Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
Bro , Sbailer ( Domatic , 177 ) , of the " Dublin Castle , " Walmeiroad , Xotting-hill , gives his first animal dinner on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., and as Dame Fortune has latel y been frowning severely upon him , he will be very grateful to those brethren who will honour him with their presence . Tickets 5 s . The following brethren have generously consented to act as Stewards :
Bro . Rtissen , 1 , York-road , King ' s-cross ; Bro . Elmes , 15 , Rathhone-place ; Bro . Potter , 6 , Wood-street , Westminster ; Bro . Tanner , 18 , Xorth-street , S . W . ; and Bro . Charles E . Thompson , 122 , Oilbrd-road , Barnsbury-park , X " .
THE ALBION LODGE ( SO . 9 ) .-The usual monthly nieetiii" - wa held on Tuesday , December 1 st , at the Freemason ' s' Hall , undei the presidency of Bro . S . Coste , W . M . The minutes of last lod « - ( were read , after opening in the first degree . A ballot was thei taken for Mr . B . Solomon , a candidate tor initiation , which , provnig unanimous he was received into the mvsteries of Ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony being performed " in a most impressive bthe
manner y W . M ., who was abl y and eificientlv supported by his officers . This being tho evening for electing a ' new W M tor the ensuing year and tbe Treasurer , the Secretary read a list of Brethren eligible for those offices—viz ., Bros . Palmer Vallentme , Burton , Woods , Moiing , Ferryman , Friend , Youn < r ' Abbott , Warr , Stevens , and Willev , all P . M . ' s . ; Bro . S Cost ?' the present W . M . ; E . Coste S . W . R . BullerJWand E
, ; , .., Coste the S . W . Bro . Moring , P . M ., Treas ., was re-elected , and Bro . Vallentme , P . M ., was also re-elected Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . TlieYollowing Brethren , in addition to the AY M Officers , and P . M ., were named for the Audit Committee Bros ' Lomeire , Morton , Baylis , Papineau , and Harvey . The audit was ' hxed to take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , December lGth uio Air K .
-. ^ proposed . Foueard , of Gloucester-terrace XSew Cross , tor initiation at the next lodge , which was seconded by Bro . E . Coste , S . W . The business being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , passing a very pleasant evening , m the course of which there was some very good son-s bv Bros . Slonian , Lemeire , Stevens , Willev , Solomon , ' 1 c , Ac ° The following brethren were visitors—Bro . ' Patten , P . G . S . B . and Sec of the Girls SchoolBro . Buckworsel ( Roval Frederic ); '
; Bro Murford , t ! 7 G ; C . Sloma . ii , 25 ; Bro . F . Solomon , a former mem - ber ol this lodge , who had been abroad for sometime , and brother of the newl y-initiated member . Bro . Patten returned thanks for the visitors , and m a speech replete with eloi | iie ) ico ur-cd the great claims the Girls' School bad upon the Craft ; and solicited a steward to represent Xo . 9 at the next festival . Br ... Pat'en ' s appeal was responded to b no less than three brothers declaring
y themselves read y t-i act in so good a cause . The W . M . was accepted to supp-n-t the charity as one of the stewards at the forth coining festival , the other candidates for the honour postponimtheir responsibilities lor future occasions . Hence , the Albion m-y congratulate itself up , u the fhet , that fbr three c . mseeutive festivals , Ao . J will be sate for representation at this most interesting charity . "
EGIPTIAN LODGE , ( NO . 27 ' .-This excellent working lod-r oa I ' u < V" ) , eVt "" S IIoM - ] ' , lee t-street , ou Mondav , the 3 rd inst . ihe W . M . bro . John Courts was punctually in his seat at 5 pin Bodge being opened , Bro . Cook was raised and Bros . Little ' Annston Kayner and Atkins were passed to the degree of PC Messrs . John Thomas Jones , Mr . Whelan Knight having been duly prepared were impressivel y initiated into the mvsteries of Irecniasonry bthe This '
y VOL being tbe night fbr election of tin W . M 1 reasnrer and T yler , Bro . W . H . Libbis , S . W was unannnousl . y e eeted W . M ., Bro . B . Todd , P . M . and Treas ., ami bro . Riley yler It was proposed b y Bro . D . H . Jacobs , P . M and seconded by Bro . Payne , KM ., and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to the W . M ., from the funds of the lod-e A private subscription was then entered into by the brethren ot the lod to lement the '
ge supp amount granted , to present him with i , testimonial worth y of bis valuable services in having been W . M ( or wo successive ' years , and also having served the office of Steward lor the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . 1 ) . II . J »« , bs i . . M . having consented to become a Steward for the Girls' School ' a sum of 2 o guineas was voted from the lodge funds makin- un a sum ol 50 guineas , const . tuting the W . M . for the ti-. e bthV a
\ . P . of the institution . And a further sum of 10 guineas was voted to . the agedFreemasons and Widows , to place on the list offic , r ^' i V ; , - , ° l 0 ct * Wh ° 1 , ag kilMl . v undertaken the office of Steward at the forthcoming festival in January next . The brethren then went from labour to refreshment . Bro If Clemmi- provided a very excellent banquet , superintended by Bro Smi b The W M . proposed the usual loyal , and Masonic oasts -the toast of the
M . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon being ably responded to b y Bro . Farnfield , P . A . G . S ' Uro Tones | retimied thanks for the initiates . Bro . D . H . Jacobs actio- as 1 . 1 . M ., proposed "The health of the W . M . " and in the course of us remarks adverted to his occupying the chair of this prosperous oilge m so satisfactory a manner , with which remark every brother heartily coincided . The WM . returned thanks in
. , a very eloquent manner and re setted leaving tbe chair , but the brethren havi . ioelected Bro . Libbis , the brethren warml y coincided with him that he had found a worthy successor . The W . M . proposed "Tbe health ol the various Charities , and coupled the name of Bro . Farnfield " who returned thanks on their behalf , and more particularl y the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution of a-ed Freemasons and Widows , and urged tbe brethren to supportthc W M elect the brethren
, an , on behalf of the various charities , as they rea ] y required aid and assistance , not only from this lodge , but every lodgem tbe Craft . Tbe W . M . elect Bro . Libbis returned Jmnks for l „ s health having been proposed , and trusting to . have the co-operation of W . M . who had passed the ordeal hoped to oe : aworth y sucoesor . The visitors present were Bros . ST W" W' 1 We ' WM- G 57 - Tumei-, is * c T n aS !; ly 1 L Webster ' < H - iL W ML T ? n ,, ' f' , lh 01 'e was somo vei ' -V excellent singing by ros . D . H Jacobs Skidmore , H . M . Levy and Fox , and the lodge M-as fmallv closed n n ™ ,. n , „„ l I ,.,,.,,, ™ ,..
, „ i- fl , IB L 0 DCE ' V * ° - 192 - — '" » » il 1 monthly meeting of tins very prosperous lodge took place on Thursday , T % » r " i wVr ' ? lerminus Hotel - Cannon-street , City , Bro ! I . G Marsh , W . M . m the chair of K . S . Lod ge being opened ami the mmutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Mm-slaml was duly raised b y the W . M . in his usual very good style , alter winch Mr . James Glinnan having been balloted for and approved introduced
, was and initated b y Bro . Charles Hosgood the worthy secretary in a very marked manner , fullv i-eahzmg the fact that he is still descrvin * the hi-h encomiums from tune to time passed upon his method of working the ceremony of initiation , the other business consisted of the election of \\ . l \ l , and Ireasurer , for the ensuing vear when Bro . K King was elected W . M ., and Bro . W . Goodyer electee ! Treasurer for tbe seventh time
unanimously , a fact that speaks well of the manner in which this lodgo keeps its tried officers tog ether , j . ros . Harwooil ol' Xew Concord Lod-c . ( Xo SI 31 and . * t r * rnnsr ! . «„ Led ge , ( Xo . M . ) , hnvi „ , / bceu appnned of were accepted as joining members . After which B ,. Cnar es If . sgood , Sec , having been appointed Steward lor the Aged ¦ reemasons' l-est . vnl , the lodge was closed iu due form the brethren retired
< m . to the number of 44 f » a sumptuous dinner Imd out in c-ipm . l style . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and re-• spomled t-, altogether the brethren spent a vei Yple . . sunt and happy evening , and separated in peace , love , and harniony V . sitorspresent , were : Bros . A . Bignnll , Lodge 30 : 1 , Laurence , 901 Motion , 4 o 3 , Rakes , 749 , Armstrong , 403 , Daniels , 7 I < J , Henry hm . th A Still . We may here mention that the banquet was provided b y the new manager of the Terminus Hotel , Mr Sidney Spencer , and gave great satisfaction to all presentthe excellent
, arrangements and the resources of this estab'isbme . iG bid fair to bring a number of Masonic bodies to bold meetings at this hotel . ° LODGE OE SIABIEIII- , ( XO . 217 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Aldermnnburv ^ on Wednesday ast . Bro . G . A . Taylor , W . M ., presiding , after the usual preliminaries of opening lodge , confirming minutes & c „ Uro . Warsup introduced
was , questioned upon his proficiency , which beiii" considered satisfactory be was prepared to receive the third ifeo-rec m freemasonry , which was duly vouchsafed him , for which he expressed his thanks , stating bis wish to become serviceable to the Order . ^ The brethren then proceeded to the elections ; the choice ol 7 iV . M , unanimousl y falling upon Bro . Hmdies SAY who returned thanks most felicitously for the high honour conferred upon him , Bro . Bradley elected was treasurer . Alter this some discussion took place upon the "Palestine Exploration 1 mid / but which was deferred to ; i future ineetin * -. Lotl ^ o yyas
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
Bro , Sbailer ( Domatic , 177 ) , of the " Dublin Castle , " Walmeiroad , Xotting-hill , gives his first animal dinner on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., and as Dame Fortune has latel y been frowning severely upon him , he will be very grateful to those brethren who will honour him with their presence . Tickets 5 s . The following brethren have generously consented to act as Stewards :
Bro . Rtissen , 1 , York-road , King ' s-cross ; Bro . Elmes , 15 , Rathhone-place ; Bro . Potter , 6 , Wood-street , Westminster ; Bro . Tanner , 18 , Xorth-street , S . W . ; and Bro . Charles E . Thompson , 122 , Oilbrd-road , Barnsbury-park , X " .
THE ALBION LODGE ( SO . 9 ) .-The usual monthly nieetiii" - wa held on Tuesday , December 1 st , at the Freemason ' s' Hall , undei the presidency of Bro . S . Coste , W . M . The minutes of last lod « - ( were read , after opening in the first degree . A ballot was thei taken for Mr . B . Solomon , a candidate tor initiation , which , provnig unanimous he was received into the mvsteries of Ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony being performed " in a most impressive bthe
manner y W . M ., who was abl y and eificientlv supported by his officers . This being tho evening for electing a ' new W M tor the ensuing year and tbe Treasurer , the Secretary read a list of Brethren eligible for those offices—viz ., Bros . Palmer Vallentme , Burton , Woods , Moiing , Ferryman , Friend , Youn < r ' Abbott , Warr , Stevens , and Willev , all P . M . ' s . ; Bro . S Cost ?' the present W . M . ; E . Coste S . W . R . BullerJWand E
, ; , .., Coste the S . W . Bro . Moring , P . M ., Treas ., was re-elected , and Bro . Vallentme , P . M ., was also re-elected Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . TlieYollowing Brethren , in addition to the AY M Officers , and P . M ., were named for the Audit Committee Bros ' Lomeire , Morton , Baylis , Papineau , and Harvey . The audit was ' hxed to take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , December lGth uio Air K .
-. ^ proposed . Foueard , of Gloucester-terrace XSew Cross , tor initiation at the next lodge , which was seconded by Bro . E . Coste , S . W . The business being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , passing a very pleasant evening , m the course of which there was some very good son-s bv Bros . Slonian , Lemeire , Stevens , Willev , Solomon , ' 1 c , Ac ° The following brethren were visitors—Bro . ' Patten , P . G . S . B . and Sec of the Girls SchoolBro . Buckworsel ( Roval Frederic ); '
; Bro Murford , t ! 7 G ; C . Sloma . ii , 25 ; Bro . F . Solomon , a former mem - ber ol this lodge , who had been abroad for sometime , and brother of the newl y-initiated member . Bro . Patten returned thanks for the visitors , and m a speech replete with eloi | iie ) ico ur-cd the great claims the Girls' School bad upon the Craft ; and solicited a steward to represent Xo . 9 at the next festival . Br ... Pat'en ' s appeal was responded to b no less than three brothers declaring
y themselves read y t-i act in so good a cause . The W . M . was accepted to supp-n-t the charity as one of the stewards at the forth coining festival , the other candidates for the honour postponimtheir responsibilities lor future occasions . Hence , the Albion m-y congratulate itself up , u the fhet , that fbr three c . mseeutive festivals , Ao . J will be sate for representation at this most interesting charity . "
EGIPTIAN LODGE , ( NO . 27 ' .-This excellent working lod-r oa I ' u < V" ) , eVt "" S IIoM - ] ' , lee t-street , ou Mondav , the 3 rd inst . ihe W . M . bro . John Courts was punctually in his seat at 5 pin Bodge being opened , Bro . Cook was raised and Bros . Little ' Annston Kayner and Atkins were passed to the degree of PC Messrs . John Thomas Jones , Mr . Whelan Knight having been duly prepared were impressivel y initiated into the mvsteries of Irecniasonry bthe This '
y VOL being tbe night fbr election of tin W . M 1 reasnrer and T yler , Bro . W . H . Libbis , S . W was unannnousl . y e eeted W . M ., Bro . B . Todd , P . M . and Treas ., ami bro . Riley yler It was proposed b y Bro . D . H . Jacobs , P . M and seconded by Bro . Payne , KM ., and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to the W . M ., from the funds of the lod-e A private subscription was then entered into by the brethren ot the lod to lement the '
ge supp amount granted , to present him with i , testimonial worth y of bis valuable services in having been W . M ( or wo successive ' years , and also having served the office of Steward lor the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . 1 ) . II . J »« , bs i . . M . having consented to become a Steward for the Girls' School ' a sum of 2 o guineas was voted from the lodge funds makin- un a sum ol 50 guineas , const . tuting the W . M . for the ti-. e bthV a
\ . P . of the institution . And a further sum of 10 guineas was voted to . the agedFreemasons and Widows , to place on the list offic , r ^' i V ; , - , ° l 0 ct * Wh ° 1 , ag kilMl . v undertaken the office of Steward at the forthcoming festival in January next . The brethren then went from labour to refreshment . Bro If Clemmi- provided a very excellent banquet , superintended by Bro Smi b The W M . proposed the usual loyal , and Masonic oasts -the toast of the
M . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon being ably responded to b y Bro . Farnfield , P . A . G . S ' Uro Tones | retimied thanks for the initiates . Bro . D . H . Jacobs actio- as 1 . 1 . M ., proposed "The health of the W . M . " and in the course of us remarks adverted to his occupying the chair of this prosperous oilge m so satisfactory a manner , with which remark every brother heartily coincided . The WM . returned thanks in
. , a very eloquent manner and re setted leaving tbe chair , but the brethren havi . ioelected Bro . Libbis , the brethren warml y coincided with him that he had found a worthy successor . The W . M . proposed "Tbe health ol the various Charities , and coupled the name of Bro . Farnfield " who returned thanks on their behalf , and more particularl y the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution of a-ed Freemasons and Widows , and urged tbe brethren to supportthc W M elect the brethren
, an , on behalf of the various charities , as they rea ] y required aid and assistance , not only from this lodge , but every lodgem tbe Craft . Tbe W . M . elect Bro . Libbis returned Jmnks for l „ s health having been proposed , and trusting to . have the co-operation of W . M . who had passed the ordeal hoped to oe : aworth y sucoesor . The visitors present were Bros . ST W" W' 1 We ' WM- G 57 - Tumei-, is * c T n aS !; ly 1 L Webster ' < H - iL W ML T ? n ,, ' f' , lh 01 'e was somo vei ' -V excellent singing by ros . D . H Jacobs Skidmore , H . M . Levy and Fox , and the lodge M-as fmallv closed n n ™ ,. n , „„ l I ,.,,.,,, ™ ,..
, „ i- fl , IB L 0 DCE ' V * ° - 192 - — '" » » il 1 monthly meeting of tins very prosperous lodge took place on Thursday , T % » r " i wVr ' ? lerminus Hotel - Cannon-street , City , Bro ! I . G Marsh , W . M . m the chair of K . S . Lod ge being opened ami the mmutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Mm-slaml was duly raised b y the W . M . in his usual very good style , alter winch Mr . James Glinnan having been balloted for and approved introduced
, was and initated b y Bro . Charles Hosgood the worthy secretary in a very marked manner , fullv i-eahzmg the fact that he is still descrvin * the hi-h encomiums from tune to time passed upon his method of working the ceremony of initiation , the other business consisted of the election of \\ . l \ l , and Ireasurer , for the ensuing vear when Bro . K King was elected W . M ., and Bro . W . Goodyer electee ! Treasurer for tbe seventh time
unanimously , a fact that speaks well of the manner in which this lodgo keeps its tried officers tog ether , j . ros . Harwooil ol' Xew Concord Lod-c . ( Xo SI 31 and . * t r * rnnsr ! . «„ Led ge , ( Xo . M . ) , hnvi „ , / bceu appnned of were accepted as joining members . After which B ,. Cnar es If . sgood , Sec , having been appointed Steward lor the Aged ¦ reemasons' l-est . vnl , the lodge was closed iu due form the brethren retired
< m . to the number of 44 f » a sumptuous dinner Imd out in c-ipm . l style . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and re-• spomled t-, altogether the brethren spent a vei Yple . . sunt and happy evening , and separated in peace , love , and harniony V . sitorspresent , were : Bros . A . Bignnll , Lodge 30 : 1 , Laurence , 901 Motion , 4 o 3 , Rakes , 749 , Armstrong , 403 , Daniels , 7 I < J , Henry hm . th A Still . We may here mention that the banquet was provided b y the new manager of the Terminus Hotel , Mr Sidney Spencer , and gave great satisfaction to all presentthe excellent
, arrangements and the resources of this estab'isbme . iG bid fair to bring a number of Masonic bodies to bold meetings at this hotel . ° LODGE OE SIABIEIII- , ( XO . 217 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Aldermnnburv ^ on Wednesday ast . Bro . G . A . Taylor , W . M ., presiding , after the usual preliminaries of opening lodge , confirming minutes & c „ Uro . Warsup introduced
was , questioned upon his proficiency , which beiii" considered satisfactory be was prepared to receive the third ifeo-rec m freemasonry , which was duly vouchsafed him , for which he expressed his thanks , stating bis wish to become serviceable to the Order . ^ The brethren then proceeded to the elections ; the choice ol 7 iV . M , unanimousl y falling upon Bro . Hmdies SAY who returned thanks most felicitously for the high honour conferred upon him , Bro . Bradley elected was treasurer . Alter this some discussion took place upon the "Palestine Exploration 1 mid / but which was deferred to ; i future ineetin * -. Lotl ^ o yyas