Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
officers as what this chapter has selected to preside over them . Comp . H . Muggeridge , S . E . P . Z ., read that portion of warrant of the chapter , which approved and authorised this chapter , altering its number from 145 to 22 , as also its being attached to the Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) instead of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren ( No . 145 ) . A vote of thanks was given unanimously and ordered to be entered on the chapter minute book to the Lodge of Prudent Brethren for their fraternal kindness and
Masonic good friendship in fully sanctioning the chapter , withdrawing its allegiance from them and going under the Neptune Lodge , more especially to all those officers of that lodge , through whose instrumentality this change had been effected . Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., and a member and officer of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , in a good and happy speech , acknowledged the high compliment bestowed ou his lodge , and expressed his gratitude on behalf of all the members of that
lodge for this kind acknowledgment of their exertions on behalf of this chapter . -It was unanimously resolved to place the chapter donation to the charities on the list of Comp . Green , who was about to represent his lodge as their Steward in 1867 . The chapter was duly closed until Monday , November X 2 tb . Amongst a large number of visitors were : States , P . Z . ; J . Waters , P . Z . ; Clothier , and many others whose names Ave were unable to ascertain . A good banquet then followed . The usual loyal toasts were given and received .
CHESHIRE . CUESTEE . — Grosvenor Chapter ( No . 721 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in their elaborately decorated room at the Bass Hotel on Monday , the 8 th inst ., at six o'clock p . m . In tho unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Bro . Lord E , Grosvenor , i / . P ., and P . G . W . of England , Comp . J . P . Piatt , P . Z . Zion Chapter , represented him , and Avas supported by Comps . T . Piattas H . ; J . B . Hignetfcas J . W . BulleyPZWR
, , ; , .. ; . . Bainbridge , S . E . ; J . Gerrard , S . N . ; A . P . Watts , P . Soj . ; W . B . A . Bainbridge , as Soj . ; \ A . Brown , as Soj . ; Dr . Weaver , Dr . Sellers , J . G . Parry , W . Sandy , D . Gwynne , and E . Tasker . The S . E . read the minutes of the Convocation , Avhich ivere confirmed and duly signed . A ballot was then taken for the following M . M . 's—Bros . A . Williams , S . W , Elwood Tibbits , H . Allsop , Wm . Brisland , 721 ; and Jas . Hands , 254 , which
proving unanimous in their favour , they were examined as to their knowledge of the degrees through which they bad passed , and were solemnly exalted to the sublime degree of III . R . A . Mason . The skill displayed upon this occasion is seldom equalled , and has never been surpa-sed . The S . E . then proposed , and tho S . N . seconded , thafc Comp . W . Brisland be the Janitor of the chapter . This being carried , he was invested Avith bis jewel of officeafter which tho chapter was closed in
, solemn form , when the companions adjourned to refreshment , provided by Comp . E . Tasker regardless of cost . The Principals and P . Z . ' s present congratulated the chapter upon their success in so short a period , having exalted seventeen M . M . ' s , j this being the fourth convocation .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WABRISGTOS . —Chapter of " Ellas Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —An emergency convocation of this Chapter was holden at the chapter rooms , Sankey-street , afc 3 o ' clock iu the afternoon of Monday last , The chapter was opened in due form by Comp . H . B . White , M . E . Z . ; assisted by Comp . John Bowes , H . ; Capt . Mott , P . Z . ; J . H . Younghusband , M . E . Z . 32 ; Edward BusherH 129 after which other companions admitted
, . ; were , viz ., Comps . Joseph Maxficld , B . P . Coxon , Horatio Syrod , Rev . J- N . Porter and Alcock , Janitor . The ballot was then taken for the following candidates for exaltation duly proposed by note to the M . E . Z ., viz ., Bros . Greenall , W . M . 148 ; Robert Stevenson , J . AV . 148 ; James Shepherd , 148 ; W . Woods , 148 ; W . ff . Spring , 148 ; Joseph Robinson , 148 ; A . H . Beckett , 758 , and Robert Wright , in each case the ballot proved unanimously in favour and of the brethren
, seven being present , they were severall y introduced and solemnly exalted in a most exact and impressive manner by Comp . Capt . Mott , Comp , Younghusband acting as P . S . The mystic , symbolic , and historic lectures were given respectively by Comps . Mott , Younghusband , and Bowes . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the following officers were elected and duly invested by the M . E . Z ., viz ., Comps . Stevenson , x & S Scribe Maxfield
- ; yrod , E . ; , Scribe N . ; Bowes , Treas ., and Joseph Eobinson , Janitor . There being no further business Me Chapter was closed with the usual solemnities and the companions adjourned for tea at 6 o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SAMSOS ASD LIOS LODGE or MARK MASTERS ( NO . 86 ) . — This lodge met on AVednesda }' , October 3 rd , at tbe Grand Hall , Masonic Union , 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn . The lodge was opened by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , W . M ., assisted by Bros-H . Massey , ( J . O . 22 ) , as S . W . ; M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . ; F . _ Walters , P . M ., See . ; E . Boucey , I . G ., and others . The minutes of the held in Jul read and unanimousl
meeting y were y confirmed . Ballots were taken for Bros . Laing and Howard ,. Avhich were declared to be unanimously in favour of their admission . Bro . E . Howard being in attendance was introduced , and having proved himself properly qualified , withdrew . On his re-admission he was regularly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of a Mark Master Freemason . The Byelaws were then formed . Several candidates SA'ere proposed for
the next meeting . This being election night of officers , a ballofc Avas taken for tbe W . M . for the ensuing year , and declared tobe unanimously in favour of Bro . J . Stevens , S . W . ( P . M . 548 ) ,. and the ballot for the Treasurer was unanimous in favour of thepresent Treasurer , Bro . A . D . LoeAvenstark , W . M . ; Bro . B „ Bradly was unanimously re-elected Tyler by a show of hands . The Audit Committee was appointed , and agreed to meet on ThursdayDecember 27 fchat seven o ' clock mpunctuall
, , p .. y .. The lodge % vas then closed . The brethren partook of refreshment . The only visitor was Bro . H . Massey , J . O . 22 , Southwark Lodge . DEVONSHIRE . MORICE Tows . —Zodge St . Axthgn ( No . 64 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 24 th ult ., undertbe presidency of Bro . Spry , W . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., ivho ^ read a very satisfactory report of the proceedings of the past
year , showing a favourable balance in favour of the Treasurer ;; the report was received and adopted . A ballot was then taken for the elective officers of the next year , Avhich resulted in theunanimous election of Bros . Bird , G . M . O . as W . M . ; Chappie ; P . G . Dir . of Cers ., as Treas . ; and Eashbrook , Tyler . Themeeting for installation will be held on Monday , the 21 sfc inst .. No other business offering , the lodge Avas closed with prayer tothe Great Architect of the Universe .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
DEVONSHIRE . DEYONEORT . A chapter of Eose Croix de H .- . R .- . D . -. M , under the autliorityof the supreme council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , was held on Monday evening , the 1 st inst ., at the St Aubyn Chapter Rooms , Morice Town , Devonport , for the purpose of perfecting Bro . J . Bignell ( Quartermaster H . JT . 105 th Keg . ) , who being in attendance was introduced and passed through the
variousdegrees held under the Grand Lodge of Perfection . After which a council of the Princes of Jerusalem was--opened , and its secrets communicated in due form . On the conclusion of this ceremony a grand encampment of the Knights of the East and West was opened , when the candidate was duly entrusted with the secrets , & c , appertaining to this degree , and declared to be fully prepared to be admitted to the privileges of a Sov . P . of R >|< of H .-. E .-D / M which was
.. accordingly accomplished in a most impressive manner by the-M . W . S ., Bro . V . Bird , K . H . 30 ° . On the conclusion of this ceremony the M . W . S . intimated hisintention of appointing and investing bis officers , which heaccordingly did as follows : Ex . andP . P . S . Chappie , 18 ° High Prelate . „ W . J . Hughan , 18 ° 1 st General .
„ P . M . Williams , K . H . 30 ° 2 nd General . „ J . Brown , 18 ° Grand Marshal . „ J . Hawton 18 " Eaphael . „ P . B . Clemens , 18 ° Treasurer . W . J . J . Sprv , 18 ° Recorder . T . Heath , 18 ° Capt . of the Guard . „ J . H . Trounce , 18 ° Seneschal . M . Paull , 18 ° Herald .
„ J . Flanagan , 18 ° Standard Bearer . „ R , Brown . 18 ° SAVord Bearer . „ W . Foxwell , 18 ° Organist . „ J . Eashbrook , 18 ° .. Equerry .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
officers as what this chapter has selected to preside over them . Comp . H . Muggeridge , S . E . P . Z ., read that portion of warrant of the chapter , which approved and authorised this chapter , altering its number from 145 to 22 , as also its being attached to the Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) instead of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren ( No . 145 ) . A vote of thanks was given unanimously and ordered to be entered on the chapter minute book to the Lodge of Prudent Brethren for their fraternal kindness and
Masonic good friendship in fully sanctioning the chapter , withdrawing its allegiance from them and going under the Neptune Lodge , more especially to all those officers of that lodge , through whose instrumentality this change had been effected . Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., and a member and officer of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , in a good and happy speech , acknowledged the high compliment bestowed ou his lodge , and expressed his gratitude on behalf of all the members of that
lodge for this kind acknowledgment of their exertions on behalf of this chapter . -It was unanimously resolved to place the chapter donation to the charities on the list of Comp . Green , who was about to represent his lodge as their Steward in 1867 . The chapter was duly closed until Monday , November X 2 tb . Amongst a large number of visitors were : States , P . Z . ; J . Waters , P . Z . ; Clothier , and many others whose names Ave were unable to ascertain . A good banquet then followed . The usual loyal toasts were given and received .
CHESHIRE . CUESTEE . — Grosvenor Chapter ( No . 721 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in their elaborately decorated room at the Bass Hotel on Monday , the 8 th inst ., at six o'clock p . m . In tho unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Bro . Lord E , Grosvenor , i / . P ., and P . G . W . of England , Comp . J . P . Piatt , P . Z . Zion Chapter , represented him , and Avas supported by Comps . T . Piattas H . ; J . B . Hignetfcas J . W . BulleyPZWR
, , ; , .. ; . . Bainbridge , S . E . ; J . Gerrard , S . N . ; A . P . Watts , P . Soj . ; W . B . A . Bainbridge , as Soj . ; \ A . Brown , as Soj . ; Dr . Weaver , Dr . Sellers , J . G . Parry , W . Sandy , D . Gwynne , and E . Tasker . The S . E . read the minutes of the Convocation , Avhich ivere confirmed and duly signed . A ballot was then taken for the following M . M . 's—Bros . A . Williams , S . W , Elwood Tibbits , H . Allsop , Wm . Brisland , 721 ; and Jas . Hands , 254 , which
proving unanimous in their favour , they were examined as to their knowledge of the degrees through which they bad passed , and were solemnly exalted to the sublime degree of III . R . A . Mason . The skill displayed upon this occasion is seldom equalled , and has never been surpa-sed . The S . E . then proposed , and tho S . N . seconded , thafc Comp . W . Brisland be the Janitor of the chapter . This being carried , he was invested Avith bis jewel of officeafter which tho chapter was closed in
, solemn form , when the companions adjourned to refreshment , provided by Comp . E . Tasker regardless of cost . The Principals and P . Z . ' s present congratulated the chapter upon their success in so short a period , having exalted seventeen M . M . ' s , j this being the fourth convocation .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WABRISGTOS . —Chapter of " Ellas Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —An emergency convocation of this Chapter was holden at the chapter rooms , Sankey-street , afc 3 o ' clock iu the afternoon of Monday last , The chapter was opened in due form by Comp . H . B . White , M . E . Z . ; assisted by Comp . John Bowes , H . ; Capt . Mott , P . Z . ; J . H . Younghusband , M . E . Z . 32 ; Edward BusherH 129 after which other companions admitted
, . ; were , viz ., Comps . Joseph Maxficld , B . P . Coxon , Horatio Syrod , Rev . J- N . Porter and Alcock , Janitor . The ballot was then taken for the following candidates for exaltation duly proposed by note to the M . E . Z ., viz ., Bros . Greenall , W . M . 148 ; Robert Stevenson , J . AV . 148 ; James Shepherd , 148 ; W . Woods , 148 ; W . ff . Spring , 148 ; Joseph Robinson , 148 ; A . H . Beckett , 758 , and Robert Wright , in each case the ballot proved unanimously in favour and of the brethren
, seven being present , they were severall y introduced and solemnly exalted in a most exact and impressive manner by Comp . Capt . Mott , Comp , Younghusband acting as P . S . The mystic , symbolic , and historic lectures were given respectively by Comps . Mott , Younghusband , and Bowes . At the conclusion of the ceremonies the following officers were elected and duly invested by the M . E . Z ., viz ., Comps . Stevenson , x & S Scribe Maxfield
- ; yrod , E . ; , Scribe N . ; Bowes , Treas ., and Joseph Eobinson , Janitor . There being no further business Me Chapter was closed with the usual solemnities and the companions adjourned for tea at 6 o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SAMSOS ASD LIOS LODGE or MARK MASTERS ( NO . 86 ) . — This lodge met on AVednesda }' , October 3 rd , at tbe Grand Hall , Masonic Union , 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn . The lodge was opened by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , W . M ., assisted by Bros-H . Massey , ( J . O . 22 ) , as S . W . ; M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . ; F . _ Walters , P . M ., See . ; E . Boucey , I . G ., and others . The minutes of the held in Jul read and unanimousl
meeting y were y confirmed . Ballots were taken for Bros . Laing and Howard ,. Avhich were declared to be unanimously in favour of their admission . Bro . E . Howard being in attendance was introduced , and having proved himself properly qualified , withdrew . On his re-admission he was regularly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of a Mark Master Freemason . The Byelaws were then formed . Several candidates SA'ere proposed for
the next meeting . This being election night of officers , a ballofc Avas taken for tbe W . M . for the ensuing year , and declared tobe unanimously in favour of Bro . J . Stevens , S . W . ( P . M . 548 ) ,. and the ballot for the Treasurer was unanimous in favour of thepresent Treasurer , Bro . A . D . LoeAvenstark , W . M . ; Bro . B „ Bradly was unanimously re-elected Tyler by a show of hands . The Audit Committee was appointed , and agreed to meet on ThursdayDecember 27 fchat seven o ' clock mpunctuall
, , p .. y .. The lodge % vas then closed . The brethren partook of refreshment . The only visitor was Bro . H . Massey , J . O . 22 , Southwark Lodge . DEVONSHIRE . MORICE Tows . —Zodge St . Axthgn ( No . 64 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 24 th ult ., undertbe presidency of Bro . Spry , W . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., ivho ^ read a very satisfactory report of the proceedings of the past
year , showing a favourable balance in favour of the Treasurer ;; the report was received and adopted . A ballot was then taken for the elective officers of the next year , Avhich resulted in theunanimous election of Bros . Bird , G . M . O . as W . M . ; Chappie ; P . G . Dir . of Cers ., as Treas . ; and Eashbrook , Tyler . Themeeting for installation will be held on Monday , the 21 sfc inst .. No other business offering , the lodge Avas closed with prayer tothe Great Architect of the Universe .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
DEVONSHIRE . DEYONEORT . A chapter of Eose Croix de H .- . R .- . D . -. M , under the autliorityof the supreme council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , was held on Monday evening , the 1 st inst ., at the St Aubyn Chapter Rooms , Morice Town , Devonport , for the purpose of perfecting Bro . J . Bignell ( Quartermaster H . JT . 105 th Keg . ) , who being in attendance was introduced and passed through the
variousdegrees held under the Grand Lodge of Perfection . After which a council of the Princes of Jerusalem was--opened , and its secrets communicated in due form . On the conclusion of this ceremony a grand encampment of the Knights of the East and West was opened , when the candidate was duly entrusted with the secrets , & c , appertaining to this degree , and declared to be fully prepared to be admitted to the privileges of a Sov . P . of R >|< of H .-. E .-D / M which was
.. accordingly accomplished in a most impressive manner by the-M . W . S ., Bro . V . Bird , K . H . 30 ° . On the conclusion of this ceremony the M . W . S . intimated hisintention of appointing and investing bis officers , which heaccordingly did as follows : Ex . andP . P . S . Chappie , 18 ° High Prelate . „ W . J . Hughan , 18 ° 1 st General .
„ P . M . Williams , K . H . 30 ° 2 nd General . „ J . Brown , 18 ° Grand Marshal . „ J . Hawton 18 " Eaphael . „ P . B . Clemens , 18 ° Treasurer . W . J . J . Sprv , 18 ° Recorder . T . Heath , 18 ° Capt . of the Guard . „ J . H . Trounce , 18 ° Seneschal . M . Paull , 18 ° Herald .
„ J . Flanagan , 18 ° Standard Bearer . „ R , Brown . 18 ° SAVord Bearer . „ W . Foxwell , 18 ° Organist . „ J . Eashbrook , 18 ° .. Equerry .