Article Literature. ← Page 6 of 6 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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during which , as spell bound , he pined away to a skeleton , and was at length obliged to travel several hundred miles to London , to find out the pawnbroker , to whom he returned the watch for two guineas ; from that instant the spell was broken , and he was himself again . Professor Kidcl statesthat during the Han dynasty in
, China , a peculiar cap was worn at court , aud invented by thc emperor—derived from their never failing sources of variety , the grand three ; the celestial , tho terrestrial , and animal [ worlds . The first specimen is termed tho orbicular , cloudy cap of nine seams ; . this cap was exclusively appropriated to
| THE ORBICULAK CLOUDY CAP OF NINE SEA 31 S . j imperial majesty , with seven seams to a noble , five to a | magistrate , and three to one of the literati ; no minister was { ever permitted to wear it . There is another specimen called j the red lotus , or water lily cap , to which flower the shape of j the cap is made conformable ; this was possibly of Egyptian
I origin . | In Masonry we speak of " three or more , " the latter being | an indefinite number , but the same arithmetical progression I would afford ns the precise number devoutly venerated by I the Hindoos , the Egyptians , and the Chinese ; with the first I emblematized by the sacred Zennar—with the second by the
I figure already shown in a former chapter , where Noah is repire-I sented on the lotus ( the symbol of the ark ) forming and sup-1 porting three triangles , each of which being a triform figure , I represents three in one , and when multi plied by itself as | three times three , gives nine—the square and perfection of I three . The lotus cap of the Chinese , with nine seams , has
THE . PERFECTION OP TIIHEE . tlie same signification , and alludes to the flood , In the
Chinese language the same figure or character is used to represent a hill—a high place ; and the term is also applied to Tien , Heaven or God , the one being often used by the Chinese for the other , as with us , " Heaven be praised" for " God be praised . " Thc word is composed of three marks , each exactly resembling the Jod of the Hebrews , their symbol of Gijfl . These figures are united at the base to prove their
unity , and when thus united they form the Hebrew letter Sch ' m , which I showed in a former chapter was worn by tho ancient Jews on their head phylacteries as a symbol of the Deity . Can anything more plainly indicate the spark of divine revelationobsoureci-but not lost in the darkness of
tradi-, tional record . With the exception of some few high northern regions where , apcording to the best authorities , an early intermixture ofthe descendants of Sliem and of Japhet took place , and where ! their religious observances corresponded with the more southern tribes , I have , in accordance with my understanding , traced throughout the three grand
divisions of the globe a triad . . of divinity , as symbolized by the equilateral triangle , and have evidenced its existence as a symbol from the primaeval days of man . It yet , however , remains for me to show how it found its way into Britain , how it became employed in the science of Masonry ; to explain its different properties and characters ,
and to trace its ascent up the Masonic ladder to the degree of Knight Templar , in which we find it intimately blended with the most sacred emblem of the Christian faith . This , however , comprises a field of inquiry so wide , so replete witli matter , and so inseparably connected witli a consideration of all our Masonic symbols , customs , and observances , that it must form the subject of another treatise .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
LANCASHIRE MASONIC SONG l . OOlv . THE practice alluded to hy Bro . II . J . Ilinxman , Af . D ., in No . 15 of the Magazine , seems at present to he peculiar to Lodge No . 150 , where it is never deviated from . The custom is not usual in Lodges Nos . 50 , 22 G , and 333 , though the brethren of all the three Lodges are in the habit of singing Masonic songs , intermingled with others . The work inquired about by Bro . M . Cooke ,
in No . 16 of the Magazine , is the same no doubt as that mentioned hy Bro . Dr . Hinxman . An allusion to it will be found in the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror ( vol . iv . or v . ) , in the report of a meeting of Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , No . 150 ; my file of the Murjadne commencing with January , 1859 , I am unable at present to give more particular reference . As Bro . M . Cooke wishes for an exact transcript of the title page , I have great pleasure in now sending one , which is as follows : —
The Free Masons' Melody , being a general Collection of Masonic Songs , Cantatas , Duets , Anthems , Odes , Eulogies , Catches , Glees , Sonnets , Oratorios , Prologues , and Epilogues ( chiefly adapted to familiar Tunes ) , containing thc largest number liifnerto published , and many that never before have been printed , to which are added , the Eoyal Free Masons ' Charities , a List of the Officers of the United Grand Lodge , with the Rcmarkahle Occurrences in , Masonry , and a List of Lodges doivn . to ihe Present Time . By the Brethren of Prince Edwin's Jjodge , A o . 200 , . Bridge Inn , Bury , Lancashire . Bury : Printed and Sold for the Society , hi Jl . Jlellawcll , Market Place . ' ISIS . "
The book consists of 432 printed pages , demy 12 mo . The compilers of the above mentioned volume have been more zealous than wise ; for along with the finest Masonic poems of every description which they could bring together , they have included many doggerel productions , ancl a great number of songs written by brethren who have been initiated into the Craft and yet failed to perceive thc real meaning of our beautiful symbolic teaching .
Thus their definition of Freemasonry is not merely conviviality , but downright drunkenness . Anxious , like our V . W . Bro . Kelly , to see " a good collection of English Masonic songs" published for thc use of Lodges , so that brethren may have no excuse for ever introducing any that arc unbecoming our meetings , I trust I may not be thought taking too much upon mc when I suggest , that before a second edition of the Freemasons' Melody is ever
issued , it will he for the good of Masonry in general that the work be carefully re-edited , — -GEORGE MAKKHAM TWEW > EI . L .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
during which , as spell bound , he pined away to a skeleton , and was at length obliged to travel several hundred miles to London , to find out the pawnbroker , to whom he returned the watch for two guineas ; from that instant the spell was broken , and he was himself again . Professor Kidcl statesthat during the Han dynasty in
, China , a peculiar cap was worn at court , aud invented by thc emperor—derived from their never failing sources of variety , the grand three ; the celestial , tho terrestrial , and animal [ worlds . The first specimen is termed tho orbicular , cloudy cap of nine seams ; . this cap was exclusively appropriated to
| THE ORBICULAK CLOUDY CAP OF NINE SEA 31 S . j imperial majesty , with seven seams to a noble , five to a | magistrate , and three to one of the literati ; no minister was { ever permitted to wear it . There is another specimen called j the red lotus , or water lily cap , to which flower the shape of j the cap is made conformable ; this was possibly of Egyptian
I origin . | In Masonry we speak of " three or more , " the latter being | an indefinite number , but the same arithmetical progression I would afford ns the precise number devoutly venerated by I the Hindoos , the Egyptians , and the Chinese ; with the first I emblematized by the sacred Zennar—with the second by the
I figure already shown in a former chapter , where Noah is repire-I sented on the lotus ( the symbol of the ark ) forming and sup-1 porting three triangles , each of which being a triform figure , I represents three in one , and when multi plied by itself as | three times three , gives nine—the square and perfection of I three . The lotus cap of the Chinese , with nine seams , has
THE . PERFECTION OP TIIHEE . tlie same signification , and alludes to the flood , In the
Chinese language the same figure or character is used to represent a hill—a high place ; and the term is also applied to Tien , Heaven or God , the one being often used by the Chinese for the other , as with us , " Heaven be praised" for " God be praised . " Thc word is composed of three marks , each exactly resembling the Jod of the Hebrews , their symbol of Gijfl . These figures are united at the base to prove their
unity , and when thus united they form the Hebrew letter Sch ' m , which I showed in a former chapter was worn by tho ancient Jews on their head phylacteries as a symbol of the Deity . Can anything more plainly indicate the spark of divine revelationobsoureci-but not lost in the darkness of
tradi-, tional record . With the exception of some few high northern regions where , apcording to the best authorities , an early intermixture ofthe descendants of Sliem and of Japhet took place , and where ! their religious observances corresponded with the more southern tribes , I have , in accordance with my understanding , traced throughout the three grand
divisions of the globe a triad . . of divinity , as symbolized by the equilateral triangle , and have evidenced its existence as a symbol from the primaeval days of man . It yet , however , remains for me to show how it found its way into Britain , how it became employed in the science of Masonry ; to explain its different properties and characters ,
and to trace its ascent up the Masonic ladder to the degree of Knight Templar , in which we find it intimately blended with the most sacred emblem of the Christian faith . This , however , comprises a field of inquiry so wide , so replete witli matter , and so inseparably connected witli a consideration of all our Masonic symbols , customs , and observances , that it must form the subject of another treatise .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
LANCASHIRE MASONIC SONG l . OOlv . THE practice alluded to hy Bro . II . J . Ilinxman , Af . D ., in No . 15 of the Magazine , seems at present to he peculiar to Lodge No . 150 , where it is never deviated from . The custom is not usual in Lodges Nos . 50 , 22 G , and 333 , though the brethren of all the three Lodges are in the habit of singing Masonic songs , intermingled with others . The work inquired about by Bro . M . Cooke ,
in No . 16 of the Magazine , is the same no doubt as that mentioned hy Bro . Dr . Hinxman . An allusion to it will be found in the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror ( vol . iv . or v . ) , in the report of a meeting of Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , No . 150 ; my file of the Murjadne commencing with January , 1859 , I am unable at present to give more particular reference . As Bro . M . Cooke wishes for an exact transcript of the title page , I have great pleasure in now sending one , which is as follows : —
The Free Masons' Melody , being a general Collection of Masonic Songs , Cantatas , Duets , Anthems , Odes , Eulogies , Catches , Glees , Sonnets , Oratorios , Prologues , and Epilogues ( chiefly adapted to familiar Tunes ) , containing thc largest number liifnerto published , and many that never before have been printed , to which are added , the Eoyal Free Masons ' Charities , a List of the Officers of the United Grand Lodge , with the Rcmarkahle Occurrences in , Masonry , and a List of Lodges doivn . to ihe Present Time . By the Brethren of Prince Edwin's Jjodge , A o . 200 , . Bridge Inn , Bury , Lancashire . Bury : Printed and Sold for the Society , hi Jl . Jlellawcll , Market Place . ' ISIS . "
The book consists of 432 printed pages , demy 12 mo . The compilers of the above mentioned volume have been more zealous than wise ; for along with the finest Masonic poems of every description which they could bring together , they have included many doggerel productions , ancl a great number of songs written by brethren who have been initiated into the Craft and yet failed to perceive thc real meaning of our beautiful symbolic teaching .
Thus their definition of Freemasonry is not merely conviviality , but downright drunkenness . Anxious , like our V . W . Bro . Kelly , to see " a good collection of English Masonic songs" published for thc use of Lodges , so that brethren may have no excuse for ever introducing any that arc unbecoming our meetings , I trust I may not be thought taking too much upon mc when I suggest , that before a second edition of the Freemasons' Melody is ever
issued , it will he for the good of Masonry in general that the work be carefully re-edited , — -GEORGE MAKKHAM TWEW > EI . L .