Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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duced and initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The lodge was honoured by a visit from the WM ., officers , and brethren of St . George ' s Lodge No ; 431 , North Shields , amongst whom we noticed Bros , the Rev . T . Feathers'ton , AV . M . and Prov . G . Chap ., Northumberland ; J . G . Tullock , P . M . P . Prov . J . G . AV . Northumberland ; Rev . R . Garland , L . L . D ., Chap . ; J . Gibson , S . W . ; H . W . Weatherston , J . W . ; J . Robertson , J . Robb , P . M . ; G . SliotfconI . P . M . AV . TivizellPMand
PProvJGWNorth-, ; , .. . . ... umberland ; J . D . Brown , J . D . ; G . Oyston , I . G . ; T . G . Tullock , -A . M . Scott , W . Lawrence , and other visitors , including Bros . Dr . Banning , P . M . 48 , and P . Prov . J . G . AV . Durham ; J . Oliver , P . M . 240 ; \\ . Middlemiss , 111 ; J . Banning , 343 , & c . Upon the conclusion of the business of the lodge , the brethren sat down to a most excellent supper , under the presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven" The
g , Health of the Prov . G . M ., his deputy , and the Prov . G . Officers of Northumberland , " being responded to by the Prov . G . J . W ., Bro . G . Thompson ; whilst Bro . Dr . Banning replied to the toast of the "Health of the Prov . G . M . and Prov . Grand Officers of the the sister province Durham . " The toast of the evening was then given , and most heartily responded to , viz .: " The Health
of the W . M ., Officers , and brethren of the St . George's Lodge , " and in doing so the W . M . took occasion to advert to the many ¦ strong bonds of union that existed between the two lodges . Bro . the Rev . T . Featherston , AV . M . 431 , responded in an excellent speech . Bro . J . Hopper , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and characterized him as one of the rare instances of the right man being found in the right place . Bro . J . H . HairW . M . respondedand expressed the great leasure
, , , p he felt in fulfilling the duties of W . M . of St . Peter's Lodge . "The Officers of Lodge 481 , " was proposed by Bro . Twizell , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Major B . J . Thompson , S . W . and P . M . "The Health of the W . M . and brethren of the Lodge of Concord , 343 , Preston , " , vas drunk upon the occasion of a member of that lodge being a visitor . Bro . J . Banning , 343 , replied . Bro . Major B . J . Thompson proposed "The
Clergy , " to which Bro . the Rev . R . Garland responded in an able aud truly Masonic speech . "The Lodge of Industry , 48 , " proposed by tlic W . M ., was responded to by Bro . J . II . Thompson , W . M ., who is J . W . of St . Peter's Lodge . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Fatkin , Dove , Tullock , B . J . Thompson , and J . Banning , and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated .
OXFORDSHIRE . Cnirrij .-G- NoiiTOir . —The Powyer Lodge ( No . 103 G ) . —Tlie Tegular monthly meeting of the brethren of the above lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons was held at the Masonic Hall , White Hart Hotel , on the 27 th nit . Bro . W . J . Smith , W . M , The brethren all Avore emblems of mourning in memoriam of tho late AV . M ., the Rev . J . H . Banking , Pror . G .
Chap . Two brethren having duly served their time of apprenticeship and made progress in the art , were passed from the degree of E . A . to the more honourable one of F . C . A candidate for Masonic mysteries , who had been duly proposed and approved , was initiated according to the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . Before closing this lodge tho W . M . affectingly alluded to the severe loss which has been sustained by the death of the Prov . G . Chap , of Oxford , and late W . M . of the Bowyer Lodge .
SURREY ( EAST ) . CROTPOX . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 4 G 3 . )—This flourishing lodge held its regular meeting at the Greyhound Hotel , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at half-past three o'clock . The lodge was opened punctually by the W . M ., Bro . C . II . Woodward . Bros . II . J . Strong , S . AV . ; J . B . Walker , J . W . ; and a large number of brethren and visitorsthe minutes of the last
meet-, ing having been read and confirmed , Bros . Marks , Rhodes , and Watts were passed to the degree of F . C , and Bros . Thrale , Turner , Matthews , Walder , and Watkinson , having answered the usual questions , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Tho W . M . elect ( Bro . H . J . Strong , S . W . ) was then presented and received at the hands of his predecessor ( Bro . C . II . Woodward ) the benefits of installation . The officers appointed bthe
y W . M . were Bros . T . B . Walker , S . AV . ; J . E . Crispe , J . W . ; W . Purvis , S . D . ; G . Clemishaw , J . D . ; W . Clinsworth , I . G . ; C . Price , Treas . ; C . H . Woodward , Sec ; I . G . Chancellor , M . C . The ballot was then taken for two gentlemen who were yery ably initiated into Freemasonry by the newly installed
AV . M ., the lodge was then called off to refreshment , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet served in Bro . Bean ' s best style . The usual loyal and Mosonic toasts having been duly and properly disposed of , the lodge was called on to labour for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Bro . G . Price , who retired from tho Secretaryship of the lodge after having served that office nearltwenty years . It consisted of
y a silver salver of the value of about £ 25 , subscribed for by the majority of the brethren , subscriptions being limited to 21 s ., and the esteem in which Bro . G . Price was held may be gathered from the fact that his resignation was not known until the audit meeting on the 23 rd March , the money subscribed and the presentation being made within a fortnight . Bro . George Price ( who is also Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey ) , in acknowledging
the handsome testimonial , said that having been Treasurer and Secretary to this lodge for nearly twenty years , ho thought that the time had now arrived when those offices should be separated . He had long felt it , but till the present time saw no one whom he could recommend to that important post , as he considered it ought to be a P . M . TJieir newly appointed Secretary had been their W . M . for two years , was in every way qualified , and he felt sure the lodge would not suffer by tho change . Tho lodge was then closed in due form and the brethren separated after having spent a most agreeable evening .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . Tnr / no . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 , E . C . )—A meeting of this flourishing lodge Avas held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at five p . m ., to transact the usual business , and also to advance several candidates . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Chirgwin , S . W . ; F . M . Williams , M . P . as J . W . ; W . Tweedyas M . O . ; John Niuessas S . O . ;
, , , W . J . Johns , J . O . ; S . Holloway , Chap . ; Captain Barber , Org . ; and the other officers who were present in the discharge of their various duties . One of the largest meetings ever held since ths establishment of the lodge in May last testified that the interest of tho members was rather on the increase than otherwise , which fact was made still more apparent by the advancement of six candidates , aud seven propositions being
made during the evening , making in all sixty-nine members in less than twelve months . A memorial to the General Board was proposed by Bro . Tweedy , that the lodge be allowed to nominate its successor to the chair in May instead of September , according to the warrant . It was adopted unanimously by the members , and great hopes are entertained of the request being granted , as otherwise the present law would operate disadto the Mark in and
vantageous ^ - Degree Truro neighbourhood . Considerable pleasure is felt by the promoters in seeing the ancient degree of Mark Masonry so firmly established in the extreme west of England , and especially at the fact that , ere long , the Fortitude Lodge will bo blessed with another offspring , which bids fair to be as strong and healthy as its first , which was opened at Hayle in January last . The lodge was closed iu solemn prayer at seven p . m .
Royal Arch.
CORNWALL . TnxriiO . — C ' orni ' . lian Chapter ( So . 331 ) . —A chapter of this sublime degree was held at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , Truro , on Thursday , tiie 5 th inst ., at four p . m , E . Conip . Thomas Chirgwin , Z ., in the chair . There was a good muster of the companions , but no business was transacted beyond that usual aud customary at the meeting of a chapter . The next
assembly will be in July , when several candidates are expected to be present , and receive the ceremonies of exaltation at the hands of the 1 st Principal , whose abilities in Masonry so well qualify him for that high and important office . The chapter having been closed according to tho peculiar and solemn ritual of the degree , the members adjourned to the banqueting room , and spent a most agreeable evening over the delicacies of the table , and amidst the cordiality aud fraternity of Royal Arch Masons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
duced and initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The lodge was honoured by a visit from the WM ., officers , and brethren of St . George ' s Lodge No ; 431 , North Shields , amongst whom we noticed Bros , the Rev . T . Feathers'ton , AV . M . and Prov . G . Chap ., Northumberland ; J . G . Tullock , P . M . P . Prov . J . G . AV . Northumberland ; Rev . R . Garland , L . L . D ., Chap . ; J . Gibson , S . W . ; H . W . Weatherston , J . W . ; J . Robertson , J . Robb , P . M . ; G . SliotfconI . P . M . AV . TivizellPMand
PProvJGWNorth-, ; , .. . . ... umberland ; J . D . Brown , J . D . ; G . Oyston , I . G . ; T . G . Tullock , -A . M . Scott , W . Lawrence , and other visitors , including Bros . Dr . Banning , P . M . 48 , and P . Prov . J . G . AV . Durham ; J . Oliver , P . M . 240 ; \\ . Middlemiss , 111 ; J . Banning , 343 , & c . Upon the conclusion of the business of the lodge , the brethren sat down to a most excellent supper , under the presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven" The
g , Health of the Prov . G . M ., his deputy , and the Prov . G . Officers of Northumberland , " being responded to by the Prov . G . J . W ., Bro . G . Thompson ; whilst Bro . Dr . Banning replied to the toast of the "Health of the Prov . G . M . and Prov . Grand Officers of the the sister province Durham . " The toast of the evening was then given , and most heartily responded to , viz .: " The Health
of the W . M ., Officers , and brethren of the St . George's Lodge , " and in doing so the W . M . took occasion to advert to the many ¦ strong bonds of union that existed between the two lodges . Bro . the Rev . T . Featherston , AV . M . 431 , responded in an excellent speech . Bro . J . Hopper , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and characterized him as one of the rare instances of the right man being found in the right place . Bro . J . H . HairW . M . respondedand expressed the great leasure
, , , p he felt in fulfilling the duties of W . M . of St . Peter's Lodge . "The Officers of Lodge 481 , " was proposed by Bro . Twizell , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Major B . J . Thompson , S . W . and P . M . "The Health of the W . M . and brethren of the Lodge of Concord , 343 , Preston , " , vas drunk upon the occasion of a member of that lodge being a visitor . Bro . J . Banning , 343 , replied . Bro . Major B . J . Thompson proposed "The
Clergy , " to which Bro . the Rev . R . Garland responded in an able aud truly Masonic speech . "The Lodge of Industry , 48 , " proposed by tlic W . M ., was responded to by Bro . J . II . Thompson , W . M ., who is J . W . of St . Peter's Lodge . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Fatkin , Dove , Tullock , B . J . Thompson , and J . Banning , and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated .
OXFORDSHIRE . Cnirrij .-G- NoiiTOir . —The Powyer Lodge ( No . 103 G ) . —Tlie Tegular monthly meeting of the brethren of the above lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons was held at the Masonic Hall , White Hart Hotel , on the 27 th nit . Bro . W . J . Smith , W . M , The brethren all Avore emblems of mourning in memoriam of tho late AV . M ., the Rev . J . H . Banking , Pror . G .
Chap . Two brethren having duly served their time of apprenticeship and made progress in the art , were passed from the degree of E . A . to the more honourable one of F . C . A candidate for Masonic mysteries , who had been duly proposed and approved , was initiated according to the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . Before closing this lodge tho W . M . affectingly alluded to the severe loss which has been sustained by the death of the Prov . G . Chap , of Oxford , and late W . M . of the Bowyer Lodge .
SURREY ( EAST ) . CROTPOX . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 4 G 3 . )—This flourishing lodge held its regular meeting at the Greyhound Hotel , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at half-past three o'clock . The lodge was opened punctually by the W . M ., Bro . C . II . Woodward . Bros . II . J . Strong , S . AV . ; J . B . Walker , J . W . ; and a large number of brethren and visitorsthe minutes of the last
meet-, ing having been read and confirmed , Bros . Marks , Rhodes , and Watts were passed to the degree of F . C , and Bros . Thrale , Turner , Matthews , Walder , and Watkinson , having answered the usual questions , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Tho W . M . elect ( Bro . H . J . Strong , S . W . ) was then presented and received at the hands of his predecessor ( Bro . C . II . Woodward ) the benefits of installation . The officers appointed bthe
y W . M . were Bros . T . B . Walker , S . AV . ; J . E . Crispe , J . W . ; W . Purvis , S . D . ; G . Clemishaw , J . D . ; W . Clinsworth , I . G . ; C . Price , Treas . ; C . H . Woodward , Sec ; I . G . Chancellor , M . C . The ballot was then taken for two gentlemen who were yery ably initiated into Freemasonry by the newly installed
AV . M ., the lodge was then called off to refreshment , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet served in Bro . Bean ' s best style . The usual loyal and Mosonic toasts having been duly and properly disposed of , the lodge was called on to labour for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Bro . G . Price , who retired from tho Secretaryship of the lodge after having served that office nearltwenty years . It consisted of
y a silver salver of the value of about £ 25 , subscribed for by the majority of the brethren , subscriptions being limited to 21 s ., and the esteem in which Bro . G . Price was held may be gathered from the fact that his resignation was not known until the audit meeting on the 23 rd March , the money subscribed and the presentation being made within a fortnight . Bro . George Price ( who is also Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey ) , in acknowledging
the handsome testimonial , said that having been Treasurer and Secretary to this lodge for nearly twenty years , ho thought that the time had now arrived when those offices should be separated . He had long felt it , but till the present time saw no one whom he could recommend to that important post , as he considered it ought to be a P . M . TJieir newly appointed Secretary had been their W . M . for two years , was in every way qualified , and he felt sure the lodge would not suffer by tho change . Tho lodge was then closed in due form and the brethren separated after having spent a most agreeable evening .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . Tnr / no . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 , E . C . )—A meeting of this flourishing lodge Avas held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at five p . m ., to transact the usual business , and also to advance several candidates . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Chirgwin , S . W . ; F . M . Williams , M . P . as J . W . ; W . Tweedyas M . O . ; John Niuessas S . O . ;
, , , W . J . Johns , J . O . ; S . Holloway , Chap . ; Captain Barber , Org . ; and the other officers who were present in the discharge of their various duties . One of the largest meetings ever held since ths establishment of the lodge in May last testified that the interest of tho members was rather on the increase than otherwise , which fact was made still more apparent by the advancement of six candidates , aud seven propositions being
made during the evening , making in all sixty-nine members in less than twelve months . A memorial to the General Board was proposed by Bro . Tweedy , that the lodge be allowed to nominate its successor to the chair in May instead of September , according to the warrant . It was adopted unanimously by the members , and great hopes are entertained of the request being granted , as otherwise the present law would operate disadto the Mark in and
vantageous ^ - Degree Truro neighbourhood . Considerable pleasure is felt by the promoters in seeing the ancient degree of Mark Masonry so firmly established in the extreme west of England , and especially at the fact that , ere long , the Fortitude Lodge will bo blessed with another offspring , which bids fair to be as strong and healthy as its first , which was opened at Hayle in January last . The lodge was closed iu solemn prayer at seven p . m .
Royal Arch.
CORNWALL . TnxriiO . — C ' orni ' . lian Chapter ( So . 331 ) . —A chapter of this sublime degree was held at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , Truro , on Thursday , tiie 5 th inst ., at four p . m , E . Conip . Thomas Chirgwin , Z ., in the chair . There was a good muster of the companions , but no business was transacted beyond that usual aud customary at the meeting of a chapter . The next
assembly will be in July , when several candidates are expected to be present , and receive the ceremonies of exaltation at the hands of the 1 st Principal , whose abilities in Masonry so well qualify him for that high and important office . The chapter having been closed according to tho peculiar and solemn ritual of the degree , the members adjourned to the banqueting room , and spent a most agreeable evening over the delicacies of the table , and amidst the cordiality aud fraternity of Royal Arch Masons .