Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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respected W . M . Bro . Leedham and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for Messrs . AV . Evans , J . Eaves , and J . Morrin , which proved unanimous , and they , together with Mr . John Selhiv , AVIIO had been previously balloted for , were duly admitted to light by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , the working rtools being neatly explained by Bro . J . Cook , the J . W ., as is ithe usual custom afc this lodge . Bros . E . Jones and Charles 'Cook having passed a very satisfactory examination , were
en-¦ trusted and retired for preparation . The lodge then opened in -the second degree , and they were duly passed , the working tools being beautifully illustrated by Bro . Baker , S . W . Having . resumed labour in the first degree , three new candidates were sproposed , and a sum of money voted to the widow of the late Bro . Brindle , an old and much respected Tyler in the province . . An adjournment was then made to tbe refreshment table , where the host Bro . James Woodsas usualdistinguished himself
, , , 'both as to quality of viands , and attention to comfort . The . cloth being removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ¦ g iven , Bro . Leedham , W . M ., took the opportunity of presenting to Bro . Gardiner , P . M ., a handsome gold jewel Avhich , contrary ¦ to custom , was purchased by voluntary contributions , several of the old members objecting to permit any of the funds being
devoted to that purpose , as they considered the value Avould be materially enhanced if the members had tbe opportunity of . privately testifying their opinion of his merits by subscribing ; a result amply A-erified by the spontaneous subscriptions offered . The W . M . in a feeling and eloquent speech , stated that Bro . ¦ Gardiner ' s excellencies Avere too well known for him to dilate upon them ; they must often have been observed by the brethren , and received their approbation . His heart was in the
cause , either in or oufc of office , and the jewel was but a poor acknowledgment of bis services . Bro . Gardiner in respnuling , referred to the past history of the lodge which , some years ago , ¦ was in a very depressed condition , but several brethren , among whom he would more especially mention their respected Worshipful Master , having zealously taken the matter in hand , a new era arose , and from that time the lodge bad steadily prosperedand lie might now saystood second to none in the
, , province , not so much as regarded numbers , but in reference to good work and good brotherly feeling . After a pleasant evening during Avhich the brethren fully proved themselves able to -sustain their name of Lodge of Harmony in both senses , they Eseparated at an early hour ivith " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
MONMOUTHSHIRE . SluraiAH LODGE ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of the lodge took place on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., a large number of brethren being present . Bro . Prance was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., Bro . Hellyer , W . M ., performing the ceremony in his usual admirable style . Tho ¦ musical part ivas very effectively rendered by Bro . Groves , Prov .
G . Organist- The lodge v * as then closed down to the first ¦ degree , Avhen the by-laws were read pursuant to the promise -. given by tbe W . M . on his installation . " A lodge of instruction for the Avinter season , was then formed under the sanction of tbe members of tbe lodge , and tbe W . M . gave bis license and authority for the same to be held in the lodge room , on the ¦ second Friday in every month . The first meeting to be held consented
on Friday , the 12 th inst . Bro . E . B . Evans , P . M ., to act as Dir . of Cers . ; Hellyer , W . M ., as Treas . ; _ and W . Williams , as Sec . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed afc an early hour .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance Zodge of Instruction ( No . 213 ) . — The school of instruction in connection with Lodge Perseverance , Avas opened for tbe winter season on Friday , the 12 th insfc ., at the house of Bro . P . Colsey , Exchange Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . J . Dunsford , W . M . There was a tolerably numerous muster of brethren , and it is hoped that the season effected
will not pass over without some practical good being through these meetings . To aspiring brethren nothing can be more useful than tbe practice which the working at each meeting supplies , aud to the officers especially . The school , as experience has proved , is of the greatest advantage . It is open to the admission of members connected with other lodges in the province , and already includes several brethren of the Cabbell , another of the Norwich lodges . NOBWICH . —Social Zodge ( No . 93 ) . —This lodge , which has
been closed during tho summer months , ivas re-opened ou Tuesday evening last , and the meeting Avas distinguished by an unusually large attendance of visitors . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Pitt , AV . M ., and at the conclusion of tbe Craft business the members adjourned to the supperroom , where an admirable repast was served up . The aiterproceedings were of an exceedingly pleasant character , and the enjoyment was enhanced by several excellent "The
songs . Health of Bro . Pitt , the Worshipful Master , " was proposed in complimentary terms by Bro . A . M . Morgan , Prov . G . S ., and Bro . Pitt , after responding , gave the toast " The Visitors , " to which Bro . Dunsford , tbe W . M . of Lodge Perseverance , and Bro . Chifctock , of Lodge Sincerity , responded .
SOUTH WALES ( WESTERN DIVISION . ) , A . V ,- £ U , Y $ T : \\* vm . —Aherystmth Zodge ( No . 1 , 072 ) . —The first meeting of the season was held at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , on Thursday evening the 4 th instant , present : Bros . J . D . Perrott , W . M . ; John Jones , S . W . ; G . T . Smith , J . W . ; Lord Vaughan , S . D . ; J . Pell , acting J . D . ; Gowan Clark , I . G . ; John Vaughan and I . W . Szlumper , Stewards ; Stanley J . Balcombe , ? Edmund M hanTomSStookelt . J . Jones
HonSec ; . Vaug , . . , , Lewis Ellis , Inglis Bei-von , It . de la Hoyde , Evan Rowland , William Williams , C . E . Williams , John Williams , James Paull , James Garland , John Boundy , John R . Jones , aud E . Jones . The lodge was also favoured with the presence of numerous visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . T . Naish , A . Monteith , and Jesse Baker , Charles Kelly , Tyler . The W . M . opened the lod in due formand with solemn after wliich he
ge , prayer , congratulated the brethren upon their again meeting together , and expressed the hope thafc the lodge would continue to work together in harmony for the good of the Craft . The W . M . then called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting held on the 7 th of June last , which Avere unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , aud BrosEM hanEJonesand James Paullbeing
. . . Vaug , . , , candidates to be raised , were examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , Avhen the three before named brethren wero severally admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . The lodge Avas resumed iu the first degree , when Bros . Bervon , and Boundy answered the usual questions , and retired to be prepared . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree , and
Bros . Bervon and Boundy were passed to the F . C . degree . One gentleman was proposed as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting , to be held on Thursday , the 8 th proximo . We have before this had the pleasure of drawing attention to the indefatigable working of the W . M . of this lodge , Bro . J . D . Perrott , of Brecon . This gentleman holds the post of W . M . in two lodges , Nos . 651 and 1072 , besides being Prov . G . Supt . of WorksHe has to travel over 200 miles at each meeting of
. No . 1072 , so our readers will see that he has no sinecure . His working on the 4 th called forth numerous expressions of commendation , and we hold our worthy brother up as an example of what a W . M . should be , and venture to express the hope that every future W . M . of No . 1072 will strive to emulate him .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUXT SIGN CUAETEB ( No . 22 ) . —This chapter held its regular convocation on Monday , October Stli , at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Comp . Asbwell , M . E . Z ., presided , and opened the chapter , assisted by Comps . Pratt , P . Z . as H . ; Heath , J . ; II . Muggeridge , P . Z ., S . E ., and a large number of installed principalswhich caused it to more like au
, appear installation night than an ordinary convocation of the chapter , which proved how popular and Avell liked this chapter really is amongst a large number of installed principals . The companions were then admitted . The minutes of the last convocation ivere read , and unanimously confirmed . A ballot Avas taken for a brother who sought to be advanced in this exalted degree of al Arch which Avas declared to be
unani-Eoy Freemasonry , mous in favour of his admission . The candidate being in attendance Avas iu a truly superior , impressive , and most able manner exalted into this supreme degree ., and the manner in which every officer rendered his work was worthy of highest commendation . It is but very feiv chapters that possess such au efficient staff of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
respected W . M . Bro . Leedham and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for Messrs . AV . Evans , J . Eaves , and J . Morrin , which proved unanimous , and they , together with Mr . John Selhiv , AVIIO had been previously balloted for , were duly admitted to light by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , the working rtools being neatly explained by Bro . J . Cook , the J . W ., as is ithe usual custom afc this lodge . Bros . E . Jones and Charles 'Cook having passed a very satisfactory examination , were
en-¦ trusted and retired for preparation . The lodge then opened in -the second degree , and they were duly passed , the working tools being beautifully illustrated by Bro . Baker , S . W . Having . resumed labour in the first degree , three new candidates were sproposed , and a sum of money voted to the widow of the late Bro . Brindle , an old and much respected Tyler in the province . . An adjournment was then made to tbe refreshment table , where the host Bro . James Woodsas usualdistinguished himself
, , , 'both as to quality of viands , and attention to comfort . The . cloth being removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ¦ g iven , Bro . Leedham , W . M ., took the opportunity of presenting to Bro . Gardiner , P . M ., a handsome gold jewel Avhich , contrary ¦ to custom , was purchased by voluntary contributions , several of the old members objecting to permit any of the funds being
devoted to that purpose , as they considered the value Avould be materially enhanced if the members had tbe opportunity of . privately testifying their opinion of his merits by subscribing ; a result amply A-erified by the spontaneous subscriptions offered . The W . M . in a feeling and eloquent speech , stated that Bro . ¦ Gardiner ' s excellencies Avere too well known for him to dilate upon them ; they must often have been observed by the brethren , and received their approbation . His heart was in the
cause , either in or oufc of office , and the jewel was but a poor acknowledgment of bis services . Bro . Gardiner in respnuling , referred to the past history of the lodge which , some years ago , ¦ was in a very depressed condition , but several brethren , among whom he would more especially mention their respected Worshipful Master , having zealously taken the matter in hand , a new era arose , and from that time the lodge bad steadily prosperedand lie might now saystood second to none in the
, , province , not so much as regarded numbers , but in reference to good work and good brotherly feeling . After a pleasant evening during Avhich the brethren fully proved themselves able to -sustain their name of Lodge of Harmony in both senses , they Eseparated at an early hour ivith " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
MONMOUTHSHIRE . SluraiAH LODGE ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of the lodge took place on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., a large number of brethren being present . Bro . Prance was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., Bro . Hellyer , W . M ., performing the ceremony in his usual admirable style . Tho ¦ musical part ivas very effectively rendered by Bro . Groves , Prov .
G . Organist- The lodge v * as then closed down to the first ¦ degree , Avhen the by-laws were read pursuant to the promise -. given by tbe W . M . on his installation . " A lodge of instruction for the Avinter season , was then formed under the sanction of tbe members of tbe lodge , and tbe W . M . gave bis license and authority for the same to be held in the lodge room , on the ¦ second Friday in every month . The first meeting to be held consented
on Friday , the 12 th inst . Bro . E . B . Evans , P . M ., to act as Dir . of Cers . ; Hellyer , W . M ., as Treas . ; _ and W . Williams , as Sec . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed afc an early hour .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance Zodge of Instruction ( No . 213 ) . — The school of instruction in connection with Lodge Perseverance , Avas opened for tbe winter season on Friday , the 12 th insfc ., at the house of Bro . P . Colsey , Exchange Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . J . Dunsford , W . M . There was a tolerably numerous muster of brethren , and it is hoped that the season effected
will not pass over without some practical good being through these meetings . To aspiring brethren nothing can be more useful than tbe practice which the working at each meeting supplies , aud to the officers especially . The school , as experience has proved , is of the greatest advantage . It is open to the admission of members connected with other lodges in the province , and already includes several brethren of the Cabbell , another of the Norwich lodges . NOBWICH . —Social Zodge ( No . 93 ) . —This lodge , which has
been closed during tho summer months , ivas re-opened ou Tuesday evening last , and the meeting Avas distinguished by an unusually large attendance of visitors . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Pitt , AV . M ., and at the conclusion of tbe Craft business the members adjourned to the supperroom , where an admirable repast was served up . The aiterproceedings were of an exceedingly pleasant character , and the enjoyment was enhanced by several excellent "The
songs . Health of Bro . Pitt , the Worshipful Master , " was proposed in complimentary terms by Bro . A . M . Morgan , Prov . G . S ., and Bro . Pitt , after responding , gave the toast " The Visitors , " to which Bro . Dunsford , tbe W . M . of Lodge Perseverance , and Bro . Chifctock , of Lodge Sincerity , responded .
SOUTH WALES ( WESTERN DIVISION . ) , A . V ,- £ U , Y $ T : \\* vm . —Aherystmth Zodge ( No . 1 , 072 ) . —The first meeting of the season was held at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , on Thursday evening the 4 th instant , present : Bros . J . D . Perrott , W . M . ; John Jones , S . W . ; G . T . Smith , J . W . ; Lord Vaughan , S . D . ; J . Pell , acting J . D . ; Gowan Clark , I . G . ; John Vaughan and I . W . Szlumper , Stewards ; Stanley J . Balcombe , ? Edmund M hanTomSStookelt . J . Jones
HonSec ; . Vaug , . . , , Lewis Ellis , Inglis Bei-von , It . de la Hoyde , Evan Rowland , William Williams , C . E . Williams , John Williams , James Paull , James Garland , John Boundy , John R . Jones , aud E . Jones . The lodge was also favoured with the presence of numerous visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . T . Naish , A . Monteith , and Jesse Baker , Charles Kelly , Tyler . The W . M . opened the lod in due formand with solemn after wliich he
ge , prayer , congratulated the brethren upon their again meeting together , and expressed the hope thafc the lodge would continue to work together in harmony for the good of the Craft . The W . M . then called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting held on the 7 th of June last , which Avere unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , aud BrosEM hanEJonesand James Paullbeing
. . . Vaug , . , , candidates to be raised , were examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , Avhen the three before named brethren wero severally admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . The lodge Avas resumed iu the first degree , when Bros . Bervon , and Boundy answered the usual questions , and retired to be prepared . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree , and
Bros . Bervon and Boundy were passed to the F . C . degree . One gentleman was proposed as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting , to be held on Thursday , the 8 th proximo . We have before this had the pleasure of drawing attention to the indefatigable working of the W . M . of this lodge , Bro . J . D . Perrott , of Brecon . This gentleman holds the post of W . M . in two lodges , Nos . 651 and 1072 , besides being Prov . G . Supt . of WorksHe has to travel over 200 miles at each meeting of
. No . 1072 , so our readers will see that he has no sinecure . His working on the 4 th called forth numerous expressions of commendation , and we hold our worthy brother up as an example of what a W . M . should be , and venture to express the hope that every future W . M . of No . 1072 will strive to emulate him .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUXT SIGN CUAETEB ( No . 22 ) . —This chapter held its regular convocation on Monday , October Stli , at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Comp . Asbwell , M . E . Z ., presided , and opened the chapter , assisted by Comps . Pratt , P . Z . as H . ; Heath , J . ; II . Muggeridge , P . Z ., S . E ., and a large number of installed principalswhich caused it to more like au
, appear installation night than an ordinary convocation of the chapter , which proved how popular and Avell liked this chapter really is amongst a large number of installed principals . The companions were then admitted . The minutes of the last convocation ivere read , and unanimously confirmed . A ballot Avas taken for a brother who sought to be advanced in this exalted degree of al Arch which Avas declared to be
unani-Eoy Freemasonry , mous in favour of his admission . The candidate being in attendance Avas iu a truly superior , impressive , and most able manner exalted into this supreme degree ., and the manner in which every officer rendered his work was worthy of highest commendation . It is but very feiv chapters that possess such au efficient staff of