one in your Grand Lodge . In the event of these sentiments meeting with the concurrence
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
30 th . Degree-. —Ills . Bros . Samuel White , and W . H Grimoner . The following Candidates were advanced to the 30 ° : —Bros . J . A . Hall , James Poole , Jas . Hornby Birley , Edward Lister , M . D ., H . H . Robertson , Alfred Fletcher , and James Gaskett , of the Liverpool Chapter , Rose Croix . Bros . Botsford and James AVatson , of the Palatine Chapter , Rose Croix , Bro . AA oodall , of the Talbot Chapter , Rose
Croix . The work was performed according to ancient custom in a very able manner by the 111 . Bro . Col . Clerk , R . A ., G . Chancellor of the order . After the above members of the 18 ° , Rose Croix , were advanced , the 30 ° Chapter was closed . The Liverpool Chapter , Rose Croix , was then opened in the presence of the Supreme Grand Council , by the P . M . AA . S ., Edward Pierpont .
After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Henry Bulley , T . AV , Oakshott , John Branch , Arthur Field , and Samuel Spratley , M . D ., aud proving satisfactory , these brethren were installed according to ancient form by the acting M . AV . Sov ., assisted by the 111 . Bros . Hyde Pullen , and C . J . Banister . The installation of tho M . AV . Sov . 111 . Bro . S . AVhite , Avas then proceeded with , and most admirably performed by Bro . H .
Pullen . _ ^ , After other business was disposed of , the alms collected , & ce the chapter was closed by the M . AA . S ., Samuel AAliitc , and ths brethren proceeded to the Adelphi Hotel , where a dinner wa served by Bro . Rudd , the Manager , in sumptuous style . After tbe usual loyal toasts , the M . AA . Sov ., proposed " The health of the M . P . Grand Commander , 111 . Bro . C . J . Vigne , " in an appropriate speech , aud it was responded to very happily _ Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated after spending an enjoyable evening .
Masonic Festivities.
HUJIBEE LODGE ( NO . 57 ) HULL . The eighth annual picnic in connection with the Humber Lodge has afforded unsual enjoyment to upwards of 170 of the members and friends . On the morning of the 2 nd of August the party started from the Humber Hodge to enjoy a delightful drive by Hesslewood , skirting the pretty village of AA elton , and on to Brantingliam Thorpe the seat of Christopher Svkes Esq ., M . P ., P . G . S . AV . of tho N and E R of Yorkshire , who had iu the
most generous manner placed the whole of the park and grounds in the hands of the AA . M . of the Humber Lodge with a " carte blanche" to inspect the conservatories and house , which had been recently honoured by a visit from the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke aud Duchess of St . Albans and party . The grounds are charmingly situated on a slope commanding an extensive range of views over a well cultivated country , stretching to the banks of Old Father Humber , and across whose broad
bosom are seen the wolds of Lincolnshire forming a tout ensemble of rural beauty rarely surpassed . On arrival , dancing to an excellent quadrille band , commenced , croquet and other games were maintained with spirit during the happy hours . The whole party dined together under canvas , presided over by the AV . M ., Bro . Tesscyman , supported by the D . P . G . M . Bro . Dr . BellBros . Dr . HayP . M . P . Prov . G . S . D .
, , , , Anthony Bannister , P . M . P . Prov . G . S . D ., John Walker , P . M . P . Prov . G . Supt . of A \ orks ; John AVilson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., Michael AV . Clark , P . M . P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVilliam Reedier , I . P . M ., Bro . Sherling , W . M . 250 . The town clerk , Bro . G . C . Roberts , P . Prov . G . R . and several distinguished brethren ofthe Humber and Sister Lodges attended with their ladies .
The Mark Degree In England.
( Continued from page 1 ' 20 ) . Bro . Binckes : I should like to take part in this acknowledgment , aud , as having visited Scotland for the purpose of bringing about this good feeling , to second the proposition of our Grand Master . While doing so I Avould bear hearty and sincere testimony to the extremly fraternal conduct of the Grand Lodge
and Chapter of Scotland in the kindness they have extended towards me , and the opportunities and facilities they have given to me on behalf of the body " styling itself the Grand Mark Lodge of England and AVales , " in making my various statements . At the same time I acknowledge the warmth and hospitality which have invariably been extended to me , " the right-hand of fellowship" held out in every shape and every way during the last three or four years . My hope is that as our efforts have
culminated in this meeting , great good has been done ; and I trust that our friends from Scotland have found themselves as warmly received here as I can testify the representatives of this country have been in theirs ; and that they will not regret the trouble , expense , or inconvenience to Avhich they have been subjected in attending this Conference . I am sure the friendly feeling exhibited here to-day and yesterday is a good omen , and
not only as one who has taken an active part under the guidance and instructions of others throughout these proceedings , but having seen more than many of inner working of the matter , I desire to add my warmest and sincerest acknowledgment of the evident kindliness of feeling which has actuated our Brethren Avhilst they have been here amongst us . Bro . Mann : Brethren before we separateI take
, may upon myself , I think , to express on behalf of tbe Delegates who have come here from Scotland , the groat satisfaction that we have had in meeting our Brethren from England and Ireland upon this occasion . I am quite sure we haA r e had amost cornial reception and I think , our meeting yesterday and to-day will be productive of benefit both to the Masonic Brethren in Scotland and in Ireland , as well as to those Brethren who have come here in
connection Avith Grand Mark Lodge . I am quite sure that it is very necessary that those discrepancies which exist iu the Avorking of the various Degrees of Masonry in Scotland ancl in England should he rectified ; and I believe tnat the result of this Conference will be that these differences and discrepancies AA ill be removed . I know I express the conviction of all those ivho came up with me here , that we have had a most cordial
reception , and I trust that our visit will not be useless . A vote of thanks to Earl Percy and Colonel Burdett , for their seA'eral kindness in presiding , having been suitably proposed and cordially adopted , the Conference was brought to a close .
APPENDIX A GRAND CHAPTER OP CAXADA . Office of the Grand Scribe E , Hamilton , Out ., 13 th-April , 1870 . FREDERICK BIN-CKES , ESQ ., Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge-Mark Masons of England and Wales . Dear Sir and A ^ . AV . Brother
, It affords me much pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter having reference to the position and standing of the Mark Master Mason ' s Degree in Canada , ancl at tbe same time to thank you for the copy of the Constitution and of the printed proceedings of your Grand Mark Lodge for the year 1869 . It had been my intention to have written to you by the last mail to accompany the Book of Constitutions and the printed
proceedings of our Grand Chapter , then sent to your address , but unavoidable circumstances interfered to prevent . By this time you will doubtless have ascertained that the Mark Degree is fully recognised and worked in Canada under the sanction and authority of a Chapter AA ' arrant , and is made made the first of a series of Degrees as conferred here and in the United States . AA e have been for some time past in hopes that the authorities
of the governing Masonic Bodies in England would ere this have come to some amicable understanding in regard to the Mark Degree , and that the same would have been either placed under the control of tho Supreme Grand Chapter as it is in almost every other country , or otherwise had accorded to it a recognition as au independent organization . The M . E . Grand L . has instructed me to oonA-ey to the
Grand Mark Lodge of England the kindliest feelings of fraternity , and to state that he knows of no just reason why the most intimate relations should not exist between it and the Grand Chapter of Canada , and that if it is thought an exchange representatives would tend to promote a closer union in sentiment and concert of action he Avould feel a pleasure in receiving a representative from the Grand Mark Lodg of England , and would reciprocate by appointing one in your Grand Lodge . In the event of these sentiments meeting with the concurrence