Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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beg to express my sincere thanks for the unanimity and concord which exists among you . I fervently hope that that friendship will still continue , and that your best endeavours will still be given to establish the prosperity , ancl support the honour of your antient lodge . " Brethren of the Minerva Lodge , I can scarcely express tho sentiments with which I now address you . May every good wish that a Mason can desire , attend you ! May your hall be
the happy resort of friendship , virtue , and benevolence ! May you , by a prudent course of management , be enabled to reserve your funds against a day of tribulation , that the widow ' s tear may be dried , and the orphan ' s cry softened , by the exercise of that virtue , of which the world ' s Artificer spoke , when He said , * It is more blessed to give than to receive . ' May this blessing , my brethren , be yours ! " How many leasing consideiations attend the present
asp sembly . AVhilst in other parts of the world political animosities , contentions , and wars interrupt the progress of humanity , it is our privilege , in this happy region of liberty ancl peace , to engage in the designs of individual ancl social happiness . Whilst in other nations our Order is viewed by politicians with suspicion , and by the ignorant with apprehension ; in this country its members are too much respected , and its principles to well known to make it the object of jealousy or mistrust .
Indeed , its importance , its credit , ancl , we trust , its usefulness , are advancing to a height unknown in any former age . The present occasion gives fresh evidence of the increasing affection of its friends ,-and this hall , I think I may say , does honour to the lodge for whose accommodation it is designed . "May it be protected from accident , and long remain a monument of our attachment to Masonry . May this lodge continue to flourish , its union to strengthen , and its happiness to abound ; ancl when we shall be laid amidst tho acacian shadows of the
grave , may we meet again in that Grand Lodge above , open , never more to be closed , where peace , order , and harmony eternally reign . " SOUTH . I , as Worshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 250 ) , on tbe roll of the Grand Lodge of England , dedicated to Masonry in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all honour and glory . AVEST .
I , as AA ' orshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 230 ) , on the roll of tho Grand Lodge of England , dedicated to Virtue iu the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all honour and glory .
EAST . - I , as AVorshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 250 ) , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , dedieated to Universal Benevolence in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whino be all honour and glory . Corn , wine , andoil were then poured on the altar iu the centre of the lodge by the Chaplain , as follows : — " May the seeds of corn scattered on this altar remind us of
the seed of God ' s AVord , sown plenteously in the land , that they may bring forth a hundred-fold in our hearts , and yield a plenteous harvest in that day when the Lord shall come to gather the wheat into His garner . So mote it be . " "I pour wine upon this altar , an emblem of cheerfulness ; and may the meetings that shall hereafter be held in this place be conducted with decorum and sober enjoyment . So mote it be . "
" May this oil , a symbol of peace , fitly represent that harmony and fellowship whicli slnril exist amongst the brethren of this lodge . So mote it be . " The AV . M ., accompanied by the Deacons , then , in tho South , declared the lodge dedicated to Masonry ; in the West , to Virtue ; and in the East , to Universal Benevolence . During which the choir chanted the following : — " Blessed is ho that considereth the poor and need : the Lord
y shall deliver him in the time of trouble . "The Lord preserve him , and keep him alive , that he may be blessed upon earth : and deliver not Thou him unto the will of his enemies . "The Lord comfort him when he lieth sick upon his bed : make Thou all his bed in his sickness . " To God the only Wise : our Creator and Eedecmer , glory be ,
" As it was in the beginning , is now and over shall be : world without end . Amen . " The Rev . Bro . Alexander then read the following prayer : — " Blessed be Thy name , O Great Architect of the Universe ,
that it hath pleased Thee to move the hearts of Thy servants to dedicate this lodge to Thy honour and glory . Bless them , O Lord , with thine especial blessing , and grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work may continue Thy faithful servants unto their lives' end . Let their practice shadow forth the blessed principles of faith , hope , and charity ; ancl wdien Thou shalt bo pleased to called them hence , and the earthly house of this tabernacle shall be dissolved , give them a building ;
of God , an house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . So mote it be . " BENEDICTION . " The Lord bless you and keep you . The Lord make His face to shine upon you , and be gracious unto you . The Lord have mercy upon you , and give you peace now ancl evermore . So mote it be . " The National Anthem was then sung , and the ceremony of re-dedication being concluded , the lodge was opened in the first decree , and the regular business proceeded with .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . ) . —Thisprosperouslodge held its usual quarterly meeting at the Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark ( Bro . C . Cathie ' s ) , on Monday , December 7 th . Bro . II . A . Collington , R . W . M ., assisted by Bros . F . Walters , W . Y . Laing , E . X . Levy , Past R . W . M ., Howes , Spier , A . P . Leonard , Cottebrnne , and J . AV . Weir , opened the lodge . Bro . E . N . Levy then took the chair , and , in his usual able , efficient ,
ancl agreeable manner , advanced Bros . Loo , E . Cathie , T . Moore , Morris , Jarvis , and R . Hurrell to tho degree of Mark Masters . Bro . II . A . Collington resumed the chair . The sum of ten shillings was voted to the Aged Freemasons' Benevolent Institution for Males , and ten shillings to the Widows' Fund , from the charity fund . Business being ended , the brethren adjourned to a splendid cold collation . Alsitors , Bros . C . A . Cottebrnne , Past R . W . M . Thistle Lodge ; J . AV . AVeir , P . M . 25 ( I . C . ); J . Howes , late of 11 , P . M . 1067 , & c .
( From the Limerick Southern Chronicle . ) On Monday , the 30 th November , a deputation from tho Eden : Lodge ( Xo . 73 ) , Limerick , waited on Bro . Michael Fnrnell , D . L ., at his residence , Xorth Minister A'illa , Dublin , to present to him an address and poem , got up in tho most magnificent style of art , beautifully and elaborately illuminated with Masonic symbols , and gorgeously framed , which , being read and presented with the usual formalities by Bro . DeeringP . M .
, , Bro . FURNELL replied thereto , and presented to the lodge the silver gavel , the symbol of office , by which for the past twenty years he so efficiently and popularly governed the district as-Provincial Grand Master . Copies of addresses and responses , with memorandum offering aforesaid symbol , for the future use of the Masters of tho Eden Lodge , follow : — Address to the Most Illustrious Pro / her Michael FurnellCapt .
, Gen . of the Supreme Council of Sov . Gd . Insprs . Gen . 33 rrf , li . li ., on his official Pesignal ' ion of Provincial Grand Master of JS ' orth Minister . " We , the brethren of Lodge 73 , cannot allow the occasion of your retirement from office to pass without giving expression to those deep feelings of regret which wo individually experience on your resignation of the distinguished position which you
held for twenty years as Provincial Grand Master of Xorth Minister . "Most cordially and fraternally do we sympathise with you that declining years ancl bodily infirmity should be tho sad causes which deprive us of your paternal guidance . " Zealous and efficient in the discharge of those arduousduties that devolved upon you , and uniting therein the affability and deportment of tho gentlemanwith the wisdom of
expe-, rience , and the fraternal affection of the Craft , you have become veteran in the hallowed associations of Masonry , and won from the lodges of Xorth Minister a feeling of personal regard which no vicissitudes of life can sever . " We can fondly revert to the memories of the past , when
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
beg to express my sincere thanks for the unanimity and concord which exists among you . I fervently hope that that friendship will still continue , and that your best endeavours will still be given to establish the prosperity , ancl support the honour of your antient lodge . " Brethren of the Minerva Lodge , I can scarcely express tho sentiments with which I now address you . May every good wish that a Mason can desire , attend you ! May your hall be
the happy resort of friendship , virtue , and benevolence ! May you , by a prudent course of management , be enabled to reserve your funds against a day of tribulation , that the widow ' s tear may be dried , and the orphan ' s cry softened , by the exercise of that virtue , of which the world ' s Artificer spoke , when He said , * It is more blessed to give than to receive . ' May this blessing , my brethren , be yours ! " How many leasing consideiations attend the present
asp sembly . AVhilst in other parts of the world political animosities , contentions , and wars interrupt the progress of humanity , it is our privilege , in this happy region of liberty ancl peace , to engage in the designs of individual ancl social happiness . Whilst in other nations our Order is viewed by politicians with suspicion , and by the ignorant with apprehension ; in this country its members are too much respected , and its principles to well known to make it the object of jealousy or mistrust .
Indeed , its importance , its credit , ancl , we trust , its usefulness , are advancing to a height unknown in any former age . The present occasion gives fresh evidence of the increasing affection of its friends ,-and this hall , I think I may say , does honour to the lodge for whose accommodation it is designed . "May it be protected from accident , and long remain a monument of our attachment to Masonry . May this lodge continue to flourish , its union to strengthen , and its happiness to abound ; ancl when we shall be laid amidst tho acacian shadows of the
grave , may we meet again in that Grand Lodge above , open , never more to be closed , where peace , order , and harmony eternally reign . " SOUTH . I , as Worshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 250 ) , on tbe roll of the Grand Lodge of England , dedicated to Masonry in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all honour and glory . AVEST .
I , as AA ' orshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 230 ) , on the roll of tho Grand Lodge of England , dedicated to Virtue iu the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all honour and glory .
EAST . - I , as AVorshipful Master , now declare this Minerva Lodge ( No . 250 ) , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , dedieated to Universal Benevolence in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whino be all honour and glory . Corn , wine , andoil were then poured on the altar iu the centre of the lodge by the Chaplain , as follows : — " May the seeds of corn scattered on this altar remind us of
the seed of God ' s AVord , sown plenteously in the land , that they may bring forth a hundred-fold in our hearts , and yield a plenteous harvest in that day when the Lord shall come to gather the wheat into His garner . So mote it be . " "I pour wine upon this altar , an emblem of cheerfulness ; and may the meetings that shall hereafter be held in this place be conducted with decorum and sober enjoyment . So mote it be . "
" May this oil , a symbol of peace , fitly represent that harmony and fellowship whicli slnril exist amongst the brethren of this lodge . So mote it be . " The AV . M ., accompanied by the Deacons , then , in tho South , declared the lodge dedicated to Masonry ; in the West , to Virtue ; and in the East , to Universal Benevolence . During which the choir chanted the following : — " Blessed is ho that considereth the poor and need : the Lord
y shall deliver him in the time of trouble . "The Lord preserve him , and keep him alive , that he may be blessed upon earth : and deliver not Thou him unto the will of his enemies . "The Lord comfort him when he lieth sick upon his bed : make Thou all his bed in his sickness . " To God the only Wise : our Creator and Eedecmer , glory be ,
" As it was in the beginning , is now and over shall be : world without end . Amen . " The Rev . Bro . Alexander then read the following prayer : — " Blessed be Thy name , O Great Architect of the Universe ,
that it hath pleased Thee to move the hearts of Thy servants to dedicate this lodge to Thy honour and glory . Bless them , O Lord , with thine especial blessing , and grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work may continue Thy faithful servants unto their lives' end . Let their practice shadow forth the blessed principles of faith , hope , and charity ; ancl wdien Thou shalt bo pleased to called them hence , and the earthly house of this tabernacle shall be dissolved , give them a building ;
of God , an house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . So mote it be . " BENEDICTION . " The Lord bless you and keep you . The Lord make His face to shine upon you , and be gracious unto you . The Lord have mercy upon you , and give you peace now ancl evermore . So mote it be . " The National Anthem was then sung , and the ceremony of re-dedication being concluded , the lodge was opened in the first decree , and the regular business proceeded with .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . ) . —Thisprosperouslodge held its usual quarterly meeting at the Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark ( Bro . C . Cathie ' s ) , on Monday , December 7 th . Bro . II . A . Collington , R . W . M ., assisted by Bros . F . Walters , W . Y . Laing , E . X . Levy , Past R . W . M ., Howes , Spier , A . P . Leonard , Cottebrnne , and J . AV . Weir , opened the lodge . Bro . E . N . Levy then took the chair , and , in his usual able , efficient ,
ancl agreeable manner , advanced Bros . Loo , E . Cathie , T . Moore , Morris , Jarvis , and R . Hurrell to tho degree of Mark Masters . Bro . II . A . Collington resumed the chair . The sum of ten shillings was voted to the Aged Freemasons' Benevolent Institution for Males , and ten shillings to the Widows' Fund , from the charity fund . Business being ended , the brethren adjourned to a splendid cold collation . Alsitors , Bros . C . A . Cottebrnne , Past R . W . M . Thistle Lodge ; J . AV . AVeir , P . M . 25 ( I . C . ); J . Howes , late of 11 , P . M . 1067 , & c .
( From the Limerick Southern Chronicle . ) On Monday , the 30 th November , a deputation from tho Eden : Lodge ( Xo . 73 ) , Limerick , waited on Bro . Michael Fnrnell , D . L ., at his residence , Xorth Minister A'illa , Dublin , to present to him an address and poem , got up in tho most magnificent style of art , beautifully and elaborately illuminated with Masonic symbols , and gorgeously framed , which , being read and presented with the usual formalities by Bro . DeeringP . M .
, , Bro . FURNELL replied thereto , and presented to the lodge the silver gavel , the symbol of office , by which for the past twenty years he so efficiently and popularly governed the district as-Provincial Grand Master . Copies of addresses and responses , with memorandum offering aforesaid symbol , for the future use of the Masters of tho Eden Lodge , follow : — Address to the Most Illustrious Pro / her Michael FurnellCapt .
, Gen . of the Supreme Council of Sov . Gd . Insprs . Gen . 33 rrf , li . li ., on his official Pesignal ' ion of Provincial Grand Master of JS ' orth Minister . " We , the brethren of Lodge 73 , cannot allow the occasion of your retirement from office to pass without giving expression to those deep feelings of regret which wo individually experience on your resignation of the distinguished position which you
held for twenty years as Provincial Grand Master of Xorth Minister . "Most cordially and fraternally do we sympathise with you that declining years ancl bodily infirmity should be tho sad causes which deprive us of your paternal guidance . " Zealous and efficient in the discharge of those arduousduties that devolved upon you , and uniting therein the affability and deportment of tho gentlemanwith the wisdom of
expe-, rience , and the fraternal affection of the Craft , you have become veteran in the hallowed associations of Masonry , and won from the lodges of Xorth Minister a feeling of personal regard which no vicissitudes of life can sever . " We can fondly revert to the memories of the past , when