Article MOTHER KILWINNING. Page 1 of 3 →
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Mother Kilwinning.
Bz BEO . D . MUEBAT LYOIT , K . T ., PEOY . J . G . W . OE AXESHIEE . ] S o . VIII .
The lodges borne on the Kilwinning records , as Laving been constituted by charter from the Mother . Lodge , are as follows : —¦ Date of Daughters . erection : Petitioners . Canongate - Kihvin- Dee . 1 G 77 f Brethren of the Canongate
ning | of Edinburgh . Torphiehen Do . ... May 1729 [ ^ 'T " . ° V ? J ???? ° f T 01 '" 1 ( . plnchen , East Calder . East Kilbride Do .... Feb . 1788 \ f-. ? , ?? T W ^ ens of East ( . Kilbride Lodge . Cumberland Do . ... Jan . 17-1-7 f " tlemon Masons in Port ( Glasgow
. Loudoun Newmihis v , ,-. _ ..- f Working Masons in Lou-Do . reo . i / 1- / . doun < Cessnock Do Jan . 17-18 Operative Masons in Galston . Paisley Do Aug . 17-1-9 Operative Masons in Paisley . Airdry Do Dec . 17-19 Gentlemen Masons in Airdry . 1731 Ce n lraso " at Proven
Proven Do Dec . -- \ ^) I Miln , near Glasgow . Beith Do Dec . 175-1 Certain Masons in Beith . RenfrewCoimty Do * Feb . 1755 j }^ s ? f of Renfrewshire ( . subscribing at Paisley . Wigtown Do Dee . 1755 The Masons in Wi gtown . Fort George Do . ... JnneTyoG Masons in Fort George . Tapahannoek Do . - Jiinel 758 ( S erta , 'Y " . ? J' \ . ( . County , v irgnua , JS . America
Doric , Port Glasgow T , f . „ ( .-, ,. . __ , _ , j ) 0 ° Jan . 17 o 9 j Operatives m Port-Glasgow . Patrick Do May 1759 Operative Masons at Patrick . Squarcmen'sAyrDo . Dec . 1765 jMastei-Masons FellowCrafts , 1 C and Apprentices at Ayr . Pvthagorian Do . ... Oct . 1707 j « ° ntl ° > ncn Masons in St . " t John's , Antigua , W . Indies .
Largs Do Dec . 17 G 7 Certain Masons in Largs . Stranraer Do Feb . 17 GS Certain Masons in Stranraer . Riehavdton Do . ... Nov . 1708 Masons in Richardton . Mountstewart Gree- _ , 1 h . „„ „ , . , . „ „ ] . Dcc . l / GS Certain Mnsonsm Greenock . St . Bryde's Douglass . . „ „ , . _ ,. rj 0- ' ,., I '"" Certain Masonsm Douglass .
ErskineDo Jul y 1717 Operative Masons in Erskine . Tarbolton Do . f ... 1771 Masons in Tarbolton . Lennox Do June 1772 f ° P ? rat ! vo Masons in Carop-( . sie , near Glasgow . C Office-bearers and Members Falmouth Do Dec . 1775 of Lodge of Freemasons in
j C . Falmouth , Virginia , N . A . High Knight Temy n , ^ hn ( M f ^ , and Wardens of a plarsoflrelandDo . J ^ ' ] H'Sh K' » gl >* Templars C Lodge , meeting in Dublin . Bathgate Do Dec . 1781 Sundry Masons in Bathgate . Paisley St . Andrew n , ,, _„ , „ , ., , . _ . ° Do . No . 77 Oct . 1 / 91 Sundry Masons in Paisley .
MontgomerieKihvin- " ) ning , of the New ' , 1 R . f Number of respectable Masons Toun ofEaglesham C S ' 1800 ( in Engle _ luu «_ . No . 78 ) Montgomerie Cun- " ) ningham EastKil- ( c Number of respectable Masons hnde Kilwinning , f Ucfc - lfc 03 { in E . lSfc Kilbride . No . 79 J
That the foregoing is a most incomplete list of the Kilwinning lodges is rendered certain by the preservation of the original charter of Kilmarnock Kilwinning St . John , and those of other unrecorded lodges emanating from that ancient seat of Masonry . . " Leitb . Kilwinning" appears in an old list of daughter lodges ,
but without date of constitution attached . From "No . 79 " being appended to the designation of the East Kilbride Lodge—the last receiving their charter from Kilwinning—it may be inferred that seventy-eight lodges had previously been constituted by the Mother Lodge ; but of this there is no
cer-Burnesse , Depute Master ;"—their gavel , that whose ring m the hands of the Poet used to summon to order as E . A . P . Masons ; their " highest badge , " the identical one worn by Burns while " presiding o'er the sons of light , " —and their banner that which many a time and oft has floated over the Poet's head as in " grand procession " he accompanied the brethren in perambulating the village preparatory to their celebration of Summer St . John's . Indeedwhile the Royal Arch of St . Abbunder
, , whose warrant Scotia ' s Bard was exalted , —Tarbolton St . David , within the walls of which he first beheld "the light "—Kilmarnock Kilwinning St . John , with whom he was linked by the tie of honorary membership , and to whom were addressed the stanzas , beginning " Ye sons of Old Killie , assembled by Willie , "and the Canongate Kilwinning , whose Poet-Laureate ho was ,
may all feel justly proud of their connection with Robert Burns ; to none of these lodges was the Poet so much endeared or so closely associated , neither have any of them been so highly favoured by his muse , as the Tarbolton daughter of Mother Kilwinning ; for to that lodge were inscribed his F ABU WELLpoured forth in such richly-emblematic and soul-melting language , as when read or sung with feeling by those able fully to
appreciate the force and beauty of its Masonic meaning , cannot fail to have an overpowering effect upon the tondercst sympathies of the heart , and preserve in imperishable remembrance the desponding Bard ' s " heart-warm , fond adieu . " And what brother will begrudge the insertion in these pages of that inimitable Masonic song ; or , during the Masonic festivities , of whicli the season is so prolific , fail lo dedicate a " round " to tho memory of the immortal author : —
" FAUEWELL TO THE BRETHEES - OP ST . JAMES ' S LODGE ,. TAllBOI-TON . " "Adieu ! a heart warm fond adieu ! Dear brothers of the mystic tie . ' . Ye favour'd , ye enlightened few , Companions of my social joy ,. Tho' I to foreign lands must hie ,
Pursuing Fortun ' s slidd ' ry ha ' , With melting heart and brimful eye , I'll mind you still , though far awn ' .. ' Oft have I met your social band , And spent the cheerful , festive night ; Oft , honoured with supreme command , Presided o ' er the sons of liht :
g And by that hieroglyphic bright , Which none but Craftsmen ever saw ' . Strong meni ' ry on my heart shall write Those happy scenes , when far ami ' . "Slay Freedom , Harmony , and Love , Unite you in the grand design , Beneath th' Omniscient Eye
above—The glorious Architect divine ! That you may keep th' unerring line , Still rising by the plummet ' s law , Till order bright completely shine , Shall be my pray ' r when far a \ va \ " And you , farewell ! whose merits claim , Justlythat hihest badto wear !
, g ge Heav ' n bless your honoured , noble name , To Masonry and Scotia dear ! A last request- permit me here , When yearly ye assemble a' , One round—I ask it with a tear—To him , the Bard , that ' s Air awaY
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mother Kilwinning.
Bz BEO . D . MUEBAT LYOIT , K . T ., PEOY . J . G . W . OE AXESHIEE . ] S o . VIII .
The lodges borne on the Kilwinning records , as Laving been constituted by charter from the Mother . Lodge , are as follows : —¦ Date of Daughters . erection : Petitioners . Canongate - Kihvin- Dee . 1 G 77 f Brethren of the Canongate
ning | of Edinburgh . Torphiehen Do . ... May 1729 [ ^ 'T " . ° V ? J ???? ° f T 01 '" 1 ( . plnchen , East Calder . East Kilbride Do .... Feb . 1788 \ f-. ? , ?? T W ^ ens of East ( . Kilbride Lodge . Cumberland Do . ... Jan . 17-1-7 f " tlemon Masons in Port ( Glasgow
. Loudoun Newmihis v , ,-. _ ..- f Working Masons in Lou-Do . reo . i / 1- / . doun < Cessnock Do Jan . 17-18 Operative Masons in Galston . Paisley Do Aug . 17-1-9 Operative Masons in Paisley . Airdry Do Dec . 17-19 Gentlemen Masons in Airdry . 1731 Ce n lraso " at Proven
Proven Do Dec . -- \ ^) I Miln , near Glasgow . Beith Do Dec . 175-1 Certain Masons in Beith . RenfrewCoimty Do * Feb . 1755 j }^ s ? f of Renfrewshire ( . subscribing at Paisley . Wigtown Do Dee . 1755 The Masons in Wi gtown . Fort George Do . ... JnneTyoG Masons in Fort George . Tapahannoek Do . - Jiinel 758 ( S erta , 'Y " . ? J' \ . ( . County , v irgnua , JS . America
Doric , Port Glasgow T , f . „ ( .-, ,. . __ , _ , j ) 0 ° Jan . 17 o 9 j Operatives m Port-Glasgow . Patrick Do May 1759 Operative Masons at Patrick . Squarcmen'sAyrDo . Dec . 1765 jMastei-Masons FellowCrafts , 1 C and Apprentices at Ayr . Pvthagorian Do . ... Oct . 1707 j « ° ntl ° > ncn Masons in St . " t John's , Antigua , W . Indies .
Largs Do Dec . 17 G 7 Certain Masons in Largs . Stranraer Do Feb . 17 GS Certain Masons in Stranraer . Riehavdton Do . ... Nov . 1708 Masons in Richardton . Mountstewart Gree- _ , 1 h . „„ „ , . , . „ „ ] . Dcc . l / GS Certain Mnsonsm Greenock . St . Bryde's Douglass . . „ „ , . _ ,. rj 0- ' ,., I '"" Certain Masonsm Douglass .
ErskineDo Jul y 1717 Operative Masons in Erskine . Tarbolton Do . f ... 1771 Masons in Tarbolton . Lennox Do June 1772 f ° P ? rat ! vo Masons in Carop-( . sie , near Glasgow . C Office-bearers and Members Falmouth Do Dec . 1775 of Lodge of Freemasons in
j C . Falmouth , Virginia , N . A . High Knight Temy n , ^ hn ( M f ^ , and Wardens of a plarsoflrelandDo . J ^ ' ] H'Sh K' » gl >* Templars C Lodge , meeting in Dublin . Bathgate Do Dec . 1781 Sundry Masons in Bathgate . Paisley St . Andrew n , ,, _„ , „ , ., , . _ . ° Do . No . 77 Oct . 1 / 91 Sundry Masons in Paisley .
MontgomerieKihvin- " ) ning , of the New ' , 1 R . f Number of respectable Masons Toun ofEaglesham C S ' 1800 ( in Engle _ luu «_ . No . 78 ) Montgomerie Cun- " ) ningham EastKil- ( c Number of respectable Masons hnde Kilwinning , f Ucfc - lfc 03 { in E . lSfc Kilbride . No . 79 J
That the foregoing is a most incomplete list of the Kilwinning lodges is rendered certain by the preservation of the original charter of Kilmarnock Kilwinning St . John , and those of other unrecorded lodges emanating from that ancient seat of Masonry . . " Leitb . Kilwinning" appears in an old list of daughter lodges ,
but without date of constitution attached . From "No . 79 " being appended to the designation of the East Kilbride Lodge—the last receiving their charter from Kilwinning—it may be inferred that seventy-eight lodges had previously been constituted by the Mother Lodge ; but of this there is no
cer-Burnesse , Depute Master ;"—their gavel , that whose ring m the hands of the Poet used to summon to order as E . A . P . Masons ; their " highest badge , " the identical one worn by Burns while " presiding o'er the sons of light , " —and their banner that which many a time and oft has floated over the Poet's head as in " grand procession " he accompanied the brethren in perambulating the village preparatory to their celebration of Summer St . John's . Indeedwhile the Royal Arch of St . Abbunder
, , whose warrant Scotia ' s Bard was exalted , —Tarbolton St . David , within the walls of which he first beheld "the light "—Kilmarnock Kilwinning St . John , with whom he was linked by the tie of honorary membership , and to whom were addressed the stanzas , beginning " Ye sons of Old Killie , assembled by Willie , "and the Canongate Kilwinning , whose Poet-Laureate ho was ,
may all feel justly proud of their connection with Robert Burns ; to none of these lodges was the Poet so much endeared or so closely associated , neither have any of them been so highly favoured by his muse , as the Tarbolton daughter of Mother Kilwinning ; for to that lodge were inscribed his F ABU WELLpoured forth in such richly-emblematic and soul-melting language , as when read or sung with feeling by those able fully to
appreciate the force and beauty of its Masonic meaning , cannot fail to have an overpowering effect upon the tondercst sympathies of the heart , and preserve in imperishable remembrance the desponding Bard ' s " heart-warm , fond adieu . " And what brother will begrudge the insertion in these pages of that inimitable Masonic song ; or , during the Masonic festivities , of whicli the season is so prolific , fail lo dedicate a " round " to tho memory of the immortal author : —
" FAUEWELL TO THE BRETHEES - OP ST . JAMES ' S LODGE ,. TAllBOI-TON . " "Adieu ! a heart warm fond adieu ! Dear brothers of the mystic tie . ' . Ye favour'd , ye enlightened few , Companions of my social joy ,. Tho' I to foreign lands must hie ,
Pursuing Fortun ' s slidd ' ry ha ' , With melting heart and brimful eye , I'll mind you still , though far awn ' .. ' Oft have I met your social band , And spent the cheerful , festive night ; Oft , honoured with supreme command , Presided o ' er the sons of liht :
g And by that hieroglyphic bright , Which none but Craftsmen ever saw ' . Strong meni ' ry on my heart shall write Those happy scenes , when far ami ' . "Slay Freedom , Harmony , and Love , Unite you in the grand design , Beneath th' Omniscient Eye
above—The glorious Architect divine ! That you may keep th' unerring line , Still rising by the plummet ' s law , Till order bright completely shine , Shall be my pray ' r when far a \ va \ " And you , farewell ! whose merits claim , Justlythat hihest badto wear !
, g ge Heav ' n bless your honoured , noble name , To Masonry and Scotia dear ! A last request- permit me here , When yearly ye assemble a' , One round—I ask it with a tear—To him , the Bard , that ' s Air awaY