Article MASONIC READINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Readings.
becoming powerful auxiliaries to the clergyman and the philanthropist in their labours of love . The alehouse , and all its concomitant ; evils , are for a time deserted , aud the poor , hard-Avovked sous and daughters of our land are enabled to forget their toils and anxieties , whilst listening to what the master minds of our race have produced . It isAve belieA'e
, , impossible to calculate how vast the amount of good that has been achieved by the simple instrumentality of Penny Readings . If Ave drop tbe word "Penny . " we find that Readings are even with the upper and middle classes—ivhose shelves are groaning with booksand ivho have access
, to the best libraries—most popular . When , for instance , our talented Brother , the Rev . J . M . C . Bellew , appears before the public , how large the throng that assembles to hear him read ; with what rapt attention do they hang upon his lips . There are , however , very feiv such readers as our reverend brother . Bnt is it
because we cannot all be great , that therefore Ave are Mot to exert such talents as Ave may possess ? Aut Ccesar , aut nullus may be interpreted in a very dangerous sense . " What , " it may be asked , "is the drift of these observations" —perhaps some one ivas going to observebut checked himself through
politeness—, " platitudes ?" This is their drift , my good brother . Seeing that readings achiei r e so much good , I waut to remind you that you , as a Freemason , should be ready ' to take your part in the Avork . I am one of those who believe that weas members of the great
, Masonic brotherhood , should be foremost in everything that can minister to the good , spiritual or temporal , of our fellow-creatures . Shall I be deemed a Masonic heretic if I make another suggestion ? If Readings are found so productive of good in the Avorldwhshould they not
, y also in the lodge ? AVe have amongst us men of giant intellects , and profound erudition . We have also men with the minds of dwarfs and of very imperfect education . There are some Avho have delved
into the very depths of our mystic lore , and there are others who have never read a page of Oliver's writings , who have not even heard of tlie FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . Why , then , should not these men be instructed ? Arrangements , surely , might easily be made for the establishment of ' Masonic Headings during the AvinterExtracts from Masonic Avorks
. might _ be interspersed , with extracts from non-Masonic writings . Such a work , for instance , as "Original Penny Readings , " by George M . Fenn , ^ st published , would be quite a treasure for the reader . It is impossible to read some articles in this work , such as " Going Ashore , " " One of Our
Heroes , " "A Man Overboard , " without the deepest emotion , indeed I may say without good aud abiding effects being produced . Some of the papers are merely humorous , which is quite right , for the bow cannot be always bent . Sincerel y shall I rejoice , if these hastily-written , but wellmeant
- suggestions should be taken up and acted on by some brother better qualified to deal ivith the subject than Tours fraternally , A BROTHER OE THE WHITE AS WELL AS OE THE MysTIO TlE .
THE MASONIC MIRBOB , * jt * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
EOYAI , BEKEYOLENT iNsTiTUTioir nos , AGED FBEEMASOXS AND THEIE WIDOAA'S . —AVe learn that the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland has appointed Wednesday , the 30 th January next , for the annual festival of this Institution , on which occasion the chair will be taken by Bro . the Right Hon . the Loid de Tabley , Prov . G . Master for
Cheshire . Bro . W . farnfield , the Secretary , will , no doubt , be glad to receive as early as possible , the names of brethren Avilling to act as Stewards . All communications must be directed to the offices , No- 4 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C . PnovnrcrAJ & GEANB LODGE OI ? LEICESTEKSHIEE . — The
annual general meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge Avill be holden at the George Hotel , Melton Mowbray , on Priday , 19 th inst , at half-past one p . m ., Grand Lodge to be opened at fortyfive minutes past one precisely . There will be a banquet at the George Hotel at half-past four p . m . Brethren AVIIO intend to join tho banquet should send their names to Bro . Selby , at the Hotel , not later than Wednesday , llth inst .
LODGE OE JUSTICE ( SO . 147 ) . —The first meeting after the recess , of this prosperous and flourishing lodge , was held at tho White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., ( Bro . J . Porter ' s ) . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., supported hy Bros . G . Chapman , S . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., as J . W . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., See . ; W . Andrews S . D . ; Batt , J . D . ; Percival , l . G . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; N . Wingfield , and a large number of
the brethren . Amongst a large number of visitors were , Bros . D . Rose , J . D . 73 ; R . Mills , 73 ; S . Vinten , J . W . 79 ; J . Barrett , 871 ; and others . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., in bis usual first-class impressive manner , raised Bro . J . toper . Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., initiated Mr . Daukes . Bro . C . G . Dilley Avas accepted as the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival to be held on Wednesday , January 30 th , 1867 , for the aged Freemasons and their widows . The lodge Avas then closed until Wednesday
, November 14 th . The nsual superior banquet followed , which was replete with every comfort . UNITED STBEN - LODGE ( So . 228 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting after the recess on Tuesday last the 9 th inst . at tho ancient Hostelrie of St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , a tavern celebrated not only for its traditionary associations and
recoltions , but also for the excellent catering of the worthy host , Bro . Wickens , its present energetic proprietor , whose attention , and zeal are AA-OU worthy the consideration of brethren anxious to secure comfort and excellent accommodation for lodges under their control . The brethren assembled in considerable numbers and included visitors from , among other distinguished lodges , eminent members of the Painnure ( No . 720 ) , Yarborough ( No . 554 ) , Sincerity ( No . 174 ) , Emulation ( No . 299 ) , Strong
Man ( No , 45 ) , and others . The ceremonies were ably performed by the Bro . Alfred Colston , W . M ., assisted by the P . M . ' s and officers , after Avhich the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided iu the usual excellent manner for Avhich this establishment is celebrated . " On the removal of the cloth , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " The Health of the Initiates , Brothers Debney , " Avas proposed by the W . M . and responded to in an appropriate manneron the conclusion of which that
, of "The Visitors" having been received ivith due honours , Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . of tbe Panmure Lodge in forcible terms expressed tbe gratification it afforded his brother visitors and himself in being present on the occasion , and gracefully acknowledged the hospitable manner Avith which they had been received . The health of the W . M . was then proposed and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Readings.
becoming powerful auxiliaries to the clergyman and the philanthropist in their labours of love . The alehouse , and all its concomitant ; evils , are for a time deserted , aud the poor , hard-Avovked sous and daughters of our land are enabled to forget their toils and anxieties , whilst listening to what the master minds of our race have produced . It isAve belieA'e
, , impossible to calculate how vast the amount of good that has been achieved by the simple instrumentality of Penny Readings . If Ave drop tbe word "Penny . " we find that Readings are even with the upper and middle classes—ivhose shelves are groaning with booksand ivho have access
, to the best libraries—most popular . When , for instance , our talented Brother , the Rev . J . M . C . Bellew , appears before the public , how large the throng that assembles to hear him read ; with what rapt attention do they hang upon his lips . There are , however , very feiv such readers as our reverend brother . Bnt is it
because we cannot all be great , that therefore Ave are Mot to exert such talents as Ave may possess ? Aut Ccesar , aut nullus may be interpreted in a very dangerous sense . " What , " it may be asked , "is the drift of these observations" —perhaps some one ivas going to observebut checked himself through
politeness—, " platitudes ?" This is their drift , my good brother . Seeing that readings achiei r e so much good , I waut to remind you that you , as a Freemason , should be ready ' to take your part in the Avork . I am one of those who believe that weas members of the great
, Masonic brotherhood , should be foremost in everything that can minister to the good , spiritual or temporal , of our fellow-creatures . Shall I be deemed a Masonic heretic if I make another suggestion ? If Readings are found so productive of good in the Avorldwhshould they not
, y also in the lodge ? AVe have amongst us men of giant intellects , and profound erudition . We have also men with the minds of dwarfs and of very imperfect education . There are some Avho have delved
into the very depths of our mystic lore , and there are others who have never read a page of Oliver's writings , who have not even heard of tlie FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . Why , then , should not these men be instructed ? Arrangements , surely , might easily be made for the establishment of ' Masonic Headings during the AvinterExtracts from Masonic Avorks
. might _ be interspersed , with extracts from non-Masonic writings . Such a work , for instance , as "Original Penny Readings , " by George M . Fenn , ^ st published , would be quite a treasure for the reader . It is impossible to read some articles in this work , such as " Going Ashore , " " One of Our
Heroes , " "A Man Overboard , " without the deepest emotion , indeed I may say without good aud abiding effects being produced . Some of the papers are merely humorous , which is quite right , for the bow cannot be always bent . Sincerel y shall I rejoice , if these hastily-written , but wellmeant
- suggestions should be taken up and acted on by some brother better qualified to deal ivith the subject than Tours fraternally , A BROTHER OE THE WHITE AS WELL AS OE THE MysTIO TlE .
THE MASONIC MIRBOB , * jt * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
EOYAI , BEKEYOLENT iNsTiTUTioir nos , AGED FBEEMASOXS AND THEIE WIDOAA'S . —AVe learn that the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland has appointed Wednesday , the 30 th January next , for the annual festival of this Institution , on which occasion the chair will be taken by Bro . the Right Hon . the Loid de Tabley , Prov . G . Master for
Cheshire . Bro . W . farnfield , the Secretary , will , no doubt , be glad to receive as early as possible , the names of brethren Avilling to act as Stewards . All communications must be directed to the offices , No- 4 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C . PnovnrcrAJ & GEANB LODGE OI ? LEICESTEKSHIEE . — The
annual general meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge Avill be holden at the George Hotel , Melton Mowbray , on Priday , 19 th inst , at half-past one p . m ., Grand Lodge to be opened at fortyfive minutes past one precisely . There will be a banquet at the George Hotel at half-past four p . m . Brethren AVIIO intend to join tho banquet should send their names to Bro . Selby , at the Hotel , not later than Wednesday , llth inst .
LODGE OE JUSTICE ( SO . 147 ) . —The first meeting after the recess , of this prosperous and flourishing lodge , was held at tho White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., ( Bro . J . Porter ' s ) . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., supported hy Bros . G . Chapman , S . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., as J . W . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., See . ; W . Andrews S . D . ; Batt , J . D . ; Percival , l . G . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; N . Wingfield , and a large number of
the brethren . Amongst a large number of visitors were , Bros . D . Rose , J . D . 73 ; R . Mills , 73 ; S . Vinten , J . W . 79 ; J . Barrett , 871 ; and others . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., in bis usual first-class impressive manner , raised Bro . J . toper . Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., initiated Mr . Daukes . Bro . C . G . Dilley Avas accepted as the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival to be held on Wednesday , January 30 th , 1867 , for the aged Freemasons and their widows . The lodge Avas then closed until Wednesday
, November 14 th . The nsual superior banquet followed , which was replete with every comfort . UNITED STBEN - LODGE ( So . 228 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting after the recess on Tuesday last the 9 th inst . at tho ancient Hostelrie of St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , a tavern celebrated not only for its traditionary associations and
recoltions , but also for the excellent catering of the worthy host , Bro . Wickens , its present energetic proprietor , whose attention , and zeal are AA-OU worthy the consideration of brethren anxious to secure comfort and excellent accommodation for lodges under their control . The brethren assembled in considerable numbers and included visitors from , among other distinguished lodges , eminent members of the Painnure ( No . 720 ) , Yarborough ( No . 554 ) , Sincerity ( No . 174 ) , Emulation ( No . 299 ) , Strong
Man ( No , 45 ) , and others . The ceremonies were ably performed by the Bro . Alfred Colston , W . M ., assisted by the P . M . ' s and officers , after Avhich the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided iu the usual excellent manner for Avhich this establishment is celebrated . " On the removal of the cloth , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " The Health of the Initiates , Brothers Debney , " Avas proposed by the W . M . and responded to in an appropriate manneron the conclusion of which that
, of "The Visitors" having been received ivith due honours , Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . of tbe Panmure Lodge in forcible terms expressed tbe gratification it afforded his brother visitors and himself in being present on the occasion , and gracefully acknowledged the hospitable manner Avith which they had been received . The health of the W . M . was then proposed and