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in the usual manner and shown his proficiency retired for preparation . In the meantime the lodge was opened in the third degree , when the R . W . J . G . Warden entered the lodge and was received with the usual and customary honours due to an officer of his exalted rank . * Bro . Cooke was then re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then closed the lodge in due form and with solemn prayer , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and an evening long to be
remembered for its truly Masonic enjoyment was spent by the brethren . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , the AA ' . M . proposed the health of their distinguished visitor in appropriate terms . The J . G . AV . who rose to reply amidst much applause , thanked the brethren for the manner in which his health bad been proposed , and assured them that it afforded him sincere pleasure to be present at their reunions . He then dwelt upon the rapid spread of Masonry throughout the
kingdom , and this province in particular . He conplimented the lodge on tho high efficiency which the AV . M . had displayed in the working of the same , and said be was glad to find that the Granby Lodge had been represented by a young- and zealous member at the last festival for aged Freemasons and their Widows . Referring more immediately to the active and substantial benefit of Freemasonry , he stated that at the meeting
just alluded to there was subscribed by the metropolitan and provincial lodges the sum of about . 63 , 000 , he was also proud to add that at the Festival of the Masonic Institution for Boys , held on the 14 th March last , the magnificent sum of £ 5 , 000 was announced , making a grand total of £ S , 000 subscribed by Masonic brethren within a few weeks for charitable purposes . Bro . AV . Brignall , P . M ., afterwards proposed " The Health of Bro . Victor Williamson" in connection with the Apollo Lodge
( No . 357 ) , Oxford , in which lodge he ( Bro . Williamson ) was initiated as also the R . W . Prov . G . Master of Durham , Bro . J . Fawcett , and from which lodge they had numerous visitors . Bro . Williamson replied in appropriate terms , and said it reminded him of one of the pleasantest epochs in his lifetime , and Avhere ho had made many of his best and firmest friends . Other toasts followed , after which the brethren separated . The happiness ol the brethren was considerably enhanced by the excellent
singing of Bros . J . Walker , and C . J . Stimpson , the latter also presiding at the pianoforte . It may perhaps be not out of place to mention that in consequence of the great and continued increase of tho members a committee has been formed , and arc now engaged in carrying out the necessary arrangements for raising tho requisite funds for tho building of a new hall . A considerable sum has already been procured towards this purpose .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WAXFOBH . — Watford Lodge ( No . 401-. )—The 6 th inst . being eha day appointed for the installation of the AV . M . for the bnsning year there was a very numerous attendance of the trethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Martin , P . M . Bro . the Rev . R . T . Branson , W . M ., being still prevented , through continued illness from attendance . Amongst tho members of the lodpresent were the following PM ' s - —BrosGFrancis
ge ... . . , I ) . Prov . G . M . ; Burchell-Herne , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . Rogers Prov . G . Treas . ; Tootell Humbert , William Rogers , Brett , H . C . Finch , Layton , Birchil , P . M . 793 . Bro . Glediiill was raised , and Bro . Herbert Fellows initiated by Bro . Martin , with his accustomed skill . Bro . Francis D . Prov . G . M ., then assumed the chair and initiated Mr . Thomas Edward Foordand afterwards installed Bro . AVilson
, lies , M . D ., as AV . M . Tho ceremony being most ably performed , and the different charges given in , Bro . Francis ' s usual impressive manner ; the W . M . then appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros , the Rev . G . Finch , S . W . ; T . P . Halsey , J . W . ; Rogers , P . M ., Treas . ; Burchell-Herne , P . M . Sec ; A . J . Copeland , S . D . ; T . Rumball , J . D . ; Sedgwick , P . M ., Dir . of Cos . ; F . Heme , I . G . Having been called from labour to
refreshment :, the brethren adjourned to the banquet . "Non nobis" having been sung by the musical brethren . The usual routine toasts were given ; those of Bros . Stuart , Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Francis his deput y having been received as usual with the greatest cordiality . Bro . Burchell-Herne then proposed " The Health of Bro . Wilson lies , " the AV . M . ho said was the 23 rd Master in succession to himself who had filled the chair ,
ami lie might venture to augur from his knowledge of Bro . lies , both in and out of tho lodge from his attachment to Masonry , and the very efficient manner in which he had filled all the subordinate offices that the brethren had selected a brother to
preside over them who would in every way do credit to his important office . The W . M . replied in very feeling terms , expressing his gratitude to the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and the hope that during his tenancy of office the prestige of the lodge would not suffer in its working , nor the harmony which had always prevailed at its meetings , be in any Avay diminished . The pleasure of the meeting was much enhanced by the admirable singing of their professional
brethren , Bros . Ransford , Young , and Champion ; altogether the event of this clay was a successful one , and will be registered in the annals of the Watford Lodge as one of the happiest meetings .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEH . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the 4 th inst . In the absence of the W . M ., the Rev . Bro . AA'bodcock ( who had on that day taken a w-ife , and therefore , could not attend ) , the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro . Kelly ) , presided ; there were also present Bros . WeareP . M . ; L . A . ClarkeS . W . ;
, , Jackson , Sec ; Ride , S . D . ; Stretton , J . D . ; Davies , I . G . ; & c . Visitors : Bros . Green , S . W . ( who acted as J . W . ); J ; E . Clarke , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , ( So . 523 ) . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed , Avas afterwards opened in the second and third degree , and , subsequently , closed down to the first . There being no business before the lodge ( the proposition of a candidate made
at the last meeting having been Avithdrawn ) , part of the second lecture was worked , and the D . Prov . G . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the second degree . This being the first meeting sinee the festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the D . Prov . G . M . reported the result of his labours as Steward for the province , stating that the liberality of the brethren in contributing the handsome sum of £ 200 lis . had made his list the hihest of any sent inno one of the 124 >
g , Stewards having individually received so large an amount of support . This sum was made up as follows : The Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and Provincial Grand Lodge ( £ 1 is . annually ) , £ 16 IGs . ; John of Gaunt Lodge , ( So . 523 ) , ( in addition to £ 10 10 s . each , voted to tho Boys' and Girls' Schools in June last ) , £ 91 7 s . ; St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) , £ 35 14 s . ; Chapter of Fortitude £ 10 10 s . ; Knihts of Malta LodgeHinckley
, g , ,, £ 9 9 s . ; Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , Ashby-de-la-Zoueb , £ 15 15 s . ; Howe and Chamwood Lodge , Loughborough , £ 21 . The D . Prov . G . M . added , that every lodge iu the province Avould now appear on the Charity list . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In addition to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " Long Life , Health and Happiness to the Worshipful Master and his Bride" was proposed and
cordially responded to . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NOBTHAIIPTON . —Pomfreb Lodge ( No . 360 ) . —The usual
monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Northampton , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . R . Dunkley , AV . M . The minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . B . Wiikins , P . M ., Avho then passed Bro . A . Weston from the first to tho second degree . The W . M . then , resumed the chair , and closed the lodge in this degree , and then requested Bro . M . FlewittP . M . to initiate Mr . C . J . Dowel !
, , and Mr . W . Goodliffe into the mysteries of tho Craft , which ceremony the worthy P . M . performed with his accustomed ability . The W . M . having resumed the chair , and some formal business having been transacted , Mr . J . Bingley was proposed as a fit person to bo a member of the lodge . Tho lodge then adjourned to the first Thursday in May . Among the visiting brethren we noticed Bros . W . G . Lees , of the "Union Lodge ,
310 , Carlisle , and Bro . the Rev . T . Russell , of the Cherwell Lodge , 599 , Banbury . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWGASTiE-trrox-TrsE . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 481 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Catterick ' s BuildingsBkeron Mondaythe 9 th inst . The chair was
, y , , taken by the WM ., Bro . J . IT . Hair , soon after six o'clock , p . m . Amongst the officers and brethren present , Avere Bros . B . J . Thompson , S . W . ; J . H . Thompson , J . W . ; G . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Hopper , P . M . ; H . L . Ludwig , P . M . ; J . Shields , jun ., W . Fatkin , & c . Two candidates were then intvo-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in the usual manner and shown his proficiency retired for preparation . In the meantime the lodge was opened in the third degree , when the R . W . J . G . Warden entered the lodge and was received with the usual and customary honours due to an officer of his exalted rank . * Bro . Cooke was then re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then closed the lodge in due form and with solemn prayer , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and an evening long to be
remembered for its truly Masonic enjoyment was spent by the brethren . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , the AA ' . M . proposed the health of their distinguished visitor in appropriate terms . The J . G . AV . who rose to reply amidst much applause , thanked the brethren for the manner in which his health bad been proposed , and assured them that it afforded him sincere pleasure to be present at their reunions . He then dwelt upon the rapid spread of Masonry throughout the
kingdom , and this province in particular . He conplimented the lodge on tho high efficiency which the AV . M . had displayed in the working of the same , and said be was glad to find that the Granby Lodge had been represented by a young- and zealous member at the last festival for aged Freemasons and their Widows . Referring more immediately to the active and substantial benefit of Freemasonry , he stated that at the meeting
just alluded to there was subscribed by the metropolitan and provincial lodges the sum of about . 63 , 000 , he was also proud to add that at the Festival of the Masonic Institution for Boys , held on the 14 th March last , the magnificent sum of £ 5 , 000 was announced , making a grand total of £ S , 000 subscribed by Masonic brethren within a few weeks for charitable purposes . Bro . AV . Brignall , P . M ., afterwards proposed " The Health of Bro . Victor Williamson" in connection with the Apollo Lodge
( No . 357 ) , Oxford , in which lodge he ( Bro . Williamson ) was initiated as also the R . W . Prov . G . Master of Durham , Bro . J . Fawcett , and from which lodge they had numerous visitors . Bro . Williamson replied in appropriate terms , and said it reminded him of one of the pleasantest epochs in his lifetime , and Avhere ho had made many of his best and firmest friends . Other toasts followed , after which the brethren separated . The happiness ol the brethren was considerably enhanced by the excellent
singing of Bros . J . Walker , and C . J . Stimpson , the latter also presiding at the pianoforte . It may perhaps be not out of place to mention that in consequence of the great and continued increase of tho members a committee has been formed , and arc now engaged in carrying out the necessary arrangements for raising tho requisite funds for tho building of a new hall . A considerable sum has already been procured towards this purpose .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WAXFOBH . — Watford Lodge ( No . 401-. )—The 6 th inst . being eha day appointed for the installation of the AV . M . for the bnsning year there was a very numerous attendance of the trethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Martin , P . M . Bro . the Rev . R . T . Branson , W . M ., being still prevented , through continued illness from attendance . Amongst tho members of the lodpresent were the following PM ' s - —BrosGFrancis
ge ... . . , I ) . Prov . G . M . ; Burchell-Herne , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . Rogers Prov . G . Treas . ; Tootell Humbert , William Rogers , Brett , H . C . Finch , Layton , Birchil , P . M . 793 . Bro . Glediiill was raised , and Bro . Herbert Fellows initiated by Bro . Martin , with his accustomed skill . Bro . Francis D . Prov . G . M ., then assumed the chair and initiated Mr . Thomas Edward Foordand afterwards installed Bro . AVilson
, lies , M . D ., as AV . M . Tho ceremony being most ably performed , and the different charges given in , Bro . Francis ' s usual impressive manner ; the W . M . then appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros , the Rev . G . Finch , S . W . ; T . P . Halsey , J . W . ; Rogers , P . M ., Treas . ; Burchell-Herne , P . M . Sec ; A . J . Copeland , S . D . ; T . Rumball , J . D . ; Sedgwick , P . M ., Dir . of Cos . ; F . Heme , I . G . Having been called from labour to
refreshment :, the brethren adjourned to the banquet . "Non nobis" having been sung by the musical brethren . The usual routine toasts were given ; those of Bros . Stuart , Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Francis his deput y having been received as usual with the greatest cordiality . Bro . Burchell-Herne then proposed " The Health of Bro . Wilson lies , " the AV . M . ho said was the 23 rd Master in succession to himself who had filled the chair ,
ami lie might venture to augur from his knowledge of Bro . lies , both in and out of tho lodge from his attachment to Masonry , and the very efficient manner in which he had filled all the subordinate offices that the brethren had selected a brother to
preside over them who would in every way do credit to his important office . The W . M . replied in very feeling terms , expressing his gratitude to the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and the hope that during his tenancy of office the prestige of the lodge would not suffer in its working , nor the harmony which had always prevailed at its meetings , be in any Avay diminished . The pleasure of the meeting was much enhanced by the admirable singing of their professional
brethren , Bros . Ransford , Young , and Champion ; altogether the event of this clay was a successful one , and will be registered in the annals of the Watford Lodge as one of the happiest meetings .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEH . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the 4 th inst . In the absence of the W . M ., the Rev . Bro . AA'bodcock ( who had on that day taken a w-ife , and therefore , could not attend ) , the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro . Kelly ) , presided ; there were also present Bros . WeareP . M . ; L . A . ClarkeS . W . ;
, , Jackson , Sec ; Ride , S . D . ; Stretton , J . D . ; Davies , I . G . ; & c . Visitors : Bros . Green , S . W . ( who acted as J . W . ); J ; E . Clarke , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , ( So . 523 ) . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed , Avas afterwards opened in the second and third degree , and , subsequently , closed down to the first . There being no business before the lodge ( the proposition of a candidate made
at the last meeting having been Avithdrawn ) , part of the second lecture was worked , and the D . Prov . G . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the second degree . This being the first meeting sinee the festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the D . Prov . G . M . reported the result of his labours as Steward for the province , stating that the liberality of the brethren in contributing the handsome sum of £ 200 lis . had made his list the hihest of any sent inno one of the 124 >
g , Stewards having individually received so large an amount of support . This sum was made up as follows : The Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and Provincial Grand Lodge ( £ 1 is . annually ) , £ 16 IGs . ; John of Gaunt Lodge , ( So . 523 ) , ( in addition to £ 10 10 s . each , voted to tho Boys' and Girls' Schools in June last ) , £ 91 7 s . ; St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) , £ 35 14 s . ; Chapter of Fortitude £ 10 10 s . ; Knihts of Malta LodgeHinckley
, g , ,, £ 9 9 s . ; Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , Ashby-de-la-Zoueb , £ 15 15 s . ; Howe and Chamwood Lodge , Loughborough , £ 21 . The D . Prov . G . M . added , that every lodge iu the province Avould now appear on the Charity list . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In addition to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " Long Life , Health and Happiness to the Worshipful Master and his Bride" was proposed and
cordially responded to . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NOBTHAIIPTON . —Pomfreb Lodge ( No . 360 ) . —The usual
monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Northampton , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . R . Dunkley , AV . M . The minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . B . Wiikins , P . M ., Avho then passed Bro . A . Weston from the first to tho second degree . The W . M . then , resumed the chair , and closed the lodge in this degree , and then requested Bro . M . FlewittP . M . to initiate Mr . C . J . Dowel !
, , and Mr . W . Goodliffe into the mysteries of tho Craft , which ceremony the worthy P . M . performed with his accustomed ability . The W . M . having resumed the chair , and some formal business having been transacted , Mr . J . Bingley was proposed as a fit person to bo a member of the lodge . Tho lodge then adjourned to the first Thursday in May . Among the visiting brethren we noticed Bros . W . G . Lees , of the "Union Lodge ,
310 , Carlisle , and Bro . the Rev . T . Russell , of the Cherwell Lodge , 599 , Banbury . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWGASTiE-trrox-TrsE . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 481 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Catterick ' s BuildingsBkeron Mondaythe 9 th inst . The chair was
, y , , taken by the WM ., Bro . J . IT . Hair , soon after six o'clock , p . m . Amongst the officers and brethren present , Avere Bros . B . J . Thompson , S . W . ; J . H . Thompson , J . W . ; G . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Hopper , P . M . ; H . L . Ludwig , P . M . ; J . Shields , jun ., W . Fatkin , & c . Two candidates were then intvo-