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dome , supported on four piers standing in the circumference of a circle 85 ft . in diameter ; between each of the piers are three pillars , from the capitals of which spring slightly elliptical arches , which assist in carrying the tambour of the dome . This circle is surrounded by an octagonal screen ,
containing eight piers and sixteen pillars , which carry an entablature , above which are discharging arches , slightly elliptical in shape . There is a peculiar feature in the entablature of the screen , that over the intercolumnar spaces the architrave is entirely omittedand over the pillars
, is represented by a square block cased Avith marble . The pillars are of the Corinthian order , averaging 5 ft . llin . in circumference for the screen , and oft . lOin . for the inner circle ; are of various coloured beautiful marbles , and serpentine . Outside the screen is the main building , also
octagonal , composed of the best Malaki stone , finely chiselled with close heads and joints , and having on each side seven recessed spaces or bays with plain semicircular heads . The exterior of the Mosque is richly decorated Avith marble and fayence . The casing of various coloured marbles reaches from the ground to nearly the foot of the Avindows . The Avhole internal surface of the dome and
tambour is covered with arabesques in mosaic , Avhich , though in some places peeling off , in others retain much of the original freshness of colouring . The windoAVS are remarkable for the beauty of the tracery , no less than for the brilliancy of the colouring , and the admirable way in which the different colours are blended , producing harmony in the whole .
Hie Mosque El Aksa , on the south side of the Haram , is a Mahometan place of worship , Avhich has been built upon vaults to bring up a level surface for it . The Crusaders took Jerusalem in A . D . 1099 , and called the Dome of the Rock the " Temple of tho
Lord , " and the Mosque El Aksa , the " Palace of Solomon ; " and it was here that King Baldwin founded the celebrated order of Knights Templar . In discussing the question as to whether the present area of the Haram es Sherif corresponded with the area of the temple as it was built . b
y Herod , Sir Henry said that a careful examination of this question had led him to the conclusion that there could be no doubt but that it Avas identically the same .
The northern front is described by Josephus as having the tower of Antonia built on a precipice at the north-west angle ; this precipice , in part cut away , still existed , and on the same spot a guard Avas always noAV stationed , as it was at the time when the city was occupied by the Romans ; this
side terminates at the valley of the Kedron , and " was built over it , on which account the depth was frightful , " as Josephus also says ; and Ave have in the Pool of Bethesda the immense fosse , and in the small valley previously referred to , the
ravine which Titus found such difficulty iu procuring materials to fill up , in front of this side . The south side is described by the same author as reaching " in length from the east valley unto that on the west , for it was impossible it should reach , any farther ; " and this description , Avith the
manner in which the south-east angle is supported on arches , is exactly confirmed by Avhat Ave IIOAV see . Then turning to the architecture of the enclosing Avails , Ave find that , as Josephus says , "both the largeness of the square edifice and its altitudes were immenseand that the vastness of the stones
, in the front was plainly visible , " and this description exactly applies to the loAvest , and therefore the most ancient parts of the Avails Avhich still remain , as seen at the north-east angle , the southeast , and south-Avest angles , and at numerous
intervening points in Avhich there are immense stones , some of which rano-e from 24 ft . to 40 ft . in length ; and of proportional depth and width . The architecture of these parts of the Avails is moreover distinguished by the broad " marginal drafts " round them , giving a bold and peculiar
character to the joints , which have been improperly called " bevelled joints ; " and again by the peculiar manner in \ vhich the "batter" of the Avails was obtained , viz ., by setting back the courses of stones 4 m . or Bin . as they were carried up at the angle .
These facts prove that these remaining portions of the old Avails formed part of one design and one work ; and when Ave find a portion of the arch ( Robinson's ) built in . as part of the wall itself , and knoAV that this Avas one of the arches of the bridge
across the Tyropean valley , AA'hicli Avas built by-Herod to lead to the royal cloisters along the south side of the enclosure—for its position exactly accords with the dimensions given by Josephusthe conclusion is inevitable , that the AA holo enclosure is identically the same as that of tho temple
of Herod . The history , the topography , aud the architecture are all in accord upon this point . Sir Henry then described the ancient doorway or postern still existing in the southern portion of the west wall , the lintel of which was 24 ft . long iu one stone , and the Wailing place of tho Jews a
little to the north of it , the only part of the Avail Avhich is within tho JeAvs' quarter to Avhich they are permitted to have access , aud also the great arch having a span of 42 ft . and a Avidtli of 43 ft ., covering the cistern " El Barak , " Avhich was discovered by Captain . Wilsonand first recognised
, by him as forming part of one of the four ancient approaches to the temple enclosure on the west side . The Avestern Avail of the enclosure Avas described as being perfectly straight throughout its length ; but from Wilson's arch northwards there is an
accumulation of 72 ft of rubbish against it ; upon which the modem houses of the "Mahometans are built too closo together to admit of excavations being made , and Avhich on account of the tombs
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
dome , supported on four piers standing in the circumference of a circle 85 ft . in diameter ; between each of the piers are three pillars , from the capitals of which spring slightly elliptical arches , which assist in carrying the tambour of the dome . This circle is surrounded by an octagonal screen ,
containing eight piers and sixteen pillars , which carry an entablature , above which are discharging arches , slightly elliptical in shape . There is a peculiar feature in the entablature of the screen , that over the intercolumnar spaces the architrave is entirely omittedand over the pillars
, is represented by a square block cased Avith marble . The pillars are of the Corinthian order , averaging 5 ft . llin . in circumference for the screen , and oft . lOin . for the inner circle ; are of various coloured beautiful marbles , and serpentine . Outside the screen is the main building , also
octagonal , composed of the best Malaki stone , finely chiselled with close heads and joints , and having on each side seven recessed spaces or bays with plain semicircular heads . The exterior of the Mosque is richly decorated Avith marble and fayence . The casing of various coloured marbles reaches from the ground to nearly the foot of the Avindows . The Avhole internal surface of the dome and
tambour is covered with arabesques in mosaic , Avhich , though in some places peeling off , in others retain much of the original freshness of colouring . The windoAVS are remarkable for the beauty of the tracery , no less than for the brilliancy of the colouring , and the admirable way in which the different colours are blended , producing harmony in the whole .
Hie Mosque El Aksa , on the south side of the Haram , is a Mahometan place of worship , Avhich has been built upon vaults to bring up a level surface for it . The Crusaders took Jerusalem in A . D . 1099 , and called the Dome of the Rock the " Temple of tho
Lord , " and the Mosque El Aksa , the " Palace of Solomon ; " and it was here that King Baldwin founded the celebrated order of Knights Templar . In discussing the question as to whether the present area of the Haram es Sherif corresponded with the area of the temple as it was built . b
y Herod , Sir Henry said that a careful examination of this question had led him to the conclusion that there could be no doubt but that it Avas identically the same .
The northern front is described by Josephus as having the tower of Antonia built on a precipice at the north-west angle ; this precipice , in part cut away , still existed , and on the same spot a guard Avas always noAV stationed , as it was at the time when the city was occupied by the Romans ; this
side terminates at the valley of the Kedron , and " was built over it , on which account the depth was frightful , " as Josephus also says ; and Ave have in the Pool of Bethesda the immense fosse , and in the small valley previously referred to , the
ravine which Titus found such difficulty iu procuring materials to fill up , in front of this side . The south side is described by the same author as reaching " in length from the east valley unto that on the west , for it was impossible it should reach , any farther ; " and this description , Avith the
manner in which the south-east angle is supported on arches , is exactly confirmed by Avhat Ave IIOAV see . Then turning to the architecture of the enclosing Avails , Ave find that , as Josephus says , "both the largeness of the square edifice and its altitudes were immenseand that the vastness of the stones
, in the front was plainly visible , " and this description exactly applies to the loAvest , and therefore the most ancient parts of the Avails Avhich still remain , as seen at the north-east angle , the southeast , and south-Avest angles , and at numerous
intervening points in Avhich there are immense stones , some of which rano-e from 24 ft . to 40 ft . in length ; and of proportional depth and width . The architecture of these parts of the Avails is moreover distinguished by the broad " marginal drafts " round them , giving a bold and peculiar
character to the joints , which have been improperly called " bevelled joints ; " and again by the peculiar manner in \ vhich the "batter" of the Avails was obtained , viz ., by setting back the courses of stones 4 m . or Bin . as they were carried up at the angle .
These facts prove that these remaining portions of the old Avails formed part of one design and one work ; and when Ave find a portion of the arch ( Robinson's ) built in . as part of the wall itself , and knoAV that this Avas one of the arches of the bridge
across the Tyropean valley , AA'hicli Avas built by-Herod to lead to the royal cloisters along the south side of the enclosure—for its position exactly accords with the dimensions given by Josephusthe conclusion is inevitable , that the AA holo enclosure is identically the same as that of tho temple
of Herod . The history , the topography , aud the architecture are all in accord upon this point . Sir Henry then described the ancient doorway or postern still existing in the southern portion of the west wall , the lintel of which was 24 ft . long iu one stone , and the Wailing place of tho Jews a
little to the north of it , the only part of the Avail Avhich is within tho JeAvs' quarter to Avhich they are permitted to have access , aud also the great arch having a span of 42 ft . and a Avidtli of 43 ft ., covering the cistern " El Barak , " Avhich was discovered by Captain . Wilsonand first recognised
, by him as forming part of one of the four ancient approaches to the temple enclosure on the west side . The Avestern Avail of the enclosure Avas described as being perfectly straight throughout its length ; but from Wilson's arch northwards there is an
accumulation of 72 ft of rubbish against it ; upon which the modem houses of the "Mahometans are built too closo together to admit of excavations being made , and Avhich on account of the tombs