Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
dwelt , in graceful language , upon the touching , interesting and delightful testimonial to Bro . Dixon , than whom he believes a better Mason did not exist . He was glad to see the truly Masonic spirit which pervaded them in AA est Yorkshire , ancl he trusted that the same spirit reigned throughout the Craft . The spirit of Masonry—which is true charity—he hoped would develope itself not only in individuals but in society at large . If they were good Masonsdepend upon it they were also good citizens . ( Cheers . )
, His lordship then proposed " The health of Bro . Dr . Fearnley , " his deputy , in very complimentary terms , dwelling upon the invaluable nature ot his labours , ancl the unceasing desire he had always shown in the interests of Masonry in that province . The toast was drunk with the usual honours . Dr . FEAENLEY responded in an excellent speech , and concluded by proposing " The Masonic Charities , " coupling with it the name of Br . Binckes .
Bro . BINCKES responded , and in doing so informed those assembled that he was in Worcester the clay before , ancl when he heard of the Lodge that day he had determined to come amongst them , stranger though he was , ancl make an appeal to them on behalf of the Freemasons' Boys' School . Bro . Binckes then gave some very interesting information respecting the improvements which had lately taken place in that school , and the good results which had already followed . He concluded by thanking his Lordship and
the brethren present for the kind reception they had given h- ' m . His LoBDSHlr then proposed " The Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling the name of Bro . Woodford , who responded , dwelling particularly on the Masonic Charities , ancl giving many instances of the great good they were doing . Among the rest he mentioned Sophia France , ( a daughter of the late Bro . J . France , a member of the AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ) who had been educated at the Girls'School
, , ancl so well had she conducted herself , that when her term expired she was unanimously elected to remain in the school as one of the assistant teachers . "The AVorshipful . Alasters of Lodges" was next proposed by his Lordship , ancl responded to Bro . Thos , Senior , W . M ., AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ); Bro . C . H . AVesterman , AV . M ., Unanimity ( No . 179 , ) AVakefield ; and Bro . R . Nelson , AV . M ., of the Batley Lodge , ancl Pro . Grand Secretary .
Bro . WOODEOB . D proposed " The Countess de Grey and the Baches , " which was responded to by Bro . John Gill , Wakefield . " The interesting proceedings very shortly afterwards terminated , bis Lordship accompanying Bro . AVesterman , of Sandal , whose guest he was . During the evening , Bro . Dr . Spark , of Leeds , the Prov . Grand Organist , presided at the pianoforte , and contributed very much to the pleasure of the evening .
SMYENA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) . —At the monthly meeting , held at the Masonic Hall , on the 3 rd September , the AV . M ., Bro . Hyde Clarke , initiated one candidate in German , and passed one in Italian . At a meeting of emergency , held on the 11 th September , the W . M . regularised two members of the former Smyrna lodges in the first degree , under dispensation ofthe M . W . G . M ., ancl one in the second degree . AV . Bro . George Laurie , P . M . of the Oriental Lodge of ConstantinopleNo . 988 representative at Constantinople
, , , and honorary member of No . 1108 , and Bro . Carleton , of No . 988 , being present as visitors , the AA . M . took the opportunity of expressing to Bro . Laurie the gratification felt by No . 1108 at his presence , ancl their obligations to him for having been the first and chief instrument in obtaining from Grand Lodge the suppression of the spurious lodges at Smyrna . He referred to the great Masonic attainments and social qualifications of Bro . Laurie , and congratulated the brethren that the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Sir Henry
Bulwer , would have such an adviser at Constantinople . The W . M . expressed his gratification at having , in the presence of so worthy a member of their allied lodge as Bro . Carleton , the opportunity of communicating to No . 988 their thankfulness for many acts of brotherly regard . Bro . Laurie ancl Bro . Carleton returned thanks . Bro . Laurie , in an impressive manner , described the measures that he had taken in conjunction with Bro . Lewis Meyer , former G . M . of Turkey and now Treasurer of No 1108 in unravelling the
, . , Smyrna fraud , and congratulated the brethren that it had led to their restoration to legitimate Masonry , in the establishment of No . _ 1108 , by Bro . H yde Clarke , under whose auspices as A \ . M . their progress and prosperity were insured . The lodge was then closed m harmony . During their stay at Smyrna , these brethren were received with much attention , the great services of AV . Bro . Laurie 111 promoting Masom-y in the East being well known and appreciated .
( From the Indian Freemason ' s Friend ) . BENGAL . It is expected that some great changes in the Masonic administration of this Province will shortl y be announced . Everything is perfectly still just now iu Calcutta . The loclges have been , quietly initiating , passing , ancl raising ; Permanent Committees have been meeting and auditing accounts ; the Prov .
G-. S . has been criticising those quarterly returns , which , in spite of the utmost care ofthe Secretaries of lodges , are so seldom without a flaw ; the Musical Committee of the District Grand Lodge has met at the Freemasons' Hall and at Burkinyoung ' s , and has made certain proposals to the Lodges ; the Smith Testimonial Committee will meet ; the Fund of Benevolence box has been going round ; the formation of a Joint Stock Company for the erection of a Masonic Hall "worthy of the metropolis of India" with a
, Pantheon on the third storey , a Pandemonian on the second storey , and a remunerative Pantechnicon on the ground floor , has been talked of for the hundreth time , and the " apathy " of the brethren on the subject has elicited a fiery rocket of sarcastic puns from the disgusted projector . Three of the lodges , True Friendship , ( No . 265 ) , Humility with Fortitude , ( No . 279 ) , and Excelsior , ( No . 1127 ) , have resolved upon increasing to some small extent the rates of subscription paid bv
Members ancl the fees for Degrees . The AVardens of lodge No . 279 , as its representatives in the District Grand Lodge , have taken upon themselves the payment of the quarterly fee hitherto paid by the lodge on their account , in aid of the Grand Officers' Banquet Fund . Lodge True Friendship has offered to make the handsome contribution of ISO Rupees towards the purchase of musical instruments for the Freemasons' Hall . AVe trust that the other loclges
will try to follow this example to the best of their ability ; for if there should be a surplus , it will go to the fund for tuning and repairing , which should always be full , so long as we have among us brethren who , when they are bent upon electrifying us with a brilliant performance on the piano , make us fancy that they are using , not their fingers , but ( to borrow an expression ) the heels of their boots . The inscription for the King Testimonial is read but we trust
y ; that the Committee will get rid of the heavy rough-ashlar pedestal , which , with the superadded weight of the marble monument , would be likely to break through the floor , and that they will substitute the wooden pedestal which was originally proposed . AVe would suggest to the committee to add to the inscription our poetical correspondent A . H . E . B . 's description of Bro .
King"A son of Anak in thy frame , a nightingale in heart . " This has the compressed descriptive vigour of a Carlyle . The G .- Sec * has at last agreed to grant a Warrant of confirmation , on certain conditions , to the Cawnpore brethren , who were desirous of reviving the old Lodge Harmony . AVe hope it is not too late . We are sorry to hear that the heavy rains which have fallen all over the country have , brought down the walls of the Maeonic Hall ,
at Lueknow . The roof had not been put on when the accident occurred . The Roy Bareilly brethren have stirred themselves to obtain a Warrant . Bro . Capt . Melville Clarke , 1 st European Light Cavalry , has been elected to succeed the late Bro . Fleming as Master of the Simla Lodge . He entered upon the office with zeal ; but there was some expectation of his having to leave the hills on public duty , in which case he would place the lodge in charge of Bro . Capt . G . Elliot , Master of the Umballa Lodge , who has proceeded to Simla till October next .
CALCUTTA : LODGE TETJE EKTENDSHIP . On the 23 rd July , the Past Master , AA . Bro . James AV . Browne , raised one Brother to the third degree , at the same time that AV . Bro . C . J . Evans , Master of Lodge Marine , at the request of R . AV . Bro . J . G . Llewelyn , passed two brethren to the second degree . A few clays before , at an emergent meeting , three brethren had been raised ancl tw-o had been passed . The health
of all these was proposed at the supper table in one toast . In drinking the health of the visitors , the Master specially named Bro . AV . H . Hoff and Bro . Evans , and elicited a very good reply from the latter , who referred to his visit to the Lodge two years before , on his first arrival at Calcutta , The warmth of his reception , when he was quite a stranger , had made him feel a greater disposition to take an active part in Masonry in India than he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
dwelt , in graceful language , upon the touching , interesting and delightful testimonial to Bro . Dixon , than whom he believes a better Mason did not exist . He was glad to see the truly Masonic spirit which pervaded them in AA est Yorkshire , ancl he trusted that the same spirit reigned throughout the Craft . The spirit of Masonry—which is true charity—he hoped would develope itself not only in individuals but in society at large . If they were good Masonsdepend upon it they were also good citizens . ( Cheers . )
, His lordship then proposed " The health of Bro . Dr . Fearnley , " his deputy , in very complimentary terms , dwelling upon the invaluable nature ot his labours , ancl the unceasing desire he had always shown in the interests of Masonry in that province . The toast was drunk with the usual honours . Dr . FEAENLEY responded in an excellent speech , and concluded by proposing " The Masonic Charities , " coupling with it the name of Br . Binckes .
Bro . BINCKES responded , and in doing so informed those assembled that he was in Worcester the clay before , ancl when he heard of the Lodge that day he had determined to come amongst them , stranger though he was , ancl make an appeal to them on behalf of the Freemasons' Boys' School . Bro . Binckes then gave some very interesting information respecting the improvements which had lately taken place in that school , and the good results which had already followed . He concluded by thanking his Lordship and
the brethren present for the kind reception they had given h- ' m . His LoBDSHlr then proposed " The Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling the name of Bro . Woodford , who responded , dwelling particularly on the Masonic Charities , ancl giving many instances of the great good they were doing . Among the rest he mentioned Sophia France , ( a daughter of the late Bro . J . France , a member of the AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ) who had been educated at the Girls'School
, , ancl so well had she conducted herself , that when her term expired she was unanimously elected to remain in the school as one of the assistant teachers . "The AVorshipful . Alasters of Lodges" was next proposed by his Lordship , ancl responded to Bro . Thos , Senior , W . M ., AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ); Bro . C . H . AVesterman , AV . M ., Unanimity ( No . 179 , ) AVakefield ; and Bro . R . Nelson , AV . M ., of the Batley Lodge , ancl Pro . Grand Secretary .
Bro . WOODEOB . D proposed " The Countess de Grey and the Baches , " which was responded to by Bro . John Gill , Wakefield . " The interesting proceedings very shortly afterwards terminated , bis Lordship accompanying Bro . AVesterman , of Sandal , whose guest he was . During the evening , Bro . Dr . Spark , of Leeds , the Prov . Grand Organist , presided at the pianoforte , and contributed very much to the pleasure of the evening .
SMYENA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) . —At the monthly meeting , held at the Masonic Hall , on the 3 rd September , the AV . M ., Bro . Hyde Clarke , initiated one candidate in German , and passed one in Italian . At a meeting of emergency , held on the 11 th September , the W . M . regularised two members of the former Smyrna lodges in the first degree , under dispensation ofthe M . W . G . M ., ancl one in the second degree . AV . Bro . George Laurie , P . M . of the Oriental Lodge of ConstantinopleNo . 988 representative at Constantinople
, , , and honorary member of No . 1108 , and Bro . Carleton , of No . 988 , being present as visitors , the AA . M . took the opportunity of expressing to Bro . Laurie the gratification felt by No . 1108 at his presence , ancl their obligations to him for having been the first and chief instrument in obtaining from Grand Lodge the suppression of the spurious lodges at Smyrna . He referred to the great Masonic attainments and social qualifications of Bro . Laurie , and congratulated the brethren that the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Sir Henry
Bulwer , would have such an adviser at Constantinople . The W . M . expressed his gratification at having , in the presence of so worthy a member of their allied lodge as Bro . Carleton , the opportunity of communicating to No . 988 their thankfulness for many acts of brotherly regard . Bro . Laurie ancl Bro . Carleton returned thanks . Bro . Laurie , in an impressive manner , described the measures that he had taken in conjunction with Bro . Lewis Meyer , former G . M . of Turkey and now Treasurer of No 1108 in unravelling the
, . , Smyrna fraud , and congratulated the brethren that it had led to their restoration to legitimate Masonry , in the establishment of No . _ 1108 , by Bro . H yde Clarke , under whose auspices as A \ . M . their progress and prosperity were insured . The lodge was then closed m harmony . During their stay at Smyrna , these brethren were received with much attention , the great services of AV . Bro . Laurie 111 promoting Masom-y in the East being well known and appreciated .
( From the Indian Freemason ' s Friend ) . BENGAL . It is expected that some great changes in the Masonic administration of this Province will shortl y be announced . Everything is perfectly still just now iu Calcutta . The loclges have been , quietly initiating , passing , ancl raising ; Permanent Committees have been meeting and auditing accounts ; the Prov .
G-. S . has been criticising those quarterly returns , which , in spite of the utmost care ofthe Secretaries of lodges , are so seldom without a flaw ; the Musical Committee of the District Grand Lodge has met at the Freemasons' Hall and at Burkinyoung ' s , and has made certain proposals to the Lodges ; the Smith Testimonial Committee will meet ; the Fund of Benevolence box has been going round ; the formation of a Joint Stock Company for the erection of a Masonic Hall "worthy of the metropolis of India" with a
, Pantheon on the third storey , a Pandemonian on the second storey , and a remunerative Pantechnicon on the ground floor , has been talked of for the hundreth time , and the " apathy " of the brethren on the subject has elicited a fiery rocket of sarcastic puns from the disgusted projector . Three of the lodges , True Friendship , ( No . 265 ) , Humility with Fortitude , ( No . 279 ) , and Excelsior , ( No . 1127 ) , have resolved upon increasing to some small extent the rates of subscription paid bv
Members ancl the fees for Degrees . The AVardens of lodge No . 279 , as its representatives in the District Grand Lodge , have taken upon themselves the payment of the quarterly fee hitherto paid by the lodge on their account , in aid of the Grand Officers' Banquet Fund . Lodge True Friendship has offered to make the handsome contribution of ISO Rupees towards the purchase of musical instruments for the Freemasons' Hall . AVe trust that the other loclges
will try to follow this example to the best of their ability ; for if there should be a surplus , it will go to the fund for tuning and repairing , which should always be full , so long as we have among us brethren who , when they are bent upon electrifying us with a brilliant performance on the piano , make us fancy that they are using , not their fingers , but ( to borrow an expression ) the heels of their boots . The inscription for the King Testimonial is read but we trust
y ; that the Committee will get rid of the heavy rough-ashlar pedestal , which , with the superadded weight of the marble monument , would be likely to break through the floor , and that they will substitute the wooden pedestal which was originally proposed . AVe would suggest to the committee to add to the inscription our poetical correspondent A . H . E . B . 's description of Bro .
King"A son of Anak in thy frame , a nightingale in heart . " This has the compressed descriptive vigour of a Carlyle . The G .- Sec * has at last agreed to grant a Warrant of confirmation , on certain conditions , to the Cawnpore brethren , who were desirous of reviving the old Lodge Harmony . AVe hope it is not too late . We are sorry to hear that the heavy rains which have fallen all over the country have , brought down the walls of the Maeonic Hall ,
at Lueknow . The roof had not been put on when the accident occurred . The Roy Bareilly brethren have stirred themselves to obtain a Warrant . Bro . Capt . Melville Clarke , 1 st European Light Cavalry , has been elected to succeed the late Bro . Fleming as Master of the Simla Lodge . He entered upon the office with zeal ; but there was some expectation of his having to leave the hills on public duty , in which case he would place the lodge in charge of Bro . Capt . G . Elliot , Master of the Umballa Lodge , who has proceeded to Simla till October next .
CALCUTTA : LODGE TETJE EKTENDSHIP . On the 23 rd July , the Past Master , AA . Bro . James AV . Browne , raised one Brother to the third degree , at the same time that AV . Bro . C . J . Evans , Master of Lodge Marine , at the request of R . AV . Bro . J . G . Llewelyn , passed two brethren to the second degree . A few clays before , at an emergent meeting , three brethren had been raised ancl tw-o had been passed . The health
of all these was proposed at the supper table in one toast . In drinking the health of the visitors , the Master specially named Bro . AV . H . Hoff and Bro . Evans , and elicited a very good reply from the latter , who referred to his visit to the Lodge two years before , on his first arrival at Calcutta , The warmth of his reception , when he was quite a stranger , had made him feel a greater disposition to take an active part in Masonry in India than he