Article MASONIC SAYIGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Sayigs And Doings Abroad.
Some of our brethren m Missouri must be m a high state of refinement , if the remarks of the Grand Master may be taken as a fact . He says , " The first degree is so buuglingly done , and the officers show so little soul in their work , that the candidate rationally becomes so dissatisfied that he never goes any farther .
What should have been ' light' to him is nothing bnt a miserable ' darkness ; ' when ' brought to light' he probably found tbe officers sitting with their feet on the pedestal spitting tobacco juice into a spittoon three yards off , and the Master , when he came to deliver his lecture , instead of standing up with the dignity and
perfectness of manhood , sitting down , poised on the back of his neck , and mumbling out incoherently what he did not properly understand or appreciate . "
—Landmark . We take the following from the correspondence from Maine , U . S . The committee in speaking of the Indiana heresy , that a lodge may try its Master , says : — " The universal usage of the fraternity from time
immemorial confers upon the Master powers which are utterly in conflict with the idea of trying him by the lodge . Such a usage is a landmark . Any Grand Lodge which endeavours to overthroAV such a usage is seeking ' to make innovations in the body of Masonry . ' "
It is claimed in Indiana that but for trial by the lodge , the Master , although removed from office by the Grand Master , would still remain in good standing until the meeting of the Grand Lodge .
Grand Master Pitch , of Kentucky , gives the Grand Lodge some gentle hints on the practice of electioneering , which might be appropriately applied to many subordinates . He rebukes with great severity the practice 01 electioneering for offices in the Grand Lodge , a custom which , he says , is bad enough when
confined to the political arena , but which becomes positively contemptible and infamous when transferred to such a graA'e ancl dignified body as a Grand Lodge of Pree and accepted Masons .
The first Masonic meeting in Nevada , was held in July , 1850 , at a place called Great Meadows , where emigrants rested their cattle , cut ancl cured grass , and lay in a stock of water . The meeting of course was held in the open air , the spot selected being 1 , 1 low valley , the earth the ground floor , the grass the
carpet , the heavens , illuminated by the full moon and bright stars , the covering . Por an altar they had a chair , on which rested the Holy Bible , square , and compass . The lod ge was opened at ten p . m . The Master after declaring the lodge opened and ready for business , declared the object of the meeting to be "To instruct each other , ' and renew our voivs and pledges to protect and assist each other when found in need , sickness , or misfortune . ' '
The Masonic Mirror.
All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . THE Charter House Lodge of Instruction is now held , at Bro . Simpson's , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-road , on , Friday evening of each wee ! -, commencing at eight o ' clock . A CONTOCATIOI * of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Lancashire , under the Scottish Constitution , will be
held at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , on Saturday , August 13 th . THE AV . M ., officers , and members of the Aboretum Lodge of Derby have just placed a handsome tombstone over the grave of Bro . J . S . Clayton , P . M ., in the Nottingham-road Cemetery . Bro . Clayton died , after a few days' illness , on the 15 th
December , 1869 , and the estimation in which he was held by the members of the Craft was shown by a numerous attendance of brethren at his funeral . At the top of the tombstone there are numerous Masonic emblems , and underneath the motto "Audi , vide , tace . " - Then follows on a marble tablet the following inscription , worked out in indelible letters : — "Erected by the
AV . M ., officers , and brethren of the Aboretum Lodge , No . '/ SI , of Free and Accepted Masons , in fraternal remembrance of Joseph Samuel Clayton , who died December 15 th , A . D . 1869 , in the fortieth year of his age , as a testimony of his valuable services rendered to Masonry during several years , and of the esteem in which he was held by the Crufc in general . On the
body-stone there is a very handsome border , on which is engraved the following verse , taken from thc 17 th chapter of Proverbs , 17 th verse : — "A friend Ioveth at all times , and a brother is born for adversity . " TTIEKS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FREEMASONS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
LODGE or PnosPEiirn * ( No . G 5 ) . —A summer banquet of this loilge was held on the 21 st ult . at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne . There was a numerous assemblage , not only or members of the Craft , Irat noxi-menVbcrs and ladies . After strolling over the beautiful grounds , and admiring the surrounding scenery , the company , numbering 97 , sat clown to a splendid dinner ancl dessert , and to Mr . Binningficld great credit is due as a ( list-rate providerThe chair was ied bBro .
. occup y Cook , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Forbes , S . W . ; E . G . Mather , J . W . ; J . L . Mather , I . P . JI . ; Billerby , Cornwell , Arnold , & e . The AV . M . briefly proposed the usual toasts and complimentary speeches . Bvo . J . L . Mather , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of the AV . M ., who duly responded to it . The toasts of the P . AI ., the officers , the ladies , and the visitors followed , and tho ladies present expressed their satisfaction for the great treat
they had experienced , and the company returned to town tit an early hour . VITRUVIAX LODGE ( No . 87 ) . —Tins lodge held an emergency meeting on AVedncsdny evening , the 3 rd inst-., at Bro . Fi-ampton's , the White Hurt Tavern , College-street , Lambeth , for the purpose of initiating into the Craft two gentlemen who are about to sail fu- India . Bro . Hurst was passed to the second degree , and IJro . Dixon raised to the degree of M . Af ., tho whole of the ceremonies being very ably worked by the W . M . After
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayigs And Doings Abroad.
Some of our brethren m Missouri must be m a high state of refinement , if the remarks of the Grand Master may be taken as a fact . He says , " The first degree is so buuglingly done , and the officers show so little soul in their work , that the candidate rationally becomes so dissatisfied that he never goes any farther .
What should have been ' light' to him is nothing bnt a miserable ' darkness ; ' when ' brought to light' he probably found tbe officers sitting with their feet on the pedestal spitting tobacco juice into a spittoon three yards off , and the Master , when he came to deliver his lecture , instead of standing up with the dignity and
perfectness of manhood , sitting down , poised on the back of his neck , and mumbling out incoherently what he did not properly understand or appreciate . "
—Landmark . We take the following from the correspondence from Maine , U . S . The committee in speaking of the Indiana heresy , that a lodge may try its Master , says : — " The universal usage of the fraternity from time
immemorial confers upon the Master powers which are utterly in conflict with the idea of trying him by the lodge . Such a usage is a landmark . Any Grand Lodge which endeavours to overthroAV such a usage is seeking ' to make innovations in the body of Masonry . ' "
It is claimed in Indiana that but for trial by the lodge , the Master , although removed from office by the Grand Master , would still remain in good standing until the meeting of the Grand Lodge .
Grand Master Pitch , of Kentucky , gives the Grand Lodge some gentle hints on the practice of electioneering , which might be appropriately applied to many subordinates . He rebukes with great severity the practice 01 electioneering for offices in the Grand Lodge , a custom which , he says , is bad enough when
confined to the political arena , but which becomes positively contemptible and infamous when transferred to such a graA'e ancl dignified body as a Grand Lodge of Pree and accepted Masons .
The first Masonic meeting in Nevada , was held in July , 1850 , at a place called Great Meadows , where emigrants rested their cattle , cut ancl cured grass , and lay in a stock of water . The meeting of course was held in the open air , the spot selected being 1 , 1 low valley , the earth the ground floor , the grass the
carpet , the heavens , illuminated by the full moon and bright stars , the covering . Por an altar they had a chair , on which rested the Holy Bible , square , and compass . The lod ge was opened at ten p . m . The Master after declaring the lodge opened and ready for business , declared the object of the meeting to be "To instruct each other , ' and renew our voivs and pledges to protect and assist each other when found in need , sickness , or misfortune . ' '
The Masonic Mirror.
All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . THE Charter House Lodge of Instruction is now held , at Bro . Simpson's , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-road , on , Friday evening of each wee ! -, commencing at eight o ' clock . A CONTOCATIOI * of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Lancashire , under the Scottish Constitution , will be
held at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , on Saturday , August 13 th . THE AV . M ., officers , and members of the Aboretum Lodge of Derby have just placed a handsome tombstone over the grave of Bro . J . S . Clayton , P . M ., in the Nottingham-road Cemetery . Bro . Clayton died , after a few days' illness , on the 15 th
December , 1869 , and the estimation in which he was held by the members of the Craft was shown by a numerous attendance of brethren at his funeral . At the top of the tombstone there are numerous Masonic emblems , and underneath the motto "Audi , vide , tace . " - Then follows on a marble tablet the following inscription , worked out in indelible letters : — "Erected by the
AV . M ., officers , and brethren of the Aboretum Lodge , No . '/ SI , of Free and Accepted Masons , in fraternal remembrance of Joseph Samuel Clayton , who died December 15 th , A . D . 1869 , in the fortieth year of his age , as a testimony of his valuable services rendered to Masonry during several years , and of the esteem in which he was held by the Crufc in general . On the
body-stone there is a very handsome border , on which is engraved the following verse , taken from thc 17 th chapter of Proverbs , 17 th verse : — "A friend Ioveth at all times , and a brother is born for adversity . " TTIEKS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FREEMASONS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
LODGE or PnosPEiirn * ( No . G 5 ) . —A summer banquet of this loilge was held on the 21 st ult . at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne . There was a numerous assemblage , not only or members of the Craft , Irat noxi-menVbcrs and ladies . After strolling over the beautiful grounds , and admiring the surrounding scenery , the company , numbering 97 , sat clown to a splendid dinner ancl dessert , and to Mr . Binningficld great credit is due as a ( list-rate providerThe chair was ied bBro .
. occup y Cook , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Forbes , S . W . ; E . G . Mather , J . W . ; J . L . Mather , I . P . JI . ; Billerby , Cornwell , Arnold , & e . The AV . M . briefly proposed the usual toasts and complimentary speeches . Bvo . J . L . Mather , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of the AV . M ., who duly responded to it . The toasts of the P . AI ., the officers , the ladies , and the visitors followed , and tho ladies present expressed their satisfaction for the great treat
they had experienced , and the company returned to town tit an early hour . VITRUVIAX LODGE ( No . 87 ) . —Tins lodge held an emergency meeting on AVedncsdny evening , the 3 rd inst-., at Bro . Fi-ampton's , the White Hurt Tavern , College-street , Lambeth , for the purpose of initiating into the Craft two gentlemen who are about to sail fu- India . Bro . Hurst was passed to the second degree , and IJro . Dixon raised to the degree of M . Af ., tho whole of the ceremonies being very ably worked by the W . M . After