Article AN APPEAL FOR THE BLIND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC SAYIGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. Page 1 of 2 →
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An Appeal For The Blind.
cular class is especially deserving of public support . Such has for many years been the object of the Association in question , and many a blind person has been rescued and others saved from a course of street begging , or from entering the workhouse , as shown by the following instances : —A young man , having been educated in two blind schoolswas obliged , for want
, of work , to beg through the country with his wife ( also blind ) and three children . He now works regularly , and receives from the Association a considerable amount weekly , earned by his own industry . Another , who has been long an inmate of a workhouse , is now most usefully employed . A thirdtotally deaf
, and blind , who was entirely dependent upon two sisters who lived by their needle , has been taught brushmaking , and nowregularlyearnseighteen shillings per week . Similar instances might be multiplied ; but on this head I will only add that , whenever it is possible , this
Association acts upon the principle of prevention being better than cure , and is especially glad to save a blind man or woman either from entering the workhouse or from a life of vagrancy . The Committee most earnestly appeal for aid , both in order that they may be spared tbe painful alternative of reducing their expenditure , and also that they may be enabled to elect some from anions : the
numerous applicants now waiting either for employment or instruction ia trades . The Committee trust that such an appeal will not be in vain , but that the public will largely aid them in their endeavours to diminish the number of blind beggars by putting within reach of the blind the means of earning their own living . Regular custom for the brushesbaskets & cmade by the
, , , workpeople , is of essential service . The goods are for sale at 210 , Oxford-street , W ., and 127 , Euston-road , N . W . Subscriptions and donations are also at present urgently needed , ancl will be most thankfully received by the Treasurer , IL Sykes Thornton , Esq ., 20 , Birchin-lano , E . C . ; by the Eev . C . J . P . Eyre , 20 , Upper
Wimpole-street , W . ; and by thc Lady President , Miss Gilbert , 210 , Oxford-street , W . Permit me now to express my earnest hope that the public will generously strengthen my hands and those of the Committee , ancl will thus enable us to extend , instead of being compelled to reduce , our operations .
The good effected by enabling the blind to hel themselves is a great public benefit , while it is also an inestimable blessing to thc sufferers themselves . Commending this cause to the earnest ancl practical sympathy of the public , I remain , sir , yours truly , ELIZABETH GILBEET . 210 , Oxford-street , W .
Masonic Sayigs And Doings Abroad.
The Lodgo of Strasburg has issued a circular , dated 20 th July , iu the following terms : — "DearBrethren , War is at our gates . In a little time numbers of wounded will be in our midst , for Strasburg probabl y will be the seat of important operations . Masonry
has a duty to fulfil under these unfortunate circumstances—that is . to help fhe wounded ancl relieve their sufferings . Our lodge has established an ambulance ,
and we shall gratefully receive contributions , either in money or kind ( as lint , linen , & c ) . We appeal to all the lodges , and we are certain that the cry of distress will not be heard in vain . Contributions should be sent , as early as possible , to Bro . Noiriel . at Strasburg .
We are assured that the Grand Orient of Prance will make an appeal to all her lodges for brethren who become victims to the war .
The Grand Lodge of Georgia has adopted a resolution prohibiting the publication of its proceedings in the newspapers . We are hardly able to credit this from over the water . The Lodge Carl zurEiutraeht , Orient of Mannheim ,
has issued a circular soliciting subscri p tions to the fund for tho relief of the wounded , to be applied indiscriminately to the warriors of both armies . Subscriptions may be forwarded to Messrs . C . Nanen ancl Co ., 18 , Mark-lane , Loudon
The death is announce ! of Bro . Prancesco de Zuberia , Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Cartbagena . New Grenada . The Grand Orient of New Granada , in reply to a pamphlet against Masonry , and to the persecutions
exercised by Benardino Medina e Moreno , Bishop of Carthagena , has declared that all the Masons of Colombo profess the Catholic religion : and the teachings of" Masonry contain nothing contrary to that religion .
The Evertjreen learns through Bro . Eob Morris that the new lodge at Beyroufc , Syria , is in a flourishing condition , numbering 130 members . The work is all in Arabic . The lodge has a splendid hall , nicely fitted up . The initiation fee is ten napoleons ( about £ 8 ) .
In the Grand Lodge of Minnesota , the Committee on Nonaffiliated Masons made a report considering , the subject , and sum up their conclusions in a resolution , which vras adopted , to the effect that " Permanent residents , who are non-affiliates , be summoned by the oldest lodge in the jurisdiction where they
reside , to apply to some lodge for membership , failing in which , the non-affiliates shall be deemed guilty of unmasonic conduct , and be disciplined accordingly . "
In Michigan the rapid increase of lodges and Masons , ancl the consequent additional tax upon the time of the Grand Master , leads him to the belief that either that officer will have to be paid sufficient remuneration to allow of his devoting his whole time to the duties of the office , or that the district deputy system will have to be inaugurated .
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An Appeal For The Blind.
cular class is especially deserving of public support . Such has for many years been the object of the Association in question , and many a blind person has been rescued and others saved from a course of street begging , or from entering the workhouse , as shown by the following instances : —A young man , having been educated in two blind schoolswas obliged , for want
, of work , to beg through the country with his wife ( also blind ) and three children . He now works regularly , and receives from the Association a considerable amount weekly , earned by his own industry . Another , who has been long an inmate of a workhouse , is now most usefully employed . A thirdtotally deaf
, and blind , who was entirely dependent upon two sisters who lived by their needle , has been taught brushmaking , and nowregularlyearnseighteen shillings per week . Similar instances might be multiplied ; but on this head I will only add that , whenever it is possible , this
Association acts upon the principle of prevention being better than cure , and is especially glad to save a blind man or woman either from entering the workhouse or from a life of vagrancy . The Committee most earnestly appeal for aid , both in order that they may be spared tbe painful alternative of reducing their expenditure , and also that they may be enabled to elect some from anions : the
numerous applicants now waiting either for employment or instruction ia trades . The Committee trust that such an appeal will not be in vain , but that the public will largely aid them in their endeavours to diminish the number of blind beggars by putting within reach of the blind the means of earning their own living . Regular custom for the brushesbaskets & cmade by the
, , , workpeople , is of essential service . The goods are for sale at 210 , Oxford-street , W ., and 127 , Euston-road , N . W . Subscriptions and donations are also at present urgently needed , ancl will be most thankfully received by the Treasurer , IL Sykes Thornton , Esq ., 20 , Birchin-lano , E . C . ; by the Eev . C . J . P . Eyre , 20 , Upper
Wimpole-street , W . ; and by thc Lady President , Miss Gilbert , 210 , Oxford-street , W . Permit me now to express my earnest hope that the public will generously strengthen my hands and those of the Committee , ancl will thus enable us to extend , instead of being compelled to reduce , our operations .
The good effected by enabling the blind to hel themselves is a great public benefit , while it is also an inestimable blessing to thc sufferers themselves . Commending this cause to the earnest ancl practical sympathy of the public , I remain , sir , yours truly , ELIZABETH GILBEET . 210 , Oxford-street , W .
Masonic Sayigs And Doings Abroad.
The Lodgo of Strasburg has issued a circular , dated 20 th July , iu the following terms : — "DearBrethren , War is at our gates . In a little time numbers of wounded will be in our midst , for Strasburg probabl y will be the seat of important operations . Masonry
has a duty to fulfil under these unfortunate circumstances—that is . to help fhe wounded ancl relieve their sufferings . Our lodge has established an ambulance ,
and we shall gratefully receive contributions , either in money or kind ( as lint , linen , & c ) . We appeal to all the lodges , and we are certain that the cry of distress will not be heard in vain . Contributions should be sent , as early as possible , to Bro . Noiriel . at Strasburg .
We are assured that the Grand Orient of Prance will make an appeal to all her lodges for brethren who become victims to the war .
The Grand Lodge of Georgia has adopted a resolution prohibiting the publication of its proceedings in the newspapers . We are hardly able to credit this from over the water . The Lodge Carl zurEiutraeht , Orient of Mannheim ,
has issued a circular soliciting subscri p tions to the fund for tho relief of the wounded , to be applied indiscriminately to the warriors of both armies . Subscriptions may be forwarded to Messrs . C . Nanen ancl Co ., 18 , Mark-lane , Loudon
The death is announce ! of Bro . Prancesco de Zuberia , Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Cartbagena . New Grenada . The Grand Orient of New Granada , in reply to a pamphlet against Masonry , and to the persecutions
exercised by Benardino Medina e Moreno , Bishop of Carthagena , has declared that all the Masons of Colombo profess the Catholic religion : and the teachings of" Masonry contain nothing contrary to that religion .
The Evertjreen learns through Bro . Eob Morris that the new lodge at Beyroufc , Syria , is in a flourishing condition , numbering 130 members . The work is all in Arabic . The lodge has a splendid hall , nicely fitted up . The initiation fee is ten napoleons ( about £ 8 ) .
In the Grand Lodge of Minnesota , the Committee on Nonaffiliated Masons made a report considering , the subject , and sum up their conclusions in a resolution , which vras adopted , to the effect that " Permanent residents , who are non-affiliates , be summoned by the oldest lodge in the jurisdiction where they
reside , to apply to some lodge for membership , failing in which , the non-affiliates shall be deemed guilty of unmasonic conduct , and be disciplined accordingly . "
In Michigan the rapid increase of lodges and Masons , ancl the consequent additional tax upon the time of the Grand Master , leads him to the belief that either that officer will have to be paid sufficient remuneration to allow of his devoting his whole time to the duties of the office , or that the district deputy system will have to be inaugurated .