Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A Quarterly General Court of the Boys' School will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , October , 21 st , at twelve o ' clock , when the election of seven boys out of sixteen approved candidates will take place .
The Umpire ( Sydney paper ) of July 18 , says : —AVe are informed that the M . AV , G . M . of Freemasons in England ( the Earl of . Zetland ) has appointed Bro . John AVilliams , J . P ., of New Pittstreet , Prov . G . M . of Freemasons in this colony , under the constitution of England . He has also been appointed by his Lordship , to hold another important office in Masonry which has not heen
held by any other brother in New South AVales , that is , G . Supt . of Royal Arch Masons . These appointments have taken place in consequence of the universal desire of the English Freemasons in this colony , and the resignation of Sir Samuel Osborne Gibbes . It will no doubt afford great pleasure to the brethren to know that their wishes have been complied with , inasmuch as it is well known
that Bro . Williams is thoroughly acquainted with the duties appertaining to these offices ancl the government of the Craft , from the active and efficient manner in which he has performed , for somany years , the difficult task which devolved on him as the D . Prov . G . M .
The Girls' School.
A Quarterly Court was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Vice-President , in the chair . The minutes of the various Committees were read and approved , and cheques for the last quarter ' s expenditure , amounting to £ 677 5 s . 5 d ., and £ 74 10 s . on account of the building , ordered to be signed .
On the motion of Bro . Symonds , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers ., it was resolved that in future the votes may be accumulated in favour of one candidate , in the same maimer as in the Boys' School , by which much trouble in the exchanging of votes will be saved to the "brethren . On the motion of Bro . Creaton , P . M . 203 , it was resolved to
extend the time during which the £ 52 10 s ., constituting a Vice-President may be paid , from three years to five years . Some formal business having been transacted , the election of three pupils from a list of nine approved candidates , was proceeded with , and resulted as follows : — VOTES .
Gummoe , C . S . ( St . Austill ) 11 ) 46 Sheppard , S . ( Bath ) 1425 Rumblow , J . A . ( Isle of AVight ) 139 S Redgrave , E . ( Norwich ) 632 Istorn , A . E . ( London ) 988 Feast , A . A . ( London ) 541 Browning , E . ( London ) 65 Hodgson , M . A . ( London ) 13 Aldridge , A . ( London ) 12 The first three were declared duly elected .
KOBEET BURNS LODUE ( No . 25 ) . —On Monday last this larn-e . and influential lodge met at the Freemason ' s Tavern for the first time this season ; Bro . Gladwin , P . M ., presiding in tho absence of the AV . M . The officers were early in attendance , ancl the business of the evening was conducted with the most perfect harmony ; it consisted in two raisings , two passings , and three initiations . The P . M ' s . present were Bros . Watson , Newton , Sec ., Robinson , Clements , Bennett , Le Gassick , and Farmer , G . P . There was Imt one visitor , Bro . Fraser , P . M . 1055 , one of the best working and , at the same time , one of the most kind , liberal , and philan-
throphie Masons of the present day . After the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts had been given and responded to , the WM ., pro . tern ., in reponse , said that he regretted the absence of the AV . M .. but it behoved him in such a case , as it did any ofthe P . M ' s ., to do what he could for the benefit and interest of the' lodge , which was sure to be studied with so large a number of P . M ' s . as was present this evening . Bro . AV . Watson responded for the P . M ' s ., and assured the lodge that there was not a P . M . present who would not do all
they could for the lodge , for snch -unanimity existed among them that they seemed but as one man , a state that he hoped reigned ( in every lodge . Bro . Mayer , for the initiates , stated that for his part he esteemed it a high honour to have been initiated in this lodge ; he had heen solicted by members of several other lodges , but its name and influence had caused him to wish to be made in this lodge , and he would take especial care that it lost none of its
lustre by his admission . The harmony of the meeting was heightened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Nichol ' ls , AV . Adams , and Keonig , the rec ! tations , jof Clement ' s , jun ., ancl the humourous extempore personal song of Bro . Sloman . ST . JAMES ' S UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 . )—The meetings of this lodge for the season were resumed on Tuesday last uvider the presidency of Bro . Chas . Jackson , who was supported by Bros . Garner , P . M . ;
Stacey , P . M . ; Gurton , P . M . ; Simpson , S . W . j Francis , J . W . ; Robinson , S . D . ; Hartley , J . G . ; ancl a goodly muster of brethren , including , as visi' ors , Bro . Taylor , No . 18 , Carter , No . 19 , and Warren , " 202 , Mr . F . C . Allen was initiated into the Order , and other business having heen disposed of , Bro . Gurton moved " that the Benevolent Fund be devoted only to the relief of brethren of this lodge who may require it . " The motion was unanimously carried . The brethren afterwards adjourned to supper and spent a pleasant hour together .
BERKS AND BUCKS . STONY STEATFOKD . —The Scientific Lodge . —This lodge met on Saturday , the 5 th inst . Bros , the Rev . F . W . Harnett , the Rev . R . H . Hooper , and Bro . . T . Butcher were passed to the second degree . Bro . F . R . Webster , M . D ., was raised , and Bro . Tierney was initiated . Propositions for initiations and joining members having been received , it was then proposed by the S . AA " ., Bro . W . Smith , C . F ., seconded by Bro . P . M . Chas . Bennett , and carried
unanimously , " That a committee , consisting of the W . M ., the S . W ., J . \ A ., and four other brethren , members of this lodge , be appointed ( with power to add to their number ) , to take such steps as may be deemed advisable for the extension of Masonry in the province , and to ensure the early holding of a Provincial Grand Lodge , or in any other manner promoting provincial Masonry . " The lodge having been called oft' for refreshment , and afterwards being called onthe zealous and indefatigable Bro . A \ m . AA'atson
, , of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , delivered- —with his well-known and appreciated talent—a very able ancl interesting lecture for the instruction and improvement of the brethren ; after which , all business being concluded , the lodge was closed ancl the brethren dispersed . HERTFORDSHIRE . BEKinrAarrSTEAD . —JBerkkampstead Lodge ( No . 702 ) . —At a meeting held on AVednesdaythe 2 nd Octoberat the King's Arms
, , Hotel , AA est Berkhampstead , Bro . K . G . Lane , AV . M ., P . Prov . J . D ., a ballot was taken for the election of AV . M . and Treasurer . Bro . S . Burton . S . AV ., chosen Master , ancl Bro . J . Lane re-elected Treasurer . Bro . T . W . Thompson , P . M . No . 203 , was admitted a joining member . Bro . S . G . Richards was appointed Secretary on resignation of Bro . Law .
KENT . DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday last , the 7 th inst ., at the Royal Oak Hotel . The lodge opened at 6 . 30 , when there were present , Bros . Adamson , Prov . G . Ass . Dir . of Cers ., Kent , W . M . ; Vanderlyn , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer , S . W ., and Treas . ; Coram , J . AV . ; F . Prescott , S . D . ; Dallimore , J . D . ; J . Grunwald , I . G .
Present , Bros . Cox , P . M . ; Gardner , P . M . ancl Sec . ; Duke , P . M . ; Boyton , P . M . ; Anderson , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong-kong ; Taylor , Humphreys , Mitchell , Nelson , AVhiston , Ward , J . Bennett , G . Bennett , Honestrat , Hiscocks , Matthews , Nathan , Barras , Polak , AA . Grunwald , & c . ; in all about , forty . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the last lodge and lodge of emergency were read ancl confirmed . The AV . M . read a letter , recommending Mr . Marmaduke Joseph Taylor , Asst . Surgeon , Royal Artillery , as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . A ballot was then taken , ancl found to be unanimous . Bros . Hiscocks , Winston , and Usherwood having
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A Quarterly General Court of the Boys' School will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , October , 21 st , at twelve o ' clock , when the election of seven boys out of sixteen approved candidates will take place .
The Umpire ( Sydney paper ) of July 18 , says : —AVe are informed that the M . AV , G . M . of Freemasons in England ( the Earl of . Zetland ) has appointed Bro . John AVilliams , J . P ., of New Pittstreet , Prov . G . M . of Freemasons in this colony , under the constitution of England . He has also been appointed by his Lordship , to hold another important office in Masonry which has not heen
held by any other brother in New South AVales , that is , G . Supt . of Royal Arch Masons . These appointments have taken place in consequence of the universal desire of the English Freemasons in this colony , and the resignation of Sir Samuel Osborne Gibbes . It will no doubt afford great pleasure to the brethren to know that their wishes have been complied with , inasmuch as it is well known
that Bro . Williams is thoroughly acquainted with the duties appertaining to these offices ancl the government of the Craft , from the active and efficient manner in which he has performed , for somany years , the difficult task which devolved on him as the D . Prov . G . M .
The Girls' School.
A Quarterly Court was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Vice-President , in the chair . The minutes of the various Committees were read and approved , and cheques for the last quarter ' s expenditure , amounting to £ 677 5 s . 5 d ., and £ 74 10 s . on account of the building , ordered to be signed .
On the motion of Bro . Symonds , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers ., it was resolved that in future the votes may be accumulated in favour of one candidate , in the same maimer as in the Boys' School , by which much trouble in the exchanging of votes will be saved to the "brethren . On the motion of Bro . Creaton , P . M . 203 , it was resolved to
extend the time during which the £ 52 10 s ., constituting a Vice-President may be paid , from three years to five years . Some formal business having been transacted , the election of three pupils from a list of nine approved candidates , was proceeded with , and resulted as follows : — VOTES .
Gummoe , C . S . ( St . Austill ) 11 ) 46 Sheppard , S . ( Bath ) 1425 Rumblow , J . A . ( Isle of AVight ) 139 S Redgrave , E . ( Norwich ) 632 Istorn , A . E . ( London ) 988 Feast , A . A . ( London ) 541 Browning , E . ( London ) 65 Hodgson , M . A . ( London ) 13 Aldridge , A . ( London ) 12 The first three were declared duly elected .
KOBEET BURNS LODUE ( No . 25 ) . —On Monday last this larn-e . and influential lodge met at the Freemason ' s Tavern for the first time this season ; Bro . Gladwin , P . M ., presiding in tho absence of the AV . M . The officers were early in attendance , ancl the business of the evening was conducted with the most perfect harmony ; it consisted in two raisings , two passings , and three initiations . The P . M ' s . present were Bros . Watson , Newton , Sec ., Robinson , Clements , Bennett , Le Gassick , and Farmer , G . P . There was Imt one visitor , Bro . Fraser , P . M . 1055 , one of the best working and , at the same time , one of the most kind , liberal , and philan-
throphie Masons of the present day . After the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts had been given and responded to , the WM ., pro . tern ., in reponse , said that he regretted the absence of the AV . M .. but it behoved him in such a case , as it did any ofthe P . M ' s ., to do what he could for the benefit and interest of the' lodge , which was sure to be studied with so large a number of P . M ' s . as was present this evening . Bro . AV . Watson responded for the P . M ' s ., and assured the lodge that there was not a P . M . present who would not do all
they could for the lodge , for snch -unanimity existed among them that they seemed but as one man , a state that he hoped reigned ( in every lodge . Bro . Mayer , for the initiates , stated that for his part he esteemed it a high honour to have been initiated in this lodge ; he had heen solicted by members of several other lodges , but its name and influence had caused him to wish to be made in this lodge , and he would take especial care that it lost none of its
lustre by his admission . The harmony of the meeting was heightened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Nichol ' ls , AV . Adams , and Keonig , the rec ! tations , jof Clement ' s , jun ., ancl the humourous extempore personal song of Bro . Sloman . ST . JAMES ' S UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 . )—The meetings of this lodge for the season were resumed on Tuesday last uvider the presidency of Bro . Chas . Jackson , who was supported by Bros . Garner , P . M . ;
Stacey , P . M . ; Gurton , P . M . ; Simpson , S . W . j Francis , J . W . ; Robinson , S . D . ; Hartley , J . G . ; ancl a goodly muster of brethren , including , as visi' ors , Bro . Taylor , No . 18 , Carter , No . 19 , and Warren , " 202 , Mr . F . C . Allen was initiated into the Order , and other business having heen disposed of , Bro . Gurton moved " that the Benevolent Fund be devoted only to the relief of brethren of this lodge who may require it . " The motion was unanimously carried . The brethren afterwards adjourned to supper and spent a pleasant hour together .
BERKS AND BUCKS . STONY STEATFOKD . —The Scientific Lodge . —This lodge met on Saturday , the 5 th inst . Bros , the Rev . F . W . Harnett , the Rev . R . H . Hooper , and Bro . . T . Butcher were passed to the second degree . Bro . F . R . Webster , M . D ., was raised , and Bro . Tierney was initiated . Propositions for initiations and joining members having been received , it was then proposed by the S . AA " ., Bro . W . Smith , C . F ., seconded by Bro . P . M . Chas . Bennett , and carried
unanimously , " That a committee , consisting of the W . M ., the S . W ., J . \ A ., and four other brethren , members of this lodge , be appointed ( with power to add to their number ) , to take such steps as may be deemed advisable for the extension of Masonry in the province , and to ensure the early holding of a Provincial Grand Lodge , or in any other manner promoting provincial Masonry . " The lodge having been called oft' for refreshment , and afterwards being called onthe zealous and indefatigable Bro . A \ m . AA'atson
, , of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , delivered- —with his well-known and appreciated talent—a very able ancl interesting lecture for the instruction and improvement of the brethren ; after which , all business being concluded , the lodge was closed ancl the brethren dispersed . HERTFORDSHIRE . BEKinrAarrSTEAD . —JBerkkampstead Lodge ( No . 702 ) . —At a meeting held on AVednesdaythe 2 nd Octoberat the King's Arms
, , Hotel , AA est Berkhampstead , Bro . K . G . Lane , AV . M ., P . Prov . J . D ., a ballot was taken for the election of AV . M . and Treasurer . Bro . S . Burton . S . AV ., chosen Master , ancl Bro . J . Lane re-elected Treasurer . Bro . T . W . Thompson , P . M . No . 203 , was admitted a joining member . Bro . S . G . Richards was appointed Secretary on resignation of Bro . Law .
KENT . DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday last , the 7 th inst ., at the Royal Oak Hotel . The lodge opened at 6 . 30 , when there were present , Bros . Adamson , Prov . G . Ass . Dir . of Cers ., Kent , W . M . ; Vanderlyn , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer , S . W ., and Treas . ; Coram , J . AV . ; F . Prescott , S . D . ; Dallimore , J . D . ; J . Grunwald , I . G .
Present , Bros . Cox , P . M . ; Gardner , P . M . ancl Sec . ; Duke , P . M . ; Boyton , P . M . ; Anderson , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong-kong ; Taylor , Humphreys , Mitchell , Nelson , AVhiston , Ward , J . Bennett , G . Bennett , Honestrat , Hiscocks , Matthews , Nathan , Barras , Polak , AA . Grunwald , & c . ; in all about , forty . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the last lodge and lodge of emergency were read ancl confirmed . The AV . M . read a letter , recommending Mr . Marmaduke Joseph Taylor , Asst . Surgeon , Royal Artillery , as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . A ballot was then taken , ancl found to be unanimous . Bros . Hiscocks , Winston , and Usherwood having