Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., and was , as usual , very well attended . The lodge having been opened in . due form , tbe minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . John James presented himself to take his second degreeand having been examined before
, the brethren as to the progress he had made as an B . A ., the lodge was opened in that degree , and Bro . James was duly passed as a , Fellow Craft , the ceremony being very ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Oliver . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the W . M . briefly announced that the time had arrived for the brethren to elect bis successor for the ensuing year , and be called on the Secretary to read the
5 th bye-law and the list of members eligible for tbe chair . This having been done , the W . M . appointed Bros . Pickford and R . 13 . Evans as scrutineers , and tbe brethren present proceeded to the election of their new W . M . The scrutineers having reported that the brethren were unanimous in their election , and that 35 had voted for the S . W ., the W . M . declared Bro . Parnall duly elected . Bro . Parnall , in au excellent speech , returned his most sincere thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to lay down his gavel as pure
and unpolluted as ho received it . Bro . Pickford was then unanimously re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . McFee was unanimously re-elected as Tyler . It was then reserved that the installation thonld take place on the 30 th inst ., and that the banquet should bo held tbe same evening , at the Westgate Hotel . The installation ceremony to be performed by Bros . Hellyer and Bartholomew Thomas . The usual preliminaries for the next meeting were then referred to a committeeto
con-, sist of the W . M . elect , the AV . M ., P . M .., Treas ., ; vud Sec . Bro . R . B . Evans gave notice of a motion for next lodge— " That the By-Laws be altered , so that the lodge should meet on the first Friday , instead of the first Wednesday , in every month . " And , after one candidate had been proposed for initiation at the next meeting had been proposed , the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past nine . Bro . Parnall ' s election , we are assured , has given
very great satisfaction to the whole of the brethren of 471 , and as we hear it is intended by the D . P . G . M . to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting at Newport , on the day when Bro . Parnall will he installed , we anticipate a very large number of the brethren will bo present . AVe hope to be there , and will endeavour to report progress . Bro . Groves very ably presided at the organ , and for the first time with tbe choir , used the music recently purchased at the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE Office .
SOMEKSETSHIRE . WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —St . Kern Lodge , ( No . 1 , 222 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held last evening at the Royal Assembly Rooms , Bro . Major Gen . Gore Roland Mnmbee , SAY . and P . M . presided ( W . M . Capt . Irwin absent through illness ) . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , after which the W . M . ( . pro tern ) proceeded to ballot for W .
Henry Davies , Esq ., solicitor and registrar of the County Court at Weston-super-Mare , as a candidate for Freemasonry , and Bro . J . R . Bramble , W . M . and P .. M . of Lodge No . 1 , 199 as a , joining member , it was declared in the East , West and South , that tbe ballots were clear , the W . M . then proceeded to initiate Thomas Jackson Matbias , Esq ., into the mysteries of the cralt . During the ceremony Bro . Gregory , Org ., played that splendid
new music "Light" by Bro . Emra Holmes , 31 ° . The committee appointed to negotiate for the building of a Masonic Hall at Weston-super-Mare , reported that Bro . Francis Dale , F . C ., had offered to build a Masonic Hall , & c , provided the members took a lease of tbe same for 7 , 10 or 14 years at a yearly rent of £ 40 . Tbe size of hall will be 35 ft . by 25 ft , height from floor to crown of ceiling 20 ft ., with 4 ante-rooms , viz ., Tylers ' , Visitors ,
preparation and store rooms , closets , & c , & c , and a splendid Entrance Hall ; also underneath the lodge room & c , a . residence for the secretary . The committee strongly recommended Bro . Dale's oiler to be accepted by the lodge . After the plan of the proposed Hall had been inspected by the members present , it was proposed , seconded and unanimously carried that the lodge do aceept of Bro . Dale ' s offer , ( through the building committee )
aud in consequence of the illness of the W . M . Capt . Irwin the arrangements for laying the foundation stone were postponed . This prosperous lodge which was only opened in July 186 S , now numbers about 30 members , and will soon rank A 1 in the West
of England . Bro . Capt . Irwin ' s zeal for Masonry is every where acknowledged both as an earnest Mason , and in promoting the welfare of the craft and cultivating fraternal esteem . There is already attached to tin ' s lodge , a Conclave of the Knights of tho Bed Cross of Rome and Constantine , and a chapter of Mark Masters will soon be opened , the petition for the same baying been forwarded to Bro . Binckes , G . See .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . ELiiAND . —Savile Lodge ( So . 1 , 231 ) . —Thursday , the 12 th -alt ., proved a day of marked interest to the brethren of the province of West Yorkshire , by the consecration and dedication of a new lodge at KUanil . There was a large gathering of tbe brethren from Halifax , Huddersfield , Dewsbnry , and the neighbourhood . At three o ' clock the brethren assembled in the large room at
the Royal Hotel , Ellaud , and the new lodge was formally opened by the W . M . and officers of the Lodge of Probity , No . 61 , ( Halifax ) , the oldest lodge in the province . The W . D . P . G . M . ( Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . D . ) and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge then proceeded with the ceremony of consecration , and the Savile Lodge , No . 1 , 231 , was formally dedicated . Bro . Ely Walker Shaw , was then installed as the first W . M ., and he
immediately entered on tbe duties of bis office by investing the officers for the year , as follows : —Bro . Francis Crossley , S . W . ; Bro . Frederick Crossley , JAY . ; Bro . G . Normatiton , P . XI ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; Bro . Francis Waddington , Sec . ; Bro . William Dewhirst , S . D . ; Bro . John Shaw , J . D . ; Bro . John Greenwoid , P . M ., Tyler . At the close of the business , the brethren , about 50 in number , sat down to a sumptuous repast . It is needless to add that a most pleasant and agreeable evening was spent .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSFA . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( No . 84 ) . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on tbe second Wednesday in November . Present—Bros . W . H . Martin , W . M . ; Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Stickland , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . and Treas . ; Gu'db'rt , I . P . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Glencross , J . W . ; Miliington , S . D . ; Parker , J . D . ; Sarcbet ,
Sec . ; Muntz , I . G . ; Cohen , Cotes , Collenette , P . M . ; Churohouse , P . M . ; Rowe . Visitor—Bro . W . R . Bowen , 243 . The summons issued held out no prospect of any business , and the members , or at least tbe major part of them who were not in the secret , were agreeably surprised on arriving at the Masonic Hall to find that Captain S . D . Lobb , who was balloted for aud approved very many months since , bad arrived in the island with his ship that morning . It answers well for bis good feeling towards Masonry
that although be had only a few minutes to spend with his family and to prepare himself for the coming ordeal , he presented himself as tbe candidate punctual to the time—7 ' 30 . He was duly initiated by the W . M . in his usnal careful and correct manner , and the candidate was much impressed with the solemnity of the ceremony . Much amusemen was caused by the reading of a letter from a lodge in France ( to which Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M . seeks admission ) , addressed to
Doyle's Lodge , asking various questions as to his qualifications in reference thereto . Our imperfect knowledge of the French language—in which it was written—prevents us from giving them in extenso , but those which tickled the laughing powers of tbe brethren most , required testimony as to his " mature age of 21 , " his fitness as to station in society , sufficiency of education to properly understand the science of Freemasonry , his means of keeping his social position as a Mason & u . To those who
up , know Bro . Gallienne , as the members of Boyle's do , these interrogatories appeared almost ridiculous ; and it is needless to say almost ready assent was given to the proposition that a most satisfactory character should be given him on every point . This is looking at the matter in one light ; in the other we fancy we can see that great good might ensue to all Masonic lodges if similar strict inquiries were made of the mother or last joining
lodge before any brother seeking to join was affiliated . Mention was made by the W . M . that at the next meeting the W . M . for the ensuing ' year would be elected . The lodge was closed , and the members adjourned for refreshment . The W . M . in returning thanks for ins health having been drank , said that iu allusion to the manner he had gone through his work he must always give a great part of the credit to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who so kindly aTibrded him and his three senior officers instruction during
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., and was , as usual , very well attended . The lodge having been opened in . due form , tbe minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . John James presented himself to take his second degreeand having been examined before
, the brethren as to the progress he had made as an B . A ., the lodge was opened in that degree , and Bro . James was duly passed as a , Fellow Craft , the ceremony being very ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Oliver . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the W . M . briefly announced that the time had arrived for the brethren to elect bis successor for the ensuing year , and be called on the Secretary to read the
5 th bye-law and the list of members eligible for tbe chair . This having been done , the W . M . appointed Bros . Pickford and R . 13 . Evans as scrutineers , and tbe brethren present proceeded to the election of their new W . M . The scrutineers having reported that the brethren were unanimous in their election , and that 35 had voted for the S . W ., the W . M . declared Bro . Parnall duly elected . Bro . Parnall , in au excellent speech , returned his most sincere thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to lay down his gavel as pure
and unpolluted as ho received it . Bro . Pickford was then unanimously re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . McFee was unanimously re-elected as Tyler . It was then reserved that the installation thonld take place on the 30 th inst ., and that the banquet should bo held tbe same evening , at the Westgate Hotel . The installation ceremony to be performed by Bros . Hellyer and Bartholomew Thomas . The usual preliminaries for the next meeting were then referred to a committeeto
con-, sist of the W . M . elect , the AV . M ., P . M .., Treas ., ; vud Sec . Bro . R . B . Evans gave notice of a motion for next lodge— " That the By-Laws be altered , so that the lodge should meet on the first Friday , instead of the first Wednesday , in every month . " And , after one candidate had been proposed for initiation at the next meeting had been proposed , the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past nine . Bro . Parnall ' s election , we are assured , has given
very great satisfaction to the whole of the brethren of 471 , and as we hear it is intended by the D . P . G . M . to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting at Newport , on the day when Bro . Parnall will he installed , we anticipate a very large number of the brethren will bo present . AVe hope to be there , and will endeavour to report progress . Bro . Groves very ably presided at the organ , and for the first time with tbe choir , used the music recently purchased at the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE Office .
SOMEKSETSHIRE . WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —St . Kern Lodge , ( No . 1 , 222 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held last evening at the Royal Assembly Rooms , Bro . Major Gen . Gore Roland Mnmbee , SAY . and P . M . presided ( W . M . Capt . Irwin absent through illness ) . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , after which the W . M . ( . pro tern ) proceeded to ballot for W .
Henry Davies , Esq ., solicitor and registrar of the County Court at Weston-super-Mare , as a candidate for Freemasonry , and Bro . J . R . Bramble , W . M . and P .. M . of Lodge No . 1 , 199 as a , joining member , it was declared in the East , West and South , that tbe ballots were clear , the W . M . then proceeded to initiate Thomas Jackson Matbias , Esq ., into the mysteries of the cralt . During the ceremony Bro . Gregory , Org ., played that splendid
new music "Light" by Bro . Emra Holmes , 31 ° . The committee appointed to negotiate for the building of a Masonic Hall at Weston-super-Mare , reported that Bro . Francis Dale , F . C ., had offered to build a Masonic Hall , & c , provided the members took a lease of tbe same for 7 , 10 or 14 years at a yearly rent of £ 40 . Tbe size of hall will be 35 ft . by 25 ft , height from floor to crown of ceiling 20 ft ., with 4 ante-rooms , viz ., Tylers ' , Visitors ,
preparation and store rooms , closets , & c , & c , and a splendid Entrance Hall ; also underneath the lodge room & c , a . residence for the secretary . The committee strongly recommended Bro . Dale's oiler to be accepted by the lodge . After the plan of the proposed Hall had been inspected by the members present , it was proposed , seconded and unanimously carried that the lodge do aceept of Bro . Dale ' s offer , ( through the building committee )
aud in consequence of the illness of the W . M . Capt . Irwin the arrangements for laying the foundation stone were postponed . This prosperous lodge which was only opened in July 186 S , now numbers about 30 members , and will soon rank A 1 in the West
of England . Bro . Capt . Irwin ' s zeal for Masonry is every where acknowledged both as an earnest Mason , and in promoting the welfare of the craft and cultivating fraternal esteem . There is already attached to tin ' s lodge , a Conclave of the Knights of tho Bed Cross of Rome and Constantine , and a chapter of Mark Masters will soon be opened , the petition for the same baying been forwarded to Bro . Binckes , G . See .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . ELiiAND . —Savile Lodge ( So . 1 , 231 ) . —Thursday , the 12 th -alt ., proved a day of marked interest to the brethren of the province of West Yorkshire , by the consecration and dedication of a new lodge at KUanil . There was a large gathering of tbe brethren from Halifax , Huddersfield , Dewsbnry , and the neighbourhood . At three o ' clock the brethren assembled in the large room at
the Royal Hotel , Ellaud , and the new lodge was formally opened by the W . M . and officers of the Lodge of Probity , No . 61 , ( Halifax ) , the oldest lodge in the province . The W . D . P . G . M . ( Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . D . ) and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge then proceeded with the ceremony of consecration , and the Savile Lodge , No . 1 , 231 , was formally dedicated . Bro . Ely Walker Shaw , was then installed as the first W . M ., and he
immediately entered on tbe duties of bis office by investing the officers for the year , as follows : —Bro . Francis Crossley , S . W . ; Bro . Frederick Crossley , JAY . ; Bro . G . Normatiton , P . XI ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; Bro . Francis Waddington , Sec . ; Bro . William Dewhirst , S . D . ; Bro . John Shaw , J . D . ; Bro . John Greenwoid , P . M ., Tyler . At the close of the business , the brethren , about 50 in number , sat down to a sumptuous repast . It is needless to add that a most pleasant and agreeable evening was spent .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSFA . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( No . 84 ) . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on tbe second Wednesday in November . Present—Bros . W . H . Martin , W . M . ; Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Stickland , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . and Treas . ; Gu'db'rt , I . P . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Glencross , J . W . ; Miliington , S . D . ; Parker , J . D . ; Sarcbet ,
Sec . ; Muntz , I . G . ; Cohen , Cotes , Collenette , P . M . ; Churohouse , P . M . ; Rowe . Visitor—Bro . W . R . Bowen , 243 . The summons issued held out no prospect of any business , and the members , or at least tbe major part of them who were not in the secret , were agreeably surprised on arriving at the Masonic Hall to find that Captain S . D . Lobb , who was balloted for aud approved very many months since , bad arrived in the island with his ship that morning . It answers well for bis good feeling towards Masonry
that although be had only a few minutes to spend with his family and to prepare himself for the coming ordeal , he presented himself as tbe candidate punctual to the time—7 ' 30 . He was duly initiated by the W . M . in his usnal careful and correct manner , and the candidate was much impressed with the solemnity of the ceremony . Much amusemen was caused by the reading of a letter from a lodge in France ( to which Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M . seeks admission ) , addressed to
Doyle's Lodge , asking various questions as to his qualifications in reference thereto . Our imperfect knowledge of the French language—in which it was written—prevents us from giving them in extenso , but those which tickled the laughing powers of tbe brethren most , required testimony as to his " mature age of 21 , " his fitness as to station in society , sufficiency of education to properly understand the science of Freemasonry , his means of keeping his social position as a Mason & u . To those who
up , know Bro . Gallienne , as the members of Boyle's do , these interrogatories appeared almost ridiculous ; and it is needless to say almost ready assent was given to the proposition that a most satisfactory character should be given him on every point . This is looking at the matter in one light ; in the other we fancy we can see that great good might ensue to all Masonic lodges if similar strict inquiries were made of the mother or last joining
lodge before any brother seeking to join was affiliated . Mention was made by the W . M . that at the next meeting the W . M . for the ensuing ' year would be elected . The lodge was closed , and the members adjourned for refreshment . The W . M . in returning thanks for ins health having been drank , said that iu allusion to the manner he had gone through his work he must always give a great part of the credit to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who so kindly aTibrded him and his three senior officers instruction during