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The Masonic Mirror.
following brethren from Sheffield , viz .: Bros . Saiiby , AVhite , Alyers , Stuart , .-iiid Broonihcail . TheD . Pitov . GHAKD MASTJSU read letters of apology for non-attendance from the Earl of Alexborough , Prov . G . AL , who pleaded age and infirmity for his not , being present ; also from Bro . Dexell , G . Treas . ; and I nun Bi'o . Bcntle } - Shaw . The latter brother warmly recommended the brethren to carry the resolution intended to be moved on the subject of the Girls School .
The D . Pitov . GKASB AIASTEU informed the brethren of the presence in Prov . Grand Lodge of two brethren from London , viz .: —Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., of the Grand Lodge of England , aud Bro . Crew , the Secretary oi the Girls School . He called upon the brethren present to salute those two brethren with the usual Alasonic honours .
Some discussion took place on the subject of abolishing the fees of honour to be paid by the Chaplain , the Treasurer , and Secretary , but no alteration was decided upon . The next notice of motion was , "That the sum of one hundred . uineas bo voted from the funds of Prov . Grand Lodge to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children . " Bro . the Iter . A .. F . A . AVooDFOitn suggested that the Secretary of the Girls School should make a statement as to the position and ]
irospects of the establishment . Bro . PAlTJ' 2 f , having previously expressed the thanks of himself and brother for the kind reception they had mot with , 'Bro . Cnr . w addressed the brethren at consider , blc length . He entered into a history of the institution from its formation , scveuty-two years ago , by the Chevalier Ruspini , tn Ihe present time . And he ' dwolt upon the fact that two of the grandchildren of the founder hacl become inmates of the school . He . next proceeded to state what were tbe objects of the
school : the sort of persons admitted , and the manner iu which , they were educated and sent iorth to tho world . As regarded funds , he wished m . t to obtain them to the injury of any other charity : but ho knew that Alasons had hearts large enough to support them all ; and it ) uight bo said of thorn that they liked the boys , . but they loved the girls . He would recommend any one present to visit the school in London , and judge for themselves as to its excellence . They would be kindl
y and even hospitably entertained , and would receive the same faro as the children themselves . The girls were taught music and French , by competent masters ; but they were treated ou an equality , ancl were all required to work oven in the most humble occupations , such as cleaning the Hours , washing , & e . They were thus rendered lit for the kitchen , the house , or oven tho parlour or drawing room of any lady . Ho next went on to show fche great amount of funds raised in London over that from fche provinces , while , at the same time , the latter sent the . greater number of children . And ho concluded by an earnest appeal to the brethren to support the motion which was to be submitted by Bro . Gath .
Bro . FAMES next addressed the brethren , and enforced the arguments of Bro . Crew , by some additional observations in favour cf the Girls School . The D . Prov . G . AI . also made a few remarks , aud spoke of the excellence ofthe institution . He then called upon Bro . Gath to proceed with hin motion . Bro . G . vm , Prov . J . G . AA ' ., after a few suitable remarks , proposed that the sum of one hundred guineas be voted from the funds of the
Province of AA ' cst Yorkshire , for the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children . The motion was seconded by Bro . H . Smith , Prov . S . G . D . Bro . BATLEV proposed as an amendment that the matter be referred to the charity committee for further inquiry and consideration : and was seconded by Bro . Boscovitch . The Rev . A . F . AA'oom ? oim supported tbe resolutionwhich was still
, further supported in a most energetic maimer b y Bro . Dr . do AA'illis , Prov . G . Chaplain . After a long discussion the votes were taken , and the motion was carried by a large majority , amidst loud cheering . ' Some petitions for relief were presented aucl agreed to , and the business of Prov . Grand Lodge terminated . The brethren then adjourned to the Reindeerwhere a banquet had
, been prepared for them . The chair was taken by the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , at whose right hand was the AVAL of St . George ' s Lodge , Doncaster , ancl several whoso names are given above . The vice chair was occupied by Bro . Rigby , S . AV . After dinner the usual loyal and other toasts were proposed from the chair . After these the health of " The Earl of Zetland aucl the Grand Lodge of England" was givcu , ancl responded to by Patten
Bro . , G . S . B . Bro . Morris , AA ' . AI ., proposed the health of " Tho Earl of Alexborough . Prov . G . AL of AA'est A ' orkshire . " This was responded to by Dr . Feamley , D . Prov . G . AI . The health of the " Grand Chaplains" was proposed by Bro . AV . E . Smith , and acknowledged by Bros , de AVillis and Senior . Bro . Mason proposed tho health of "Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . AL . and tho officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' est Yorkshire . " whieh was responded to by Bro . Bailes , who had taken the chair the
on retirement of Dr . Fearnley . who , with several brethren , had left tbe room to go to their respective homes . Several other toasts wero proposed , and the brethren spent a pleasant evening ; those from a distance appearing to be well satisfied with the reception they had met with from their Doncaster brethren .
CRAFT AIASONRY . [ From our Special Correspondents . ] POOS . MI . —Lodyc St : Andrew ' s in the East ( No . 3 J 3 , S . C ) . —Tho usual fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Monday , November 2 Sth , present : — Bros . Hunt , AA' . AI . ; Shenen , D . AL . ; Dracup , S . AI . ; The Hon . E . R . Bourkc , S . AA' . ; Collins , J . AA ' . ; Summers , Sec . and 'Treas . ; Clabby , S . D . ; Alalone , J . D . ; Alimday , T . G . ; Randall , Tyler ; Gould , Afouutain , Brett , Donohoe , Stewart , Raikov , King ,
Cunningham , Alounet , O'Brien , AVillis , ancl Bannister . The usual preliminary business being satisfactorily disposed of , a ballot was taken for Bro . Bannister , of Lodge Victoria , Belgaum , No . 363 , ou the registry of Scotland , as a joining member : aud for Paymaster S' malcs , 6 th Inniskilling Dragoons ; and Lieut . Swiny , Bombay Engineers , as candidate -: for initiation , which , proving unanimous in its acceptation , the ceremony of initiation was performed by tbe AA ' orshipful Alaster . The Lodge was afterwards opened in the third degree , when Bros . Aloiuicfc and O'Brien ,
having previously passed creditable examinations in matters connected with their former grades , were raised by the Substitute Alaster , Bro . Dracup , to the sublime degree of Al . AI . On the Lodge being lowered to the first degree for the despatch of general business , a proposition made at its lust meeting was taken into consideration , being to the effect , that upon the 27 th clay of the ensuing month , a banquet should be given , to celebrate , with all possible honour , the feast of St . John the Evangelist ; tbe banquet to be a general one , and open to all Alasons at the station . The question hinged upon the superior attractions of a ball or banquet ; and though at a place where the thermometer stands fabulously high , there were not wanting brethren to expatiate eloquently
upon the advisability of devoting the evening of tho 2 ith to saltatory pursuits ; whilst others , including some Past Alasters , whoso fondness for pirouetting upon the light fantastic toe had long since departed , deprecated such an arrangement , advocating strongly a meeting , where " the feast of reason and the flow of soul " should be exclusively enjoyed by members of the Order , as tending iu a more Alasonic manner to the spread of sociability and increase of kindly feeling . After much discussion , it was agreed that a banquet should take place , and the following
brethren , representatives of various Lodges at the station , were requested to act as the committee of management : —Bros . J . 'Hunt , AA ' . M ., SI . Andrew ' s in the East ( No . 313 , S . C . ); R . F . Gould , AV . AI ., Meridian Lodge ( No . 1 , 0-15 , E . G . ); ancl the Hon . E . R . Bourkc , S . AA' ., Lodge Orion in the AA'cst- ( No . 59 S , E . C . ) Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and no other business offering , the Lodge was closed in due form ancl with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts met with due honour . The
health ofthe initiates was acknowledged by Bro . Swiny , who expressed high gratification at his reception into Alasonry ; aucl that of the newly raised by Bro . Mounet , who at somo length described the different degrees of admiration with which his various grades hacl inspired him , admitting that the climax of his satisfaction was now fairly attained . The proceedings were much enlivened by some excellent songs , of which Bros . Boitrko , Alalone , Cunningham , and Bannister were chief contributors—tho latter of whom gave the '" ' Entered Apprentice" with great
musical correctness . The toast of " All poor ancl distressed Masons , " & c , was the signal for dispersion , and the brethren separated after a pleasing reunion , throughout which the utmost harmony and good fellowship prevailed .
ROYAL ARCH . BOJIBAV . —Chap / a- Perseverance ( No . 71 . of Scotland ) . —The annual meeting of this Chapter was held at the Alasonic Hall , Bombay , on the 23 rcl of September , 1 S 59 . AI . E . Companions AA ' . H . S . Crawford , Z . ; J . Jamieson , H . ; and C . Denton , J . ; E . Companions J . G . Lawrence , Scribe E .: J . Hodgart , Scribe N . ; A . Joi'dan , Treas-. ; J . H . Irvine , First Soj . ; T . Carpenter , Second Soj . ; AA ' . J . Kenderdine , Third Soj .: and 11 .
Hazells , Janitor , and other Companions being present , the business of the evening was most ably conducted by the AI . E . Z ., a most highlv aceomplished Alason . After the ordinary work had been performed , ALE . Comp . G . S . Judge , the Grancl Superintendent of Royal Arch Alasonry in AYestern India , and the Prov . Grancl Principal Z ., who had previously been received by tbe Chapter with all the honours , was presented by the AI . E . Z ., after au eloquent speech , with a very handsome , and valuable jewelwhich hacl been previously unanimously voted to
, him by the Chapter as au acknowledgment on their part of liis zeal for Alasonry , and the able manner in which he had ruled over this province and especially over this Chapter during tho two years he hacl presided over ifc . The Grand Superintendent then rose to return thanks , and said— "AI . E . Principals and Companions , I feel so deeply the vorv ilatteriiig and generous manner in which you have acknowledged the little I have been able to do for this Chapter and the Craft in this provincethat I fear my flattering speech will render me unable to
, express my gratitude in words suitable to the occasion . This glittering emblem of our Order , a reward so far beyond my deserts , which you . out of the fulness of your generous hearts have been pleased to bestow on me , I shall always proudly wear at every Alasonic meeting ; and whenever I put it on I shall be reminded of the kind support and brotherly affection I have ever experienced at your hands , ancl shall
think not of my worth , but of yours . Companions , 1 came amongst
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
following brethren from Sheffield , viz .: Bros . Saiiby , AVhite , Alyers , Stuart , .-iiid Broonihcail . TheD . Pitov . GHAKD MASTJSU read letters of apology for non-attendance from the Earl of Alexborough , Prov . G . AL , who pleaded age and infirmity for his not , being present ; also from Bro . Dexell , G . Treas . ; and I nun Bi'o . Bcntle } - Shaw . The latter brother warmly recommended the brethren to carry the resolution intended to be moved on the subject of the Girls School .
The D . Pitov . GKASB AIASTEU informed the brethren of the presence in Prov . Grand Lodge of two brethren from London , viz .: —Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., of the Grand Lodge of England , aud Bro . Crew , the Secretary oi the Girls School . He called upon the brethren present to salute those two brethren with the usual Alasonic honours .
Some discussion took place on the subject of abolishing the fees of honour to be paid by the Chaplain , the Treasurer , and Secretary , but no alteration was decided upon . The next notice of motion was , "That the sum of one hundred . uineas bo voted from the funds of Prov . Grand Lodge to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children . " Bro . the Iter . A .. F . A . AVooDFOitn suggested that the Secretary of the Girls School should make a statement as to the position and ]
irospects of the establishment . Bro . PAlTJ' 2 f , having previously expressed the thanks of himself and brother for the kind reception they had mot with , 'Bro . Cnr . w addressed the brethren at consider , blc length . He entered into a history of the institution from its formation , scveuty-two years ago , by the Chevalier Ruspini , tn Ihe present time . And he ' dwolt upon the fact that two of the grandchildren of the founder hacl become inmates of the school . He . next proceeded to state what were tbe objects of the
school : the sort of persons admitted , and the manner iu which , they were educated and sent iorth to tho world . As regarded funds , he wished m . t to obtain them to the injury of any other charity : but ho knew that Alasons had hearts large enough to support them all ; and it ) uight bo said of thorn that they liked the boys , . but they loved the girls . He would recommend any one present to visit the school in London , and judge for themselves as to its excellence . They would be kindl
y and even hospitably entertained , and would receive the same faro as the children themselves . The girls were taught music and French , by competent masters ; but they were treated ou an equality , ancl were all required to work oven in the most humble occupations , such as cleaning the Hours , washing , & e . They were thus rendered lit for the kitchen , the house , or oven tho parlour or drawing room of any lady . Ho next went on to show fche great amount of funds raised in London over that from fche provinces , while , at the same time , the latter sent the . greater number of children . And ho concluded by an earnest appeal to the brethren to support the motion which was to be submitted by Bro . Gath .
Bro . FAMES next addressed the brethren , and enforced the arguments of Bro . Crew , by some additional observations in favour cf the Girls School . The D . Prov . G . AI . also made a few remarks , aud spoke of the excellence ofthe institution . He then called upon Bro . Gath to proceed with hin motion . Bro . G . vm , Prov . J . G . AA ' ., after a few suitable remarks , proposed that the sum of one hundred guineas be voted from the funds of the
Province of AA ' cst Yorkshire , for the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children . The motion was seconded by Bro . H . Smith , Prov . S . G . D . Bro . BATLEV proposed as an amendment that the matter be referred to the charity committee for further inquiry and consideration : and was seconded by Bro . Boscovitch . The Rev . A . F . AA'oom ? oim supported tbe resolutionwhich was still
, further supported in a most energetic maimer b y Bro . Dr . do AA'illis , Prov . G . Chaplain . After a long discussion the votes were taken , and the motion was carried by a large majority , amidst loud cheering . ' Some petitions for relief were presented aucl agreed to , and the business of Prov . Grand Lodge terminated . The brethren then adjourned to the Reindeerwhere a banquet had
, been prepared for them . The chair was taken by the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , at whose right hand was the AVAL of St . George ' s Lodge , Doncaster , ancl several whoso names are given above . The vice chair was occupied by Bro . Rigby , S . AV . After dinner the usual loyal and other toasts were proposed from the chair . After these the health of " The Earl of Zetland aucl the Grand Lodge of England" was givcu , ancl responded to by Patten
Bro . , G . S . B . Bro . Morris , AA ' . AI ., proposed the health of " Tho Earl of Alexborough . Prov . G . AL of AA'est A ' orkshire . " This was responded to by Dr . Feamley , D . Prov . G . AI . The health of the " Grand Chaplains" was proposed by Bro . AV . E . Smith , and acknowledged by Bros , de AVillis and Senior . Bro . Mason proposed tho health of "Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . AL . and tho officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' est Yorkshire . " whieh was responded to by Bro . Bailes , who had taken the chair the
on retirement of Dr . Fearnley . who , with several brethren , had left tbe room to go to their respective homes . Several other toasts wero proposed , and the brethren spent a pleasant evening ; those from a distance appearing to be well satisfied with the reception they had met with from their Doncaster brethren .
CRAFT AIASONRY . [ From our Special Correspondents . ] POOS . MI . —Lodyc St : Andrew ' s in the East ( No . 3 J 3 , S . C ) . —Tho usual fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Monday , November 2 Sth , present : — Bros . Hunt , AA' . AI . ; Shenen , D . AL . ; Dracup , S . AI . ; The Hon . E . R . Bourkc , S . AA' . ; Collins , J . AA ' . ; Summers , Sec . and 'Treas . ; Clabby , S . D . ; Alalone , J . D . ; Alimday , T . G . ; Randall , Tyler ; Gould , Afouutain , Brett , Donohoe , Stewart , Raikov , King ,
Cunningham , Alounet , O'Brien , AVillis , ancl Bannister . The usual preliminary business being satisfactorily disposed of , a ballot was taken for Bro . Bannister , of Lodge Victoria , Belgaum , No . 363 , ou the registry of Scotland , as a joining member : aud for Paymaster S' malcs , 6 th Inniskilling Dragoons ; and Lieut . Swiny , Bombay Engineers , as candidate -: for initiation , which , proving unanimous in its acceptation , the ceremony of initiation was performed by tbe AA ' orshipful Alaster . The Lodge was afterwards opened in the third degree , when Bros . Aloiuicfc and O'Brien ,
having previously passed creditable examinations in matters connected with their former grades , were raised by the Substitute Alaster , Bro . Dracup , to the sublime degree of Al . AI . On the Lodge being lowered to the first degree for the despatch of general business , a proposition made at its lust meeting was taken into consideration , being to the effect , that upon the 27 th clay of the ensuing month , a banquet should be given , to celebrate , with all possible honour , the feast of St . John the Evangelist ; tbe banquet to be a general one , and open to all Alasons at the station . The question hinged upon the superior attractions of a ball or banquet ; and though at a place where the thermometer stands fabulously high , there were not wanting brethren to expatiate eloquently
upon the advisability of devoting the evening of tho 2 ith to saltatory pursuits ; whilst others , including some Past Alasters , whoso fondness for pirouetting upon the light fantastic toe had long since departed , deprecated such an arrangement , advocating strongly a meeting , where " the feast of reason and the flow of soul " should be exclusively enjoyed by members of the Order , as tending iu a more Alasonic manner to the spread of sociability and increase of kindly feeling . After much discussion , it was agreed that a banquet should take place , and the following
brethren , representatives of various Lodges at the station , were requested to act as the committee of management : —Bros . J . 'Hunt , AA ' . M ., SI . Andrew ' s in the East ( No . 313 , S . C . ); R . F . Gould , AV . AI ., Meridian Lodge ( No . 1 , 0-15 , E . G . ); ancl the Hon . E . R . Bourkc , S . AA' ., Lodge Orion in the AA'cst- ( No . 59 S , E . C . ) Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and no other business offering , the Lodge was closed in due form ancl with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts met with due honour . The
health ofthe initiates was acknowledged by Bro . Swiny , who expressed high gratification at his reception into Alasonry ; aucl that of the newly raised by Bro . Mounet , who at somo length described the different degrees of admiration with which his various grades hacl inspired him , admitting that the climax of his satisfaction was now fairly attained . The proceedings were much enlivened by some excellent songs , of which Bros . Boitrko , Alalone , Cunningham , and Bannister were chief contributors—tho latter of whom gave the '" ' Entered Apprentice" with great
musical correctness . The toast of " All poor ancl distressed Masons , " & c , was the signal for dispersion , and the brethren separated after a pleasing reunion , throughout which the utmost harmony and good fellowship prevailed .
ROYAL ARCH . BOJIBAV . —Chap / a- Perseverance ( No . 71 . of Scotland ) . —The annual meeting of this Chapter was held at the Alasonic Hall , Bombay , on the 23 rcl of September , 1 S 59 . AI . E . Companions AA ' . H . S . Crawford , Z . ; J . Jamieson , H . ; and C . Denton , J . ; E . Companions J . G . Lawrence , Scribe E .: J . Hodgart , Scribe N . ; A . Joi'dan , Treas-. ; J . H . Irvine , First Soj . ; T . Carpenter , Second Soj . ; AA ' . J . Kenderdine , Third Soj .: and 11 .
Hazells , Janitor , and other Companions being present , the business of the evening was most ably conducted by the AI . E . Z ., a most highlv aceomplished Alason . After the ordinary work had been performed , ALE . Comp . G . S . Judge , the Grancl Superintendent of Royal Arch Alasonry in AYestern India , and the Prov . Grancl Principal Z ., who had previously been received by tbe Chapter with all the honours , was presented by the AI . E . Z ., after au eloquent speech , with a very handsome , and valuable jewelwhich hacl been previously unanimously voted to
, him by the Chapter as au acknowledgment on their part of liis zeal for Alasonry , and the able manner in which he had ruled over this province and especially over this Chapter during tho two years he hacl presided over ifc . The Grand Superintendent then rose to return thanks , and said— "AI . E . Principals and Companions , I feel so deeply the vorv ilatteriiig and generous manner in which you have acknowledged the little I have been able to do for this Chapter and the Craft in this provincethat I fear my flattering speech will render me unable to
, express my gratitude in words suitable to the occasion . This glittering emblem of our Order , a reward so far beyond my deserts , which you . out of the fulness of your generous hearts have been pleased to bestow on me , I shall always proudly wear at every Alasonic meeting ; and whenever I put it on I shall be reminded of the kind support and brotherly affection I have ever experienced at your hands , ancl shall
think not of my worth , but of yours . Companions , 1 came amongst