Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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responded to . After which the W . M . rose , and , calling' attention to the next toast , being that of "The Past Master , " informed the brethren that a duty of a most pleasing nature devolved upon him , inasmuch ns it consisted in presenting one of their most respected and esteemed P . M . 's with a jewel , accompanied with a valuable diamond ring as a mark of their appreciation not only of his services in the lodgebut also for the many excellent qualities
, by Avhich he Avas distinguished in so eminent a degree , Avhich rendered him , apart from the regard entertained for him by the brethren of the United Strength , worthy their esteem as a true-hearted English gentleman . The W . M . trusted it would please the G . A . O . T . U . to grant him ( Bro . P . M . Bottrill ) very many years of health and -happiness to enjoy that esteem , and concluded by hoping that when the jewel sparkled on his breast it miht recall the kind feelings entertained for him b
g y the brethren of thafc lodge . The toast was drank Avith acclamation . Bro . P . M . Bottrill , in responding , expressed himself in the most feeling terms on the honour conferred upon him by the brethren . He was . unprepared for so much expression of their sentiments towards himself , and be felt incapable of thanking them adequately for the handsome presentation they had made . Circumstances prevented his being amongst them as often as he could wish , but to him it was ever a source of
pleasure to meet them and exchange expressions of good-will . After again thanking the brethren in the warmest terms for the honour conferred upon him , the worthy brother resumed his seat . "The Health of tbe Officers and the Avorthy Host " having been duly honoured , the " Tyler's Toast" brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren , upwards of forty in number , dispersed , after spending a most pleasant and agreeable evening .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN . —Zodge St . Aiibyn ( No . 954 ) . —A meeting of the St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., for the purpose of ballotting for two gentlemen , regularly proposed on the tongue of good report ; to settle the amount to be paid as fees of honour on appointment to office ; to Avork the first section of lectures ; and to transact other necessary business . The ballot being unanimous in favour
of the candidates , and the ' proposers having previously testified to the lodge , that the Craft would not have an addition in number but in quality , thafc the gentlemen proposed desired initiation , not for any idle or unworthy motive , but "for a favourable opinion pre-conceived of the institution , " they Avere introduced and received into Masonry by the W . M ., in such a manner as to make a deep and lasting impression on tbe candidates . The charge Avas delivered bBro . L . P . Metham
y , S . G . W . of the province , and the tools explained by Bro . Clemens , S . W . The ceremonies having been thus brought to a close , Bro . Bird , the W . M . read the scale of fees proposed to be paid by brethren on accession to office , Avhich ivas unanimously adopted . Reference was made to a meeting thafc had been convened and held bv tlie Masters and Past Masters of the
lodges meeting in Devonport , Plymouth , and Stonehouse , at Avhich meeting certain resolutions were agreed to , to which the W . M . called the attention of his brethren : they agreed that all lodges should close their proceedings at eleven o ' clock ; that ( referring to a recent letter emanating from the Grand Master ) they pledged themselves to use tho greatest caution in respect to candidates proposed for initiation , by making due enquiry ; that every lodge should send a copy of its circular to each
W . M ., in the above-named towns , so thafc each lodge may know the names of gentlemen seeking admission into our ranks , these and other similar matters tending to promote the best interests of Masonry , had also formed subjects on which resolutions had been passed , and which he ( the AV . M . ) had ' pledged to see carried oufc in his lodge , he therefore hoped the brethren Avould co-operate with him in tbe matter . The W . M . finding the time Avould not admit of the working of tlie sectionsclosedthe
, ^ lodge in solemn form , and begged the attendance of the visitors and brethren to the refreshment rooms , Avhere a very slight refreshment was served , the usual Masonic toasts were drank Avith loyal enthusiasm . Bro . L . P . Metham , Prov . S . G . W ., responded on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and took occasion to compliment the W . M . and brethren on the possession
of so noble a fabric as they had in Lodgo No . 954 ; it seemed to have inaugurated a new era in Masonry in these parts , and he himself felt proud , at his connection with the lodge , taking as he did a part in the application for the warrant , being the orator at its consecration , after which , P . member , and now to find it had established itself on so firm a basis , which he attributed to the judicious care of the executive , who must have devoted a vast amount of time and talent in bringing
the lodge to its present exalted position : before being seated , he begged permission to propose "The Health of Bro . V . Bird , the Worshipful Master , and prosperity to the St . Aubyn Lodge , " he eulogised Bro . Bird , iu tbe warmest terms , his acquaintance Avith him was of many years standing , and he ventured to say that the duties of the chair were no where carried oufc more efficiently than in the lodge in Avhich Bro . Bird presided . The toast was duly honoured , and Bro . Bird responded in appropriate terms . " The Health of the Candidates and Visitors , " brought a very happy and truly Masonic meeting to an end , — " happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PEOTIKCIAII GEAITD LODGE . The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday the 3 rd instant ,. in the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . The Grand Lodge was held in Preston last year , and although it was a successful demonstration in point of numbers , the gathering this year Avas infinitely greater . Next year the Grand Lodge
ivill meet at Lancaster . The business yesterday commenced at noon , and after the nsual Masonic business the Grand Lodge was received Avith every feeling of brotherly love and demonstration of affection , heightened by the fact thafc Lieutenant-Colonel Sir T . G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Avas the Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Horace S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , reported that tbe state of the lod in the province Avas highly satisfactoryvery many
ges , having received a considerable addition to their members . A warrant of constitution had been granted to tbe Walton Lodge , ( No . 1 , 086 ) Kirkdale , and the lodge was consecrated by Bro . Younghusband , Prov . G . J . D . In January last a similar warrant had also been granted to the Temple Lodge , Liverpool , ( S . 1 , 094 ) and the lodge was consecrated by Bro . Wylie , Prov . G . U . The brethren of tbe province , and specially those who assisted in the foundation of the Educational Institutehad to
, deplore the loss of Bro . Gambell , P . Prov . G . J . W . The time he devoted to the Avorking of the institution in the earlier years of its formation would be well remembered by those who had witnessed his exertions , and his constant urbanity and kindly courtesy to all his brethren Avould not be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of associating with him . Bro . Wylie moved , and Bro . Mawdesley seconded , that the
report be received and entered on the minutes , and that a letter of condolence be sent to tho relatives of the late Bro . Gambell . Bros . Shuttle worth , Beasly , White , . Marsh , Pickering , and Laidlow , were called and invested by the Right Worshipful Grand Master P . G . S . On the motion of Bro . Mawdesley , seconded by Bro . Thornton , it was decided that the Worshipful Masters of tbe
three senior lodges , in rotation , be the audit committee for the ensuing year . Bro . James Hamer , V . W . P . G ., treasurer , produced his account of the receipts and disbursements in account with the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Fund of Benevolence , and the fees payable to the West Lancashire Educational Institution , for the year ending October , 1865 . The balance from the previous year Avas £ 545 7 s . 9 d ., and for the year stated in the accounts
£ 637 14 s . lOd . The accounts were read . A court of Governors was then held in connection Avith the West Lancashire Educational Institution . The minutes of the last annual court and the several committee meetings having been read , two children of deceased Masons ivere elected on the . foundation , and the requisite amount voted for the education of the children already ou the foundation , for the ensuing year . BrosYounghusbandTreas . MottSecS . J . McGeorgeand
. , ; , ; , Goepel , medical advisers , Avere re-appointed , and thanks voted to the officers for the past year . Some other business , principally of a Masonic character , was transacted and the Grand Lodge broke up about half-past three . The lodge adjourned about twenty minutes to four , to partake of the banquet , which was held at the Adelphi Hotel .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
responded to . After which the W . M . rose , and , calling' attention to the next toast , being that of "The Past Master , " informed the brethren that a duty of a most pleasing nature devolved upon him , inasmuch ns it consisted in presenting one of their most respected and esteemed P . M . 's with a jewel , accompanied with a valuable diamond ring as a mark of their appreciation not only of his services in the lodgebut also for the many excellent qualities
, by Avhich he Avas distinguished in so eminent a degree , Avhich rendered him , apart from the regard entertained for him by the brethren of the United Strength , worthy their esteem as a true-hearted English gentleman . The W . M . trusted it would please the G . A . O . T . U . to grant him ( Bro . P . M . Bottrill ) very many years of health and -happiness to enjoy that esteem , and concluded by hoping that when the jewel sparkled on his breast it miht recall the kind feelings entertained for him b
g y the brethren of thafc lodge . The toast was drank Avith acclamation . Bro . P . M . Bottrill , in responding , expressed himself in the most feeling terms on the honour conferred upon him by the brethren . He was . unprepared for so much expression of their sentiments towards himself , and be felt incapable of thanking them adequately for the handsome presentation they had made . Circumstances prevented his being amongst them as often as he could wish , but to him it was ever a source of
pleasure to meet them and exchange expressions of good-will . After again thanking the brethren in the warmest terms for the honour conferred upon him , the worthy brother resumed his seat . "The Health of tbe Officers and the Avorthy Host " having been duly honoured , the " Tyler's Toast" brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren , upwards of forty in number , dispersed , after spending a most pleasant and agreeable evening .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN . —Zodge St . Aiibyn ( No . 954 ) . —A meeting of the St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., for the purpose of ballotting for two gentlemen , regularly proposed on the tongue of good report ; to settle the amount to be paid as fees of honour on appointment to office ; to Avork the first section of lectures ; and to transact other necessary business . The ballot being unanimous in favour
of the candidates , and the ' proposers having previously testified to the lodge , that the Craft would not have an addition in number but in quality , thafc the gentlemen proposed desired initiation , not for any idle or unworthy motive , but "for a favourable opinion pre-conceived of the institution , " they Avere introduced and received into Masonry by the W . M ., in such a manner as to make a deep and lasting impression on tbe candidates . The charge Avas delivered bBro . L . P . Metham
y , S . G . W . of the province , and the tools explained by Bro . Clemens , S . W . The ceremonies having been thus brought to a close , Bro . Bird , the W . M . read the scale of fees proposed to be paid by brethren on accession to office , Avhich ivas unanimously adopted . Reference was made to a meeting thafc had been convened and held bv tlie Masters and Past Masters of the
lodges meeting in Devonport , Plymouth , and Stonehouse , at Avhich meeting certain resolutions were agreed to , to which the W . M . called the attention of his brethren : they agreed that all lodges should close their proceedings at eleven o ' clock ; that ( referring to a recent letter emanating from the Grand Master ) they pledged themselves to use tho greatest caution in respect to candidates proposed for initiation , by making due enquiry ; that every lodge should send a copy of its circular to each
W . M ., in the above-named towns , so thafc each lodge may know the names of gentlemen seeking admission into our ranks , these and other similar matters tending to promote the best interests of Masonry , had also formed subjects on which resolutions had been passed , and which he ( the AV . M . ) had ' pledged to see carried oufc in his lodge , he therefore hoped the brethren Avould co-operate with him in tbe matter . The W . M . finding the time Avould not admit of the working of tlie sectionsclosedthe
, ^ lodge in solemn form , and begged the attendance of the visitors and brethren to the refreshment rooms , Avhere a very slight refreshment was served , the usual Masonic toasts were drank Avith loyal enthusiasm . Bro . L . P . Metham , Prov . S . G . W ., responded on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and took occasion to compliment the W . M . and brethren on the possession
of so noble a fabric as they had in Lodgo No . 954 ; it seemed to have inaugurated a new era in Masonry in these parts , and he himself felt proud , at his connection with the lodge , taking as he did a part in the application for the warrant , being the orator at its consecration , after which , P . member , and now to find it had established itself on so firm a basis , which he attributed to the judicious care of the executive , who must have devoted a vast amount of time and talent in bringing
the lodge to its present exalted position : before being seated , he begged permission to propose "The Health of Bro . V . Bird , the Worshipful Master , and prosperity to the St . Aubyn Lodge , " he eulogised Bro . Bird , iu tbe warmest terms , his acquaintance Avith him was of many years standing , and he ventured to say that the duties of the chair were no where carried oufc more efficiently than in the lodge in Avhich Bro . Bird presided . The toast was duly honoured , and Bro . Bird responded in appropriate terms . " The Health of the Candidates and Visitors , " brought a very happy and truly Masonic meeting to an end , — " happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PEOTIKCIAII GEAITD LODGE . The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday the 3 rd instant ,. in the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . The Grand Lodge was held in Preston last year , and although it was a successful demonstration in point of numbers , the gathering this year Avas infinitely greater . Next year the Grand Lodge
ivill meet at Lancaster . The business yesterday commenced at noon , and after the nsual Masonic business the Grand Lodge was received Avith every feeling of brotherly love and demonstration of affection , heightened by the fact thafc Lieutenant-Colonel Sir T . G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Avas the Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Horace S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , reported that tbe state of the lod in the province Avas highly satisfactoryvery many
ges , having received a considerable addition to their members . A warrant of constitution had been granted to tbe Walton Lodge , ( No . 1 , 086 ) Kirkdale , and the lodge was consecrated by Bro . Younghusband , Prov . G . J . D . In January last a similar warrant had also been granted to the Temple Lodge , Liverpool , ( S . 1 , 094 ) and the lodge was consecrated by Bro . Wylie , Prov . G . U . The brethren of tbe province , and specially those who assisted in the foundation of the Educational Institutehad to
, deplore the loss of Bro . Gambell , P . Prov . G . J . W . The time he devoted to the Avorking of the institution in the earlier years of its formation would be well remembered by those who had witnessed his exertions , and his constant urbanity and kindly courtesy to all his brethren Avould not be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of associating with him . Bro . Wylie moved , and Bro . Mawdesley seconded , that the
report be received and entered on the minutes , and that a letter of condolence be sent to tho relatives of the late Bro . Gambell . Bros . Shuttle worth , Beasly , White , . Marsh , Pickering , and Laidlow , were called and invested by the Right Worshipful Grand Master P . G . S . On the motion of Bro . Mawdesley , seconded by Bro . Thornton , it was decided that the Worshipful Masters of tbe
three senior lodges , in rotation , be the audit committee for the ensuing year . Bro . James Hamer , V . W . P . G ., treasurer , produced his account of the receipts and disbursements in account with the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Fund of Benevolence , and the fees payable to the West Lancashire Educational Institution , for the year ending October , 1865 . The balance from the previous year Avas £ 545 7 s . 9 d ., and for the year stated in the accounts
£ 637 14 s . lOd . The accounts were read . A court of Governors was then held in connection Avith the West Lancashire Educational Institution . The minutes of the last annual court and the several committee meetings having been read , two children of deceased Masons ivere elected on the . foundation , and the requisite amount voted for the education of the children already ou the foundation , for the ensuing year . BrosYounghusbandTreas . MottSecS . J . McGeorgeand
. , ; , ; , Goepel , medical advisers , Avere re-appointed , and thanks voted to the officers for the past year . Some other business , principally of a Masonic character , was transacted and the Grand Lodge broke up about half-past three . The lodge adjourned about twenty minutes to four , to partake of the banquet , which was held at the Adelphi Hotel .