Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIEEOE. # s * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
TnE installation of the Earl de Grey and Ripon as the Grand Master of the English Masons will take place this day ( Saturday ) , at the Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queen-street . It is fully expected that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master , will ho present on the occasion . On the same evening the postponed Grand festival will he
held in the grand hall . TnE Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will ho held on the 27 th inst ., at the Assembly Piooms , Reading . The Provincial Grand Lodge will he opened at one o ' clock precisely , hy Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M ., on which ¦ occasion the appointment and investiture of Prov . ( i- Officers ,
and the presentation of Charity jewels will take place . Return tickets , at single fares ( available for two days ) , may be obtained by members of the Prov . G . Lodgo , at the principal stations of the G-. W . Railway , on presentation of the summons convening the meeting .
PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE OE GIOTJCESTEE . —The R . W . Bro . Lord Sherborne , Prov . G . M ., has fixed to hold the annual meeting of this lodge at the King ' s Head Hotel , on the IStb . inst ., at three o ' clock in tho afternoon . A large muster of the brethren may be expected , as interesting matter will bo brought forward . A GEAND FESTIVAL of Freemasons will be held at
Peterborough , on the 19 th ult ., under the presidoncy of the Duke of Manchester . There will he a special afternoon service at the Cathedral , with a sermon from the Bishop of Peterborough . It is expected that the Prince of Wales will be present .
MAES MASOXEY . —NEWPOET . —Keystone Lodge ( No . 109 ) . — This lodge will be opened and consecrated , and W . M . installed , on the last Monday in the present month . THE foundation stono of a new church at Falinge , near Rochdale , was laid on Saturday the 7 th inst ., hy Bro , Albert Hudson Royds , Prov . G . M . Worcester , who has undertaken to defray the whole cost , estimated at not less than £ 10 , 000 .
THE foundation stone of tho Churches of St . Paul and St . Mark , at Leicester , will he laid with Masonic honours , on Wednesday , the 18 th inst . The following are the arrangements for the occasion : —The brethren will assemble at the Masonic Hall , at a quarter to ten o ' clock precisely , -when the Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened . The loctee will then adjourn to St .
Mary ' s School-rooms , whence they will proceed in procession -with the Right Rev . Bro . the Lord Bishop of the Diocese , and bis clergy , to the site of the intended new Church of St . Paul The ceremony of laying the foundation stone will then take rjlacc . Tho procession will then he re-formed and proceed to St . Margaret ' s Church , where Divine service will be held . After
the service , the procession will move to Foundry-square , where * at half-past two o'clock , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Church of St . Mark will take place . The brethren will then return to the Masonic Hall , when the Provincial Grand Lodge will he closed . A luncheon will he provided at the County Assembly Rooms , at four o ' clock . The Provincial Grand
Master earnestly hopes , that as a mark of respect to tho Ri gh t Rev . Bro . tho Lord Bishop of the Diocese , and to Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , P . Prov , G . M . ( who will he represented
by Lord Curzon ) , that every brother in the province , not prevented by sickness or urgent business , will attend on the occasion . THE UKIVEESAI MASONIC CAIENDAE FOE 1 S 70 . —NOTICE . — In consequence of the meeting of Grand Lodge for the Installation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the appointment
of Grand Officers for the year 1810-1 having been postponed the publication of the calendar is delayed , to enable the list of officers of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , and other important information to he included . TIXEES of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encamp , ments , & e ., in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FBEE - MASOSS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register aud Directory may he compiled .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . The Eighty-second Anniversary Festival of this Institution was held on Wednesday , the lltli inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-strecfc , under the presidency of tho R . W . Bro . Wm . W , B . Beach , ilf . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
The following i 3 a complete list of the Stewards -. — President—Bro . Simeon C . Hadley , V . P ., W . M ., 30 . Vice-Presidents—R . W . Bros , the Right Hon . the Lord de Tahley , Prov . G . M . Cheshire ; Stephen Blair , V . P ., Prov . G . M . East Lancashire and P . M . 37 ; Maxwell C . Close , P . G . W ., Prov . G . M . Armagh and P . M . 10 ; the Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart .,
P . G . Chaplain , 111- ; L . P . Metliam , P . G . D ., Deputy Prov . G . M . Devonshire ; George W . K . Potter , P . G . D . & P . M . 92 ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D . and P . M . 235 ; Captain R . Cope , V . P ., P . G . S . B ., Prov . G . W . Cheshire & P . M . 321 ; II . R . Luckes , Deputy Prov . G . M . Herefordshire , 702 , 1067 , P . M . 33 S ; Edmond K . Bayley , Grand Steward , W . M . 1 ; S . Heath Head , Grand Steward
W . M . S ; Plummer T . Brearey , Grand Steward , W . M . 26 ; F . J . Cornwell , Grand Steward , W . M . 11 : Frederick John Corder , Grand Steward , J . W . 58 ; H . D . Pilcher , Grand Steward , S . W . 99 ; Colonel Edward M . Perkins , P . G . Steward , 5 ; George
Claridge , P . G . Steward , Sec . G ; G . F . Lamert , P . G . Steward , P . G . W . Oxon , P . M . 20 and 357 ; George Mcilor , V . P ., P . Prov . G . W . East Lancashire , 61 , P . M . 800 ; J . M . Wike , V . P ., Prov . G . W . East Lancashire , 191 , 999 , 1253 , P . M . 12 ; and the Rev . W . Langley , P . Prov . G . W . Leicester and Rutland , 50 , P . M . 1130 . W . Bros . J . Marson , P . Prov . G . W . Northampton and
Hunts , P . M . and Sec , 373 ; William Belcher , P . Prov . G . W . Oxon , 310 , P . M . 915 ; Alexander Emsley , Prov . G . W . Sussex , W . M . 1303 , P . M . 311 ; John Douglas , Prov . G . W . Hants and Isle of Wight , P . M . 487 ; J . W . Maelure , Prov . G . D . East Lancashire , S . W . 1253 , W . M . 1052 ; C . W . Wyndlmm , P . Prov . G . Reg . Wilts , 622 , 1112 , 12 GG , P . M . 586 ; John Ricketts , P . Prov
G . Reg . Somerset , P . M , 11 ; R . Peter Atkins , P . Prov . G . Reg . Kent , P . M . 829 , 1107 , W . M . 55 ; David Williams , P . Prov . GSec . South Wales ( Eastern Division ) , P . M . 237 ; John E . Le Feuvre , Prov . G . Sec . Hants and Isle of Wight , 130 ; John Bolderson , V . P ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works East Lancashire , P . M . 11 ; John Walker , P . Prov . G . Supfc . of Works Yorkshire ( North
and East ) , P . M . 57 ; William Fair , P . Prov . G . S . B . Cheshire , P . M . 811 ; R . Eve , V . P ., P . Prov . G . Pursfc . Soutli Wales ( Eastern Division ) , 395 , 651 , P . M . 723 ; E . T . Inksip , Prov . G . Purst . Wilts , 1222 , Dir . of Cers . 129 G , J . W . 026 ; Wm . Smith , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Sydney , P . M . 556 , 811 ; T . Jowitt , P . Prov . G . Purst . Hereford , S . W . 120 , S . W , 338 ; W . H . Welsh-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIEEOE. # s * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
TnE installation of the Earl de Grey and Ripon as the Grand Master of the English Masons will take place this day ( Saturday ) , at the Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queen-street . It is fully expected that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master , will ho present on the occasion . On the same evening the postponed Grand festival will he
held in the grand hall . TnE Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will ho held on the 27 th inst ., at the Assembly Piooms , Reading . The Provincial Grand Lodge will he opened at one o ' clock precisely , hy Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M ., on which ¦ occasion the appointment and investiture of Prov . ( i- Officers ,
and the presentation of Charity jewels will take place . Return tickets , at single fares ( available for two days ) , may be obtained by members of the Prov . G . Lodgo , at the principal stations of the G-. W . Railway , on presentation of the summons convening the meeting .
PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE OE GIOTJCESTEE . —The R . W . Bro . Lord Sherborne , Prov . G . M ., has fixed to hold the annual meeting of this lodge at the King ' s Head Hotel , on the IStb . inst ., at three o ' clock in tho afternoon . A large muster of the brethren may be expected , as interesting matter will bo brought forward . A GEAND FESTIVAL of Freemasons will be held at
Peterborough , on the 19 th ult ., under the presidoncy of the Duke of Manchester . There will he a special afternoon service at the Cathedral , with a sermon from the Bishop of Peterborough . It is expected that the Prince of Wales will be present .
MAES MASOXEY . —NEWPOET . —Keystone Lodge ( No . 109 ) . — This lodge will be opened and consecrated , and W . M . installed , on the last Monday in the present month . THE foundation stono of a new church at Falinge , near Rochdale , was laid on Saturday the 7 th inst ., hy Bro , Albert Hudson Royds , Prov . G . M . Worcester , who has undertaken to defray the whole cost , estimated at not less than £ 10 , 000 .
THE foundation stone of tho Churches of St . Paul and St . Mark , at Leicester , will he laid with Masonic honours , on Wednesday , the 18 th inst . The following are the arrangements for the occasion : —The brethren will assemble at the Masonic Hall , at a quarter to ten o ' clock precisely , -when the Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened . The loctee will then adjourn to St .
Mary ' s School-rooms , whence they will proceed in procession -with the Right Rev . Bro . the Lord Bishop of the Diocese , and bis clergy , to the site of the intended new Church of St . Paul The ceremony of laying the foundation stone will then take rjlacc . Tho procession will then he re-formed and proceed to St . Margaret ' s Church , where Divine service will be held . After
the service , the procession will move to Foundry-square , where * at half-past two o'clock , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Church of St . Mark will take place . The brethren will then return to the Masonic Hall , when the Provincial Grand Lodge will he closed . A luncheon will he provided at the County Assembly Rooms , at four o ' clock . The Provincial Grand
Master earnestly hopes , that as a mark of respect to tho Ri gh t Rev . Bro . tho Lord Bishop of the Diocese , and to Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , P . Prov , G . M . ( who will he represented
by Lord Curzon ) , that every brother in the province , not prevented by sickness or urgent business , will attend on the occasion . THE UKIVEESAI MASONIC CAIENDAE FOE 1 S 70 . —NOTICE . — In consequence of the meeting of Grand Lodge for the Installation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the appointment
of Grand Officers for the year 1810-1 having been postponed the publication of the calendar is delayed , to enable the list of officers of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , and other important information to he included . TIXEES of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encamp , ments , & e ., in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FBEE - MASOSS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register aud Directory may he compiled .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . The Eighty-second Anniversary Festival of this Institution was held on Wednesday , the lltli inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-strecfc , under the presidency of tho R . W . Bro . Wm . W , B . Beach , ilf . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
The following i 3 a complete list of the Stewards -. — President—Bro . Simeon C . Hadley , V . P ., W . M ., 30 . Vice-Presidents—R . W . Bros , the Right Hon . the Lord de Tahley , Prov . G . M . Cheshire ; Stephen Blair , V . P ., Prov . G . M . East Lancashire and P . M . 37 ; Maxwell C . Close , P . G . W ., Prov . G . M . Armagh and P . M . 10 ; the Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart .,
P . G . Chaplain , 111- ; L . P . Metliam , P . G . D ., Deputy Prov . G . M . Devonshire ; George W . K . Potter , P . G . D . & P . M . 92 ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D . and P . M . 235 ; Captain R . Cope , V . P ., P . G . S . B ., Prov . G . W . Cheshire & P . M . 321 ; II . R . Luckes , Deputy Prov . G . M . Herefordshire , 702 , 1067 , P . M . 33 S ; Edmond K . Bayley , Grand Steward , W . M . 1 ; S . Heath Head , Grand Steward
W . M . S ; Plummer T . Brearey , Grand Steward , W . M . 26 ; F . J . Cornwell , Grand Steward , W . M . 11 : Frederick John Corder , Grand Steward , J . W . 58 ; H . D . Pilcher , Grand Steward , S . W . 99 ; Colonel Edward M . Perkins , P . G . Steward , 5 ; George
Claridge , P . G . Steward , Sec . G ; G . F . Lamert , P . G . Steward , P . G . W . Oxon , P . M . 20 and 357 ; George Mcilor , V . P ., P . Prov . G . W . East Lancashire , 61 , P . M . 800 ; J . M . Wike , V . P ., Prov . G . W . East Lancashire , 191 , 999 , 1253 , P . M . 12 ; and the Rev . W . Langley , P . Prov . G . W . Leicester and Rutland , 50 , P . M . 1130 . W . Bros . J . Marson , P . Prov . G . W . Northampton and
Hunts , P . M . and Sec , 373 ; William Belcher , P . Prov . G . W . Oxon , 310 , P . M . 915 ; Alexander Emsley , Prov . G . W . Sussex , W . M . 1303 , P . M . 311 ; John Douglas , Prov . G . W . Hants and Isle of Wight , P . M . 487 ; J . W . Maelure , Prov . G . D . East Lancashire , S . W . 1253 , W . M . 1052 ; C . W . Wyndlmm , P . Prov . G . Reg . Wilts , 622 , 1112 , 12 GG , P . M . 586 ; John Ricketts , P . Prov
G . Reg . Somerset , P . M , 11 ; R . Peter Atkins , P . Prov . G . Reg . Kent , P . M . 829 , 1107 , W . M . 55 ; David Williams , P . Prov . GSec . South Wales ( Eastern Division ) , P . M . 237 ; John E . Le Feuvre , Prov . G . Sec . Hants and Isle of Wight , 130 ; John Bolderson , V . P ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works East Lancashire , P . M . 11 ; John Walker , P . Prov . G . Supfc . of Works Yorkshire ( North
and East ) , P . M . 57 ; William Fair , P . Prov . G . S . B . Cheshire , P . M . 811 ; R . Eve , V . P ., P . Prov . G . Pursfc . Soutli Wales ( Eastern Division ) , 395 , 651 , P . M . 723 ; E . T . Inksip , Prov . G . Purst . Wilts , 1222 , Dir . of Cers . 129 G , J . W . 026 ; Wm . Smith , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Sydney , P . M . 556 , 811 ; T . Jowitt , P . Prov . G . Purst . Hereford , S . W . 120 , S . W , 338 ; W . H . Welsh-