Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MUSIC, DRAMA, AND THE FINE ARTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
BRO . WILLIAM HENRY WHITE , PAST GHAXD SECIIETAKX or EXGLAXD . Bom Nov . 10 , 1777 . Initiated April 15 , 1799 . Died April S , 1 S 6 G . j At last the subtle thread of life is broken— I The venerable Mason sleeps at last—
Death came and signalled him with mystic token , } To join the phantom brethren of tho past . j Bowed with the weight of nearly ninety years , Our patriarch passes from this vale of tears . j Born when Columbia ' s flag was first unfurled , j When Washington ' s was yet an unknown name , And long before Napoleon shook the world
, Or Nelson soared upon the Avings of fame . Through the long vista of bis life we gaze , O ' ercome with visions of those bygone days . Empires and states have had their rise and fall Since he appeared upon this stage of time ; But Masonry— -his pride—survives them all , Fixed on foundations heavenly and sublime .
Age has not dimmed its lustre , nor effaced The principles on which its power is based . Peace to the dead—his pilgrimage is done . And requiems at his sepulchre we sing . For him the fight is fought , the battle won , Yet this last tribute to his tomb Ave bring—That Masonry he long and ably served ,
And never from the path of duty swerved . Then may the acacia o ' er his ashes bloom , His memory still be cherished warm and bright , Till the last trump shall call him from the tomb , Again to mingle with the sons of light , In that divine , celestial lodge above , Where the world ' s Architect presides in love ! j —P . M . i
The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham . By GEO . MARKUAM TWBDDEI . L , K . S . A . Scot . andNcAvc , author of "Shakspeare : his Times and Contemporaries , " & c . Stokesley : Published by the Author . To be completed in tAvolve parts . Bro . TAveddell is already knoAvn to most of our readers , from the notices Avhich have already appeared in these
pages of tho excellent Avritings of our esteemed and diligent brother , lvlio in the work before us displays most favourably his ability as a painstaking and indefatigable lover of research . The production of "The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham " must have called for an enormous amount of labour in delving into endless ; sources of informationsome of
, them necessarily very ancient and obscure , seeing that the first name Avhich Ave meet Avith amongst tho Bards is that of Cedmon , Avho followed the occupation of a herdsman during the Saxon Heptarchy , and eventually hecame a monk of Strooneshalh Abboj ^ , founded by Oswy , A-D . 643—670 . The object of our author in issuing tho work under
notice , will be best understood from tho following extract from tho Introduction , viz . : — " To bring under the notice of the people of Cleveland and South Durham the bards and authors Avho , by birth or residence , have been connected with the district , furnishing , as far as I am able , authentic memoirs and brief but impartial criticisms of the various writers , and supplying the reader with extracts from such of their Avorks as I have had access to , so that everyone may be enabled to form some acquaintanceship with our
literary characters both of past and present times , and to hold communion with such , as they find most congenial with their own minds . Few , if any , of the subscribers to this work Avill possess tho publications of all the Avriters from AA-hom I have made extracts , as some of them are far from being common . I have longcherished the idea of a work similar to Chambers ' s
excellent ' Cyclopedia of English Literature , ' to be confined to the poets and prose Avriters of the north of England . Should the present volume meet Avith a favourable reception , I shall , if God spares mo long enough for the pleasing task , do my best to perfect the Avork . For I believe Avith St . Pierre ' s good Old Man in the touching tale of 'Paul and Virginia , ' that
"literature is the gift of Heaven ; a ray of that wisdom Avhich governs the universe , and ivhich man , inspired by celestial intelligence , has drawn down to earth . Like the sun , it enlightens , it rejoices , it Avarms with a divine flame , and seems , in some sort , like the element of fire , to bend all nature to our use . By its aid wo calm the passions , suppress vice , and excite virtue . Literature is the daughter of Heaven , who has descended upon earth to soften and charm all human evils . ' And , as the Old Man adds to Paul , so Avould I say to everyone in
Cleveland and South Durham , 'Have recourse to your books then , my son . The sages who have written before our days are travellers who have preceded us in the paths of misfortune , Avho have stretched out a friendly hand towards us , and invite us to join their society when everything else abandons us . A good book is a good friend . '"
We congratulate Bro . Tweddell upon the successful result of his labours . The work is full of incident , highly instructive , and should form an indispensable portion of the library of every inhabitant of Cleveland and South Durham , and should also be in the hand of tho tourist who visits the districts referred to . Pa ? -t I . contains biographies and extracts from the
Avritings of Cedmon , before referred to ; Walter de Hemingford , a canon of the Austin Priory at Gisbro' , in the reign of Edward III . ; and John Goiver , born about the year 1320 , the same Gower whom Shakspeare introduces before the Palace of Antioch as chorus to his " Pericles , Prince of Tyre . " The succeeding parts will bo noticed in folloAving numbers of the FKEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE . The Avork is profusely embellished Avith plate and Avoodcut illustrations .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
Iu Victor Hugo's neAV work , " Les Trnvailleurs de fa Mer , " lie translates the Firth of Forth as " La Premiere de la Quatrieme . " The subscriptions towards Mr . Hogers ' s scheme for promoting Middle Glass Education in the City of London , amounts to sixty thousand pounds . Dr . J . Demogeot and Dr . II . J .
MontucciCom-, missioners from the French Government , are at present iu this country Avith the view of inquiring into the state of education in our universities and schools for the upper and middle classes . The article on George Cruikshank and his Avorks which appeared in the " Westminster Review" twent y
five or twenty-six years ago , turns out to have been written by Thackeray . The " Musical World" says at the head of the new couservatorium now in contemplation , to the maintenance of which Government Avill liberally contribute , aud of which Mr . Cole is chief promoter , it is , we understand , definitely settled to ' appoint Mr . Costa .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
BRO . WILLIAM HENRY WHITE , PAST GHAXD SECIIETAKX or EXGLAXD . Bom Nov . 10 , 1777 . Initiated April 15 , 1799 . Died April S , 1 S 6 G . j At last the subtle thread of life is broken— I The venerable Mason sleeps at last—
Death came and signalled him with mystic token , } To join the phantom brethren of tho past . j Bowed with the weight of nearly ninety years , Our patriarch passes from this vale of tears . j Born when Columbia ' s flag was first unfurled , j When Washington ' s was yet an unknown name , And long before Napoleon shook the world
, Or Nelson soared upon the Avings of fame . Through the long vista of bis life we gaze , O ' ercome with visions of those bygone days . Empires and states have had their rise and fall Since he appeared upon this stage of time ; But Masonry— -his pride—survives them all , Fixed on foundations heavenly and sublime .
Age has not dimmed its lustre , nor effaced The principles on which its power is based . Peace to the dead—his pilgrimage is done . And requiems at his sepulchre we sing . For him the fight is fought , the battle won , Yet this last tribute to his tomb Ave bring—That Masonry he long and ably served ,
And never from the path of duty swerved . Then may the acacia o ' er his ashes bloom , His memory still be cherished warm and bright , Till the last trump shall call him from the tomb , Again to mingle with the sons of light , In that divine , celestial lodge above , Where the world ' s Architect presides in love ! j —P . M . i
The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham . By GEO . MARKUAM TWBDDEI . L , K . S . A . Scot . andNcAvc , author of "Shakspeare : his Times and Contemporaries , " & c . Stokesley : Published by the Author . To be completed in tAvolve parts . Bro . TAveddell is already knoAvn to most of our readers , from the notices Avhich have already appeared in these
pages of tho excellent Avritings of our esteemed and diligent brother , lvlio in the work before us displays most favourably his ability as a painstaking and indefatigable lover of research . The production of "The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham " must have called for an enormous amount of labour in delving into endless ; sources of informationsome of
, them necessarily very ancient and obscure , seeing that the first name Avhich Ave meet Avith amongst tho Bards is that of Cedmon , Avho followed the occupation of a herdsman during the Saxon Heptarchy , and eventually hecame a monk of Strooneshalh Abboj ^ , founded by Oswy , A-D . 643—670 . The object of our author in issuing tho work under
notice , will be best understood from tho following extract from tho Introduction , viz . : — " To bring under the notice of the people of Cleveland and South Durham the bards and authors Avho , by birth or residence , have been connected with the district , furnishing , as far as I am able , authentic memoirs and brief but impartial criticisms of the various writers , and supplying the reader with extracts from such of their Avorks as I have had access to , so that everyone may be enabled to form some acquaintanceship with our
literary characters both of past and present times , and to hold communion with such , as they find most congenial with their own minds . Few , if any , of the subscribers to this work Avill possess tho publications of all the Avriters from AA-hom I have made extracts , as some of them are far from being common . I have longcherished the idea of a work similar to Chambers ' s
excellent ' Cyclopedia of English Literature , ' to be confined to the poets and prose Avriters of the north of England . Should the present volume meet Avith a favourable reception , I shall , if God spares mo long enough for the pleasing task , do my best to perfect the Avork . For I believe Avith St . Pierre ' s good Old Man in the touching tale of 'Paul and Virginia , ' that
"literature is the gift of Heaven ; a ray of that wisdom Avhich governs the universe , and ivhich man , inspired by celestial intelligence , has drawn down to earth . Like the sun , it enlightens , it rejoices , it Avarms with a divine flame , and seems , in some sort , like the element of fire , to bend all nature to our use . By its aid wo calm the passions , suppress vice , and excite virtue . Literature is the daughter of Heaven , who has descended upon earth to soften and charm all human evils . ' And , as the Old Man adds to Paul , so Avould I say to everyone in
Cleveland and South Durham , 'Have recourse to your books then , my son . The sages who have written before our days are travellers who have preceded us in the paths of misfortune , Avho have stretched out a friendly hand towards us , and invite us to join their society when everything else abandons us . A good book is a good friend . '"
We congratulate Bro . Tweddell upon the successful result of his labours . The work is full of incident , highly instructive , and should form an indispensable portion of the library of every inhabitant of Cleveland and South Durham , and should also be in the hand of tho tourist who visits the districts referred to . Pa ? -t I . contains biographies and extracts from the
Avritings of Cedmon , before referred to ; Walter de Hemingford , a canon of the Austin Priory at Gisbro' , in the reign of Edward III . ; and John Goiver , born about the year 1320 , the same Gower whom Shakspeare introduces before the Palace of Antioch as chorus to his " Pericles , Prince of Tyre . " The succeeding parts will bo noticed in folloAving numbers of the FKEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE . The Avork is profusely embellished Avith plate and Avoodcut illustrations .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
Iu Victor Hugo's neAV work , " Les Trnvailleurs de fa Mer , " lie translates the Firth of Forth as " La Premiere de la Quatrieme . " The subscriptions towards Mr . Hogers ' s scheme for promoting Middle Glass Education in the City of London , amounts to sixty thousand pounds . Dr . J . Demogeot and Dr . II . J .
MontucciCom-, missioners from the French Government , are at present iu this country Avith the view of inquiring into the state of education in our universities and schools for the upper and middle classes . The article on George Cruikshank and his Avorks which appeared in the " Westminster Review" twent y
five or twenty-six years ago , turns out to have been written by Thackeray . The " Musical World" says at the head of the new couservatorium now in contemplation , to the maintenance of which Government Avill liberally contribute , aud of which Mr . Cole is chief promoter , it is , we understand , definitely settled to ' appoint Mr . Costa .