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toasts were g iven ; that of the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England being responded to by Bro . Patten , P . G . B . Bro . Hall , Prov . G . Chap ., proposed the toast of the D . Prov . G . M . in a very able and efficient manner . The D . Prov . G . M . responded to the toast , and then proposed the health of the newly-installed AV . M ., ancl also paid a very high compliment to the I . P . M ., Bro . Barczinsky , for the admirable manner he had conducted the duties of the ledge dining his year of office . It being a custom
to hand round a box in aid of Masonic charity , on its being opened was found to contain a very liberal amount of donations , in addition to a cheque for ten guineas presented by the newlyinstalled AV . M ., to enable him to become a life governor of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the AA'idows of Freemasons . The toast of the Officers having been proposed and responded to , the Tyler ' s tonsfc followed , after which the brethren returned to town , expressing their satisfaction for the agreeable evening passed .
MIDDLESEX . TWICKENHAM . — Crescent Lodge ( No . 7 SS ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Ait Tavern , Eel Pie Island , Twickenham , on the 26 th ult . The AV . M ., Bro . E . Gurney , occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Bendy , S . AV . ; AV . Smeed , P . M ., J . AA . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . 6 . F . Noon having answered tho necessary questions in a
satisfactory manner w-as raised to the third degree , and Bro . G . J . Taylor wass passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The two ceremonies were delivered by Bro . G . Caldwell , P . M . ( by tho courtesy of the W . M . ) , in a perfect and impressive manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat clown to a very excellent banquet , and after dinner the brethren adjourned to tbe lawn , where wine ancl dessert were bountifully provided and enjoyed . The brethren , after passing a delightful afternoon and evening , returned to town . Bro . Herbert , of No . 94 G , was present as a visitor .
SUREEY . CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 452 ) . —This lodge met on the 23 rd ult . at the Railway Hotel , East Croydon , Bro . Magnus Ohren , AV . M ., presiding . The following P . Ms , were also present : —Bros . "W . Locock Webb , Strong , Francis and Robins . Bro . Pollard was passed to the second degree , and Mr . George "Wriht was initiatedthe W . M . performing his duties in
admirg , able style . The Treasurer ' s report , which showed a good balance , was read , and no further business being before the lodge , it was closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , which was a credit to tbe landlord of the Railway Hotel . Two visitors , Bro . Battye ( No . 142 ) and AValters ( No . 1 , 3091 , were present .
TORONTO . ASNUAE CO . ' OHJNICATION OF GUAND LODGE . The fifteenth annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , was opened at the Music Hall , on Tuesday , the 13 th ult . Early on Tuesday tho brethren began ( o arriveand by Tuesday niht the hotels
, g ¦ were tolerably well filled , ancl the earnestness of discussions showed that the brethren had come to the meeting deeply impressed with the importance of the occasion , and the responsibility resting upon the Craft in connection with it . On Wednesday moruing a large additional number of brethren reached the city , and by tho time the hour arrived for opening Grand Lodge , there was a larger attendance than has ever been known for first
a day . Grand Lod ge was formally opened at half-past two o ' clock . The entrance of Grand Officers , clothed in the new regalia , which has just been imported from England , was a very imposing procession . The usual motion , accepting the minutes as read and confirmed , having been passed , and the rules read , the Grand Master delivered an addressof which the following is
, an abstract : —Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Canada—I do not intend to occupy much of the time of the Grand Lodge with an opening address , which can be more profitably emploved iu the consideration of the various important official acts with which it is necessary you should be made acquainted , and perhaps advert briefly to one or two other matters requiring remark .
The number of new lodges established by dispensation during the past year , was fifteen , Great care was taken to obtain reliable information as to the need for more lodges in the respective districts in which they were sought to be located , aud the probability of their being able to work without detriment to the lodges already existing in the immediate vicinity ; and I am am happy to say that in nearly every instance the replies were most satisfactory . It gives me great pleasure to state in this
connection that , in March last , the members of Goderich Union Lodge ( No . 720 ) , on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , unanimously adopted a series of resolutions ,, resigning their English Warrant , and desiring , in exchange , a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Canada . In accoi dance with previous arrangement , they were to get the nearest vacant number to that which they would have receivedbad they originally
affi-, liated with this Grand Lodge . The lodge is therefore now known as Goderich Lodge , No . 33 on our Grand Register . Requests were received from several Grand Lodges for an exchange of representatives with the Grand Lodge of Canada . The distinguished brethren appointed to represent these Grand Bodies , near this Grand Lodge will , doubtless , iu due time present their credentials . I have named and accredited tho
following brethren to represent our Grand Lodge near thoir Grand Lodges , viz . : —R . AV . Bro . Geo . F . Gouley , Grand Sec ., near the Grand Lodge of Missouri ; M . AV . Bros . II . E . Cannon , P . G . M ., near the Grand Lodge of New Jersey ; H . P . Deuel , G . M ., near the Grand Lodge of Nebraska ; R . AV . Bros . Samuel C . Perkins , S . G . AV ., near the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; Samuel C . Fleming ( Bellows Falls ) near the Grand Lodge of Vermont ; Col . AA . S . Fish , of Mystic Bridge , near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut ; Thomas W . Chubback , near tho Grand Lodge of Nevada ; AVilliam H . Fraser , near the Grand Lodge of
Wisconsin . In consequence of the removal from this country of Bro . H . L . Eobinson , D . D . G . M . for the Bedford District , it was found to be necessary to fill the vacancy thus caused . I therefore appointed AV . Bro . Horace D . Pickel , P . M . of Royal Canadian Lodge , Sweetsburg , who has since discharged the duties with great zeal ancl ability . Emergent communications of Grand Lodgefor the purposo
, of laying foundation stones , were held at the following times and places , viz .: —On the 12 th of August , 1 S 6 R at Bellville , Out ., foundation stone of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum ; on the 16 th of May , 1870 . at Odessa , Out ., foundation of the Methodist Episcopal Church . On both occasions I had the honour of presiding and officiatins .
In January I had the great gratification of meeting with the brethren of New Jersey , at the annual communication of their Grand Lodge , held at the city of Trenton . This was the first Grand Lodge which I had the honour of visiting iu the United States , and I was greatly impressed with the strict order which characterised all their proceedings , and the high respect for authority manifested throughout the session . The reports presented gave unmistakable evidence of the prosperous condition
of Freemasonry within the jurisdiction of that State . I had the honour of being present at the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New York , held on the 7 th of la-fc month and following days , and of assisting at tho laying of the . foundation slone of the proposed Masonic Hall or Tempi ;' , now being erected at the corner of 6 th Avenue and 23 rd streets , in . the city of New York . Representatives were present from about 600 lodgesbesides many distinguished visitors from sister
, Grand Lodgas . During the year a great variety of questions have been submitted to me for opinion or decision , to all of which I gave such iittention as the respective cases seemed to require ; and it occurred to me , while performing this duty , that if it wire possible to preserve and publish , iu a condensed form , the various decisions of Grand Masters from year to year , and the action
taken by Grand Lodge on subjects not embraced within the provisions of the Book of Constitutions , it would form a very valuable Canadian Masonic jurisprudence , which might he often referred to , and prove exceedingly useful alike to Grand Lodge Officers and those of subordinate lodges . During the past two years , several District Grand Lodges of Instruction have been organised within this jurisdictionwhich
, have been attended with most beneficial results . I regard such meetings as one of tho most effective methods of imparting Masonic instruction , and under proper management they might be made conducive to the speedy accomplishment of what has long been a desideratum—entire uniformity of work .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
toasts were g iven ; that of the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England being responded to by Bro . Patten , P . G . B . Bro . Hall , Prov . G . Chap ., proposed the toast of the D . Prov . G . M . in a very able and efficient manner . The D . Prov . G . M . responded to the toast , and then proposed the health of the newly-installed AV . M ., ancl also paid a very high compliment to the I . P . M ., Bro . Barczinsky , for the admirable manner he had conducted the duties of the ledge dining his year of office . It being a custom
to hand round a box in aid of Masonic charity , on its being opened was found to contain a very liberal amount of donations , in addition to a cheque for ten guineas presented by the newlyinstalled AV . M ., to enable him to become a life governor of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the AA'idows of Freemasons . The toast of the Officers having been proposed and responded to , the Tyler ' s tonsfc followed , after which the brethren returned to town , expressing their satisfaction for the agreeable evening passed .
MIDDLESEX . TWICKENHAM . — Crescent Lodge ( No . 7 SS ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Ait Tavern , Eel Pie Island , Twickenham , on the 26 th ult . The AV . M ., Bro . E . Gurney , occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Bendy , S . AV . ; AV . Smeed , P . M ., J . AA . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . 6 . F . Noon having answered tho necessary questions in a
satisfactory manner w-as raised to the third degree , and Bro . G . J . Taylor wass passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The two ceremonies were delivered by Bro . G . Caldwell , P . M . ( by tho courtesy of the W . M . ) , in a perfect and impressive manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat clown to a very excellent banquet , and after dinner the brethren adjourned to tbe lawn , where wine ancl dessert were bountifully provided and enjoyed . The brethren , after passing a delightful afternoon and evening , returned to town . Bro . Herbert , of No . 94 G , was present as a visitor .
SUREEY . CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 452 ) . —This lodge met on the 23 rd ult . at the Railway Hotel , East Croydon , Bro . Magnus Ohren , AV . M ., presiding . The following P . Ms , were also present : —Bros . "W . Locock Webb , Strong , Francis and Robins . Bro . Pollard was passed to the second degree , and Mr . George "Wriht was initiatedthe W . M . performing his duties in
admirg , able style . The Treasurer ' s report , which showed a good balance , was read , and no further business being before the lodge , it was closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , which was a credit to tbe landlord of the Railway Hotel . Two visitors , Bro . Battye ( No . 142 ) and AValters ( No . 1 , 3091 , were present .
TORONTO . ASNUAE CO . ' OHJNICATION OF GUAND LODGE . The fifteenth annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , was opened at the Music Hall , on Tuesday , the 13 th ult . Early on Tuesday tho brethren began ( o arriveand by Tuesday niht the hotels
, g ¦ were tolerably well filled , ancl the earnestness of discussions showed that the brethren had come to the meeting deeply impressed with the importance of the occasion , and the responsibility resting upon the Craft in connection with it . On Wednesday moruing a large additional number of brethren reached the city , and by tho time the hour arrived for opening Grand Lodge , there was a larger attendance than has ever been known for first
a day . Grand Lod ge was formally opened at half-past two o ' clock . The entrance of Grand Officers , clothed in the new regalia , which has just been imported from England , was a very imposing procession . The usual motion , accepting the minutes as read and confirmed , having been passed , and the rules read , the Grand Master delivered an addressof which the following is
, an abstract : —Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Canada—I do not intend to occupy much of the time of the Grand Lodge with an opening address , which can be more profitably emploved iu the consideration of the various important official acts with which it is necessary you should be made acquainted , and perhaps advert briefly to one or two other matters requiring remark .
The number of new lodges established by dispensation during the past year , was fifteen , Great care was taken to obtain reliable information as to the need for more lodges in the respective districts in which they were sought to be located , aud the probability of their being able to work without detriment to the lodges already existing in the immediate vicinity ; and I am am happy to say that in nearly every instance the replies were most satisfactory . It gives me great pleasure to state in this
connection that , in March last , the members of Goderich Union Lodge ( No . 720 ) , on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , unanimously adopted a series of resolutions ,, resigning their English Warrant , and desiring , in exchange , a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Canada . In accoi dance with previous arrangement , they were to get the nearest vacant number to that which they would have receivedbad they originally
affi-, liated with this Grand Lodge . The lodge is therefore now known as Goderich Lodge , No . 33 on our Grand Register . Requests were received from several Grand Lodges for an exchange of representatives with the Grand Lodge of Canada . The distinguished brethren appointed to represent these Grand Bodies , near this Grand Lodge will , doubtless , iu due time present their credentials . I have named and accredited tho
following brethren to represent our Grand Lodge near thoir Grand Lodges , viz . : —R . AV . Bro . Geo . F . Gouley , Grand Sec ., near the Grand Lodge of Missouri ; M . AV . Bros . II . E . Cannon , P . G . M ., near the Grand Lodge of New Jersey ; H . P . Deuel , G . M ., near the Grand Lodge of Nebraska ; R . AV . Bros . Samuel C . Perkins , S . G . AV ., near the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; Samuel C . Fleming ( Bellows Falls ) near the Grand Lodge of Vermont ; Col . AA . S . Fish , of Mystic Bridge , near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut ; Thomas W . Chubback , near tho Grand Lodge of Nevada ; AVilliam H . Fraser , near the Grand Lodge of
Wisconsin . In consequence of the removal from this country of Bro . H . L . Eobinson , D . D . G . M . for the Bedford District , it was found to be necessary to fill the vacancy thus caused . I therefore appointed AV . Bro . Horace D . Pickel , P . M . of Royal Canadian Lodge , Sweetsburg , who has since discharged the duties with great zeal ancl ability . Emergent communications of Grand Lodgefor the purposo
, of laying foundation stones , were held at the following times and places , viz .: —On the 12 th of August , 1 S 6 R at Bellville , Out ., foundation stone of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum ; on the 16 th of May , 1870 . at Odessa , Out ., foundation of the Methodist Episcopal Church . On both occasions I had the honour of presiding and officiatins .
In January I had the great gratification of meeting with the brethren of New Jersey , at the annual communication of their Grand Lodge , held at the city of Trenton . This was the first Grand Lodge which I had the honour of visiting iu the United States , and I was greatly impressed with the strict order which characterised all their proceedings , and the high respect for authority manifested throughout the session . The reports presented gave unmistakable evidence of the prosperous condition
of Freemasonry within the jurisdiction of that State . I had the honour of being present at the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New York , held on the 7 th of la-fc month and following days , and of assisting at tho laying of the . foundation slone of the proposed Masonic Hall or Tempi ;' , now being erected at the corner of 6 th Avenue and 23 rd streets , in . the city of New York . Representatives were present from about 600 lodgesbesides many distinguished visitors from sister
, Grand Lodgas . During the year a great variety of questions have been submitted to me for opinion or decision , to all of which I gave such iittention as the respective cases seemed to require ; and it occurred to me , while performing this duty , that if it wire possible to preserve and publish , iu a condensed form , the various decisions of Grand Masters from year to year , and the action
taken by Grand Lodge on subjects not embraced within the provisions of the Book of Constitutions , it would form a very valuable Canadian Masonic jurisprudence , which might he often referred to , and prove exceedingly useful alike to Grand Lodge Officers and those of subordinate lodges . During the past two years , several District Grand Lodges of Instruction have been organised within this jurisdictionwhich
, have been attended with most beneficial results . I regard such meetings as one of tho most effective methods of imparting Masonic instruction , and under proper management they might be made conducive to the speedy accomplishment of what has long been a desideratum—entire uniformity of work .