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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The eighty-third annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was held on the 19 th and 20 th January at Trenton . Mozart Lodge , Philadelphia , celebrated the first
anniversary on the 6 th April at the Academy of Music . This was established as a musical lodge , and the celebration took the appropriate form of a grand concert . It was a great success , but the project did not meet with the approval of the Grand Masterwho
, objected to the brethren , as a lodge , giving a public concert . In consequence the announcement was varied , so as to read , " Mozart Anniversary , " instead of " Mozart Lodge Anniversary . "
The corner stone of the Masonic Hall in New York will be laid on the 8 th June . Bro . James Gibson , G . Master , has issued his official orders relating to the proceedings on the interesting occasion . A committee of 2 S brethren has been appointed . R . W . Bro-Preston is appointed Marshal for the day , and power
has been delegated to him to appoint a sufficient number of assistants . The procession will be composed of Master Masons only , who will wear dark clothing , high black hats , linen aprons , and white gloves ; officers of lodge will wear their jewels . No scarfs , collars , or banners will be allowed iu the procession .
The Grand Master of Canada , Bro . Stevenson , has granted dispensations for the formation of new lodges —one at Montreal and the other at Sutton Hall , both within the territory claimed by the self-styled Grand Lodge of Quebec .
A short time since the terrible news arrived from Cuba of the butchery of thirteen Masons , members of a lodge in Santegrode , which it was said was to be followed by forty more members of the society , the latter statement made upon the authority of the American Consul . The editor of Foment / s Democrat says . —
" This terrible news affected us greatly , for we have many personal friends—Freemasons—in Cuba ; and finding a brother Mason , whose business frequently led him to Bavannah , about to sail by steamer , we requested him to make careful inquiry , and report to
us confidentially . " The result of the brother's investigation was that he found " it was more talked of in the States and more there known of it than in Havannah . " We are therefore no better off than we were before . Foment /' s Democrat continues : — " Masonry in Cuba , as well as in Old Spain and other Spanish colonies , has never been sanctioned , but , on the
contrary , been denounced , and heavy penalties inflicted even in the mother country , until the expulsion of their late profligate Queen , Isabella . It nevertheless worked in secret , and in Cuba , in the year 1853 , the Grand Lodge Hesperico Reformado , of Spain , itself
working in secret , legally constituted two symbolic lodges ; and on the 28 th day of May , 1859 , the Grand Lodge of South Carolina granted a dispensation for a third lodge , San Andres , at Santiago de Cuba , to which a warrant was granted in November , 1859 . These
lodges , uniting with others from other jurisdictions , formed the Grand Lodge of Colon . Since then Masonry in Cuba , always working in secret , has had its ups and downs ; and some four years since a lodge at Santiago was visited by the police , its properties
destroyed , its members arrested , and an old fellow member of ours in a New York lodge , a visitor on the occasion—Bro . Isador Arnais—rudely treated . "
Blair—a new town in Nebraska , 25 miles above Omaha—but eleven months old , with a population of 500 , has a lodge , and preparations are being made for the establishment of a chapter .
At a recent meeting of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , the recognition of the Grand Orient of France was withdrawn , in consequence of the improper recognition by the Grand Orient of a spurious Masonic body in Lousiania . On the second day of the session
of the Grand Lodge , the Grand Master laid the foundation stone of the Masonic Widows' and Orphans ' Home .
The Grand Lodge of Michigan has followed suit with reference to the Grand Orient of France . At the meeting at Dehorta , Jan . 12 , 237 lodges were represented and 22 charters were granted . On Jan . 19 , the Grand Lodge of New Jersey held
its quarterly session . The lodge declined to recognise the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec . Eighty-eight lodges were represented . The Grand Lodge of Idaho , a far-off mountainous
region , lying north of Utah , issues a beautiful piamphlet of the proceedings of its second meeting . Its six lodges have 279 Master Masons .
ACCOBDIKO to " Nature , " a Natural History Society has recently been established ad Winchester College ; and a Botanical section has been formed in connection with the Hants and Winchester Scientific and Literary Society .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The eighty-third annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was held on the 19 th and 20 th January at Trenton . Mozart Lodge , Philadelphia , celebrated the first
anniversary on the 6 th April at the Academy of Music . This was established as a musical lodge , and the celebration took the appropriate form of a grand concert . It was a great success , but the project did not meet with the approval of the Grand Masterwho
, objected to the brethren , as a lodge , giving a public concert . In consequence the announcement was varied , so as to read , " Mozart Anniversary , " instead of " Mozart Lodge Anniversary . "
The corner stone of the Masonic Hall in New York will be laid on the 8 th June . Bro . James Gibson , G . Master , has issued his official orders relating to the proceedings on the interesting occasion . A committee of 2 S brethren has been appointed . R . W . Bro-Preston is appointed Marshal for the day , and power
has been delegated to him to appoint a sufficient number of assistants . The procession will be composed of Master Masons only , who will wear dark clothing , high black hats , linen aprons , and white gloves ; officers of lodge will wear their jewels . No scarfs , collars , or banners will be allowed iu the procession .
The Grand Master of Canada , Bro . Stevenson , has granted dispensations for the formation of new lodges —one at Montreal and the other at Sutton Hall , both within the territory claimed by the self-styled Grand Lodge of Quebec .
A short time since the terrible news arrived from Cuba of the butchery of thirteen Masons , members of a lodge in Santegrode , which it was said was to be followed by forty more members of the society , the latter statement made upon the authority of the American Consul . The editor of Foment / s Democrat says . —
" This terrible news affected us greatly , for we have many personal friends—Freemasons—in Cuba ; and finding a brother Mason , whose business frequently led him to Bavannah , about to sail by steamer , we requested him to make careful inquiry , and report to
us confidentially . " The result of the brother's investigation was that he found " it was more talked of in the States and more there known of it than in Havannah . " We are therefore no better off than we were before . Foment /' s Democrat continues : — " Masonry in Cuba , as well as in Old Spain and other Spanish colonies , has never been sanctioned , but , on the
contrary , been denounced , and heavy penalties inflicted even in the mother country , until the expulsion of their late profligate Queen , Isabella . It nevertheless worked in secret , and in Cuba , in the year 1853 , the Grand Lodge Hesperico Reformado , of Spain , itself
working in secret , legally constituted two symbolic lodges ; and on the 28 th day of May , 1859 , the Grand Lodge of South Carolina granted a dispensation for a third lodge , San Andres , at Santiago de Cuba , to which a warrant was granted in November , 1859 . These
lodges , uniting with others from other jurisdictions , formed the Grand Lodge of Colon . Since then Masonry in Cuba , always working in secret , has had its ups and downs ; and some four years since a lodge at Santiago was visited by the police , its properties
destroyed , its members arrested , and an old fellow member of ours in a New York lodge , a visitor on the occasion—Bro . Isador Arnais—rudely treated . "
Blair—a new town in Nebraska , 25 miles above Omaha—but eleven months old , with a population of 500 , has a lodge , and preparations are being made for the establishment of a chapter .
At a recent meeting of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , the recognition of the Grand Orient of France was withdrawn , in consequence of the improper recognition by the Grand Orient of a spurious Masonic body in Lousiania . On the second day of the session
of the Grand Lodge , the Grand Master laid the foundation stone of the Masonic Widows' and Orphans ' Home .
The Grand Lodge of Michigan has followed suit with reference to the Grand Orient of France . At the meeting at Dehorta , Jan . 12 , 237 lodges were represented and 22 charters were granted . On Jan . 19 , the Grand Lodge of New Jersey held
its quarterly session . The lodge declined to recognise the so-called Grand Lodge of Quebec . Eighty-eight lodges were represented . The Grand Lodge of Idaho , a far-off mountainous
region , lying north of Utah , issues a beautiful piamphlet of the proceedings of its second meeting . Its six lodges have 279 Master Masons .
ACCOBDIKO to " Nature , " a Natural History Society has recently been established ad Winchester College ; and a Botanical section has been formed in connection with the Hants and Winchester Scientific and Literary Society .