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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAI ARRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October the new postal arrangement eame into operation , by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of [ which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of om- subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the M AGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following he the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 93 . ; single mnmbexs , ty post , 3 id . We hope that by thus giving the advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become
subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features iu the MAGAZINE .
The ceremony of Installation will he rehearsed on Monday , 14 th November , by Bro . Lacey , P . M ., in Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , 174 , meeting at Bro . Forster ' s Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street . The Lodge of Instruction meets every Monday evening from 7 o'clock to 9 at Bro . Forster's . The LODGE OB INSTRUCTION attached to the Dalhousie
Lodge is held every Tuesday at Bro . J . Allen's , the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at eight o'clock , when the members of the Parent Lodge attend , and is well worthy of a visit from the brethren .
Thc annual banquet of the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction . No . 860 , will be held at the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , the 6 th December . The ROYAI , UNION' LODGE OI ? INSTEUCTION ( 382 ) , now meets every Wednesday evening at S precisely , at Bro . Duddy ' s New Hooms , Winsley Street , Oxford Street ( opposite the
Pantheon ) . Tho Chapter of Improvement , held under the auspices of Prudent Brethren Chapter , ( No . 145 ) meets at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Thursdays at seven o'clock for ceremonies , lectures , explanations , and Illustrations . There will be a change of work every evening . We recommend all companions who desire to advance themselves in Capitular Masonry to attend .
THE EGBERT BUBNS LODGE OE INSTEUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , and now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at halfpast seven o'clock . A Lodge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 , is held at Bro
Haywsu-d ' s , the Gun Tavern and Hotel , High Street , Wapping , every Monday evening . Bro . Thomas S : Mortloek , P . M . 180 , will act as Preceptor .
Bro . T . Adam's , P . M . Prov . G . P ., Annual Subscription Masonic Ball , for tho members of the Craft and thoir friends only , will be held at the new Hail , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , in February next ,. The tickets can be obtained of Bro . T . Adam , 55 , Whitfield Street , Tottenham Court Road , at one guinea each , to admit a lady
and gentleman , to include supper and refreshment during the evening . The brethren are expected to appear in full Masonic clothing . It is announced that Col . F . Burdett , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , will take the chair at the Annual Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and
the Widows of Freemasons , on the 25 th of January . A Committee has been formed for the purpose of getting subscriptions from members of the Craft in aid of Bro . Geo , Tedder ,, of the Enoch Lodge , No . 11 ; Yarborough Chapter , 554 ; Thistle Lodge of Mark Masons , and K . T . Mount Calvary Encampment . Bro . Tedder was known for many years as an
eminent vocalist , but for the last seven years has been affiefced with deafness and nervous affection of the brain , and he is pronounced incurable . In consequence of this calamity , he cannot oxercise his profession or contribute to the support of his wife and four young children , the eldest being nine years and the youngest three years old . The object of the committee , is to
provide a sum sufficient to clear some debts he has incurred during the last two or three years . Bro . Tedder has been elected to an annuity , but until a sum be raised sufficient to clear off these debts , it will be impossible for Mm to realise any benefit from it . Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the following brethren , viz : —Bros . C . T . Sutton , P . M ., P . Prov .
G . A . D . C . ; J . Owens , -Hon . Sec , 861 ; F . Binckes . P . M ., 11 ' Secretary of the Boys' School ; G . Moultrie , P . M ., 11 ; H . G * Buss , P . M ., 27 , P . G . T . Middlesex ; J . Coutts , P . M . 27 , A . G . P . ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; D . G . Berrio , P . M . 27 ; D . H . Jacobs , P . M . 27 ; H . E . Hoare , P . M . 27 ; J , May , 27 ; H . S . Friend . P . M . 9 ; C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D ., Herts ; 0 . F . Vallentin , P . M ., 869 ; E . Farthing , P . M ., 118 . and P . Prov . G . S ., Herts ; H .
Newton , 157 ; T .. Roberts , 205 ; R . Paget , J . AV ., 228 : J . N . Frost , P . M . 704 , and Preceptor , of United Strength Lodge of Instruction ; C . H . Fielder , P . M ., 715 ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., 715 ; J . Paddle , P . M ., 715 ; T . Green , Pannmre , 720 ; W . Gregory , S . W ., 754 ; E . M . Davey , P . M ., 861 ; F . Walters P . M . 871 ; Knight , S . W ., 1 , 107 ; C . Braid . S . W ., 1 , 196 , F . G . Harrison ,
F . Collinwood , W . Beattie , T . Jepsou , G . Nicholls , A Badd eley : NAEROW ESCAPE OE FREEMASONS' HAM . —On Tuesday afternoon , between four and five o'clock , considerable excite - ment was caused in the vicinity of Great Queen-street , Lincolnsinn-fields , owing to a fire breaking out in somo premises belonging to Messrs . Malfcby and Sons , used as packing
warehouses and stables , and several other persons , one being a a cabinet-maker named Hawkes . The length of the building was about SO or 90 feet , but owing to its proximity to tbe back of the Freemasons' Tavern , apprehensions were entertained for the safety of that structure . The excitement was greatly increased by seeing that the flames had taken complete
possession of tho centre stained glass window of what was formerly the grand hall , as well as breaking through two of the windows below . Not a moment was lost in waiting for water J but in spite of the exertions of the firemen and the salvage corps , the flames were not entirely extinguished until nearly eight o ' clock . The principal part of the premises in which the
fire commenced was destroyed . The damage done to the Freemasons' Hall was not great . PORTRAIT oi ? BRO . VI ' . ROIIAINE CALIENDER , JUN ., DEP . PROV . G . M . LANCASHIRE EAST . —We are pleased to announce that Messrs . II . and N . Hanhart , of Charlotte Street , Fitzroy Square , London , are about to issue a lithograph drawing of the above distinguished brother in bis costume of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lancashire East . This lithograph
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAI ARRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October the new postal arrangement eame into operation , by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of [ which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of om- subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the M AGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following he the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 93 . ; single mnmbexs , ty post , 3 id . We hope that by thus giving the advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become
subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features iu the MAGAZINE .
The ceremony of Installation will he rehearsed on Monday , 14 th November , by Bro . Lacey , P . M ., in Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , 174 , meeting at Bro . Forster ' s Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street . The Lodge of Instruction meets every Monday evening from 7 o'clock to 9 at Bro . Forster's . The LODGE OB INSTRUCTION attached to the Dalhousie
Lodge is held every Tuesday at Bro . J . Allen's , the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at eight o'clock , when the members of the Parent Lodge attend , and is well worthy of a visit from the brethren .
Thc annual banquet of the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction . No . 860 , will be held at the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , the 6 th December . The ROYAI , UNION' LODGE OI ? INSTEUCTION ( 382 ) , now meets every Wednesday evening at S precisely , at Bro . Duddy ' s New Hooms , Winsley Street , Oxford Street ( opposite the
Pantheon ) . Tho Chapter of Improvement , held under the auspices of Prudent Brethren Chapter , ( No . 145 ) meets at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Thursdays at seven o'clock for ceremonies , lectures , explanations , and Illustrations . There will be a change of work every evening . We recommend all companions who desire to advance themselves in Capitular Masonry to attend .
THE EGBERT BUBNS LODGE OE INSTEUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , and now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at halfpast seven o'clock . A Lodge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 , is held at Bro
Haywsu-d ' s , the Gun Tavern and Hotel , High Street , Wapping , every Monday evening . Bro . Thomas S : Mortloek , P . M . 180 , will act as Preceptor .
Bro . T . Adam's , P . M . Prov . G . P ., Annual Subscription Masonic Ball , for tho members of the Craft and thoir friends only , will be held at the new Hail , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , in February next ,. The tickets can be obtained of Bro . T . Adam , 55 , Whitfield Street , Tottenham Court Road , at one guinea each , to admit a lady
and gentleman , to include supper and refreshment during the evening . The brethren are expected to appear in full Masonic clothing . It is announced that Col . F . Burdett , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , will take the chair at the Annual Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and
the Widows of Freemasons , on the 25 th of January . A Committee has been formed for the purpose of getting subscriptions from members of the Craft in aid of Bro . Geo , Tedder ,, of the Enoch Lodge , No . 11 ; Yarborough Chapter , 554 ; Thistle Lodge of Mark Masons , and K . T . Mount Calvary Encampment . Bro . Tedder was known for many years as an
eminent vocalist , but for the last seven years has been affiefced with deafness and nervous affection of the brain , and he is pronounced incurable . In consequence of this calamity , he cannot oxercise his profession or contribute to the support of his wife and four young children , the eldest being nine years and the youngest three years old . The object of the committee , is to
provide a sum sufficient to clear some debts he has incurred during the last two or three years . Bro . Tedder has been elected to an annuity , but until a sum be raised sufficient to clear off these debts , it will be impossible for Mm to realise any benefit from it . Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the following brethren , viz : —Bros . C . T . Sutton , P . M ., P . Prov .
G . A . D . C . ; J . Owens , -Hon . Sec , 861 ; F . Binckes . P . M ., 11 ' Secretary of the Boys' School ; G . Moultrie , P . M ., 11 ; H . G * Buss , P . M ., 27 , P . G . T . Middlesex ; J . Coutts , P . M . 27 , A . G . P . ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; D . G . Berrio , P . M . 27 ; D . H . Jacobs , P . M . 27 ; H . E . Hoare , P . M . 27 ; J , May , 27 ; H . S . Friend . P . M . 9 ; C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D ., Herts ; 0 . F . Vallentin , P . M ., 869 ; E . Farthing , P . M ., 118 . and P . Prov . G . S ., Herts ; H .
Newton , 157 ; T .. Roberts , 205 ; R . Paget , J . AV ., 228 : J . N . Frost , P . M . 704 , and Preceptor , of United Strength Lodge of Instruction ; C . H . Fielder , P . M ., 715 ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., 715 ; J . Paddle , P . M ., 715 ; T . Green , Pannmre , 720 ; W . Gregory , S . W ., 754 ; E . M . Davey , P . M ., 861 ; F . Walters P . M . 871 ; Knight , S . W ., 1 , 107 ; C . Braid . S . W ., 1 , 196 , F . G . Harrison ,
F . Collinwood , W . Beattie , T . Jepsou , G . Nicholls , A Badd eley : NAEROW ESCAPE OE FREEMASONS' HAM . —On Tuesday afternoon , between four and five o'clock , considerable excite - ment was caused in the vicinity of Great Queen-street , Lincolnsinn-fields , owing to a fire breaking out in somo premises belonging to Messrs . Malfcby and Sons , used as packing
warehouses and stables , and several other persons , one being a a cabinet-maker named Hawkes . The length of the building was about SO or 90 feet , but owing to its proximity to tbe back of the Freemasons' Tavern , apprehensions were entertained for the safety of that structure . The excitement was greatly increased by seeing that the flames had taken complete
possession of tho centre stained glass window of what was formerly the grand hall , as well as breaking through two of the windows below . Not a moment was lost in waiting for water J but in spite of the exertions of the firemen and the salvage corps , the flames were not entirely extinguished until nearly eight o ' clock . The principal part of the premises in which the
fire commenced was destroyed . The damage done to the Freemasons' Hall was not great . PORTRAIT oi ? BRO . VI ' . ROIIAINE CALIENDER , JUN ., DEP . PROV . G . M . LANCASHIRE EAST . —We are pleased to announce that Messrs . II . and N . Hanhart , of Charlotte Street , Fitzroy Square , London , are about to issue a lithograph drawing of the above distinguished brother in bis costume of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lancashire East . This lithograph