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Governments and Legislatures of these four Provinces to be abolished , and the business of the dominion to bo entrusted to only one Government—a mere Legislative Union in fact—would it be necessary , then , ( or possible , if necessary ) to disorganize the Grand Lodges existing at that time within the dominion , and form only one Grand Lodge for the entire territory ? Certainly not . Yet this is the exact converse of the proposition so boldly advanced , and so strenuously urged by many
wellintentioned , though , in my judgment mistaken brethren . A retrospect of the two years during which I have had the high honour of presiding over the Grand Lodge of Canada , calls up in my mind mingled feelings of joy aud sadness . The calm sunshine , which for a time shed its hallowed influence upon our peaceful path , was , at a later period , followed by a pelting storm , which yet darkens the horizon . Y ' et , under every variety of circumstancesI have had the kindly counsel and earnest
sup-, port of many true brethren , and to their credit be it said , that the labours and responsibilities of oflice have often been lightened and lessened by the active assistance so readily rendered , and the cheering sympathy so opportunely offered , by many of those whom I have now the privilege of addressing . In resigning into your hands the Gavel , with which J . was entrusted at the last annual communication of this Grand Lodge , I can truly say , that although conscious of much unworthiness ,
and deeply sensible of numerous imperfections , yet I have always endeavoured to discharge the duties of my position faithfully and conscientiously , whether those duties were of a pleasant or of a painful nature ; and iu divesting myself of the clothing appertaining to the office of Grand Master , permit me to indulge the hope , that in time to come I may be ever encompassed with the broad mantle of your Masonic charity . A . A . STEVENSONG . M .
, The reading of the address was frequently warmly applauded , and at its close the manifestation of approbation was loud , and long continued . B . AA ' . Bro . Kahn , moved that the address be referred to the Board of General Purposes , except that portion referring to the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec , which portion should be referred to a special committee , consisting of M . AA . Bros . Wilson , Harington and Bernard ; R . AV . Bros . Klots , De Grassi , and
Thompson AAflson ; V . AV . Bros . John Clark , D . Spry , Harding , C . D . Macdonuell , Bowman , Thorns , Diamond , Duun , Noel , White , Elliott , Billiugton , K ' mcaid , AA right , and the mover . K . VV . Bro . Macpberson moved in amendment that the special committee be appointed by the M . AA . the Grand Master . A very long discussion ensued , when V . AV . Bro . White moved , in amendment to the amendment , that the report of the M . AV . the Grand Master be referred to
tho Board of General Purposes , with instructions to report upon that part referring to the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec , at the meeting of Grand Lodge to-morrow , it being understood that the board have their report printed for the use of members , on its presentation to Grand Lodge . This amendment was finally carried by an almost unanimous vote—a significant lesson to those who so far forgot what is clue to Grand Lodge as to summon secret meetings to influence its
proceedings . Several distinguished visitors from the Grand Lodge of New l ork , including E . AV . Bros . C . E . Young , G . J . D ., AA . J . Me Credie , P . D . D . G . M ., and John A . Lockwood , P . D . D . G . M . ; ancl W . Bros . AV . A . Dee , II . Klcim , Jolm II . Andrews , II . B . McCullough , S . L . AA atsen , and J . B . King , were received with grand honours , and introduced to Grand Lodge . W . Bro . Eamsay presented his credentialsas representative
, of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska , near the Grand Lodge of Canada ; M . AV . Bro . Bernard for the Grand Lodge of New Jersey ; aud A . A \ . Bro . AVhite for the Grand Lodge of Nevada . These brethren were respectively received with grand honours , and welcomed in their representative character , a compliment which they each briefly acknowledged . The several D . D . G . il . ' s presented their regorts , all of which
showed tho Order to be in a very prosperous condition , those from the Quebec districts being especially interesting , as showing that there is still a strong feeling of allegiance to the Grand Lodge in those districts . On motion of R . W . Bro . Seymour , thc reports were referred to the Board of General Purposes . E . AV . Bro . Kerr , D . D . G . M ., Toronto District , on behalf of the brethren iu Toronto , extended , an invitation to the members of Grand Lodge to a banquet , on Thursday evening , at the St . Lawrence Hall ; and also stated that the nuivs-rooin of the
Mechanics' Institute was at tho service of members attending Grand Lodge . After a number of notices had been given , Grand was called off until Thursday morning , at 11 o ' clock . [ The report of the second and third days' proceedings will tie given in our next . ~\
The officers installed on the 24 th June for the Isthmus LocVe of Panama ( No . 28 ) , were Bros . Henry Schuber , AV . M . ; Theodore do Tabla , S . W . ; Alfred Hill , J . W ' . ; H . Elirmiin , Treas . ; A . Balfour , Sec . ; Diejro Briggs , O . G . The officers of K . * J | Chapter Prudence , No . 7 , were installed on the 25 th June -. —Comps . Chas . A . Fletcher , AV . M . ; G . R . Hughes , S . G . W . ; II . Schuber , J . G . AA \; Alfred Hill , G . Org . and Elirman
Treas . ; II . , G . Sec . ancl K . S . ; G . Kellemen , G . Tyler . The officers installed for Manzanillo Lodge , No . 25 , iispinwall , on St . John's Day , were : —Bros . Jas . G . Laiisburg , AV . M . ; Ford , P . M .: Jos . Couto , S . W .,- C . Frank , S . AV . ; Joseph Penso Treas . ; J . Jenkins , Sec . Bro . Arie II . Maalof Aspinwall and Colonhaviug diedwas
, , , buried with Masonic honours by the members of the Manzanillo Lodge , in the cemetery belonging to the Craft , at Mount St . John , with a largo attendance of Masons . The Masonic burial ceremonial was carried out in a solemn and impressive manner by Bro . Ford . ,
BANGALOEE . Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1 , 043 , E . C . )—This lodge met on April 2 nd , at 7 p . m ., being the regular meeting of the month . Present : —Bros . J . J . Franklin , AV . M . ; R . Mullen , S . AV .: E . Sheppard , as J . AV ; G . AA ai ; ace , Sec . ; G . Nepean Smith , S . D . ; J . Price , as J . D . ; J . L . D . Stuart , I . G . : G . AA hiting , Tyler . Members : Bros . GibsonKenny
McKieBradshawJThomp-, , , . son , and Flood . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the regular meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . T . T . Le Onard , J . D ., tendering his resignation , which after a few remarks from the W . M . was accepted . The AV . M . appointed Bro . J . L . D . Stuart , J . T ) ., and Bro . J . Price , I . G ., and invested them with the jewels of their respective offices , delivering to them a charge . There being no
work to he done , the AV . M . read two lectures from Bro . Dr . Oliver ' s work , ' ¦ The Freemason's Treasury . " Tho AV . M ., in intimating to the brethren the retirement from the lodge of Bro . C . Jones , J . W ., consequent on his departure to England on sick certificate , thanked him for the manner in which he had discharged his duties , and wished him a safe voyage and speedy restoration to health . The monthly accounts , having been found
correct , were duly passed . One candidate was proposed for initiation . The charity box was passed round . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 p . m .
Royal Arch.
SURREY . EAST CROYDON . —Frederick Chapter of Unity ( No . 452 ) . — A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , the 20 th ult ., at the Railway Hotel . Comp . W . Locock Webb , M . E . Z ., opened the chapter , with the assistance of the Principals and P . Z . 's present . Comp . Francis , P . Z ., installed Dr . Strong , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; and also the 11 . and J . Comp . J . Glaisher , was invested as S . E ., and Comp . Magnus Ohren as S . N . Comps . Battye , P . Z . 33 , and F . Walters , P . Z . 73 , were present during the convocation .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . GHAND LODGE . An emergency meeting of Grand Mark Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 2 Gi . li ult ,, for the purpose of finishing the business left over from the last Grand Lodge , to receive the report ol the committee on tbe Eoyal Ark Mariner's degree , and
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Governments and Legislatures of these four Provinces to be abolished , and the business of the dominion to bo entrusted to only one Government—a mere Legislative Union in fact—would it be necessary , then , ( or possible , if necessary ) to disorganize the Grand Lodges existing at that time within the dominion , and form only one Grand Lodge for the entire territory ? Certainly not . Yet this is the exact converse of the proposition so boldly advanced , and so strenuously urged by many
wellintentioned , though , in my judgment mistaken brethren . A retrospect of the two years during which I have had the high honour of presiding over the Grand Lodge of Canada , calls up in my mind mingled feelings of joy aud sadness . The calm sunshine , which for a time shed its hallowed influence upon our peaceful path , was , at a later period , followed by a pelting storm , which yet darkens the horizon . Y ' et , under every variety of circumstancesI have had the kindly counsel and earnest
sup-, port of many true brethren , and to their credit be it said , that the labours and responsibilities of oflice have often been lightened and lessened by the active assistance so readily rendered , and the cheering sympathy so opportunely offered , by many of those whom I have now the privilege of addressing . In resigning into your hands the Gavel , with which J . was entrusted at the last annual communication of this Grand Lodge , I can truly say , that although conscious of much unworthiness ,
and deeply sensible of numerous imperfections , yet I have always endeavoured to discharge the duties of my position faithfully and conscientiously , whether those duties were of a pleasant or of a painful nature ; and iu divesting myself of the clothing appertaining to the office of Grand Master , permit me to indulge the hope , that in time to come I may be ever encompassed with the broad mantle of your Masonic charity . A . A . STEVENSONG . M .
, The reading of the address was frequently warmly applauded , and at its close the manifestation of approbation was loud , and long continued . B . AA ' . Bro . Kahn , moved that the address be referred to the Board of General Purposes , except that portion referring to the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec , which portion should be referred to a special committee , consisting of M . AA . Bros . Wilson , Harington and Bernard ; R . AV . Bros . Klots , De Grassi , and
Thompson AAflson ; V . AV . Bros . John Clark , D . Spry , Harding , C . D . Macdonuell , Bowman , Thorns , Diamond , Duun , Noel , White , Elliott , Billiugton , K ' mcaid , AA right , and the mover . K . VV . Bro . Macpberson moved in amendment that the special committee be appointed by the M . AA . the Grand Master . A very long discussion ensued , when V . AV . Bro . White moved , in amendment to the amendment , that the report of the M . AV . the Grand Master be referred to
tho Board of General Purposes , with instructions to report upon that part referring to the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec , at the meeting of Grand Lodge to-morrow , it being understood that the board have their report printed for the use of members , on its presentation to Grand Lodge . This amendment was finally carried by an almost unanimous vote—a significant lesson to those who so far forgot what is clue to Grand Lodge as to summon secret meetings to influence its
proceedings . Several distinguished visitors from the Grand Lodge of New l ork , including E . AV . Bros . C . E . Young , G . J . D ., AA . J . Me Credie , P . D . D . G . M ., and John A . Lockwood , P . D . D . G . M . ; ancl W . Bros . AV . A . Dee , II . Klcim , Jolm II . Andrews , II . B . McCullough , S . L . AA atsen , and J . B . King , were received with grand honours , and introduced to Grand Lodge . W . Bro . Eamsay presented his credentialsas representative
, of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska , near the Grand Lodge of Canada ; M . AV . Bro . Bernard for the Grand Lodge of New Jersey ; aud A . A \ . Bro . AVhite for the Grand Lodge of Nevada . These brethren were respectively received with grand honours , and welcomed in their representative character , a compliment which they each briefly acknowledged . The several D . D . G . il . ' s presented their regorts , all of which
showed tho Order to be in a very prosperous condition , those from the Quebec districts being especially interesting , as showing that there is still a strong feeling of allegiance to the Grand Lodge in those districts . On motion of R . W . Bro . Seymour , thc reports were referred to the Board of General Purposes . E . AV . Bro . Kerr , D . D . G . M ., Toronto District , on behalf of the brethren iu Toronto , extended , an invitation to the members of Grand Lodge to a banquet , on Thursday evening , at the St . Lawrence Hall ; and also stated that the nuivs-rooin of the
Mechanics' Institute was at tho service of members attending Grand Lodge . After a number of notices had been given , Grand was called off until Thursday morning , at 11 o ' clock . [ The report of the second and third days' proceedings will tie given in our next . ~\
The officers installed on the 24 th June for the Isthmus LocVe of Panama ( No . 28 ) , were Bros . Henry Schuber , AV . M . ; Theodore do Tabla , S . W . ; Alfred Hill , J . W ' . ; H . Elirmiin , Treas . ; A . Balfour , Sec . ; Diejro Briggs , O . G . The officers of K . * J | Chapter Prudence , No . 7 , were installed on the 25 th June -. —Comps . Chas . A . Fletcher , AV . M . ; G . R . Hughes , S . G . W . ; II . Schuber , J . G . AA \; Alfred Hill , G . Org . and Elirman
Treas . ; II . , G . Sec . ancl K . S . ; G . Kellemen , G . Tyler . The officers installed for Manzanillo Lodge , No . 25 , iispinwall , on St . John's Day , were : —Bros . Jas . G . Laiisburg , AV . M . ; Ford , P . M .: Jos . Couto , S . W .,- C . Frank , S . AV . ; Joseph Penso Treas . ; J . Jenkins , Sec . Bro . Arie II . Maalof Aspinwall and Colonhaviug diedwas
, , , buried with Masonic honours by the members of the Manzanillo Lodge , in the cemetery belonging to the Craft , at Mount St . John , with a largo attendance of Masons . The Masonic burial ceremonial was carried out in a solemn and impressive manner by Bro . Ford . ,
BANGALOEE . Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1 , 043 , E . C . )—This lodge met on April 2 nd , at 7 p . m ., being the regular meeting of the month . Present : —Bros . J . J . Franklin , AV . M . ; R . Mullen , S . AV .: E . Sheppard , as J . AV ; G . AA ai ; ace , Sec . ; G . Nepean Smith , S . D . ; J . Price , as J . D . ; J . L . D . Stuart , I . G . : G . AA hiting , Tyler . Members : Bros . GibsonKenny
McKieBradshawJThomp-, , , . son , and Flood . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the regular meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . T . T . Le Onard , J . D ., tendering his resignation , which after a few remarks from the W . M . was accepted . The AV . M . appointed Bro . J . L . D . Stuart , J . T ) ., and Bro . J . Price , I . G ., and invested them with the jewels of their respective offices , delivering to them a charge . There being no
work to he done , the AV . M . read two lectures from Bro . Dr . Oliver ' s work , ' ¦ The Freemason's Treasury . " Tho AV . M ., in intimating to the brethren the retirement from the lodge of Bro . C . Jones , J . W ., consequent on his departure to England on sick certificate , thanked him for the manner in which he had discharged his duties , and wished him a safe voyage and speedy restoration to health . The monthly accounts , having been found
correct , were duly passed . One candidate was proposed for initiation . The charity box was passed round . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 p . m .
Royal Arch.
SURREY . EAST CROYDON . —Frederick Chapter of Unity ( No . 452 ) . — A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , the 20 th ult ., at the Railway Hotel . Comp . W . Locock Webb , M . E . Z ., opened the chapter , with the assistance of the Principals and P . Z . 's present . Comp . Francis , P . Z ., installed Dr . Strong , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; and also the 11 . and J . Comp . J . Glaisher , was invested as S . E ., and Comp . Magnus Ohren as S . N . Comps . Battye , P . Z . 33 , and F . Walters , P . Z . 73 , were present during the convocation .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . GHAND LODGE . An emergency meeting of Grand Mark Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 2 Gi . li ult ,, for the purpose of finishing the business left over from the last Grand Lodge , to receive the report ol the committee on tbe Eoyal Ark Mariner's degree , and