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and for which they Avere originally intended . Time and neg lect have injured their symmetry and disfigured their fair proportions . They now form an incongruous object—so near a noble structure—and yet if properly handled and applied they are still fit to occupy useful and even ornamental positions . " Let me , Avith all personal respect and good feeling , remind those brethren that they are violating the principles ofI believe
, , every Grand Lodge in the civilised world , and thafc so long as they are subscribing members of no lodge by their own neglect they are using the outward tokens and availing themselves of the privileges of the Order if not clandestinely , certainly in a manner that reflects on them as negligent and lax brethren . « - " We hail Avith true pleasure the presence to-day of all our
visiting brethren , and specially those from our Sister Colony of British Columbia , including their distinguished representative Bro . H . Holbrook , P . M . It will ever be our earnest wish to work with them in the Bond of Fraternal Love , and to assist their endeavours to prosper the Art throughout Her Majesty ' s dominions in tbe North Pacific . "In conclusion let me express the h'pe to one and all that
hand to hand , heart to heart ' , we may stand hy each other steadfast and true , and strive to realise here below iu outmeetings , so far as Ave feebly may , the light of the Grand Lodge above ; for in terse words of an ancient writer , ' certainly ifc is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in suavity , rest in Providence and turn upon the Poles of rruth . "'
The lodge was then closed to the first degree , and called off to refreshment , Avhere upwards of one hundred brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , under tbs presidency of the W . M . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the lodge was closed , and the brethren separated in order , peace , and harmony , proud of a day wliich gave the Craft a worthy local habitation in these Avild and distant lands . The following is a description of the new building-
—. A spacious entrance lobby , having to the right hand the preparation room for candidates , and to the left band the examination , and the committee room , and library . The lodge room is situated due east and west , and is in length , 63 ft . Gin . ; in width , 26 ft . 6 in . ; height of Avail , 13 ft . ; height of spring of arch , 2 ft . 6 in . Tbe ceiling is domed—a fine candelabrum in the centre lihts the hall—the ornaments are plain but in the best date
g , the proper emblems in gold , are placed over the three chairs . On the dais the seats are Masonic blue and red . This is probably as handsome a building , and as well furnished a lodge room as can be found on the Pacific coast . The architect is Bro . E . Lewis , S . W . No . 783 , to whom gseafc praise is due for bis skill and fidelity in the construction and completion of the building .
The Week.
THE COTJUT . —The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by the Marchionness of Ely and Lieufcenant-General the Hon . Charles Grey , drove to the Spittal of Glenshee , on tbe 1 st inst ., and rode on ponies over tbe hill to Kindregan , from whence the Eoyal party drove to Dunkeld . Her Majesty remains at Dunkeld on a visit to the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Princess Christian called on the Duke and Duchess
d'Aumale , on the 4 th inst ., who have arrived afc Abergeldie Castle . Princess Christian drove in the afternoon , attended by the Honourable Emily Cathcarfc . Princess Christian drove in the afternoon of the 5 th insfc ., accompanied by tbe Duchess d'Aumale . Prince Christian went oufc deer-stalking . Prince and Princess Christian and Princess Beatrice drove to Loch
Callater , on the 6 th inst . The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by the Marchioness of Ely , and General thr Hon . C . Grey , returned to Balmoral , on the 6 th inst . The Eoyal party drove from Dunkeld ou the 7 th inst ., to Loch Ordie , and rode across the hill to Orndrogan , from whence the Queen drove by Kirkmichael and the Spittle of Glenshee to Balmoral . During the Queen's stay at Dunkeld , which ivas of a strictly
private nature , her Majesty and the Eoyal Family made various excursions in the neighbourhood . The Queen , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise and Prince Arthur , accom . panied by the Marchioness of Ely aud Colonel Ponsonby , attended Divine service afc the parish church , Craithie , on the Sth insfc . The Rev . Dr . Robert Lee , one of her Majest y ' s chap ,
lains , officiated . Tbe Queen Avenfc out on the morning of the 9 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Beatrice , and attended by the Marchioness of Ely ; and drove in the afternoon , accompanied by Princess Christian . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in London for the week ending on Saturday tbe 6 th inst ., was more than 100
above what it ought , at the most , to have been ; but the excess is more than accounted for by the fact of 182 deaths from cholera and 69 from diarrhcea , 86 , or nearly half , of those dying from cholera being under twenty years of age . Cholera in Liverpool and Dublin is declining ; and iu the population of Manchester and Salford , amounting to nearly half a million
, only four deaths Avere reported last week . Thus , although there is in the last day or two a slight apparent increase in London of the cholera mortality , there is some reason to hope that afc least the great provincial cities Avill soon be clear of cholera , Avhether or no it hangs about London during the winter as the best medical authorities now believe it will . The births
during the Aveek , it will be seen , show an abnormal increase . The King of the Belgians has conferred upon the Lord Mayor a commandership in the Order of Leopold , as a mark of his Majesty ' s appreciation of the manner in Avhich he Avas entertained in the city on the occasion of bis recent visit to this country . The Belgian Minister attended at the Court of Common Council on tbe 4 fch insfc ., and banded the insignia of the Order to the Lord Mayor . The Capuchins have opened a
new church at Peckham . Tbe ceremony of consecration Avas performed by Dr . Manning , and mass celebrated by Dr . Grant . The particulars of the foundering of the Indian steamship Ultima in the Red Sea are , of a very distressing character . The vessel began to sink immediately after the shock of a collision with the Nada , the result being that nearly everybody
on . hoard AN as drosvned . The rapidity with which the vessel foundered is illustrated by tbe fact that the four engineers were all lost . Mayhew and Davies , the men Avho seem to have devoted themselves fco systematic perjury as a means of getting a living , were committed for trial from the Guildhall police court on the 4 th inst . Their perjury , it will be remembered ,
took the form of swearing they were other people , their object being to get unwilling jurors at the Central Criminal Court excused from attendance . -The three foreigners who are charged with forging Spanish bank notes Avere again brought up afc the Clerkenwell police court . The evidence tends fco tbe conclusion that the prisoners Avere preparing for extensive
operations Avhen their doings Avere discovered . They were further remanded . A singular suicide has been committed in the Minories by tbe wife of the captain of a Chinese trader . Her husband had been absent for eighteen months , and on his return he upraided her for her extravagance . She took refuge under a falsehood , pretending that she had deposited some of
the money in a Scotch bank . The fear of detection preyed on her mind , and she poisoned herself . The jury returned a verdict thafc she destroyed herself Avhile suffering from the effects of temporary insanity . A man named Braishier Avas brought up ab Bow-street Policecourt on the 5 th inst ., charged with perjury . He made an affidavit iu reference to a deed of assignment declaring it to be correct . Evidence Avas adduced to show that there were many
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and for which they Avere originally intended . Time and neg lect have injured their symmetry and disfigured their fair proportions . They now form an incongruous object—so near a noble structure—and yet if properly handled and applied they are still fit to occupy useful and even ornamental positions . " Let me , Avith all personal respect and good feeling , remind those brethren that they are violating the principles ofI believe
, , every Grand Lodge in the civilised world , and thafc so long as they are subscribing members of no lodge by their own neglect they are using the outward tokens and availing themselves of the privileges of the Order if not clandestinely , certainly in a manner that reflects on them as negligent and lax brethren . « - " We hail Avith true pleasure the presence to-day of all our
visiting brethren , and specially those from our Sister Colony of British Columbia , including their distinguished representative Bro . H . Holbrook , P . M . It will ever be our earnest wish to work with them in the Bond of Fraternal Love , and to assist their endeavours to prosper the Art throughout Her Majesty ' s dominions in tbe North Pacific . "In conclusion let me express the h'pe to one and all that
hand to hand , heart to heart ' , we may stand hy each other steadfast and true , and strive to realise here below iu outmeetings , so far as Ave feebly may , the light of the Grand Lodge above ; for in terse words of an ancient writer , ' certainly ifc is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in suavity , rest in Providence and turn upon the Poles of rruth . "'
The lodge was then closed to the first degree , and called off to refreshment , Avhere upwards of one hundred brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , under tbs presidency of the W . M . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the lodge was closed , and the brethren separated in order , peace , and harmony , proud of a day wliich gave the Craft a worthy local habitation in these Avild and distant lands . The following is a description of the new building-
—. A spacious entrance lobby , having to the right hand the preparation room for candidates , and to the left band the examination , and the committee room , and library . The lodge room is situated due east and west , and is in length , 63 ft . Gin . ; in width , 26 ft . 6 in . ; height of Avail , 13 ft . ; height of spring of arch , 2 ft . 6 in . Tbe ceiling is domed—a fine candelabrum in the centre lihts the hall—the ornaments are plain but in the best date
g , the proper emblems in gold , are placed over the three chairs . On the dais the seats are Masonic blue and red . This is probably as handsome a building , and as well furnished a lodge room as can be found on the Pacific coast . The architect is Bro . E . Lewis , S . W . No . 783 , to whom gseafc praise is due for bis skill and fidelity in the construction and completion of the building .
The Week.
THE COTJUT . —The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by the Marchionness of Ely and Lieufcenant-General the Hon . Charles Grey , drove to the Spittal of Glenshee , on tbe 1 st inst ., and rode on ponies over tbe hill to Kindregan , from whence the Eoyal party drove to Dunkeld . Her Majesty remains at Dunkeld on a visit to the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Princess Christian called on the Duke and Duchess
d'Aumale , on the 4 th inst ., who have arrived afc Abergeldie Castle . Princess Christian drove in the afternoon , attended by the Honourable Emily Cathcarfc . Princess Christian drove in the afternoon of the 5 th insfc ., accompanied by tbe Duchess d'Aumale . Prince Christian went oufc deer-stalking . Prince and Princess Christian and Princess Beatrice drove to Loch
Callater , on the 6 th inst . The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by the Marchioness of Ely , and General thr Hon . C . Grey , returned to Balmoral , on the 6 th inst . The Eoyal party drove from Dunkeld ou the 7 th inst ., to Loch Ordie , and rode across the hill to Orndrogan , from whence the Queen drove by Kirkmichael and the Spittle of Glenshee to Balmoral . During the Queen's stay at Dunkeld , which ivas of a strictly
private nature , her Majesty and the Eoyal Family made various excursions in the neighbourhood . The Queen , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise and Prince Arthur , accom . panied by the Marchioness of Ely aud Colonel Ponsonby , attended Divine service afc the parish church , Craithie , on the Sth insfc . The Rev . Dr . Robert Lee , one of her Majest y ' s chap ,
lains , officiated . Tbe Queen Avenfc out on the morning of the 9 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Beatrice , and attended by the Marchioness of Ely ; and drove in the afternoon , accompanied by Princess Christian . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in London for the week ending on Saturday tbe 6 th inst ., was more than 100
above what it ought , at the most , to have been ; but the excess is more than accounted for by the fact of 182 deaths from cholera and 69 from diarrhcea , 86 , or nearly half , of those dying from cholera being under twenty years of age . Cholera in Liverpool and Dublin is declining ; and iu the population of Manchester and Salford , amounting to nearly half a million
, only four deaths Avere reported last week . Thus , although there is in the last day or two a slight apparent increase in London of the cholera mortality , there is some reason to hope that afc least the great provincial cities Avill soon be clear of cholera , Avhether or no it hangs about London during the winter as the best medical authorities now believe it will . The births
during the Aveek , it will be seen , show an abnormal increase . The King of the Belgians has conferred upon the Lord Mayor a commandership in the Order of Leopold , as a mark of his Majesty ' s appreciation of the manner in Avhich he Avas entertained in the city on the occasion of bis recent visit to this country . The Belgian Minister attended at the Court of Common Council on tbe 4 fch insfc ., and banded the insignia of the Order to the Lord Mayor . The Capuchins have opened a
new church at Peckham . Tbe ceremony of consecration Avas performed by Dr . Manning , and mass celebrated by Dr . Grant . The particulars of the foundering of the Indian steamship Ultima in the Red Sea are , of a very distressing character . The vessel began to sink immediately after the shock of a collision with the Nada , the result being that nearly everybody
on . hoard AN as drosvned . The rapidity with which the vessel foundered is illustrated by tbe fact that the four engineers were all lost . Mayhew and Davies , the men Avho seem to have devoted themselves fco systematic perjury as a means of getting a living , were committed for trial from the Guildhall police court on the 4 th inst . Their perjury , it will be remembered ,
took the form of swearing they were other people , their object being to get unwilling jurors at the Central Criminal Court excused from attendance . -The three foreigners who are charged with forging Spanish bank notes Avere again brought up afc the Clerkenwell police court . The evidence tends fco tbe conclusion that the prisoners Avere preparing for extensive
operations Avhen their doings Avere discovered . They were further remanded . A singular suicide has been committed in the Minories by tbe wife of the captain of a Chinese trader . Her husband had been absent for eighteen months , and on his return he upraided her for her extravagance . She took refuge under a falsehood , pretending that she had deposited some of
the money in a Scotch bank . The fear of detection preyed on her mind , and she poisoned herself . The jury returned a verdict thafc she destroyed herself Avhile suffering from the effects of temporary insanity . A man named Braishier Avas brought up ab Bow-street Policecourt on the 5 th inst ., charged with perjury . He made an affidavit iu reference to a deed of assignment declaring it to be correct . Evidence Avas adduced to show that there were many