Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* # * AH coiumuiiications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , \ V . C .
Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
Just before going to press we are enabled to announce through the courtesy of Bro . E . H . Patten , Secretary to the Institution , tho result of the election of the 12 th inst ., which is as follows : —Winter , Ellen Lockwood , 630 ; Gillard , Eliza Alice , 572 ; Lumley , Elizabeth Minnie , 491 '; Buck , Priscilla Sarah , 402 ; Stansfield , Clara , 421 ; Woodcock , Sarah Ann ,
409 ; Reeds , Ada Maria , 325 ; Sewcll , Florence , 320 ; West , Mary Jane Elizabeth , 301 ; Osborne , Maria Susannah , 2 G 2 ; Hutchinson , Elizabeth , 24-9 ; Freer , Elizabeth Smith , 248 ; Jones , Florence Gertrude , 230 ; Witherwick , Mary Jane , 134 ; avid Brookes , Emma lane , 59 .
Masonic Mem.
EGTPT . —Petitions have been sent forward to the M . W . G . M . for a . Greek lodge to be holden at Cairo under the English Constitution . The proposed W . M . is Bro . Verde , Avho has founded three lodges in Egypt .
NEW WAXVSWOBTH Lonois ( So . 1 , 014 ) . —Tin ' s highly flourishing lodge had its installation meeting on the 4 th April , at the Freemasons' Hotel , Wandsworth . The lodge was opened in tho first degree , aud tho minutes of the previous meeting and of the audit committee held the 28 th ult ., were read and confirmed . The M . W . G . M . has been graciously pleased to grant a dispensation authorising the installation of Bro . Collardnotwithstanding his period of Mastershiin the
, p Strawberry Hill Lodge ( So . 9-16 ) has not expired , dated March 23 , 1 SG 6 . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Collard , AV . M . elect , was duly presented for installation , and the lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , when he was du ] y installed by Bro . AVatson , P , M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Spooner , S . W . ; Ord , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; Trotter , Sec ; Wall , S . D . ; Daly , J . D . ;
Dawson , I . G . ; and Moorish , Wine Steward . Bros . Evershcd and Bell , were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Rowing , passed to tho degree of P . O . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . A very handsome gold Past Masters jewel subscribed for by the members , and manufactured by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Sonsof Devereux-courtStrand
, , , Avas presented to Bro . II . Wiison , I . P . M ., as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his valuable services . All business being concluded the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Robertson . Amongst the visitors Ave noticed Bros . P . Walters , P . M . 73 ; Levander , P . M . ; Stevens , P . M . ; Pearson , P . M .
DORSETSHIRE . WAHEIIAAL . —Lodge of Unity ( So . 3 S 6 ) . —On Thursday , the 5 th inst ., a meeting of this highly prosperous lodge , which is spreading extensively through this district and the Isle of Purbeck , was held at the Town-hall . ISTo less than ten gentlemen from the Isle of Purbeck have lately been added to its
number . On this occasion two ceremonies Avere performed impressively by the AV . M ., that of initiation and passing , The meeting was more interesting on account of a Past Master's jewel being presented to Bro . C . B . Barfoot , P . M . At the previous monthly meeting- it was proposed by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Burrowes , W . M ., and agreed to unanimously , that in recognition of the services rendered by Bro . Barfoot , P . M ., during his term of office as a W . M ., that a Past- Master ' s jewel be presented to
him . The W . M . in presenting the jewel on this occasion observed that it gave him infinite pleasure to present the well-merited jewel . To Bro . Barfoot the lodge owed its present prosperous condition , and after many other complimentary remarks , plaeedthe jewel on his breast . On the reverse side is ensraved , "Presented to Bro . C . B . Barfoot , P . M ., by the brethren of the Lodge of "Unity , No . 386 , for valuable services rendered by him to the lodge during his of office as a AVMJanuary 1 S 66 " Bro .
year .., . Barfoot , P . M ., in returning thanks , said , he felt that the AiVorshipful Master had flattered him in his remarks for the little good that he had been enablad to do to the lodge . He was beginning to feel himself a somewhat old Mason , having been a regular attendant at the meetings for the past ten or twelve years . He must express the pleasure it afforded him at all times in being present , and in rendering his services for the furtherance of
the regular working of the ceremonies . He believed the testimonial was given him from the perfect brotherly feeling that existed amongst them , and he hoped that good feeling would ever be predominant . He assured them he should continue to take the deepest interest in all that concerned the welfare of the lodge . He would thank them for their kindness in presenting him with the testimonial , Avhich he should ever prize . The lodge being closed in duo form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and thus a very pleasant evening was spent in the most fraternal wav .
DURHAM . HAKTixrooii . —St . Helen's Lodge ( So . 531 ) . —On Thursday the 5 th inst ., about sixteen of the members of this lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall to hold the usual monthly meeting . Bro- Nathan , AV . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . S . Armstrong , P . M . ' ; Stonier Leigh , S . AV . and See . ; L . M . Hill , S . W . ; T . Forbes , Treas . ; & e . The first business after the confirmation of the minutes was to ballot for Bro . S . Lindhard
as a joining member avid for Mr . Percival Richardson , who were both unanimously accepted . Previous to the admission of the candidate tho AV . M . having read a letter he had received from the Iuner Guard , begging to be allowed to resign his office and requesting that another might be appointed in his room , called Bro . G . Carter to the dais and invested him with the insignia of that office for the remainder of the year . The candidate was
then introduced and initiated in ancient form , the W . M . giving the usual charge and explaining the working tools . After the lodge was opened in the second degree , Bro . Roome , Avho had shown a . satisfactory knowledge of the former , was passed to the degree of F . C ., Bro . James Armstrong efficiently performing the duties of Deacon in both degrees . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the report of a committee of the P . M . ' s and AVardens with two or three alterations of the
bylaws , suggested by the R . \ A . Prov . G . M . was read , and after some discussion several resolutions were passed . The only change made that was of any consequence was that the election of the AV . M . should take place on the first Thursday in December instead of November as heretofore ; for , it being the custom of tho lodge , always to install the AV . M . elect and hold the annual festival on St . John's day , a lodge meeting at which the minutes wore confirmed intervened between the day of election
and the day of installation , contrary to the Book of Constitutions . Hearty good wishes were then proposed and the lodge having been closed with , solemn prayer the brethren adjourned to tho anteroom to spend a short time at the usual refreshment . DUKIUII . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( So . 12-1 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 3 rd instant , the regular meeting of this old anil flourishing lodge was held in the Masonic Hall . Bro . W . R .
Fitzgerald , AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . W . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Ungual ! , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . C . Blackett , S . W . ; J . Young , J . W . ; Rev . G . P .. Buhnaii , Chap . ; T . Sarsfield , Sec ; T . W . Hearon , S . D . ; AV . Brignall , jun ., J . D . ; G . Greenwell , Steward , Prov . G . Steward ; C . J . Stimpson , Org . ; T . C . Ebdy , I . G . ; J . Carter , Tyler . The brethren had the honour of a visit from the R . W . J . G . W . of England , Bro . Victor H . Williamson . Bro . R . Cooke bavin ? been examined
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* # * AH coiumuiiications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , \ V . C .
Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
Just before going to press we are enabled to announce through the courtesy of Bro . E . H . Patten , Secretary to the Institution , tho result of the election of the 12 th inst ., which is as follows : —Winter , Ellen Lockwood , 630 ; Gillard , Eliza Alice , 572 ; Lumley , Elizabeth Minnie , 491 '; Buck , Priscilla Sarah , 402 ; Stansfield , Clara , 421 ; Woodcock , Sarah Ann ,
409 ; Reeds , Ada Maria , 325 ; Sewcll , Florence , 320 ; West , Mary Jane Elizabeth , 301 ; Osborne , Maria Susannah , 2 G 2 ; Hutchinson , Elizabeth , 24-9 ; Freer , Elizabeth Smith , 248 ; Jones , Florence Gertrude , 230 ; Witherwick , Mary Jane , 134 ; avid Brookes , Emma lane , 59 .
Masonic Mem.
EGTPT . —Petitions have been sent forward to the M . W . G . M . for a . Greek lodge to be holden at Cairo under the English Constitution . The proposed W . M . is Bro . Verde , Avho has founded three lodges in Egypt .
NEW WAXVSWOBTH Lonois ( So . 1 , 014 ) . —Tin ' s highly flourishing lodge had its installation meeting on the 4 th April , at the Freemasons' Hotel , Wandsworth . The lodge was opened in tho first degree , aud tho minutes of the previous meeting and of the audit committee held the 28 th ult ., were read and confirmed . The M . W . G . M . has been graciously pleased to grant a dispensation authorising the installation of Bro . Collardnotwithstanding his period of Mastershiin the
, p Strawberry Hill Lodge ( So . 9-16 ) has not expired , dated March 23 , 1 SG 6 . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Collard , AV . M . elect , was duly presented for installation , and the lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , when he was du ] y installed by Bro . AVatson , P , M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Spooner , S . W . ; Ord , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; Trotter , Sec ; Wall , S . D . ; Daly , J . D . ;
Dawson , I . G . ; and Moorish , Wine Steward . Bros . Evershcd and Bell , were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Rowing , passed to tho degree of P . O . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . A very handsome gold Past Masters jewel subscribed for by the members , and manufactured by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Sonsof Devereux-courtStrand
, , , Avas presented to Bro . II . Wiison , I . P . M ., as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his valuable services . All business being concluded the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Robertson . Amongst the visitors Ave noticed Bros . P . Walters , P . M . 73 ; Levander , P . M . ; Stevens , P . M . ; Pearson , P . M .
DORSETSHIRE . WAHEIIAAL . —Lodge of Unity ( So . 3 S 6 ) . —On Thursday , the 5 th inst ., a meeting of this highly prosperous lodge , which is spreading extensively through this district and the Isle of Purbeck , was held at the Town-hall . ISTo less than ten gentlemen from the Isle of Purbeck have lately been added to its
number . On this occasion two ceremonies Avere performed impressively by the AV . M ., that of initiation and passing , The meeting was more interesting on account of a Past Master's jewel being presented to Bro . C . B . Barfoot , P . M . At the previous monthly meeting- it was proposed by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Burrowes , W . M ., and agreed to unanimously , that in recognition of the services rendered by Bro . Barfoot , P . M ., during his term of office as a W . M ., that a Past- Master ' s jewel be presented to
him . The W . M . in presenting the jewel on this occasion observed that it gave him infinite pleasure to present the well-merited jewel . To Bro . Barfoot the lodge owed its present prosperous condition , and after many other complimentary remarks , plaeedthe jewel on his breast . On the reverse side is ensraved , "Presented to Bro . C . B . Barfoot , P . M ., by the brethren of the Lodge of "Unity , No . 386 , for valuable services rendered by him to the lodge during his of office as a AVMJanuary 1 S 66 " Bro .
year .., . Barfoot , P . M ., in returning thanks , said , he felt that the AiVorshipful Master had flattered him in his remarks for the little good that he had been enablad to do to the lodge . He was beginning to feel himself a somewhat old Mason , having been a regular attendant at the meetings for the past ten or twelve years . He must express the pleasure it afforded him at all times in being present , and in rendering his services for the furtherance of
the regular working of the ceremonies . He believed the testimonial was given him from the perfect brotherly feeling that existed amongst them , and he hoped that good feeling would ever be predominant . He assured them he should continue to take the deepest interest in all that concerned the welfare of the lodge . He would thank them for their kindness in presenting him with the testimonial , Avhich he should ever prize . The lodge being closed in duo form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and thus a very pleasant evening was spent in the most fraternal wav .
DURHAM . HAKTixrooii . —St . Helen's Lodge ( So . 531 ) . —On Thursday the 5 th inst ., about sixteen of the members of this lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall to hold the usual monthly meeting . Bro- Nathan , AV . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . S . Armstrong , P . M . ' ; Stonier Leigh , S . AV . and See . ; L . M . Hill , S . W . ; T . Forbes , Treas . ; & e . The first business after the confirmation of the minutes was to ballot for Bro . S . Lindhard
as a joining member avid for Mr . Percival Richardson , who were both unanimously accepted . Previous to the admission of the candidate tho AV . M . having read a letter he had received from the Iuner Guard , begging to be allowed to resign his office and requesting that another might be appointed in his room , called Bro . G . Carter to the dais and invested him with the insignia of that office for the remainder of the year . The candidate was
then introduced and initiated in ancient form , the W . M . giving the usual charge and explaining the working tools . After the lodge was opened in the second degree , Bro . Roome , Avho had shown a . satisfactory knowledge of the former , was passed to the degree of F . C ., Bro . James Armstrong efficiently performing the duties of Deacon in both degrees . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the report of a committee of the P . M . ' s and AVardens with two or three alterations of the
bylaws , suggested by the R . \ A . Prov . G . M . was read , and after some discussion several resolutions were passed . The only change made that was of any consequence was that the election of the AV . M . should take place on the first Thursday in December instead of November as heretofore ; for , it being the custom of tho lodge , always to install the AV . M . elect and hold the annual festival on St . John's day , a lodge meeting at which the minutes wore confirmed intervened between the day of election
and the day of installation , contrary to the Book of Constitutions . Hearty good wishes were then proposed and the lodge having been closed with , solemn prayer the brethren adjourned to tho anteroom to spend a short time at the usual refreshment . DUKIUII . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( So . 12-1 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 3 rd instant , the regular meeting of this old anil flourishing lodge was held in the Masonic Hall . Bro . W . R .
Fitzgerald , AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . W . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Ungual ! , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . C . Blackett , S . W . ; J . Young , J . W . ; Rev . G . P .. Buhnaii , Chap . ; T . Sarsfield , Sec ; T . W . Hearon , S . D . ; AV . Brignall , jun ., J . D . ; G . Greenwell , Steward , Prov . G . Steward ; C . J . Stimpson , Org . ; T . C . Ebdy , I . G . ; J . Carter , Tyler . The brethren had the honour of a visit from the R . W . J . G . W . of England , Bro . Victor H . Williamson . Bro . R . Cooke bavin ? been examined