Article EARLIEST NON-PROFESSIONAL MASONIC OFFICE HOLDERS. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC SAYINGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Earliest Non-Professional Masonic Office Holders.
On the Sth inst ., I observed Bro . Hughan referring to a statement of Bro . Dr . Murray Lyon , that the earliest instances yet found of non-professionals , in the building way , holding office in a Scottish Masonic Lodge were the Earl of Cassillus , and Lord Eglinton , who were Deacons of the Lodge of Kilwinning in
1672 and 1674 . Now in the Aberdeen Records , I find an earlier instance , as it there says , under date of 1672 , " Harrie Elphhingston , Tutor of airth , Collector of Kinges Customes at Aberdein , Measson and Master of our Honourable Lodge of Aberdein . "W . P . BUCHAK .
BRO . HUGHAN ON OUR " DEGREES . " " In fact , Masonic degrees were unknown before A . D . 1716 , so that they are all inventions of modern -times . "—W . P . B .
T \ e Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents GRAND LODGE . 10 TnK EDIIOK . OJ ? THE PHEEITASOK ' S JIAGAZIJJIi AND HIASOXTC JIIBKOE . Sir , —It appears to me that although but little
fault can be found with the Constitutions of Grand Lodge , yet in practice the Craft in general is governed by a merely local body , which being resident in ° and around London , not only does not represent the opinions of provincial brethren , but as the latter have really no poAver of enforcing their views and
frequently no means of even advancing them , it follows - . ; hat the decisions of the governing body are always liable to be in opposition to the Avishes of the Craft large , and sometimes this is undoubtedly the case . Now this state of things is eminently undesirable , and Isubmit that there are tAvo simple rsasons for it .
First , let Grand Lodge follow the custom of most of our Provincial Grand Lodges , and hold meetings in different parts of the country . This plan would afford to all its members an equal opportunity of attending , and obviate the necessity of confining appointments to Grand Office mainlto members of
y metropolitan lodges . One constant source of jealousy and ill-feeling would thus be removed . My second proposal is the introduction of voting papers . The result of adopting this principle would he that , on every question of importance , the members of the Craft throughout the country Avould be able to
record their opinions with equal facility . HI fear it would be useless to ask the metropolitan lodges to forego the practical monopoly they now enjoy of attaining to the purple and ruling the Craft ; but the Grand Master can , I presume , summon a meeting of Grand Lodge in any province within his jurisdiction
, and then I am convinced that many beneficial reforms , besides those I have mentioned , would soon follow . I am sir , fv <„ ¦ . . Yours fraternally , ' 7 th Aug . 1871 . A . _? . T .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Sfc . Andrew ' s Lodge , Boston , Mass ., some sis months ago , ordered the great sculptor , Martin Miltnore , to execute a marble bust of 111 . Bro . Charles W . Moore , who was a Master of the Lodge in 1833 , and is said to be the oldest living Masonic journalist in the world , which it is intended shall occupy a niche in the Grand Lodge Room
Masonic Temple . The honour has been fairly , honestly , and honourably earned , and is but a fitting tribute of respect to the venerable brother Avho has ever Avell performed his Masonic duties .
Bro . Robert H . Waterman , 33 ° , of Albany , occasionally starts off on an expedition to hunt up some old n _ am _« script , record , or other valuable relic , and he is almost invariably successful . His last effort was discovering and presenting Temple
Chapter , No . 5 , Avith the minute book o ? the Chapter from its organisation in 1797 to 1814 , thus completing the records of the Chapter . A vote of thanks was tendered the donor . COLOMBIAN MASOXUY . —We learn that "Masonry is
nourishing in Colombia , NBAV Grenada , under the Grand Lodge oH Carfchagena , Avhich has above 00 Lodg-es , besides Rose Croix Chapters . St John ' s Bay was celebrated by its Lodges in
Panama and AspinAvall , at Aspinwali . The Officers of the Manzanillo Lodge , No . 25 , were installed , and a poem was read by Bro . C . A . Thomas .
Obituary .
BRO . ROBERT JAMES , JUN ., J . W . No . % S . Robert James , a youth of Kirkby Lonsdale , has gone doAvn to the grave , long before he had reached manhood ' s prime , and has found his last quiet resting-place amongst friends Avho Avere clear to him in his dying moments . His remains , attended by sorroAving friends , Avere interred at Kirkby Lonsdale Church , at noon , on Saturday ,
the 29 th ult . The hour of the day was a fit emblem , of the time of life in which the aspirations of ardent youth were-quenched in death . The deceased was not only an active and efficient clerk in the Ulverston Branch of the Lancaster Banking Company , but he was a rising member in the Lodge , No . 995 . Tho office he occupied was present J . W ., and had
he lived his full course of years , he , by his activity and perseverance , gave fair promise of rising to more than ordinary distinction in the Craft . He Avas a member of the Royal Arch Chapter , 995 , and one of its founders . He was a member of the Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , 60 , of the Union , 129 , aud ofthe Mother Lodge , 1 , 074 , at Kirkby Lonsdale . As a token of respect , the manager of tbe Ulverston Branch Bank , and members of the lodges with which the deceased was identified , were present ab the funeral .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Earliest Non-Professional Masonic Office Holders.
On the Sth inst ., I observed Bro . Hughan referring to a statement of Bro . Dr . Murray Lyon , that the earliest instances yet found of non-professionals , in the building way , holding office in a Scottish Masonic Lodge were the Earl of Cassillus , and Lord Eglinton , who were Deacons of the Lodge of Kilwinning in
1672 and 1674 . Now in the Aberdeen Records , I find an earlier instance , as it there says , under date of 1672 , " Harrie Elphhingston , Tutor of airth , Collector of Kinges Customes at Aberdein , Measson and Master of our Honourable Lodge of Aberdein . "W . P . BUCHAK .
BRO . HUGHAN ON OUR " DEGREES . " " In fact , Masonic degrees were unknown before A . D . 1716 , so that they are all inventions of modern -times . "—W . P . B .
T \ e Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents GRAND LODGE . 10 TnK EDIIOK . OJ ? THE PHEEITASOK ' S JIAGAZIJJIi AND HIASOXTC JIIBKOE . Sir , —It appears to me that although but little
fault can be found with the Constitutions of Grand Lodge , yet in practice the Craft in general is governed by a merely local body , which being resident in ° and around London , not only does not represent the opinions of provincial brethren , but as the latter have really no poAver of enforcing their views and
frequently no means of even advancing them , it follows - . ; hat the decisions of the governing body are always liable to be in opposition to the Avishes of the Craft large , and sometimes this is undoubtedly the case . Now this state of things is eminently undesirable , and Isubmit that there are tAvo simple rsasons for it .
First , let Grand Lodge follow the custom of most of our Provincial Grand Lodges , and hold meetings in different parts of the country . This plan would afford to all its members an equal opportunity of attending , and obviate the necessity of confining appointments to Grand Office mainlto members of
y metropolitan lodges . One constant source of jealousy and ill-feeling would thus be removed . My second proposal is the introduction of voting papers . The result of adopting this principle would he that , on every question of importance , the members of the Craft throughout the country Avould be able to
record their opinions with equal facility . HI fear it would be useless to ask the metropolitan lodges to forego the practical monopoly they now enjoy of attaining to the purple and ruling the Craft ; but the Grand Master can , I presume , summon a meeting of Grand Lodge in any province within his jurisdiction
, and then I am convinced that many beneficial reforms , besides those I have mentioned , would soon follow . I am sir , fv <„ ¦ . . Yours fraternally , ' 7 th Aug . 1871 . A . _? . T .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Sfc . Andrew ' s Lodge , Boston , Mass ., some sis months ago , ordered the great sculptor , Martin Miltnore , to execute a marble bust of 111 . Bro . Charles W . Moore , who was a Master of the Lodge in 1833 , and is said to be the oldest living Masonic journalist in the world , which it is intended shall occupy a niche in the Grand Lodge Room
Masonic Temple . The honour has been fairly , honestly , and honourably earned , and is but a fitting tribute of respect to the venerable brother Avho has ever Avell performed his Masonic duties .
Bro . Robert H . Waterman , 33 ° , of Albany , occasionally starts off on an expedition to hunt up some old n _ am _« script , record , or other valuable relic , and he is almost invariably successful . His last effort was discovering and presenting Temple
Chapter , No . 5 , Avith the minute book o ? the Chapter from its organisation in 1797 to 1814 , thus completing the records of the Chapter . A vote of thanks was tendered the donor . COLOMBIAN MASOXUY . —We learn that "Masonry is
nourishing in Colombia , NBAV Grenada , under the Grand Lodge oH Carfchagena , Avhich has above 00 Lodg-es , besides Rose Croix Chapters . St John ' s Bay was celebrated by its Lodges in
Panama and AspinAvall , at Aspinwali . The Officers of the Manzanillo Lodge , No . 25 , were installed , and a poem was read by Bro . C . A . Thomas .
Obituary .
BRO . ROBERT JAMES , JUN ., J . W . No . % S . Robert James , a youth of Kirkby Lonsdale , has gone doAvn to the grave , long before he had reached manhood ' s prime , and has found his last quiet resting-place amongst friends Avho Avere clear to him in his dying moments . His remains , attended by sorroAving friends , Avere interred at Kirkby Lonsdale Church , at noon , on Saturday ,
the 29 th ult . The hour of the day was a fit emblem , of the time of life in which the aspirations of ardent youth were-quenched in death . The deceased was not only an active and efficient clerk in the Ulverston Branch of the Lancaster Banking Company , but he was a rising member in the Lodge , No . 995 . Tho office he occupied was present J . W ., and had
he lived his full course of years , he , by his activity and perseverance , gave fair promise of rising to more than ordinary distinction in the Craft . He Avas a member of the Royal Arch Chapter , 995 , and one of its founders . He was a member of the Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , 60 , of the Union , 129 , aud ofthe Mother Lodge , 1 , 074 , at Kirkby Lonsdale . As a token of respect , the manager of tbe Ulverston Branch Bank , and members of the lodges with which the deceased was identified , were present ab the funeral .