Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1
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Cap . XX ., Clause III , Grand Lodge Laws : — " Delete the words ' Iu all processions in Edinburgh and its neighbourhood , ' and add at end of clause the words , ' in all processsions within the metropolitan district , and in the provinces that privilege will be accorded in like manner to the Senior Operative Lodge ( on the Grand Lodge Roll ) , or in the absence of
an Operative Lodge to the Senior Lodge per se of tho province within which the procession or ceremonial occurs . " It being nearly 9 o ' clock when this motion was brought on , many of the Glasgow brethren had to retire to catch the last train ; come confusion ensued owing to those going away wishing to record thoir votes if possible , while others wished to speak to it ; ultimately it was adjourned till next meeting . The arrangements for the celebration of St . Andrew's day , were remitted to the Board of Grand Stewards . The Grand Lodge < was afterwards duly closed .
Royal Arch.
M 01 . NT LEBANON CHAPTER , NO . 73 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on tbe 28 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Not one of the seven candidates for exaltation put in an appearance , and the chapter was speedily closed . Comps . Stedman , Shalless , and Bliss consented to represent the chapter of the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institute for Aged Masons and their AVidows ., which will take
place in January next , under the presidenc } ' of Bro . Col . Burdett . A suggestion made by Comp . T . J . Sabine met with such favour that it was immediately acted on , and with successful effect . His suggestion was that a club should he formed to be called the "Southern Masonic Club , " to consist of an unlimited number of Masons , who should subscribe weekly sums of not less than Is . for the purpose of becoming life subscribers to the different charitiesthe ballot being taken each time the
, requisite sum was made np . This ivas at once adopted . A Treasurer , Secretary , and working committee were appointed , and so many companions subscribed , and so liberally , that the first ballot was announced to take place on the third Tuesday in November , the night when the mother lodge holds its meeting , and when without doubt , many more subscribers will put down their names and their money in so laudable a design .
DOITATIO CHAPTER , ( NO . 177 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the 27 th ., ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Comp . John Coutts , M . E . Z ., in tho chair , AV . J ; Gilbert , H .,- J . Smith , P . Z ., as J , ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., S . E .. Foulger , P . S . ; Hay ward , 2 nd Asst ., aud P . Z ' s R . AA . Little , Jas . Brett , W . A . Cottebrune , C . F . Sutton , Sissons , Tyrell , AA . H . Carpenter , & c . The Chapter was opened and the minutes of the former convocation were read and confirmed Several
. matters in connection with the chapter were brought forward and discussed ; also a sum of 21 s . was voted from the fund of the Chapter , in aid of Comp . G . Tedder ' s subscription fund . There being no other business , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided b y Bro . Clemow and superintended b y Bro . Smith , the attentive manager Tbe usual loyal and R . A . toasts followed . Comp . J . Smith , I ° Z . for the
responded Grand Officers . Comp . R . AA . Little , iu eulogistic terms proposed the toast of the M . E . Z ., Comp . J . Coutts , The toast of the visitors followed , who were , Comps . J . Palmer 382 ; J . R . Tippet .. 169 ; Marsh , 975 ; C . Roberts , 975 ; B . P . Todd , Canonbury Chapter , and II . M . Levy , 188 , who severally responded . The toasts of the P . Z ' s and the officers were proposed and very ably responded to . During the evening , some very excellent singing emanated from Comps . Scott , B . P . Todd , Brett , AA eaver , _ Marsh , & c , and the Janitor ' s toast concluded a delightful evening .
Mark Masonry.
BON ACCORD LODGE OE MARK MASTERS . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AA ednesday , the 2 nd ult . Bro . Richard Spencer , AV . M .. occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Magnus Ohren , ] W . M . elect ; Richardson , J . AV ; H . Empson , Treas .
Mark Masonry.
and P . M . ; Fredk . Binckes , P . M . and See . ; Mortimer Davis P . M . ; G . Cockle . M . O . ; AVm . Luff , S . O . ; Webster Gl ynes ^ 3 . 0 . ; Geo . Payne , S . G ., and several other brethren . Bro . Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart ., was advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master . The AVM . elect , Bro . Magnus Ohren , was very ably installed by Bro . Meggy , G . M . O ., assisted by Bro . Fredk . Binckes , G . Mark Secretary . Each officer was advanced a step in officeaud invested bthe AVMand Bro
, y .. ; . Empson , Treas ., and Bro . Binckes , Sec , having been unanimousl y elected at the last meeting , were duly invested . The brethren were honoured with the presence of the Most AVorshipful Grand Master of the order , who was received with all the respect due to his high office , and who , in the course of the evening , in . formed the brethren that the progress which the Mark degree in England was now making is something marvellousIn
Lanca-. shire especially , where he had lately consecrated a new lodge , it was a common thing for a lodge to number sixty members after a very few months' existence . The brethren adjourned to banquet at half-past 6 , at which the newly-installed Master presided , supported by the M . AV . Grand Mark Masters , Bro . Meggy , and the officers and members of the lodge .
Knights Of Malta.
SUFFOLK . A meeting of the Royal Plantagenet Priory of Knights Hospitaller of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Monday , the 31 st ult ., when there were present Sir Kni ghts Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . Chap , and D . P . G . Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge , E . Prior ; AV . T . AVestgate , E . C . Plantagenet Encampment : PitcherP . E . C . Prudence EncampmentCBeaumont
, ; . , P . G . Captain ; Emva Holmes , Prov . G . Registrar Suffolk ; AV . Cuckon , Prater Spalding , & c . The following wore balloted for and accepted for installation as Knights of Malta : —Sir Knights James Bigley , AVilliam Norman , Richard Taylor , and George Cresswell ; anil Sir Knight Cressn-ell being in attendance , he wns introduced and dubbed a Knight Hospitaller of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , aud Malta , the august ceremony
being performed and the accolade being given by Sir Knight the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , D . P . G . P . Sir Knight W . T . Westgate was then duly installed Eminent Prior of the Royal Plantagenet Priory of the Order of Malta for the ensuing year . On the proposal of Sir Knight Emra Holmes it was decided to require a fee of honour of one guinea from all candidates fortius order not belonging to the encampment . At the close of the ceremonyand after the business had been transactedthe
, , Sir Knights retired for refreshment , when the usual loyal and knightl y toasts were proposed , that of Sir Knight the Prince of AA ' ales , and the A . E . Prov . Grand Commander of Suffolk and Cambridge , Sir Knight Captain Philips , being especially voted for eulogistic approval . A very agreeable evening was passed by the Praters .
Spelling - for Beginners , 96 pp ., price Is . ; Poetry for Beginners , 144 p . p ., price Is . London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . WE have received the above two latest and useful additions to "Dr . GornweU ' s Educational Series , " ivhich bear strong evidence of the great care bestowed successfully by the author in the production of manuals specially
adapted to tho minds of children . " Spelling for Beginners" developes a very excellent and simple method of teaching reading and spelling at the same time . ' Poetry for Beginners " consists of a collection of such Poems as will be interesting to children , and which , while forming a correct taste , shall instil into their minds only pure aud noble sentiments and rig ht principles .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cap . XX ., Clause III , Grand Lodge Laws : — " Delete the words ' Iu all processions in Edinburgh and its neighbourhood , ' and add at end of clause the words , ' in all processsions within the metropolitan district , and in the provinces that privilege will be accorded in like manner to the Senior Operative Lodge ( on the Grand Lodge Roll ) , or in the absence of
an Operative Lodge to the Senior Lodge per se of tho province within which the procession or ceremonial occurs . " It being nearly 9 o ' clock when this motion was brought on , many of the Glasgow brethren had to retire to catch the last train ; come confusion ensued owing to those going away wishing to record thoir votes if possible , while others wished to speak to it ; ultimately it was adjourned till next meeting . The arrangements for the celebration of St . Andrew's day , were remitted to the Board of Grand Stewards . The Grand Lodge < was afterwards duly closed .
Royal Arch.
M 01 . NT LEBANON CHAPTER , NO . 73 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on tbe 28 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Not one of the seven candidates for exaltation put in an appearance , and the chapter was speedily closed . Comps . Stedman , Shalless , and Bliss consented to represent the chapter of the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institute for Aged Masons and their AVidows ., which will take
place in January next , under the presidenc } ' of Bro . Col . Burdett . A suggestion made by Comp . T . J . Sabine met with such favour that it was immediately acted on , and with successful effect . His suggestion was that a club should he formed to be called the "Southern Masonic Club , " to consist of an unlimited number of Masons , who should subscribe weekly sums of not less than Is . for the purpose of becoming life subscribers to the different charitiesthe ballot being taken each time the
, requisite sum was made np . This ivas at once adopted . A Treasurer , Secretary , and working committee were appointed , and so many companions subscribed , and so liberally , that the first ballot was announced to take place on the third Tuesday in November , the night when the mother lodge holds its meeting , and when without doubt , many more subscribers will put down their names and their money in so laudable a design .
DOITATIO CHAPTER , ( NO . 177 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the 27 th ., ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Comp . John Coutts , M . E . Z ., in tho chair , AV . J ; Gilbert , H .,- J . Smith , P . Z ., as J , ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., S . E .. Foulger , P . S . ; Hay ward , 2 nd Asst ., aud P . Z ' s R . AA . Little , Jas . Brett , W . A . Cottebrune , C . F . Sutton , Sissons , Tyrell , AA . H . Carpenter , & c . The Chapter was opened and the minutes of the former convocation were read and confirmed Several
. matters in connection with the chapter were brought forward and discussed ; also a sum of 21 s . was voted from the fund of the Chapter , in aid of Comp . G . Tedder ' s subscription fund . There being no other business , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided b y Bro . Clemow and superintended b y Bro . Smith , the attentive manager Tbe usual loyal and R . A . toasts followed . Comp . J . Smith , I ° Z . for the
responded Grand Officers . Comp . R . AA . Little , iu eulogistic terms proposed the toast of the M . E . Z ., Comp . J . Coutts , The toast of the visitors followed , who were , Comps . J . Palmer 382 ; J . R . Tippet .. 169 ; Marsh , 975 ; C . Roberts , 975 ; B . P . Todd , Canonbury Chapter , and II . M . Levy , 188 , who severally responded . The toasts of the P . Z ' s and the officers were proposed and very ably responded to . During the evening , some very excellent singing emanated from Comps . Scott , B . P . Todd , Brett , AA eaver , _ Marsh , & c , and the Janitor ' s toast concluded a delightful evening .
Mark Masonry.
BON ACCORD LODGE OE MARK MASTERS . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AA ednesday , the 2 nd ult . Bro . Richard Spencer , AV . M .. occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Magnus Ohren , ] W . M . elect ; Richardson , J . AV ; H . Empson , Treas .
Mark Masonry.
and P . M . ; Fredk . Binckes , P . M . and See . ; Mortimer Davis P . M . ; G . Cockle . M . O . ; AVm . Luff , S . O . ; Webster Gl ynes ^ 3 . 0 . ; Geo . Payne , S . G ., and several other brethren . Bro . Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart ., was advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master . The AVM . elect , Bro . Magnus Ohren , was very ably installed by Bro . Meggy , G . M . O ., assisted by Bro . Fredk . Binckes , G . Mark Secretary . Each officer was advanced a step in officeaud invested bthe AVMand Bro
, y .. ; . Empson , Treas ., and Bro . Binckes , Sec , having been unanimousl y elected at the last meeting , were duly invested . The brethren were honoured with the presence of the Most AVorshipful Grand Master of the order , who was received with all the respect due to his high office , and who , in the course of the evening , in . formed the brethren that the progress which the Mark degree in England was now making is something marvellousIn
Lanca-. shire especially , where he had lately consecrated a new lodge , it was a common thing for a lodge to number sixty members after a very few months' existence . The brethren adjourned to banquet at half-past 6 , at which the newly-installed Master presided , supported by the M . AV . Grand Mark Masters , Bro . Meggy , and the officers and members of the lodge .
Knights Of Malta.
SUFFOLK . A meeting of the Royal Plantagenet Priory of Knights Hospitaller of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Monday , the 31 st ult ., when there were present Sir Kni ghts Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . Chap , and D . P . G . Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge , E . Prior ; AV . T . AVestgate , E . C . Plantagenet Encampment : PitcherP . E . C . Prudence EncampmentCBeaumont
, ; . , P . G . Captain ; Emva Holmes , Prov . G . Registrar Suffolk ; AV . Cuckon , Prater Spalding , & c . The following wore balloted for and accepted for installation as Knights of Malta : —Sir Knights James Bigley , AVilliam Norman , Richard Taylor , and George Cresswell ; anil Sir Knight Cressn-ell being in attendance , he wns introduced and dubbed a Knight Hospitaller of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , aud Malta , the august ceremony
being performed and the accolade being given by Sir Knight the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , D . P . G . P . Sir Knight W . T . Westgate was then duly installed Eminent Prior of the Royal Plantagenet Priory of the Order of Malta for the ensuing year . On the proposal of Sir Knight Emra Holmes it was decided to require a fee of honour of one guinea from all candidates fortius order not belonging to the encampment . At the close of the ceremonyand after the business had been transactedthe
, , Sir Knights retired for refreshment , when the usual loyal and knightl y toasts were proposed , that of Sir Knight the Prince of AA ' ales , and the A . E . Prov . Grand Commander of Suffolk and Cambridge , Sir Knight Captain Philips , being especially voted for eulogistic approval . A very agreeable evening was passed by the Praters .
Spelling - for Beginners , 96 pp ., price Is . ; Poetry for Beginners , 144 p . p ., price Is . London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . WE have received the above two latest and useful additions to "Dr . GornweU ' s Educational Series , " ivhich bear strong evidence of the great care bestowed successfully by the author in the production of manuals specially
adapted to tho minds of children . " Spelling for Beginners" developes a very excellent and simple method of teaching reading and spelling at the same time . ' Poetry for Beginners " consists of a collection of such Poems as will be interesting to children , and which , while forming a correct taste , shall instil into their minds only pure aud noble sentiments and rig ht principles .