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Lodge ( No . 783 ) E . G ., and of Vancouver ' s Lodge ( No . 421 ) S . C . was formally inaugurated and consecrated in ancient Masonic form . A special emergency lodge \ A as convened by the W . M . 783 . It met in the old lodge room at 12 . i 5 , and was fully attended hy the members of both lodges and by visiting brethren in good standing , the total number present amounting to about 120 .
The lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . R . Burnaby , P . M . 452 and 783 , P . J . W . 4 , and P . G . Dir . of Cers ., Surrey , officiated as W . M ., assisted by Bros . N . J . Newstadt , W . M . 421 , S . R . as S . W . ; Lumley Franklin , AV . M . 783 . E . R . as J . W . ; Dr . J . W . Powell , P . M . 421 , S . R . as P . M . ; Bro . W . Leigh , Sec . 783 as Sec ; T . Lowe , 421 , Treas . ; T . Somerville , 783 , Chap . ; J . Wright , 421 as S . D . ; E . H . Adams , 421 , JD . PlummerS . D 783 I . G . ; G . CrieghtonTler .
. ; , . , , y The minutes of the previous emergency meeting Avere read and confirmed . The W . AI . then directed the Secretary to read tbe warrant from the Grand Master , authorising the brethren of Victoria Lodge , No . 783 , to appear in public in regalia . Bro . Newstadt , acting S . AV ., in bis capacity of W . M . No . 421 , S . R ., authorised ( by permission of the W . M . ) the members
of bis lodge to do liuewise . The order of procession ivas read by the Secretary , after Avhich the W . M . addressed the lodge as follows . — " Brethren . —As we are now about to expose to the external Avorld who are not Masons , the ornaments , furniture , and jewels , which illustrate our ancient Order , and distinguish our respective ranks , it behoves us to remember that our demeanour Avhile doing so ought to correspond with tbe moral lessons we
are taught to draw from them in the lodge . " Unseemly levity or loose behaviour on our part viewed in connexion with those signs and symbols will naturally suggest feelings of ridicule for us and them , to the minds of those who are ignorant of their hidden significance . Whereas , by a dignified and upright carriage we can visibly reflect in our OAvn conduct the wisdom and beauty of our emblems . "Youbrethrenhave all of you hitherto evinced so
prac-, , tical a regard for the Craft , as to convince me that you will not now peril its good report before the unenlightened , fn going forth and returning , let us walk as good men and true Masons . 'Our bodies being the emblems of tbe uprightness of our minds , as our feet of tho rectitude of our actions . " The lodge Avas then called off , and a procession formed , Avhich proceeded to the church in the following order -.
—OEDEE OE PROCESSION . Bro . G . Creighton , Tyler , with drawn sword . Bros . T . G . Jlorris ami Samuel Harris , Stewards with rods . Entered Apprentices , two and two . Fellow Crafts , two and two . Master Masons , two and two . Visiting Brethren , from adjacent lodges , two and fcwo in order , the lowest iu rank first and Master Masons last .
Music—Volunteer Bund . Bro . Plummer , Inner Guard with drawn sword . Bro . Naylov , P . M ., carrying vessel with corn . Bro . Pearkes , P . M ., carrying vessel with wine . Bro . Southgate , P . M ., carrying vessel with oil . The Lodge ( Tracing Board , 1 st degree ) carried by liro . Thomas C . Nuttall . a Bro . LewisArchitect with Tools . 3
^ , . 2 Bro . Leigh , Secretary of tbe Day . = _ , 3 Bro . T . Lowe , Treasurer of i . be Day . £ - ST . . „ ,,,, ' " \ Bro . D . Cameron , fr , vr i s 2 Bro . J . G . McKay , / . „ .,, ' V Bro . Hesterman , a oV , T > c L carrying Bible , A 0 ,, -,-, „ „ ra CE ) Std . Bearer ot > 0 , n -s Std . Bearer of g ™ ' . i i \ Square and Com- ) , T „ „ = < - Victoria Lodge . ) l M _ ^ Vancouv . Lodge , jr - o Bro . Somerville , Chaplain of the day . rj 8
"Bro . F . C . J . W . Trahey , carrying Rough Ashler ; Bro . E . g . 3 B . Powell , carrying J . W . ' s Column . g . £ > Bro . J . G . Hunt , carrying J . W . ' s Light . § £ Bro . L . Franklin , Junior Warden with Plumb . o 3 Bro . E . E . Shain , carrying Perfect Ashler ; Bro . Moor- _ ° head , carrying S . W . ' s Column . n <» Bro . H . Nathan , carrying S . W . ' s Light . 2 g Bro . N . J . Neusfcadfc , Senior Warden with Level . o
W Bro . Waitt , Depute Master ; Bro . Keyser , Substitute g-AT'isfcci * Bro . J . W . Powell . P . M . of the Day . Bro . J . R . Stewart , carrying the constitutions of the Grand
Lodges of England and Scotland on a cushion . Bro . E . C . Holden , carrying E . W . M . ' s Light . Bro . Bobert Burnaby , W . M . ivith Square . Bro . John Wright , S . D . and Bro . Adams , J . D . with Wands . Bros . McCreight and Clark , Stewards Avith Rods . On arrival at tbe church , Divine Service Avas conducted by Bro . the Rev . Thomas Somerville , a very effective choir Avas iii
attendance , and several appropriate Hymns , including the 133 rd Psalm and the Prayer from " Mose in Egifcfco " were beautifully performed . The sermon taken from the text 14 Romans , v . 7 . " Noneof us liveth to himself , " amply sot forth the pecA \ liav duties of Masons to each other and to the world at large , and the identity of Masonic principles with true religion and morality
. Alter service the procession was reformed and the brethren proceeded to the new hall . The volunteer band playing the Entered Apprentice ' s Song as a march . The lodge was resumed and the usual formalities Avere duly observed in consecrating the hall . The following order of pro » cession passed round tbe lodge . OEBETV OS PROCESSION .
Directors of Ceremonies with Rods . Two Stewards with Rods . A . Past JIaster with W . M . ' s Light . Volume of Sacred Law , with Square and Compasses . Chaplain . Two Past Masters with S . and J . W . ' s Lights . Secretary aud Treasurer . Junior Warden with Corn .
Senior Warden with Wine . P . M . of the Day with Oil . AV . Master . Two Deacons .
to slow music . Appropriate anthems Avere sung , and a solemn invocation was delivered by the Rev . Chaplain , after which a Sanctus was chanted by the choir . The grand honours were duly given at the proper times . Tbe Chaplain delivered au oration to the lodge , which was so eloquent and excellent that by the unanimous request of both lodges it Avas ordered to be printed . The choir then then sang the 133 rd Psalm . - Tbe W . M .
addressed tbe brethren as follows : — " Urethral , —After the truly Masonic oration of our Rev . and worthy Chaplain , it would ill become me to attempt to inculcate further those sublime truths Avhich ib is his peculiaroffice to enforce . " But 1 mrust gWo utterance to the true gratification each one here must feel , who has travelled from the east even to thisfar viesfc , to look upon this stately hall—so fitly prepared—and
so well and worthily filled with brethren and fellows—to knew thafc ifc is now set apart for the due celebration of those rites so dear t ; o us all , and to see how , under our united efforts , the little sprig of acacia has thus far grown to goodly proportions . "It remains for the brethren of tbe two lodges ( under separate jurisdictions it is true but owe iu heart and action ) who will jointly occupy this hall , to take care that this vitality shall still increase with increasing years .
" The W . M . 's and officers , by punctual and correct discharge of their several duties , will be the active channels through ,-whom tbe Craft must derive life and animation—Avhile the brethren , by constant attendance and diligence in labour , must support the officers , and impart to the whole body that unity , harmony , aud vigour , Avithoufc which ifc n impossib . e we curt exist .
" But in a small community like ours ifc is in our relation each , to the other , that we must look for our main strength . " We must not use the facilities of the Craft for mercenary or selfish objects in the remotest degree , but regarding them as incentives to acts of charity , square dealing , and justice , we must strive to cement our society together as one compact mass . " But Avhat are we to say as to those brethren who
havingbeen once selected , squared , and fitted for their proper position in the building , have fallen away from the place assigned them . I mean those brethren who , wi th every facility for so doing wilfully abstain from joining a lodge and cut themselves off from active membership with the Craft . I can only liken them to those heaps of finished and often beautifully adorned stones which Ave sometimes see in the vicinity of a completed building ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge ( No . 783 ) E . G ., and of Vancouver ' s Lodge ( No . 421 ) S . C . was formally inaugurated and consecrated in ancient Masonic form . A special emergency lodge \ A as convened by the W . M . 783 . It met in the old lodge room at 12 . i 5 , and was fully attended hy the members of both lodges and by visiting brethren in good standing , the total number present amounting to about 120 .
The lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . R . Burnaby , P . M . 452 and 783 , P . J . W . 4 , and P . G . Dir . of Cers ., Surrey , officiated as W . M ., assisted by Bros . N . J . Newstadt , W . M . 421 , S . R . as S . W . ; Lumley Franklin , AV . M . 783 . E . R . as J . W . ; Dr . J . W . Powell , P . M . 421 , S . R . as P . M . ; Bro . W . Leigh , Sec . 783 as Sec ; T . Lowe , 421 , Treas . ; T . Somerville , 783 , Chap . ; J . Wright , 421 as S . D . ; E . H . Adams , 421 , JD . PlummerS . D 783 I . G . ; G . CrieghtonTler .
. ; , . , , y The minutes of the previous emergency meeting Avere read and confirmed . The W . AI . then directed the Secretary to read tbe warrant from the Grand Master , authorising the brethren of Victoria Lodge , No . 783 , to appear in public in regalia . Bro . Newstadt , acting S . AV ., in bis capacity of W . M . No . 421 , S . R ., authorised ( by permission of the W . M . ) the members
of bis lodge to do liuewise . The order of procession ivas read by the Secretary , after Avhich the W . M . addressed the lodge as follows . — " Brethren . —As we are now about to expose to the external Avorld who are not Masons , the ornaments , furniture , and jewels , which illustrate our ancient Order , and distinguish our respective ranks , it behoves us to remember that our demeanour Avhile doing so ought to correspond with tbe moral lessons we
are taught to draw from them in the lodge . " Unseemly levity or loose behaviour on our part viewed in connexion with those signs and symbols will naturally suggest feelings of ridicule for us and them , to the minds of those who are ignorant of their hidden significance . Whereas , by a dignified and upright carriage we can visibly reflect in our OAvn conduct the wisdom and beauty of our emblems . "Youbrethrenhave all of you hitherto evinced so
prac-, , tical a regard for the Craft , as to convince me that you will not now peril its good report before the unenlightened , fn going forth and returning , let us walk as good men and true Masons . 'Our bodies being the emblems of tbe uprightness of our minds , as our feet of tho rectitude of our actions . " The lodge Avas then called off , and a procession formed , Avhich proceeded to the church in the following order -.
—OEDEE OE PROCESSION . Bro . G . Creighton , Tyler , with drawn sword . Bros . T . G . Jlorris ami Samuel Harris , Stewards with rods . Entered Apprentices , two and two . Fellow Crafts , two and two . Master Masons , two and two . Visiting Brethren , from adjacent lodges , two and fcwo in order , the lowest iu rank first and Master Masons last .
Music—Volunteer Bund . Bro . Plummer , Inner Guard with drawn sword . Bro . Naylov , P . M ., carrying vessel with corn . Bro . Pearkes , P . M ., carrying vessel with wine . Bro . Southgate , P . M ., carrying vessel with oil . The Lodge ( Tracing Board , 1 st degree ) carried by liro . Thomas C . Nuttall . a Bro . LewisArchitect with Tools . 3
^ , . 2 Bro . Leigh , Secretary of tbe Day . = _ , 3 Bro . T . Lowe , Treasurer of i . be Day . £ - ST . . „ ,,,, ' " \ Bro . D . Cameron , fr , vr i s 2 Bro . J . G . McKay , / . „ .,, ' V Bro . Hesterman , a oV , T > c L carrying Bible , A 0 ,, -,-, „ „ ra CE ) Std . Bearer ot > 0 , n -s Std . Bearer of g ™ ' . i i \ Square and Com- ) , T „ „ = < - Victoria Lodge . ) l M _ ^ Vancouv . Lodge , jr - o Bro . Somerville , Chaplain of the day . rj 8
"Bro . F . C . J . W . Trahey , carrying Rough Ashler ; Bro . E . g . 3 B . Powell , carrying J . W . ' s Column . g . £ > Bro . J . G . Hunt , carrying J . W . ' s Light . § £ Bro . L . Franklin , Junior Warden with Plumb . o 3 Bro . E . E . Shain , carrying Perfect Ashler ; Bro . Moor- _ ° head , carrying S . W . ' s Column . n <» Bro . H . Nathan , carrying S . W . ' s Light . 2 g Bro . N . J . Neusfcadfc , Senior Warden with Level . o
W Bro . Waitt , Depute Master ; Bro . Keyser , Substitute g-AT'isfcci * Bro . J . W . Powell . P . M . of the Day . Bro . J . R . Stewart , carrying the constitutions of the Grand
Lodges of England and Scotland on a cushion . Bro . E . C . Holden , carrying E . W . M . ' s Light . Bro . Bobert Burnaby , W . M . ivith Square . Bro . John Wright , S . D . and Bro . Adams , J . D . with Wands . Bros . McCreight and Clark , Stewards Avith Rods . On arrival at tbe church , Divine Service Avas conducted by Bro . the Rev . Thomas Somerville , a very effective choir Avas iii
attendance , and several appropriate Hymns , including the 133 rd Psalm and the Prayer from " Mose in Egifcfco " were beautifully performed . The sermon taken from the text 14 Romans , v . 7 . " Noneof us liveth to himself , " amply sot forth the pecA \ liav duties of Masons to each other and to the world at large , and the identity of Masonic principles with true religion and morality
. Alter service the procession was reformed and the brethren proceeded to the new hall . The volunteer band playing the Entered Apprentice ' s Song as a march . The lodge was resumed and the usual formalities Avere duly observed in consecrating the hall . The following order of pro » cession passed round tbe lodge . OEBETV OS PROCESSION .
Directors of Ceremonies with Rods . Two Stewards with Rods . A . Past JIaster with W . M . ' s Light . Volume of Sacred Law , with Square and Compasses . Chaplain . Two Past Masters with S . and J . W . ' s Lights . Secretary aud Treasurer . Junior Warden with Corn .
Senior Warden with Wine . P . M . of the Day with Oil . AV . Master . Two Deacons .
to slow music . Appropriate anthems Avere sung , and a solemn invocation was delivered by the Rev . Chaplain , after which a Sanctus was chanted by the choir . The grand honours were duly given at the proper times . Tbe Chaplain delivered au oration to the lodge , which was so eloquent and excellent that by the unanimous request of both lodges it Avas ordered to be printed . The choir then then sang the 133 rd Psalm . - Tbe W . M .
addressed tbe brethren as follows : — " Urethral , —After the truly Masonic oration of our Rev . and worthy Chaplain , it would ill become me to attempt to inculcate further those sublime truths Avhich ib is his peculiaroffice to enforce . " But 1 mrust gWo utterance to the true gratification each one here must feel , who has travelled from the east even to thisfar viesfc , to look upon this stately hall—so fitly prepared—and
so well and worthily filled with brethren and fellows—to knew thafc ifc is now set apart for the due celebration of those rites so dear t ; o us all , and to see how , under our united efforts , the little sprig of acacia has thus far grown to goodly proportions . "It remains for the brethren of tbe two lodges ( under separate jurisdictions it is true but owe iu heart and action ) who will jointly occupy this hall , to take care that this vitality shall still increase with increasing years .
" The W . M . 's and officers , by punctual and correct discharge of their several duties , will be the active channels through ,-whom tbe Craft must derive life and animation—Avhile the brethren , by constant attendance and diligence in labour , must support the officers , and impart to the whole body that unity , harmony , aud vigour , Avithoufc which ifc n impossib . e we curt exist .
" But in a small community like ours ifc is in our relation each , to the other , that we must look for our main strength . " We must not use the facilities of the Craft for mercenary or selfish objects in the remotest degree , but regarding them as incentives to acts of charity , square dealing , and justice , we must strive to cement our society together as one compact mass . " But Avhat are we to say as to those brethren who
havingbeen once selected , squared , and fitted for their proper position in the building , have fallen away from the place assigned them . I mean those brethren who , wi th every facility for so doing wilfully abstain from joining a lodge and cut themselves off from active membership with the Craft . I can only liken them to those heaps of finished and often beautifully adorned stones which Ave sometimes see in the vicinity of a completed building ,