Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
siness of the evening being concluded , the Encampment was closed in due and ancient form , and the Knights Companions adjourned to refreshment , when the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Grancl Master , " "The Deputy Grancl Alaster , " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " and "Tho Grand Officers" were given in rapid succession . Tbe health of " Sir Knight It F . Gould , the Deputy Provincial Grand Commander , ' * was next proposed by tho Em . Com ., and drunk with tho enthusiasm bis
accurate and excellent mode of working , and his many good qualities having gained the admiration and esteem of tho Knights Companions . The health of the " newly installed Knights Companions" was acknowledged iu a very feeling maimer , and in terms highly eulogistic of the Order into which they had been recently received . The Knights passed a very agreeable evening , and separated at an early hour , greatly pleased with the working and arrangements of the "Mount JZion " Encampment , tho first Encampment of Alasonic Knights Templar over
opened in AA ' estern India . An application for a now Encampment , to bo called "The Ascalon" Encampment , and to be held at Poonah , was lodged with tho Provincial Grand Com . for transmission to the Grand Alaster . Tho Knights of tho Bombay Presidency have lost no time in increasing the number of thoir Encampments , a warrant for a second having been applied for , before that of the first has been twice worked under . Tho Provincial Grand Commander V . E . Sir Knight G . S . Judge alsoat the request ofthe Sir Knihtsimmediatelgranted a
dispensa-, g , y tion to Sir Knight R . F . Gould , as the first Em . Com . ; Sir Knight J . K . Mountain , as the first 1 st Cap . ; Sir Knight J . Hunt , as the first 2 nd Capt . ; and the other Sir Knights present to hold " The Ascalon " Encampment , aud to install candidates , pending an answer to the petition to the Alosfc Eminent Grand Alaster of England and AVales , for a patent or charter to hold their Encampment in Poonah .
The Week.
TUB COUET . —Lord Cowley has taken leave ot the Queen , and returned to Paris on Monday ; it is said that his mission to establish an arrangement between the French and English cabinets , as to a settlement of Italian affairs , bas boon successful . Her Majesty and her children are all in good health , and ride ancl walk daily in the delightful neighbourhood of AVindsor castle . The Prince Consort and his sons shoot and hunt daily . The Queen bas entertained a great deal of company this week—among the visitors have been tho royal Duchesses
of Kent and Cambridge , the Prussian Prince Ilohenzollem , Lord and Lady AVodehouse , the Marquis of AVestniinster , Earl Stanhope , Viscount Palmerston , Lord AVaterpark , Gen . Peel , and their wives . On AVednesday , the third dramatic performance took place at AVindsor Castle before her Alajesty , the Prince Consort , ancl the several members of the royal family there assembled . A select company was also present , who hacl the honour of being invited . The play selected for the occasion was Sheridan Knowles ' s Hunchback .
GENEJUX HOIIE NEWS . —On Friday , a cabinet council was held at tbe official residence of Lord Palmerston , in Downing-street , which was attended by all the ministers . There was a decrease in the number of deaths in the metropolis last week , which tbe Registrar General attributes to the warmer state of the air . In the last week of 185 !) the deaths amounted to 1677 , and in the first week of the new year were only 1281 , being 91 below the estimated average . The number of births was 2008 . Tbe last obsequies havo been performed
over the body of Thomas Babington Alacaulay . On Monday , according to pro-arrangement , the funeral took place , tbe procession , consisting of many carriages , starting from Holly Lodge at tbe appointed hour of eleven , and reaching AA ' estminster Abbey about one . The burial service was performed with an impressiveness worthy of the man ancl the i > laco , in the presence of a large concourse of illustrious spectators . His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge , Commander in Chiefhas consented to accept the colonelcy of the London
, Rifle Brigade . The Gazette contains tbe rules and regulations concerning the terms of service of the Army Reserve Corps ; also rules , regarding their pay ancl allowances , their arms , clothing , and equipment The funds , yesterday , showed increased heaviness , bnt although Consols ivere at one period of the day negocia . tecl at 95 £ , tbey were last operated in at 95 i to ^ for 11101163 ' , and 05 ^ to !) o-J for the account .
FOUEIGN NEWS . —A Paris telegram of Saturday informs us that Count Lallemanel , the first secretary to the French embassy at Constantinople , has been appointed charge d'alFairs there , and that M . Thouvcne would embark for France on his ( Count Lallemand ' s ) arrival in the Turkish capital . Another uvertissemail has been given to the press in France . Ifc is the third since the 1 st inst . It was given to the Fco de la Frontlhre of Valenciennes . The offence of the journal was publishing an article against the famous pamphlet .
Experiments were being made at Vineennos to test the value of a newly-invented percussion rocket of most destructive power ancl immense range , with which , however , there is great difficulty in obtaining . 1 correct aim . From the amnesty granted to the French press on the ICth of August to the 1 st of January , no less than 11 averlissemenls have been given to the papers . It having been stated that the Emperor Napoleon was about to raise the salaries of tbe members of the Council of State , tbe Slide takes tbe opportunity <> £ pointing out the illegality of : doing so without first laying the
The Week.
decree before the legislative body , and remarks , that as the constitution ancl its annexes are the work of the Government itself , it cannot show too much respect for what it has done . Trade in Franco is at a standstill . Three per Cents , aro going down . There is a general aversion to invest money for a long period . ¦ The Government of Austria is put to such straits for money that it bas been endeavouring to induce the Roman Catholic clergy to
pre sent it with a " voluntary donation of . £ 1000 , 000 or . thereabouts ; but tho clergy refuse to comply with tho request , from motives of patriotism . Tho people of Szekely , in Transylvania , had refused to pay taxes , and that troops had been sent there from Hungary , ancl bad consequences wero feared . The Protestants of Debreczen are to bold an assembly to deliberate on the Imperial patent , ancl It was thought that tbey will imitate their brethren of Pesth and other places , by
protesting energetically against that odious document . By telegrains received from Madrid of the 3 rd and 4 th , wo are told that tho Spanish troops continued their advance on Tetuan without being attacked by the Moors . A telegram of the 5 th , however , states that the Spaniards had been attacked on the 4 th by 2 , 000 Moorish cavalry , and 2 , 000 infantry , but that they were dispersed by the Spanish artillery ; the Spanish loss was said to be 5 killed , and 19 wounded . An English brig hacl been wrecked near Cadiz .
The steam ship America has brought dates from Boston to the 28 th , and from Halifax to the 30 th ult Although the House of Representatives had not elected a speaker , the President delivered his message on the 27 th . By arrivals at Liverpool we have Now York news to the 30 fch ult ., and from Montreal to the 31 sfc . There has been a negro insurrection at Bolivar , in Missouri , the negroes threatening to burn the town . It was , however , speedily suppressed . A great lire , which destroyed property to tho amount of a million dollars , hacl broken out in New York .
INDIA AND CHINA . —By the telegrams in advance of the India mail we learn first that Jung Bahacloor was operating against the rebels in the Terai ; ancl a few days later , by Renter ' s Telegram , in anticipation of the next Bombay mail , we have the gratifying intelligence that all the rebels in Nepaul have surrendered , except the Begum .- Tho submarine cable between Singapore ancl Batavia has been successfully laid . Order has been re-established at Sarawak . -The treaty between China and the United States has been put iu force . Part of the English troops have already left for the north .
CoMMERCLAh AXD PoiiMO CoJcPANiES . —The accounts from the several seats of industry , though nofc as yet exhibiting any great activity , are of a generally satisfactory nature , and the expectations which have been held out of late that trade would receive a considerable impetus after the expiration of the holidays , arc in progress of realization , orders for spring fabrics having already heen received iu some districts , and manufacturers , with scarcely auy exception , continue sanguine in their views of future prospects At meeting of
. -a the 'Union Bank of London , Sir Peter Laurie , the governor , presiding , the dividend declared ivas at the rate of 15 per cont . per annum , free of income tax , ou the increased capital , ancl the reports and accounts ivere unanimously adopted . The discussion at the meeting of tbe shareholders of the Great Ship Company was of the most extraordinary character . The report ancl { accounts were presented , and a debate ensuedivhich was interrupted throughout bthe various
, y parties allied with the several interests into which the propriefcary may be considered to be divided . The appointment of a committee of investigation was brought under consideration , but any suggestion offered ifc could not be supposed would obtain immediate sanction , and therefore , the poll , which is to take place , will settle the affair in proper course .
To Correspondents.
SEonETAiiTES 01 ? LODGES throughout tho country aro requested to forward , as early as possible , the place , clay , and hour on ivhich the Lodge will bo held in 1800 . . " K . C . "—Eminent Commander . " AivciiA . "—Apply to P > ro . Farnfield , at the Secretary ' s office . "P . P . "—Wc agree with you that tho fees for exalting are toohMi .
AVe shall have a few words to say on the subject ere long . " S . S . "—Having taken the P . M's . degree in Scotland does not entitle you to rank as a P . M . in England . If ifc did there would bo no honour attached to holding the rank . LANCASHIRE MASONIC MEETINGS . —Bro , Polleth , Alanchester , will please to receive our thanks .
"H . UKIAI . "—Stewards of private Lodges are -not allowed to wear aprons bordered and lined with red . STATUTE LAWS WITH r . EOAim TO FnF . iwwxnv . —AVe have already cited tho Act ; of Parliament bearing upon this subject If unr correspondent " II . H . " will refer to our number for July 23 rd , -1850 , at p . 49 , he will find the information he requires ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
siness of the evening being concluded , the Encampment was closed in due and ancient form , and the Knights Companions adjourned to refreshment , when the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Grancl Master , " "The Deputy Grancl Alaster , " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " and "Tho Grand Officers" were given in rapid succession . Tbe health of " Sir Knight It F . Gould , the Deputy Provincial Grand Commander , ' * was next proposed by tho Em . Com ., and drunk with tho enthusiasm bis
accurate and excellent mode of working , and his many good qualities having gained the admiration and esteem of tho Knights Companions . The health of the " newly installed Knights Companions" was acknowledged iu a very feeling maimer , and in terms highly eulogistic of the Order into which they had been recently received . The Knights passed a very agreeable evening , and separated at an early hour , greatly pleased with the working and arrangements of the "Mount JZion " Encampment , tho first Encampment of Alasonic Knights Templar over
opened in AA ' estern India . An application for a now Encampment , to bo called "The Ascalon" Encampment , and to be held at Poonah , was lodged with tho Provincial Grand Com . for transmission to the Grand Alaster . Tho Knights of tho Bombay Presidency have lost no time in increasing the number of thoir Encampments , a warrant for a second having been applied for , before that of the first has been twice worked under . Tho Provincial Grand Commander V . E . Sir Knight G . S . Judge alsoat the request ofthe Sir Knihtsimmediatelgranted a
dispensa-, g , y tion to Sir Knight R . F . Gould , as the first Em . Com . ; Sir Knight J . K . Mountain , as the first 1 st Cap . ; Sir Knight J . Hunt , as the first 2 nd Capt . ; and the other Sir Knights present to hold " The Ascalon " Encampment , aud to install candidates , pending an answer to the petition to the Alosfc Eminent Grand Alaster of England and AVales , for a patent or charter to hold their Encampment in Poonah .
The Week.
TUB COUET . —Lord Cowley has taken leave ot the Queen , and returned to Paris on Monday ; it is said that his mission to establish an arrangement between the French and English cabinets , as to a settlement of Italian affairs , bas boon successful . Her Majesty and her children are all in good health , and ride ancl walk daily in the delightful neighbourhood of AVindsor castle . The Prince Consort and his sons shoot and hunt daily . The Queen bas entertained a great deal of company this week—among the visitors have been tho royal Duchesses
of Kent and Cambridge , the Prussian Prince Ilohenzollem , Lord and Lady AVodehouse , the Marquis of AVestniinster , Earl Stanhope , Viscount Palmerston , Lord AVaterpark , Gen . Peel , and their wives . On AVednesday , the third dramatic performance took place at AVindsor Castle before her Alajesty , the Prince Consort , ancl the several members of the royal family there assembled . A select company was also present , who hacl the honour of being invited . The play selected for the occasion was Sheridan Knowles ' s Hunchback .
GENEJUX HOIIE NEWS . —On Friday , a cabinet council was held at tbe official residence of Lord Palmerston , in Downing-street , which was attended by all the ministers . There was a decrease in the number of deaths in the metropolis last week , which tbe Registrar General attributes to the warmer state of the air . In the last week of 185 !) the deaths amounted to 1677 , and in the first week of the new year were only 1281 , being 91 below the estimated average . The number of births was 2008 . Tbe last obsequies havo been performed
over the body of Thomas Babington Alacaulay . On Monday , according to pro-arrangement , the funeral took place , tbe procession , consisting of many carriages , starting from Holly Lodge at tbe appointed hour of eleven , and reaching AA ' estminster Abbey about one . The burial service was performed with an impressiveness worthy of the man ancl the i > laco , in the presence of a large concourse of illustrious spectators . His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge , Commander in Chiefhas consented to accept the colonelcy of the London
, Rifle Brigade . The Gazette contains tbe rules and regulations concerning the terms of service of the Army Reserve Corps ; also rules , regarding their pay ancl allowances , their arms , clothing , and equipment The funds , yesterday , showed increased heaviness , bnt although Consols ivere at one period of the day negocia . tecl at 95 £ , tbey were last operated in at 95 i to ^ for 11101163 ' , and 05 ^ to !) o-J for the account .
FOUEIGN NEWS . —A Paris telegram of Saturday informs us that Count Lallemanel , the first secretary to the French embassy at Constantinople , has been appointed charge d'alFairs there , and that M . Thouvcne would embark for France on his ( Count Lallemand ' s ) arrival in the Turkish capital . Another uvertissemail has been given to the press in France . Ifc is the third since the 1 st inst . It was given to the Fco de la Frontlhre of Valenciennes . The offence of the journal was publishing an article against the famous pamphlet .
Experiments were being made at Vineennos to test the value of a newly-invented percussion rocket of most destructive power ancl immense range , with which , however , there is great difficulty in obtaining . 1 correct aim . From the amnesty granted to the French press on the ICth of August to the 1 st of January , no less than 11 averlissemenls have been given to the papers . It having been stated that the Emperor Napoleon was about to raise the salaries of tbe members of the Council of State , tbe Slide takes tbe opportunity <> £ pointing out the illegality of : doing so without first laying the
The Week.
decree before the legislative body , and remarks , that as the constitution ancl its annexes are the work of the Government itself , it cannot show too much respect for what it has done . Trade in Franco is at a standstill . Three per Cents , aro going down . There is a general aversion to invest money for a long period . ¦ The Government of Austria is put to such straits for money that it bas been endeavouring to induce the Roman Catholic clergy to
pre sent it with a " voluntary donation of . £ 1000 , 000 or . thereabouts ; but tho clergy refuse to comply with tho request , from motives of patriotism . Tho people of Szekely , in Transylvania , had refused to pay taxes , and that troops had been sent there from Hungary , ancl bad consequences wero feared . The Protestants of Debreczen are to bold an assembly to deliberate on the Imperial patent , ancl It was thought that tbey will imitate their brethren of Pesth and other places , by
protesting energetically against that odious document . By telegrains received from Madrid of the 3 rd and 4 th , wo are told that tho Spanish troops continued their advance on Tetuan without being attacked by the Moors . A telegram of the 5 th , however , states that the Spaniards had been attacked on the 4 th by 2 , 000 Moorish cavalry , and 2 , 000 infantry , but that they were dispersed by the Spanish artillery ; the Spanish loss was said to be 5 killed , and 19 wounded . An English brig hacl been wrecked near Cadiz .
The steam ship America has brought dates from Boston to the 28 th , and from Halifax to the 30 th ult Although the House of Representatives had not elected a speaker , the President delivered his message on the 27 th . By arrivals at Liverpool we have Now York news to the 30 fch ult ., and from Montreal to the 31 sfc . There has been a negro insurrection at Bolivar , in Missouri , the negroes threatening to burn the town . It was , however , speedily suppressed . A great lire , which destroyed property to tho amount of a million dollars , hacl broken out in New York .
INDIA AND CHINA . —By the telegrams in advance of the India mail we learn first that Jung Bahacloor was operating against the rebels in the Terai ; ancl a few days later , by Renter ' s Telegram , in anticipation of the next Bombay mail , we have the gratifying intelligence that all the rebels in Nepaul have surrendered , except the Begum .- Tho submarine cable between Singapore ancl Batavia has been successfully laid . Order has been re-established at Sarawak . -The treaty between China and the United States has been put iu force . Part of the English troops have already left for the north .
CoMMERCLAh AXD PoiiMO CoJcPANiES . —The accounts from the several seats of industry , though nofc as yet exhibiting any great activity , are of a generally satisfactory nature , and the expectations which have been held out of late that trade would receive a considerable impetus after the expiration of the holidays , arc in progress of realization , orders for spring fabrics having already heen received iu some districts , and manufacturers , with scarcely auy exception , continue sanguine in their views of future prospects At meeting of
. -a the 'Union Bank of London , Sir Peter Laurie , the governor , presiding , the dividend declared ivas at the rate of 15 per cont . per annum , free of income tax , ou the increased capital , ancl the reports and accounts ivere unanimously adopted . The discussion at the meeting of tbe shareholders of the Great Ship Company was of the most extraordinary character . The report ancl { accounts were presented , and a debate ensuedivhich was interrupted throughout bthe various
, y parties allied with the several interests into which the propriefcary may be considered to be divided . The appointment of a committee of investigation was brought under consideration , but any suggestion offered ifc could not be supposed would obtain immediate sanction , and therefore , the poll , which is to take place , will settle the affair in proper course .
To Correspondents.
SEonETAiiTES 01 ? LODGES throughout tho country aro requested to forward , as early as possible , the place , clay , and hour on ivhich the Lodge will bo held in 1800 . . " K . C . "—Eminent Commander . " AivciiA . "—Apply to P > ro . Farnfield , at the Secretary ' s office . "P . P . "—Wc agree with you that tho fees for exalting are toohMi .
AVe shall have a few words to say on the subject ere long . " S . S . "—Having taken the P . M's . degree in Scotland does not entitle you to rank as a P . M . in England . If ifc did there would bo no honour attached to holding the rank . LANCASHIRE MASONIC MEETINGS . —Bro , Polleth , Alanchester , will please to receive our thanks .
"H . UKIAI . "—Stewards of private Lodges are -not allowed to wear aprons bordered and lined with red . STATUTE LAWS WITH r . EOAim TO FnF . iwwxnv . —AVe have already cited tho Act ; of Parliament bearing upon this subject If unr correspondent " II . H . " will refer to our number for July 23 rd , -1850 , at p . 49 , he will find the information he requires ,