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your benign influence shed a lmlo of delight over onr social enjoyments ; and we trust that the light of the Grand Architect of the Universe , which you were wont to unfold , may he your solace down the declining vale of years . " Accept our most cordial assurances of esteem ; and although officially separated , we trust you will still cherish those sentiments of devoted attachment which you displayed when prosiding over our councils ; and continue to join in spirit with
those lodges to which you were so long and affectionately united . " Signed on behalf of the lodge , " THOMAS G . GLOVER , AVM ., " JOHN DEERING , P . M ., Sec . " Peply to tiie Eight Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Pden Lodge { No . 73 . ) " Your address , evincing such kind and affectionate
attachment , gives me sincere happiness ; it revives the reminiscence of our long mutual esteem and confidence , and of our many very happy social associations ; it assuages much trying pain and sorrow , and aids me to bow with resignation to the dispensation of tho G . A . O . T . U . "Xever coase to persevere iu your benign profession : let your Temple be ever finned for your enduring good will ancl reciprocal attachmentfidelityand support : but never for one
, , moment desecrated by schism or contention . " Ever labour to prove a sure foundation stone of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and a proud reflection and honour to " Your old Founder and ever attached Brother , " M . FUHNELL , Past Prov . G . JI . of Xorth Munster . "
Inscribed lo the Most Illustrious Pro . Michael Furnell , Capt . Gen . of the Supreme Council of Sov . Gd . Insprs . Gen , 33 r _ Z LLP . , un his official resignation of Provincial Grand Master of North Minister , Sept ., 1 SG 3 , from the Brethren of Pden Lodge { No . 73 ) . How shall that warm and pure fraternal love , That lives supreme in each Masonic breast , Flow forth in meet and sorrowing strains to prove
How deeply we deplore the sad behest , That thus deprives us of a gifted chief ; Our guide and counsel , tried and trusted friend , AA hose veteran age demands some kind relief From care and ardent thought , that must attend The proud position which he loved and long sustained . Brother and Master of the sacred tie ,
To thee we pay the tribute of a tear , Ancl sympathise with that infirmity That severs us from one so justly dear . Ancl oft fond memory shall recall the hour Of social bliss , when on the tressel floor , Thy voice paternal gave a tone ancl power To all our plans , from wit ancl wisdom's store , To guard the Grand Design , which all the Craft adore .
The hallowed principles that wo profess , Founded on virtue , honour , goodness , truth ; The kindly feelings that adorn and bless , 'Twas thine to culture from thy early youth . And while this lodge exists , 'twill he our aim , To foster every high and holy plan , "Which kindles up that pure Masonic flame ,
Radiant with love to God , and lovo to man—An all-inspiring theme tliat angei choirs began . Cherished within our breasts thy name shall dwell , Urging us onward in our art sublime To deeds of greatness , like some potent spell , That leaves its impress on the path of Time . Would that we each could imitate thy zeal ,
That fervent ardour of paternal love , That binds the Mason to his brother ' s weal , Connect his hopes with holier joys above , Aud to his Saviour ' s cause desires him faithful prove . Retiring now from scones of active toil , Hoary in years and honour—round thy brow A wreath more glorious than the chieftain's spoil
Is twined—the symbol of our sacred vow . And well and truly were its ancient rites , By thoo upheld—our guardian and our guide—AVho kept fond vigil o'er our mystic lights ; Ancl whoso approval was our noblest pride , To all our cares alive—to all our joys allied .
Farewell—in our affections long enshrined—The treasured memories of thy worth shall glow , In living verdure , ancl more closely bind Our bond of sacred fellowship below : And while thy years declining may be spared , Let Faith aud Hope dispel each rising gloom ; Ob . ' way the tranquil joys onr founders shared
Brighten thy pathway onward to the tomb . FURNELL ! with sorrow , deep as words can tell , AA e mourn to bid our honoured friend FAREWELL . AV . A . Pesponse to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of PJden Lodge { No . 73 ) . Your thrilling verses give me such delight ,
That age , and pain , and sickness take to flight ; May God pour choicest blessings from above , Union , prosperity , fraternal love , And every pleasure that exalts ancl cheers , AVhile passing onward through this vale of tears . 'Tis thus your Brother Furnell ever prays For you , my brethren , in his latter clays , Thattrusting on the Rock of Ages , we
, May so prepare for endless destiny , AA'hen the Grand Master's summons reach us all , AVe , as Freemasons , may pass at that call , And yield our union of an earthly tie For one more lasting in a world on high . And , now , to Eden Lodge , so kind , so true , I must repeat once more—a fond adieu !
In truth and love , your attached Brother , MICHAEL FURNELL . Memorandum . —To the Memlers of Pden Lodge { No . 73 ) . I ask the Eden Lodge ( No . 73 ) to accept the symbol of AA ' . M ., which for the past twenty years governed the district with love and regard truly reciprocal ; may it , in the hands of your AA . Master ( by sound discretion and snaviter ) ever command the
peace , love , and harmony that should over bo the pride ancl glory of every good Freemason , prays your attached brother , M . FORNELL , 33 rd . The beautiful maul of solid silver bears the following inscription : — " Presented hy the Right AVorshipful Michael Furnell , late Prov . G . M . Xorth Munster , to Eden Lodge ( Xo . 73 ) , Xovembei-30 th , 1 S 63 . "THOMAS G . GLOVER , AV . M ., " JOHN DEERING , P . M ., Sec . "
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( XO . 590 ) . —The members met in great force on Thursday , Xov . 26 th , there being about seventy present . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m ., by Bro . Durell , AV . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Clement and Philip , Edward Le Sueur , all the officers , indeed , being at their respective posts . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A vote for the payment of £ 15 was passedto defray the
ex-, pense of a portrait of Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., which has been , executed for the lodge , and is intended to be placed in the new temple . A ballot was taken for Messrs . John Blainpied and Peter Guiton , as candidates for initiation , after testimony as to their fitness had been afforded , which proved favourable to both . Bros . Ahior , Poch , and Chas . Renouf were then brought up , and having passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree ,
retired for preparation . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and the candidates , having been re-introduced , were passed as Fellow Crafts by the AV . M ., from whom they also received the appropriate' charge , and an explanation of the tracing board . The Secretary read the circular from the Grand Secretary , announcing the quarterly communication on Dec . 2 ndancl highly explained the business to be brought forward ,
, but more particularly such as relates to the province of Jersey , in regard to appeals against the recent suspension of a number of brethren by tho Prov . G . M . The Rev . Bro . Chaplain commented on the importance of the question to all English lodges , but more particularly to Lodge La Cesaree , of which most of those suspended were members ; and as ho had learnt that , con-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
your benign influence shed a lmlo of delight over onr social enjoyments ; and we trust that the light of the Grand Architect of the Universe , which you were wont to unfold , may he your solace down the declining vale of years . " Accept our most cordial assurances of esteem ; and although officially separated , we trust you will still cherish those sentiments of devoted attachment which you displayed when prosiding over our councils ; and continue to join in spirit with
those lodges to which you were so long and affectionately united . " Signed on behalf of the lodge , " THOMAS G . GLOVER , AVM ., " JOHN DEERING , P . M ., Sec . " Peply to tiie Eight Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Pden Lodge { No . 73 . ) " Your address , evincing such kind and affectionate
attachment , gives me sincere happiness ; it revives the reminiscence of our long mutual esteem and confidence , and of our many very happy social associations ; it assuages much trying pain and sorrow , and aids me to bow with resignation to the dispensation of tho G . A . O . T . U . "Xever coase to persevere iu your benign profession : let your Temple be ever finned for your enduring good will ancl reciprocal attachmentfidelityand support : but never for one
, , moment desecrated by schism or contention . " Ever labour to prove a sure foundation stone of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and a proud reflection and honour to " Your old Founder and ever attached Brother , " M . FUHNELL , Past Prov . G . JI . of Xorth Munster . "
Inscribed lo the Most Illustrious Pro . Michael Furnell , Capt . Gen . of the Supreme Council of Sov . Gd . Insprs . Gen , 33 r _ Z LLP . , un his official resignation of Provincial Grand Master of North Minister , Sept ., 1 SG 3 , from the Brethren of Pden Lodge { No . 73 ) . How shall that warm and pure fraternal love , That lives supreme in each Masonic breast , Flow forth in meet and sorrowing strains to prove
How deeply we deplore the sad behest , That thus deprives us of a gifted chief ; Our guide and counsel , tried and trusted friend , AA hose veteran age demands some kind relief From care and ardent thought , that must attend The proud position which he loved and long sustained . Brother and Master of the sacred tie ,
To thee we pay the tribute of a tear , Ancl sympathise with that infirmity That severs us from one so justly dear . Ancl oft fond memory shall recall the hour Of social bliss , when on the tressel floor , Thy voice paternal gave a tone ancl power To all our plans , from wit ancl wisdom's store , To guard the Grand Design , which all the Craft adore .
The hallowed principles that wo profess , Founded on virtue , honour , goodness , truth ; The kindly feelings that adorn and bless , 'Twas thine to culture from thy early youth . And while this lodge exists , 'twill he our aim , To foster every high and holy plan , "Which kindles up that pure Masonic flame ,
Radiant with love to God , and lovo to man—An all-inspiring theme tliat angei choirs began . Cherished within our breasts thy name shall dwell , Urging us onward in our art sublime To deeds of greatness , like some potent spell , That leaves its impress on the path of Time . Would that we each could imitate thy zeal ,
That fervent ardour of paternal love , That binds the Mason to his brother ' s weal , Connect his hopes with holier joys above , Aud to his Saviour ' s cause desires him faithful prove . Retiring now from scones of active toil , Hoary in years and honour—round thy brow A wreath more glorious than the chieftain's spoil
Is twined—the symbol of our sacred vow . And well and truly were its ancient rites , By thoo upheld—our guardian and our guide—AVho kept fond vigil o'er our mystic lights ; Ancl whoso approval was our noblest pride , To all our cares alive—to all our joys allied .
Farewell—in our affections long enshrined—The treasured memories of thy worth shall glow , In living verdure , ancl more closely bind Our bond of sacred fellowship below : And while thy years declining may be spared , Let Faith aud Hope dispel each rising gloom ; Ob . ' way the tranquil joys onr founders shared
Brighten thy pathway onward to the tomb . FURNELL ! with sorrow , deep as words can tell , AA e mourn to bid our honoured friend FAREWELL . AV . A . Pesponse to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of PJden Lodge { No . 73 ) . Your thrilling verses give me such delight ,
That age , and pain , and sickness take to flight ; May God pour choicest blessings from above , Union , prosperity , fraternal love , And every pleasure that exalts ancl cheers , AVhile passing onward through this vale of tears . 'Tis thus your Brother Furnell ever prays For you , my brethren , in his latter clays , Thattrusting on the Rock of Ages , we
, May so prepare for endless destiny , AA'hen the Grand Master's summons reach us all , AVe , as Freemasons , may pass at that call , And yield our union of an earthly tie For one more lasting in a world on high . And , now , to Eden Lodge , so kind , so true , I must repeat once more—a fond adieu !
In truth and love , your attached Brother , MICHAEL FURNELL . Memorandum . —To the Memlers of Pden Lodge { No . 73 ) . I ask the Eden Lodge ( No . 73 ) to accept the symbol of AA ' . M ., which for the past twenty years governed the district with love and regard truly reciprocal ; may it , in the hands of your AA . Master ( by sound discretion and snaviter ) ever command the
peace , love , and harmony that should over bo the pride ancl glory of every good Freemason , prays your attached brother , M . FORNELL , 33 rd . The beautiful maul of solid silver bears the following inscription : — " Presented hy the Right AVorshipful Michael Furnell , late Prov . G . M . Xorth Munster , to Eden Lodge ( Xo . 73 ) , Xovembei-30 th , 1 S 63 . "THOMAS G . GLOVER , AV . M ., " JOHN DEERING , P . M ., Sec . "
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( XO . 590 ) . —The members met in great force on Thursday , Xov . 26 th , there being about seventy present . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m ., by Bro . Durell , AV . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Clement and Philip , Edward Le Sueur , all the officers , indeed , being at their respective posts . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A vote for the payment of £ 15 was passedto defray the
ex-, pense of a portrait of Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., which has been , executed for the lodge , and is intended to be placed in the new temple . A ballot was taken for Messrs . John Blainpied and Peter Guiton , as candidates for initiation , after testimony as to their fitness had been afforded , which proved favourable to both . Bros . Ahior , Poch , and Chas . Renouf were then brought up , and having passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree ,
retired for preparation . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and the candidates , having been re-introduced , were passed as Fellow Crafts by the AV . M ., from whom they also received the appropriate' charge , and an explanation of the tracing board . The Secretary read the circular from the Grand Secretary , announcing the quarterly communication on Dec . 2 ndancl highly explained the business to be brought forward ,
, but more particularly such as relates to the province of Jersey , in regard to appeals against the recent suspension of a number of brethren by tho Prov . G . M . The Rev . Bro . Chaplain commented on the importance of the question to all English lodges , but more particularly to Lodge La Cesaree , of which most of those suspended were members ; and as ho had learnt that , con-