Article REVIEWS OF NEW BOOKS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article OUR ARCHITECTURAL CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR ARCHITECTURAL CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reviews Of New Books.
necessarily the same which thc Second , ( or , as he chooses to call himself , the Third ) Napoleon must follow ; and believing that to he the case , he calls upon his countrymen to take timely warning . Some trifling blemishes AA- notice , probably owing to haste in preparation ofthe first numbers of thc publication ; without wishing to he hypercritical , wc would remark for instance , that the title " Napoleon of Peace " ivas not assumed or invented hy the present autocrat , but was conferred upon Louis Philippe by some ofthe adulators ofthe " Citizen Kins . "
Our Architectural Chapter.
As Ave anticipated Avould be the ease , the designs of Mr . Scott for the new government offices have been rejected , the premier declaring that if constructed as proposed , they would not only be altogether unfitted for the purposes to which they ivere to be devoted , but unnecessarily expensive . As Mr . Scott however Avas appointed by the late government to carry out the Avorks , he is to retain the appointment , having
received instructions to prepare a HOAV design , adapting himself more to the Italian than , to the Gothic style , and to provide large , light , airy apartments for the transaction of business . Mr . Scott accepts the commission , and in the meantime the House of Commons has granted the money for having the foundations preparedin order that as little time
, may be lost as possible . Thc designs are to be . submitted to the House of Commons as earl y after tho reassembling of parliament as possible . Thc Times recommends Mr . Scott to adhere to his own designs , or to decline thc commission ; but this is a sacrifice that ho can hardl y be expected to make . Lord John Russell , on Monday , laid the foundation of a
new training school at Stoekwell , which is to be open to all denominations of Christians , Avithout regard to sect . The neAV building will be designated the ' . British ancl Foreign School Society ' s Training College for Mistresses . Provision has been made in the plans for the residence and instruction of one hundred young women , apartments for a female
superintendent , and the necessary teaching staff , ivith practising schools for girls and infants . The contract for the completion ofthe Ai'ork is £ 1 . 5 , 072 ; but this is exclusive ofthe land and a portion ofthe internal fittings and furniture , for ivhich at least . £ ' 2 , 000 must be added , making a total outlay of £ 17 , 072 . Towards this it is understood t ] int " £ 6 , 000 will be granted b y
thc Committee of Council on Education . The preliminary list of contributions amounts to nearl y £ -1 , 000 , The further sum of nearl y £ 8 , 000 will therefore have to be raised b y subscription . In connexion with this provision for the training of one hundred female teachers , it is proposed to adapt the Avhole of the present building in the Borough Road for the reception of one hundred male students .
A new Guildhall , for Avhich designs hai'c been invited , is about to be constructed at Cambridge . Thc amount to bo laid out in the first instance does not exceed £ 0 , 000 , but the Avhole p lan , for which the designs are to be sent in , it is estimated Avill involve an expenditure of £ 40 , 000 ; but the Avorks can onl y be graduall y proceeded ivith as certain leases
fall in . The premiums offered are . £ 200 for the best dosm-n , and £ 100 for the second . Tho committee of selection AA'ill be composed partl y of members ofthe University and partly of inhabitants of the toAvn , Avho p ledge themselves also to seek the advice of p rofessional architects not being competitors
Wc learn from the Building JFeivs that a very successful example of iron architecture is being carried out by Messrs . Grissell and Co ., from the designs of Mr . Robert Sterdienson . The building—a kiosk , which ' is to be fitted up Avith the utmost luxury—niay be described as a large cross , having its internal angles filled by quadrants of circlesand its central
, junction crowned by a large conjoined double dome or cupola , the lower one being forty feet in diameter , ancl its height to the summit ( which is terminated by the crescent , emblematic ofthe Moslem faith ) about ei g hty feet . There will also be a
Our Architectural Chapter.
minor dome oi'er each of the quadrantal portions of the plan to Avhich Ave have adverted , Avhich , in combination with the great central one will , as may ivell be conceived , give the terminating lines of the edifice a most picturesque effect as to outline "against the sky . " The edifice itself , exclusive of an outer iron railing , Avill lie comprehended Avithin a square of one hundred ancl six feet six inches , and the boundary
railing will extend to a square of one hundred and twent y feet . It ivill rest upon twenty-eig ht central columns , and thirty-two half-ones , the latter being external . The strike , or more correctly speaking in the majority of cases , the "lock out" of the builders , still continues , though several attempts are being made to bring about an
arrangement b y arbitration , Mr . Marsh Nelson , Mr . Jackson , and other gentlemen Avell known both to the employers and the men having offered their services as mediators . One thing is admitted on all hands— -that the declaration adopted b y the masters for the operatives to sign Avas most ill advised , and must be AvithdraAvn before any large body of men Avill reenter thc workshops . It is to be hoped that mutual concessions will soon bring the dispute to a close satisfactory to both parties .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
AXCIKXT A'lEAVS OF VKEE-UASOXnV . —II . [ The first paper on this subject was given in a separate form , but on consideration AVO think the more appropriate place is amongst our " Masonic Notes . "—ED . ] Continuing in thc order of time , I find the following entries in the Cenllemaifs Magazine .
" Wednesday , April 19 , 17 : ! 2 . —At Merchant Taylors' Hull , in Thrcadnecdle-street , was held the annual grand feast of Free and Accepted Masons , when the Lord Viscount Montague was chosen ( Iniul Master , ivho appointed Thomas liaison , Esq ., bis Deputy ; George llooke , and James Smyth , Esqrs ., his Grand AVardens , for thc year ensuing . There were present a great number of of qualitabout four hundred brethren . "
persons y , ' '• Epilogue for the Freemasons , spoken by Mrs . Younger , at the theatre in Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , April ___ 7 th : — " Well , ladies , of the art of Masonry , Altho' I neither am nor can be free , Some of their signs , perhaps I may have seen ; . And well I know what 'tis they sometimes mean , AndthereforeI their advocate appear
, , , To tell you—what you will be glad to hear . AVhat monstrous , horrid lies , do some folks tell us _ Why Masons , ladies , are cpiite clever fellows ; They are lovers of our sex , as I can witness , 2 . or ere act contrary to moral fitness . If any of you doubt it—try the Alasons , They'll not deceive your largest expectations ;
They 're able workmen , aud completely skill'd in The deepest arts and mysteries of building ; They'll build up families , aud as most fit is , Xot only will erect but people cities : They'll fill as well as fabricate your houses , And found a lasting race of strong built spouses . AYhat's more , you'll find ivhenever you befriend ' em , They ' ve faith and secrecy to recommend 'em .
If such their parts , such , ladies is their merit , Ho great their skill and strength , their life ancl spirit , AVhat female heart can be so very hard As to refuse them their deserved reward ? Once on a time , I've heard old stories say , T AVO Alason gods to Troy toivn took their way . -Arrived and hired to work—to work they fell ; . 1 lard ivas their task , but executed ivell :
With more than human art these heavenly pow ' rs liaised such prodig ious walls , such . ssvinging tow ' rs , As still defy'd all Greece ' s open force , "\' or fell but to let iu their wooden horse . ( batis they did it , whatsoe ' er was done , Itefused their pay by king Laomedon ; They talk of Alason kings , but surely ho was none . Well was the Craft revenged for this disgrace
; Tn Dryden ' s Virgil I can show the place , That tells us IIOAV this god-built tower was fir'd , And in the Alasons' quarrel Troy expir'd . Ladies , this story is well worth your learning ; O , hideous ! aren't you all afraid of bui-nin ^ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews Of New Books.
necessarily the same which thc Second , ( or , as he chooses to call himself , the Third ) Napoleon must follow ; and believing that to he the case , he calls upon his countrymen to take timely warning . Some trifling blemishes AA- notice , probably owing to haste in preparation ofthe first numbers of thc publication ; without wishing to he hypercritical , wc would remark for instance , that the title " Napoleon of Peace " ivas not assumed or invented hy the present autocrat , but was conferred upon Louis Philippe by some ofthe adulators ofthe " Citizen Kins . "
Our Architectural Chapter.
As Ave anticipated Avould be the ease , the designs of Mr . Scott for the new government offices have been rejected , the premier declaring that if constructed as proposed , they would not only be altogether unfitted for the purposes to which they ivere to be devoted , but unnecessarily expensive . As Mr . Scott however Avas appointed by the late government to carry out the Avorks , he is to retain the appointment , having
received instructions to prepare a HOAV design , adapting himself more to the Italian than , to the Gothic style , and to provide large , light , airy apartments for the transaction of business . Mr . Scott accepts the commission , and in the meantime the House of Commons has granted the money for having the foundations preparedin order that as little time
, may be lost as possible . Thc designs are to be . submitted to the House of Commons as earl y after tho reassembling of parliament as possible . Thc Times recommends Mr . Scott to adhere to his own designs , or to decline thc commission ; but this is a sacrifice that ho can hardl y be expected to make . Lord John Russell , on Monday , laid the foundation of a
new training school at Stoekwell , which is to be open to all denominations of Christians , Avithout regard to sect . The neAV building will be designated the ' . British ancl Foreign School Society ' s Training College for Mistresses . Provision has been made in the plans for the residence and instruction of one hundred young women , apartments for a female
superintendent , and the necessary teaching staff , ivith practising schools for girls and infants . The contract for the completion ofthe Ai'ork is £ 1 . 5 , 072 ; but this is exclusive ofthe land and a portion ofthe internal fittings and furniture , for ivhich at least . £ ' 2 , 000 must be added , making a total outlay of £ 17 , 072 . Towards this it is understood t ] int " £ 6 , 000 will be granted b y
thc Committee of Council on Education . The preliminary list of contributions amounts to nearl y £ -1 , 000 , The further sum of nearl y £ 8 , 000 will therefore have to be raised b y subscription . In connexion with this provision for the training of one hundred female teachers , it is proposed to adapt the Avhole of the present building in the Borough Road for the reception of one hundred male students .
A new Guildhall , for Avhich designs hai'c been invited , is about to be constructed at Cambridge . Thc amount to bo laid out in the first instance does not exceed £ 0 , 000 , but the Avhole p lan , for which the designs are to be sent in , it is estimated Avill involve an expenditure of £ 40 , 000 ; but the Avorks can onl y be graduall y proceeded ivith as certain leases
fall in . The premiums offered are . £ 200 for the best dosm-n , and £ 100 for the second . Tho committee of selection AA'ill be composed partl y of members ofthe University and partly of inhabitants of the toAvn , Avho p ledge themselves also to seek the advice of p rofessional architects not being competitors
Wc learn from the Building JFeivs that a very successful example of iron architecture is being carried out by Messrs . Grissell and Co ., from the designs of Mr . Robert Sterdienson . The building—a kiosk , which ' is to be fitted up Avith the utmost luxury—niay be described as a large cross , having its internal angles filled by quadrants of circlesand its central
, junction crowned by a large conjoined double dome or cupola , the lower one being forty feet in diameter , ancl its height to the summit ( which is terminated by the crescent , emblematic ofthe Moslem faith ) about ei g hty feet . There will also be a
Our Architectural Chapter.
minor dome oi'er each of the quadrantal portions of the plan to Avhich Ave have adverted , Avhich , in combination with the great central one will , as may ivell be conceived , give the terminating lines of the edifice a most picturesque effect as to outline "against the sky . " The edifice itself , exclusive of an outer iron railing , Avill lie comprehended Avithin a square of one hundred ancl six feet six inches , and the boundary
railing will extend to a square of one hundred and twent y feet . It ivill rest upon twenty-eig ht central columns , and thirty-two half-ones , the latter being external . The strike , or more correctly speaking in the majority of cases , the "lock out" of the builders , still continues , though several attempts are being made to bring about an
arrangement b y arbitration , Mr . Marsh Nelson , Mr . Jackson , and other gentlemen Avell known both to the employers and the men having offered their services as mediators . One thing is admitted on all hands— -that the declaration adopted b y the masters for the operatives to sign Avas most ill advised , and must be AvithdraAvn before any large body of men Avill reenter thc workshops . It is to be hoped that mutual concessions will soon bring the dispute to a close satisfactory to both parties .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
AXCIKXT A'lEAVS OF VKEE-UASOXnV . —II . [ The first paper on this subject was given in a separate form , but on consideration AVO think the more appropriate place is amongst our " Masonic Notes . "—ED . ] Continuing in thc order of time , I find the following entries in the Cenllemaifs Magazine .
" Wednesday , April 19 , 17 : ! 2 . —At Merchant Taylors' Hull , in Thrcadnecdle-street , was held the annual grand feast of Free and Accepted Masons , when the Lord Viscount Montague was chosen ( Iniul Master , ivho appointed Thomas liaison , Esq ., bis Deputy ; George llooke , and James Smyth , Esqrs ., his Grand AVardens , for thc year ensuing . There were present a great number of of qualitabout four hundred brethren . "
persons y , ' '• Epilogue for the Freemasons , spoken by Mrs . Younger , at the theatre in Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , April ___ 7 th : — " Well , ladies , of the art of Masonry , Altho' I neither am nor can be free , Some of their signs , perhaps I may have seen ; . And well I know what 'tis they sometimes mean , AndthereforeI their advocate appear
, , , To tell you—what you will be glad to hear . AVhat monstrous , horrid lies , do some folks tell us _ Why Masons , ladies , are cpiite clever fellows ; They are lovers of our sex , as I can witness , 2 . or ere act contrary to moral fitness . If any of you doubt it—try the Alasons , They'll not deceive your largest expectations ;
They 're able workmen , aud completely skill'd in The deepest arts and mysteries of building ; They'll build up families , aud as most fit is , Xot only will erect but people cities : They'll fill as well as fabricate your houses , And found a lasting race of strong built spouses . AYhat's more , you'll find ivhenever you befriend ' em , They ' ve faith and secrecy to recommend 'em .
If such their parts , such , ladies is their merit , Ho great their skill and strength , their life ancl spirit , AVhat female heart can be so very hard As to refuse them their deserved reward ? Once on a time , I've heard old stories say , T AVO Alason gods to Troy toivn took their way . -Arrived and hired to work—to work they fell ; . 1 lard ivas their task , but executed ivell :
With more than human art these heavenly pow ' rs liaised such prodig ious walls , such . ssvinging tow ' rs , As still defy'd all Greece ' s open force , "\' or fell but to let iu their wooden horse . ( batis they did it , whatsoe ' er was done , Itefused their pay by king Laomedon ; They talk of Alason kings , but surely ho was none . Well was the Craft revenged for this disgrace
; Tn Dryden ' s Virgil I can show the place , That tells us IIOAV this god-built tower was fir'd , And in the Alasons' quarrel Troy expir'd . Ladies , this story is well worth your learning ; O , hideous ! aren't you all afraid of bui-nin ^ .