Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
the lodge was closed thc brethren sat down to a very excellent cold supper provided by Bro . Frampton . The cloth having been removed , tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The visitors were Bros . Littlewood , W . M . of the Eoyal Alfred Lodgo ( No . 7 S 0 ) , and Mortlock , P . M . ( 186 ) . The P . M . ' s present were Bros . Hill , Bain , AYiidc , Stuart , Moke , Treas ., and Whiting , Sec .
NEW COXCOED LODGE ( So . 813 ) . —The annual summer baiuuiet of this flourishing lodge took place on Monday last at the Crystal Palace . The tables were laid in the new terrace dining rooms , and about ei g hty members and visitors , with a large proportion of ladies sat down to a banquet of the most recherche character , supplied by Bro . Bertram , a P . M . of tho lodge , Bro . Bartlett , A \ . M ., presided , and the south and west ¦ were respectively occupied by Bro . AtkinsS . AV ., and Bro .
, Salisbury , J . W . Among the company we noticed Bro . Emmens , Main , AVilson , and Hart , P . M . ' s of the lodge ; and among the visitors , Bros . T . Beard , P . M ., Terry , Capt . Taylor , Cobb , Lindsell , Osborn , dipt . Bokenham , & u . Alter the eloth was cleared , the President proposed tho loyal toasts , which were enthusiastically received . Tho President then proposed the "Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " remarking that these were toasts which
were always well received by Englishman , but there was a peculiar interest attaching to them at the present time , and especially to the A ' olunteers , who might very shortly have to undertake more active duties . He was sure if they did so they would justify the expectations which the country had long entertained of their patrioli-un and courage . He associated the toast with Capt . Taylor , of the Tower Hamlets Bifle Brigade , to which Capt . Taylor responded . The President then proposed
"Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge . " He had been a member of that lodge for the last eight or nine years , and could , therefore , speak from experience of the satisfactory progress it had made , and its present flourishing condition . Although its . members were not now in excess of the limit which a good lodge should possess , yet he had seen many brethren take their first step in Masonry in this lodge who had since , from various cause ? , been scattered over the face of the globeand thus bad
, assisted in dill ' iisinga knowledge of the principles and precepts of the Order . He believed that not u few of the old members of the New Concord ira-e noiv fighting for their Fatherland , and lie might say that if the principles of Freemasonry had been better understood b y those who rule in high places , the horrors of war which now afflict Enronn nnVht have been averted .
Speaking of the internal management and working of the lodge , he considered it was most satisfactory . He had an excellent staff of officers , who were not onl y eiiiiieut and attentive in duty , but who worked together in harmony , which was , as it ought to be , one of tiie principal characteristics of Freemasonry . He considered it a great compliment to the New Concord to be honoured on this occasion by so distinguished a company , and he had therefore great pleasure in proposing tho ( oast , coupled
with the name of Bro . Emmons , who was the founder of the lodiie . Bro . Emmens said he had great pleasure in responding to the toast , for if it afforded so much gratification to the President to witness its prosperity , it could not afford less satisfaetohim , who , as the President remarked , was the founder of it . And that pleasure- \ yns enhanced when he looked round on this festive gathering and observed that they were honoured with so much grace and beauty . He was also much pleased to sec Bio .
Bartlett presiding on that occasion , for the lodge had not a more industrious , devoted , and respected member than he , and with the excellent officers by whom he was assisted , the New Concord could not but go on as hitherto , happily and prosperous . Bro . Hurt , P . Af ., then proposed the toast of "The President , " and said he could endorse all that Bro . Emmens had shid as to his efficiency and desire to promote the good of the lodge and the comfort of every member . The President briefly responded , and
assured the members that no effort should be wanting either to advance t ic prosperity of the lodge or to secure the good esteem of its members . The '' Health of the Visitors" was coupled with the names of Bros . Beard , and Terry , P . M . ' s . Bro . Beard acknowledged the hospitality of the New Concord Lodge , which he had many times experienced . Bro . Terry took occasion to allude to the Masonic Charities , and assured the ladies that if Freemasons did sometimes transgress the rules of early closing ,
they were engaged in a good work , for in addition to a vast amount of relief privately bestowed to unfortunate brethren , the Order bad established some noble institutions ,- to wit , a school at "Wood Green , containing ISO boys ; a school at Wandsworth , containing about the same number of girls ; and
Craft Masonry.
au institution at Croydon for 170 widows , and another for aged brethren j and for the maintenance of these institutions provided a sum of £ 18 , 000 to £ 20 , 000 per year . These were the results of the practical application of the principles of Freemasonry . The healths of the Past Masters were responded to by Bro . "Wilson . Bro . Cusworth replied in a humorous speech for the ladies . Bros . Atkins , S . W ., Salisbury , J . W ., and Blyth , S . D .,
responded for the officers . The musical programme was most satisfactorily conducted by the Organist to the lodge , Bro . McDavitt , assisted by Miss Fraser , Mdlle . Faucquez , Bro . Hubbard , Mr . Hogan , and Mr H . Thomas , whose vocal performances during the evening elicited much praise . The thanks of the company are due to the Stewards , and particularly to Bro . Main , P . M ., for the very excellent arrangements which were made .
HERVEY LODGE . ( NO . 1 , 260 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVedncsday , the 10 th inst ., at the Iron Schoolroom , adjoining St . James ' s Church , Fulham . Present : —Bros . G . King , AA' . M . ; P . H . Jones , S . "W . ; J . AVay , J . W . ; T . A . Ayshford , Treas . ; G . King , jun ., P . M ., Sec ; AVigmore , S . D . ; Czarnecki , I . G . ; C . Thomas , Wine Steward ; C . T . Speight , Tyler ; Dr . T . Godrich , F . AV . Agar , Davidson , & c . The visitors were Bros . F . G . Baker , P . M . 753 ; G . Beeves , 1 , 217 ; AA . H . Simpson , 232 .
Thc lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . A \ . II . Taylor and Mr . J . Shuttlewoitb for initiation , also for Bro . W . Dawson , No . 1 S 6 , as a joining member , which proved unanimous . Mr . Taylor being present was initiated into Freemasonry , according to ancient custom . The report of the committee appointed to ascertain the most convenient house in the neighbourhood for
the lodge to hold its meetings , through the George Hotel changing hands , recommended the Britannia , Walham Green . It was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Secretary then reported that since the committee had met he had put himself in communication with the vector and churchwardens of St . James , Moore Park , and they had , in the most liberal manner , granted the use of tho Iron Schoolroom for the lodge and chapter . Bro . AVay
then proposed that the lodge meetings in future be held in the Iron School ; this was seconded and carried unanimously . It was also proposed and carried unanimously that tho Secretary write to the rector and churchwardens expressing the thanks of the lodge for their very liberal and kind offer . After one or two propositions for initiation , amongst whom was the Kev . AA . II . Denny , the lodge was closed in duo form and solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the Britannia to the banquet , which was
very excellently supplied by Mr . Smith , aud speaks well for the recommendation of the committee ; and after spending a very pleasant evening , interspersed with some capital singing , the brethren separated at an early hour pleased with the changes made . The brethren must be congratulated on obtaining such an excellent and commodious building as a home for their lodge . Had it been built for them they could not have had a better , being lofty and well adapted for sound .
KENT . GRAVESEXD . — Lodge of Freedom ( Xo . 77 ) , —Tins excellent lodge met on Monday , the 18 th ult ., at thc Town Hall , Bro . S . Bareziusky , AV . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Harding and AVulker were raised to the third degree . This
being tiie meeting for the installation of the AV . M ., the AV . M . elect , Bro . AA . E . Holl ' mgnui was presented to the lodge , and that ceremony was excellently rendered by Bro . Netlingham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . Kent . On the admission of the brethren , the newly-elected AA ' . M . having been saluted in due form , Bro . Nunn was invested with the cellar aud jewel of S . W " ., Bros , C . Ralph , P . M . 1 S 8 , J . AV .,- Dobson , D . Prov . ' G . M . for Kent , Treas . j and White , P . M ., Sec . Sums often guineas were severally voted
to the Boys' School and Girls' School . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Clarendon Hotel , where a sumptuous dinner was provided . Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
the lodge was closed thc brethren sat down to a very excellent cold supper provided by Bro . Frampton . The cloth having been removed , tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The visitors were Bros . Littlewood , W . M . of the Eoyal Alfred Lodgo ( No . 7 S 0 ) , and Mortlock , P . M . ( 186 ) . The P . M . ' s present were Bros . Hill , Bain , AYiidc , Stuart , Moke , Treas ., and Whiting , Sec .
NEW COXCOED LODGE ( So . 813 ) . —The annual summer baiuuiet of this flourishing lodge took place on Monday last at the Crystal Palace . The tables were laid in the new terrace dining rooms , and about ei g hty members and visitors , with a large proportion of ladies sat down to a banquet of the most recherche character , supplied by Bro . Bertram , a P . M . of tho lodge , Bro . Bartlett , A \ . M ., presided , and the south and west ¦ were respectively occupied by Bro . AtkinsS . AV ., and Bro .
, Salisbury , J . W . Among the company we noticed Bro . Emmens , Main , AVilson , and Hart , P . M . ' s of the lodge ; and among the visitors , Bros . T . Beard , P . M ., Terry , Capt . Taylor , Cobb , Lindsell , Osborn , dipt . Bokenham , & u . Alter the eloth was cleared , the President proposed tho loyal toasts , which were enthusiastically received . Tho President then proposed the "Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " remarking that these were toasts which
were always well received by Englishman , but there was a peculiar interest attaching to them at the present time , and especially to the A ' olunteers , who might very shortly have to undertake more active duties . He was sure if they did so they would justify the expectations which the country had long entertained of their patrioli-un and courage . He associated the toast with Capt . Taylor , of the Tower Hamlets Bifle Brigade , to which Capt . Taylor responded . The President then proposed
"Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge . " He had been a member of that lodge for the last eight or nine years , and could , therefore , speak from experience of the satisfactory progress it had made , and its present flourishing condition . Although its . members were not now in excess of the limit which a good lodge should possess , yet he had seen many brethren take their first step in Masonry in this lodge who had since , from various cause ? , been scattered over the face of the globeand thus bad
, assisted in dill ' iisinga knowledge of the principles and precepts of the Order . He believed that not u few of the old members of the New Concord ira-e noiv fighting for their Fatherland , and lie might say that if the principles of Freemasonry had been better understood b y those who rule in high places , the horrors of war which now afflict Enronn nnVht have been averted .
Speaking of the internal management and working of the lodge , he considered it was most satisfactory . He had an excellent staff of officers , who were not onl y eiiiiieut and attentive in duty , but who worked together in harmony , which was , as it ought to be , one of tiie principal characteristics of Freemasonry . He considered it a great compliment to the New Concord to be honoured on this occasion by so distinguished a company , and he had therefore great pleasure in proposing tho ( oast , coupled
with the name of Bro . Emmons , who was the founder of the lodiie . Bro . Emmens said he had great pleasure in responding to the toast , for if it afforded so much gratification to the President to witness its prosperity , it could not afford less satisfaetohim , who , as the President remarked , was the founder of it . And that pleasure- \ yns enhanced when he looked round on this festive gathering and observed that they were honoured with so much grace and beauty . He was also much pleased to sec Bio .
Bartlett presiding on that occasion , for the lodge had not a more industrious , devoted , and respected member than he , and with the excellent officers by whom he was assisted , the New Concord could not but go on as hitherto , happily and prosperous . Bro . Hurt , P . Af ., then proposed the toast of "The President , " and said he could endorse all that Bro . Emmens had shid as to his efficiency and desire to promote the good of the lodge and the comfort of every member . The President briefly responded , and
assured the members that no effort should be wanting either to advance t ic prosperity of the lodge or to secure the good esteem of its members . The '' Health of the Visitors" was coupled with the names of Bros . Beard , and Terry , P . M . ' s . Bro . Beard acknowledged the hospitality of the New Concord Lodge , which he had many times experienced . Bro . Terry took occasion to allude to the Masonic Charities , and assured the ladies that if Freemasons did sometimes transgress the rules of early closing ,
they were engaged in a good work , for in addition to a vast amount of relief privately bestowed to unfortunate brethren , the Order bad established some noble institutions ,- to wit , a school at "Wood Green , containing ISO boys ; a school at Wandsworth , containing about the same number of girls ; and
Craft Masonry.
au institution at Croydon for 170 widows , and another for aged brethren j and for the maintenance of these institutions provided a sum of £ 18 , 000 to £ 20 , 000 per year . These were the results of the practical application of the principles of Freemasonry . The healths of the Past Masters were responded to by Bro . "Wilson . Bro . Cusworth replied in a humorous speech for the ladies . Bros . Atkins , S . W ., Salisbury , J . W ., and Blyth , S . D .,
responded for the officers . The musical programme was most satisfactorily conducted by the Organist to the lodge , Bro . McDavitt , assisted by Miss Fraser , Mdlle . Faucquez , Bro . Hubbard , Mr . Hogan , and Mr H . Thomas , whose vocal performances during the evening elicited much praise . The thanks of the company are due to the Stewards , and particularly to Bro . Main , P . M ., for the very excellent arrangements which were made .
HERVEY LODGE . ( NO . 1 , 260 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVedncsday , the 10 th inst ., at the Iron Schoolroom , adjoining St . James ' s Church , Fulham . Present : —Bros . G . King , AA' . M . ; P . H . Jones , S . "W . ; J . AVay , J . W . ; T . A . Ayshford , Treas . ; G . King , jun ., P . M ., Sec ; AVigmore , S . D . ; Czarnecki , I . G . ; C . Thomas , Wine Steward ; C . T . Speight , Tyler ; Dr . T . Godrich , F . AV . Agar , Davidson , & c . The visitors were Bros . F . G . Baker , P . M . 753 ; G . Beeves , 1 , 217 ; AA . H . Simpson , 232 .
Thc lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . A \ . II . Taylor and Mr . J . Shuttlewoitb for initiation , also for Bro . W . Dawson , No . 1 S 6 , as a joining member , which proved unanimous . Mr . Taylor being present was initiated into Freemasonry , according to ancient custom . The report of the committee appointed to ascertain the most convenient house in the neighbourhood for
the lodge to hold its meetings , through the George Hotel changing hands , recommended the Britannia , Walham Green . It was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Secretary then reported that since the committee had met he had put himself in communication with the vector and churchwardens of St . James , Moore Park , and they had , in the most liberal manner , granted the use of tho Iron Schoolroom for the lodge and chapter . Bro . AVay
then proposed that the lodge meetings in future be held in the Iron School ; this was seconded and carried unanimously . It was also proposed and carried unanimously that tho Secretary write to the rector and churchwardens expressing the thanks of the lodge for their very liberal and kind offer . After one or two propositions for initiation , amongst whom was the Kev . AA . II . Denny , the lodge was closed in duo form and solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the Britannia to the banquet , which was
very excellently supplied by Mr . Smith , aud speaks well for the recommendation of the committee ; and after spending a very pleasant evening , interspersed with some capital singing , the brethren separated at an early hour pleased with the changes made . The brethren must be congratulated on obtaining such an excellent and commodious building as a home for their lodge . Had it been built for them they could not have had a better , being lofty and well adapted for sound .
KENT . GRAVESEXD . — Lodge of Freedom ( Xo . 77 ) , —Tins excellent lodge met on Monday , the 18 th ult ., at thc Town Hall , Bro . S . Bareziusky , AV . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Harding and AVulker were raised to the third degree . This
being tiie meeting for the installation of the AV . M ., the AV . M . elect , Bro . AA . E . Holl ' mgnui was presented to the lodge , and that ceremony was excellently rendered by Bro . Netlingham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . Kent . On the admission of the brethren , the newly-elected AA ' . M . having been saluted in due form , Bro . Nunn was invested with the cellar aud jewel of S . W " ., Bros , C . Ralph , P . M . 1 S 8 , J . AV .,- Dobson , D . Prov . ' G . M . for Kent , Treas . j and White , P . M ., Sec . Sums often guineas were severally voted
to the Boys' School and Girls' School . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Clarendon Hotel , where a sumptuous dinner was provided . Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic