Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE M.W.G.M. Page 1 of 1
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Contents . PAGE . FKEEirAsoNs' MAGAZINE : — ThcM . W . G . M , 381 The Haughfoot Lodge and Speculative Masonry—By R . S . „ . 382 The Science of Freemasonry 3 S 3 Masonic Processions 384 Masonic Jottings—No . 19 386
Masonic Notes and Queries 387 Correspondence ¦ 3 S 8 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad ' 390 MASONIC MIEEOB : — Masonic Mcms 391 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—Anniversary Festival ... 391 CEAET LODGE MEETINGS : —
Metropolitan , 394 Provincial 395 Scotland 399 Obituary 399 Royal Arch 399 Scientific Meetings 400 List of Lodge , & c , Meetings for ensuing week 400 To Correspondents 400
The M.W.G.M.
THE M . W . G . M .
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 14 , 1870 .
The Graphic of last week gives a portrait of the M . W . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , with a memoir as follows : — "The Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Robinson , born in London , the 24 th of October ,
1827 , is descended on the mother ' s side from one of the most ancient and illustrious houses of the English aristocracy . The Fourth JJord Grey de Euthyn was created Earl of Kent by Edward IV ., in 1465 , not long after the battle of
Northampton ; and this dignity descended in the male line down to the middle of the last century . The twelfth Earl of Kent , created marquis , and afterwards duke of that county , in the reign of Queen Anne , died without male heirs in 1741 . But
though the dukedom became extinct , one of his daughters was created Countess de Grey , and in this way the latter title became united with the more modern title of Ripon . The Robinsons appear to have been a respectable family in the
county of York , one of whom acquired a baronetcy in 1660 , and another in the reign of George the Second , having taken to diplomacy , was employed in several missions of importance . This Sir Thomas having returned to England and obtained
a seat in Parliament , was pitched upon by the Duke of Newcastle , who had succeeded his brother , Henry Pelham , at the treasury , to lead the House of Commons , a situation which exposed him to the inexhaustible ridicule and sarcasm of the elder Pitt and Fox . " Sir Thomas Robinson lead us , " said the former indignantly . " The Duke might as
well send his jackboot to lead us . " Sir Thomas was released from his misery the year afterwards , and retired with a pension of £ 2 , 000 a year , his eminent services being fur thev rewarded shortly afterwards with a peerage . His son , the second
Lord Grantham , married in 1780 , Jemima , daughter of the second Earl of Hardwicke , her mother being one of the daughters of that Duke of Kent who died as we have seen in 1741 . By this marriage the second Lord Grantham had two
sons , Thomas Philip , third Lord Grantham , who . in 1833 succeeded through his mother's family to the earldom of De Grey , and Frederick , created Lord Goderich in 1827 , and Earl Ripon in 1833 . The latter died in January 1858 , and his brother
in the following November without heirs , so that the two titles of Ripon and De Grey became united in the person of his nephew , the present lord .
"He was born , as we have stated , in 1827 , his mother , Lady Sarah Hobart , heiress of the late-Earl of Buckinghamshire . He married in 1851 , Miss Vyner , daughter of Captain Vyner , and sister of the unfortunate gentleman who has just been
murdered . The following year he was returned to Parliament for Hull , but was unseated on petition . He sat for Huddersfield from 1 S 53 to 1857 , when he was returned for the West Riding of
Yorkshire , which he continued to represent till his succession to the peerage . His official services have been confined to the War Department and the India Department , he having been under chief secretary in both . Ho was placed at the
head of the India Board by Lord Russell , and was made President of the Council by Mr . Gladstone . He has fulfilled these various duties without applause , yet , as far as wo know without censure . " This is the nobleman who is now about to assume the responsible position of " the Most
Worshipful the Grand Master of Masons , " which means the Supreme ruler of all English Freemasons . He has for several years acted as Deputy Grand Master under Lord Zetland , who now retires , for although these offices are nominally vacated every yearit is an understood thing , that
, the same rnen are re-elected . Lord Zetland has been Grand Master for the last 25 years , and was to have installed his successor this week , but domestic circumstances have unhappily interfered to prevent it . His lordship has an heir , Viscount Goderichborn in 1852 and a daughter born in
, , 1858 . He is a magistrate and deputy lieutenant for the counties of York and Lincoln , and a captain in the West Riding yeomanry Cavalry . " The portrait of Lord de Grey and Ripon is from a photograph by Mr . II . Barraud , jun . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contents . PAGE . FKEEirAsoNs' MAGAZINE : — ThcM . W . G . M , 381 The Haughfoot Lodge and Speculative Masonry—By R . S . „ . 382 The Science of Freemasonry 3 S 3 Masonic Processions 384 Masonic Jottings—No . 19 386
Masonic Notes and Queries 387 Correspondence ¦ 3 S 8 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad ' 390 MASONIC MIEEOB : — Masonic Mcms 391 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—Anniversary Festival ... 391 CEAET LODGE MEETINGS : —
Metropolitan , 394 Provincial 395 Scotland 399 Obituary 399 Royal Arch 399 Scientific Meetings 400 List of Lodge , & c , Meetings for ensuing week 400 To Correspondents 400
The M.W.G.M.
THE M . W . G . M .
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 14 , 1870 .
The Graphic of last week gives a portrait of the M . W . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , with a memoir as follows : — "The Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Robinson , born in London , the 24 th of October ,
1827 , is descended on the mother ' s side from one of the most ancient and illustrious houses of the English aristocracy . The Fourth JJord Grey de Euthyn was created Earl of Kent by Edward IV ., in 1465 , not long after the battle of
Northampton ; and this dignity descended in the male line down to the middle of the last century . The twelfth Earl of Kent , created marquis , and afterwards duke of that county , in the reign of Queen Anne , died without male heirs in 1741 . But
though the dukedom became extinct , one of his daughters was created Countess de Grey , and in this way the latter title became united with the more modern title of Ripon . The Robinsons appear to have been a respectable family in the
county of York , one of whom acquired a baronetcy in 1660 , and another in the reign of George the Second , having taken to diplomacy , was employed in several missions of importance . This Sir Thomas having returned to England and obtained
a seat in Parliament , was pitched upon by the Duke of Newcastle , who had succeeded his brother , Henry Pelham , at the treasury , to lead the House of Commons , a situation which exposed him to the inexhaustible ridicule and sarcasm of the elder Pitt and Fox . " Sir Thomas Robinson lead us , " said the former indignantly . " The Duke might as
well send his jackboot to lead us . " Sir Thomas was released from his misery the year afterwards , and retired with a pension of £ 2 , 000 a year , his eminent services being fur thev rewarded shortly afterwards with a peerage . His son , the second
Lord Grantham , married in 1780 , Jemima , daughter of the second Earl of Hardwicke , her mother being one of the daughters of that Duke of Kent who died as we have seen in 1741 . By this marriage the second Lord Grantham had two
sons , Thomas Philip , third Lord Grantham , who . in 1833 succeeded through his mother's family to the earldom of De Grey , and Frederick , created Lord Goderich in 1827 , and Earl Ripon in 1833 . The latter died in January 1858 , and his brother
in the following November without heirs , so that the two titles of Ripon and De Grey became united in the person of his nephew , the present lord .
"He was born , as we have stated , in 1827 , his mother , Lady Sarah Hobart , heiress of the late-Earl of Buckinghamshire . He married in 1851 , Miss Vyner , daughter of Captain Vyner , and sister of the unfortunate gentleman who has just been
murdered . The following year he was returned to Parliament for Hull , but was unseated on petition . He sat for Huddersfield from 1 S 53 to 1857 , when he was returned for the West Riding of
Yorkshire , which he continued to represent till his succession to the peerage . His official services have been confined to the War Department and the India Department , he having been under chief secretary in both . Ho was placed at the
head of the India Board by Lord Russell , and was made President of the Council by Mr . Gladstone . He has fulfilled these various duties without applause , yet , as far as wo know without censure . " This is the nobleman who is now about to assume the responsible position of " the Most
Worshipful the Grand Master of Masons , " which means the Supreme ruler of all English Freemasons . He has for several years acted as Deputy Grand Master under Lord Zetland , who now retires , for although these offices are nominally vacated every yearit is an understood thing , that
, the same rnen are re-elected . Lord Zetland has been Grand Master for the last 25 years , and was to have installed his successor this week , but domestic circumstances have unhappily interfered to prevent it . His lordship has an heir , Viscount Goderichborn in 1852 and a daughter born in
, , 1858 . He is a magistrate and deputy lieutenant for the counties of York and Lincoln , and a captain in the West Riding yeomanry Cavalry . " The portrait of Lord de Grey and Ripon is from a photograph by Mr . II . Barraud , jun . "